The life of Organization 13

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxaspartanti, Aug 12, 2008.

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  1. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Xaldin actually jumped at the bang bang, then felt himself be hit in the face with the paint ball. A snarl escaped his lips and a spear chucked at Xigbar's head, it missed by a inch. His eyes going to Xigbar and sighing, "you skunk, what on earth were you thinking?" Xaldin growled at him. He had not removed the towel enough to show off, he had no eyebrows or eyelashes yet. He wasn't sure how he was gonna manage without his look, he may have to ask a female to paint him eyebrows again.
  2. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    The free shooter turned to see the lance and toke a side step away from it.
    Xigbar then jeered, "Thinking? Xaldin, dude... When have I ever stopped to think about something?"
    He grinned and swayed his head right to left. The free shooter then glared blankly at Xaldin, then it dawned on him something seemed wrong with Xaldin... Xigbar stretched and let out a long bored sigh followed by rolling his eye. He tried to act like he didn't notice, but, it could annoy or bother Xaldin. So the man grew a little bit curious and noisy and entered the bathroom. Then he remembered something, and backed away a little from the bathroom counters. Then he smirked acting like everything was just plain normal...
    "So, Xal..." Xigbar said, "Anything new with you?" he couldn't help but to stare at Xaldin as he asked. Xigbar looked for any sign of weakness, so he could uncover a lie perhaps..?
  3. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Xaldin stared at Xigbar from the other side, he didn't want him seeing him and snarled. "I'm just getting rid of a zit, nothing abnormal" he snorted to him, everyone got zits although he has never once had a out break since he became a nobody... When did Xigbar think about that? "Its nothing to stick your nose into" he said raising his head slightly, but then keeping the towel around his forehead covering his eyebrows. Then he had a idea, he turned grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his head. It acted much like a turban, he actually had watched people making them while in Agrabah. He looked to Xigbar and pointed to his head, "does this hide my eyebrows?" he asked him.

    Melody sat still watching the humming bird flutter, she aimed her camera carefully watching it through her lens. In most ways her life had been peaceful, the only thing she truly knew was Destiny Island. After the shutter went off she lifted her head, to look at it without the lenses and smiled as it fluttered away.

    OoC: From what I understand Destiny Island is open :P
    If I'm wrong sorry :(
  4. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Xigbar smiled and spoke, "No it doesn't..." he then trailed off and tilted his head a bit glaring at Xaldin.
    The free shooter was lying but, he figured this could be a way to get some sort of reaction from the man. Xigbar did though question if his plot would really work. If not, he didn't care whatsoever... The free shooter knew, if he didn't figure it out, someone would and he'd hear of it. Rumors spread quicker then the plague. Xigbar merely watched Xaldin a moment blankly before rubbing his eye and giving a fake stressed out sigh.
  5. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    A growl escaped Xaldin's lips, he knew that everyone knew now. "Well then Xigbar... I trust your gonna tell everyone under the Kingdom Hearts?" Xaldin asked, he tried to play it off like he was cool with it. As easy as it sound, it was difficult as Xigbar was a bit of a blabber mouth much like Demyx. He finally took a look in the mirror, he didn't see where his eyebrows use to be showing. His eyes shot at Xigbar, the faker was trying to trick him! "Liar" Xaldin growled looking at Xigbar, he lunged at him as the two hit the floor. Xaldin's turban fell off and he jumped off, taking the towel and tying it again quickly.
  6. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Xigbar was lunged upon the floor by Xaldin's tackle. He saw a glimpse of the missing crooked eye brows Xaldin once had. Then he snickered a little as he got up to his feet. The free shooter then went upside down and swayed his head right to left at Xaldin.
    "Did I see what I believe I did?" He asked with a wicked little smirk on his face.
    Xigbar laughed a little before saying, "Man... If I saw what I think I did... Wanna tell me what went down, dude?"
    Xigbar then crossed his arms as he stared at Xaldin seeing if he'd answer or attack him. The free shooter was ready to get a portal and flee if the man choose to strike at him...
  7. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Xaldin stared with a untrustworthy look on his face, after all it was Axel who caused him this problem. "Someone got really annoying..." Xaldin said mumbling mostly, then a grin spread on his face. "Sephiroth pushed me to far, so I broke my play station" he said which in his opinion, it sounded a lot better then Axel doing his brow job. "and it made a slight but silent mini explosion, thus burning my brows off" he said, it was almost fool proof for the most part.
  8. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    "Alrighty then" Xigbar said spotting the lack of trust, "Well I'll go and see your little PS and see if I can get someone to fix it for you... Or replace it I don't know..."
    The free shooter smirked lightly and began to walk off upside down still towards Xaldin's room. In ways, Xigbar figured he was lying and what really happened was Larxene went on some sort of rampage on him because he didn't help with find stupid mutt boy (Saix.) He was very clueless it was Axel being a mad man and burning things. Though you'd think the free shooter would figure cause Axel's a nut like that...

    ((Alright I need sleep, hope to post agin in the morning or something ^_^; ))
  9. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Xaldin smirked at Xigbar, he was a smart and quick to catching him but forgot about Xaldin being able to teleport. He quickly teleported to his room and threw his play station out the window, simple as that until he remembered that Xigbar was checking to see if it exploded. He cursed himself looking out the window, it was broken but not exploded. He thought a moment and smirked, simple to make explosions! Someone like Demyx does it, course Demyx is most likely to blurt out he had helped.

    He thought a moment and a grin spread on his face, he teleported into the kitchen grabbing baking soda, vinegar, and red food coloring. It was as simple as a child's science project, he also teleported getting the play station again. He set it up in his room and mixed the ingredients, he watched the 'lava action' happen. It didn't look like a explosion, it simply looked like Vexen had gotten seriously bored and tried to kill him... "darn it" he said to himself, but then he then thought perhaps he could place blame on Vexen! Jealous old man who laughs like a evil witch, of course that sounded more pathetic then Axel... He rammed his head agaisnt the wall, growling and looking at his mess.

    OoC: Night-night
  10. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Zexion looked at the photo.
    "What do you want me to do?" he asked
  11. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Larxene sighed and looked at him, "I need you to find him, if you do I'll buy you a one way ticket to emo band land" Larxene said to him. She knew this would get Zexion hopping to it, but then again she should probably try and be nice but... That was something Larxene could barely manage, "if you like to know... I also have a scent placed on each of my dolls, his is actually jasmines... With your sniffer you can probably find him" she smiled to him.
  12. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    "Okay... Were did you see it last?"
  13. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    "I saw him in the hall leading towards the living room... Sitting room, what ever it is liked to be called" Larxene said crossing her arms, "I dropped him saving him from Lunatic divider" she said thinking harder, "which is why i tackled you in the first place actually... I thought your hair was his an... Never mind that, it isn't important" she said to him. "I so pose we just pace the halls, huh?" she said looking at Zexion, she wasn't looking forward to acting strange or being seen with Zexion. It wasn't that she disliked Zexion, just more everyone would wonder what the two were up to... Questions would be asked, and more likely she would have to sit and answer them.
  14. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Now then jasmine would be scented beside a burned black wall thats the laundry chute.
    Axel spotted Roxas. He summoned his chakrams, and chucked them at him.
    The chakrams missed, because Roxas sat down, and hit someones umbrella which burned it away, and the person was dumbfounded, wondering what happened to his umbrella.
  15. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    After a while of sucking and licking Larxene's lip gloss. Saix thought it'd be 'unkind' to take all of it. He had already licked ready favor, he had to say he didn't like two favors out of all 40 favors Larxene had within the box. The one's he disliked were pineapple and boysenberry. The luna diviner removed all the lip gloss from the box and put those two favors back in first. He put a lot back in the box. So all he had left was; Strawberry Shortcake, Mocha Late, Apple Crumble, Berries & Cream, Peaches & Cream, Apricot Peach, Raspberry Cheesecake, French Valina, Boston Cream Pie and last, a favor he knew could only be found in Wonderland, Tea Time Party. Saix smiled and closed the box and put the other 10 favors he wanted into his pocket. Then he left his room, in a seemingly happy mood. As he walked in the halls he passed by Zexion's room. He was heading for the bathroom then, he'd stop at Larxene's room to return her box of lip gloss...

    Finally Vexen got his bloody nose to stop. He sighed and walked out of his lab and closed the door. The Chilly Academic then locked it, he knew he really couldn't trust anyone whatsoever. Everyone (Counting himself) was insane or queer, though he thought he was normal. Perhaps in the back of his mind he knew he was a mad man. But, just wanted to believe he wasn't like everyone else. Vexen sighed and smiled to himself in a shockingly calm way and began to go down the halls. As he walked, suddenly he thought he smelt some sort of jasmine scent. he turned to his left and noticed a burnt mark on the wall with the smell of a flora. The chilly academic raised a brow and looked at the dark marking upon the wall. Somehow he had a sense of danger being near it, then again he had a phobia of ghost and he was always thinking one day. One of the organization members would just lose it and kill him off first. He shuttered at the thought and began to talk out loud to himself saying 'It's alright Vexen, don't be stupid why would any of the members do that..? Sure there crazy but, they can't be that insane... Why would they want to hurt me any who?'

    Xigbar entered the room, he saw Xaldin and the PS. He stared blankly at the PS and Xaldin. In ways, he wasn't sure what to think nor say. Instead he just smiled at the scene for the brief moment of silence.
    Then, Xigbar said for no really reason, "Bang bang"
    It was unclear if he was trying to make everything seem alright, or perhaps trying to make Xaldin feel less stupid. But whatever went through the free shooter's brain. Had to be something clearly I, nor himself could not understand at all...

    ((Jeez, be honest, am I posting to big for everyone? =( I can try to lessen my loads X_x lol))
  16. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine blinked and followed Roxas into the Portal.
  17. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    "Maybe we could ask Saix if he knows where it is..."
    Zexion sniffed the air
    "He just passed my room" he said and walked towards his door
  18. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    No, its great actually. Ok guys...after 5 more posts, its nighttime.
    Holy sht...
    Axel cursed. He spotted Namine. She'd be a good hostage. I could force her to make a memory of Riku beating up Roxas all the time..
    Roxas looked at the beach. "What shall I do...I have nothing to do in my life just hang around people who hate each other until I fade away..
  19. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Saix entered the bathroom, leaving the bathroom door open. He then looked in the mirror and tried to lick any lip gloss he saw on his lips. The luna diviner set down the box filled with lip gloss and then washed his hands and dried them with a plaid hand towel. Saix brushed his long fingers through his long, light, azure blue hair a few times and smiled to himself in the mirror. His hair had a very fine smooth silky feeling to it. Sometimes, Saix felt like he had hair that was unnaturally perfect or something of the sort... He picked up the lip gloss filled box again and left the bathroom heading now over to, Larxene's room...

    Vexen frowned still staring dumb founded at the wall. It seemed almost as if he was just waiting for a ghost to appear, so he could have a reason to run around and scream... Vexen thought to himself for a while, that was, until... A dusk came from out of the wall and the chilly academic screamed loudly.
    "I-it- it ... It's a-a... Ghost..!" Vexen whined in a low, squeaky voice.
    He was about to run away, but, he ran straight into the wall behind him and fell over on his back. He laid there now feeling stupid and unsure what to do now... This was one of the few reasons he was glad he never... Ever! Had owned any dusks or other sort of nobody underling. They all looked like ghosts...

    ((okay then ^_^))
  20. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine walked up behind Roxas. "Isnt is nice?" She asked lookign at the clam waves of the sunset setting on the ocean. She turned and smiled to Roxas.
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