The Keyblade War: the Awakening of a Solemn Melody

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Love, Apr 5, 2011.

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  1. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa:" You need to get out of here quick, theres no time to try looking for the others, its either they get eaten by the darkness, turn to it, or survive. Even if they get sucked in the by the darkness there is a good chance some of them might be strong enough to make it through, if thats the case then they were simply be thrown off this world and end up on a different one unharmed. I'm sorry but theres nothing much we can do. At least we can save you."
    She said gesturing for him to come along
  2. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike hesitantly looked back, then walked up to join them, Half of the school will get killed. There will be nobody to fight the war, nobody to deal with any of this sh- he stopped himself, Leaving everybody behind..doesn't feel right. I know Robbie will be fine..but all the friends..everybody. he looked down at his feet, I'm a fool not sacrificing myself to help others. Stupid- he realized his voice was making a strange sound, and he should probably get off that topic. "This is the beginning of a new war from what I can tell..." he muttered, not sure if he was talking to Phisoxa or himself. He felt so far off, but why?
  3. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " I'm not sure but once we make it to the imperial capitol maybe His imperial Highness and Lord Nathaniel might have some sort of explanation."
    Phisoxa said softly.
    " At least their deaths will be swift. . . better then dying on the battlefield with someone else's blade thrusted through your chest. If there is going to be a war, atleast they have been spared to say the least."
  4. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike looked down at the ground, Why am I even standing here..? he didn't reply, just tried to take in the words " At least their deaths will be swift. . . better then dying on the battlefield with someone else's blade thrusted through your chest. If there is going to be a war, at least they have been spared to say the least." he still tried to figure that out. "I'm sure there's only one person who can explain this.." he muttered, Robbie he thought, finishing his sentence for himself only. He looked ahead, his expression hardening, "Let's just worry about getting out of here first, one step at a time." he said, anxious to get off of the other topic.
  5. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie landed on the arena roof behined Mixt, SIlvern was in the form of a massive scythe. "Another corrupted one, and it had to be suck a promising 'pawn' to" Robbie said, if Mixt was in a trance the least he could do was make it painless.
  6. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    With a very agile and fluid movement Mixt called his keyblade and blocked Silvern. As he turned to look at Robbie his eyes were shown to not have the yellow glow that showed one becoming a heartless or other dark beast. But his dark presence was not to be mistaken either. Mixt then pushed Silvern away and rushed in at Robbie. Dispite being in combat Mixt still had a rather withdrawn look to him. It was almost like his body was fighting on auto-pilot while his mind was elsewhere.
  7. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie was suprised for a second but quickly recovered and turned Silvern into six kunai. he threw them at Mixt's chest, ethier kill him or abandon his charge.
  8. No Heart-X Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Velvet Room
    Man, this is really bad, I have to leave. Isaac rushed through the escape tunnel to get to his Gummi Ship he had prepared in an emergency. I can't believe I'm actually forced to leave here like this. He got in and went to whatever world he could get to.
  9. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    As they talked a, slowly a small black orb-like wisp started swimming through the air down the hallway nearby towards them. First it looked as if it were going to target Phisoxa but when it sensed the master nearby it seemed more interested, not in his light, but attracted to his hidden darkness. It flew through the air and lunged into his chest. Phisoxa's master coughed as it flew into his heart and Phisoxa rushed to his side.
    " Master !!"
    The man began coughing loudly and dangerously, as he did he coughed out a dark vapor similar to the texture of the dark storm outside.
    " Master are you alright? Damn the darkness has gotten to him."
    Her master stopped coughing suddenly as he raised his head to look at her, his blue eyes looked normal but the color of them,were replaced with that of a yellowish hue and a smirk appeared on his face as he grabbed Phisoxa by her neck and slammed her against the wall with tremendous strength that it would have knocked her out if he did any harder.
    " Master wait !!"
    "Of course I am alright dear, this is your master,his true old self."
    He said with smile as Phisoxa was confused whether to stop him or not resist at all.
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    With an awkward spin of his keyblade Mixt managed to catch all six kunai on the flat of the blade and then with a flick sent all seven objects in a line leaving the keyblade itself sticking out of the ground just before Robbie's feet.
  11. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Now to do what I should have down a while ago, I don't know why I allowed you to serve as my apprentice but it was a waste of my time."
    He said with a smile as made a move to snap her neck but for some reason something was holding him back, he gritted his teeth as if something was trying to take recontrol of him. Suddenly his eyes turned back to their normal blue color as he tried to speak.
    " Phisoxa, what you doing?! Slay me already, there is nothing you can do for me, you can't allow a monster like me to roam again.I can only hold back so much, Phisoxa look at me stop crying, I thought I told you when I die you were going to be the one to fall me with your sword !!!"
    " Master but I can't, I know about your past but maybe there's still hope !!"
    " Phisoxa Please,everything will be alright you will see me again anyways,now just do it, there won't be any sort of hope left once I slay you myself."
    Phisoxa stuttered as her eyes teared up, a keyblade appeared in a glimmer of light in Phisoxa's free hand and for a moment Phisoxa hesitated as she watched her master switch between both sides over and over as one tried to claim dominance over the other. Phisoxa couldn't take it anymore and she thrust her blade through the man's chest. As she did he coughed out a spurt of blood as his eyes returned the normal blue color again.
    " Phisoxa, I'm sorry, forgive me, I should have have been there longer to protect you from him . . ."
    He said as his hands loosened their grip around Phisoxa's neck and he fell to his knees and onto his side, Phisoxa was frozen in horror as she watched him hit the ground and then she screamed in sorrow as she realized the reality of what she had just done.
    " M-master- . . ."
    She said sniffing back tears as she slipped down to her knees near him.

    OOC:the master RIP
  12. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt felt drops of water on his skin once again. A mixture of water and darkness started pelting his skin as he looked up at the sky. The final rays of starlight still shining in the hole in the clouds directly above his head. He knew not what fate was awaiting him, but hbe was going to face it head on. There would be no running for him. While the world changed around him, from a haven to a wasteland, he would hold his ground right at this very spot. Whatever this change brought, he would embrace it.
  13. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The Kunai all turned back into a sycthe in Robbie's hand. "A master is gone" Robbie said feeling the power change.
  14. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa sobbed over the body of her master, clutching him closely her to her. To her it felt like loosing a parent since her master was the only person other then her dead father to show her love in her life. All the sudden she felt so alone in the world, her friends were probably all eaten by the darkness by now and her master gone. Phisoxa reached over and pulled her master's necklace off of him which had a beautiful blue crystal on it that pulsed light, a symbol of his travels and trials. She then put it around her frail neck, it hung loosely since her master was more well built.
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt was not phased at all by the news. To him you might as well just said that it was dark outside. Of course masters were going to fall. To them this world being faced with such darkness was like stone turning into quicksand underneath their home. They would struggle and fight and soon be destroyed. Mixt continued to look up waiting for the moment that the clouds would finally close completely leaving the world pitch-black.
  16. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa leaned in and kissed him on the forehead as she shut his eyes closed and got up sulking as she did She watched slowly as her master's body began to dissolve into a glittery type substance and faded away, leaving only his master's coat which she took and put it on herself as well, she stood there for a moment and then took off running, running away from that place as fast and as far as she could, she couldn't bare being near there ever again. She had to follow her master's wishes even after her was dead, to get off of the world safely.
    OOC: editing my character forms, check them out.
  17. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike stared down where that girls master died, even though nothing was there anything. He had just stood quietly the whole time, hadn't even done anything to help. He still couldn't believe what he had just seen. Mike watched the girl run, going from right next to him to a small dot far away. He slowly walked, kicking the ground in front of him, as if regretting every step. I never even learned her name, how will I find her when I get off this world of doom? If I even can..I don't know how to.. he sighed and continued slowly walking in the direction the girl ran.
  18. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa ran down the hallway intent on following her master's last wishes, to get to safety. But even then she couldn't stop crying, tears dripping from her cheeks but the same time she made no sound, no sniffle or anything associated with the sounds of someone crying. She finally made it, but first she had to find the opening to the escape tunnels. Phisoxa felt around on the walls, pounding on them, till she came to a wall that made a hollow response and suddenly it swung back revealing the stairs leading down into the darkness below. Phisoxa cupped the pendant of her master's necklace in her hand and held it close, till it's dull pulsating light turned very bright, lighting up the stairs and tunnel below with a bright blue glow. Once she got down the stairs it was only a quick sprint till the exit of the tunnel opened up into the forest nearby, in between two towering redwoods was something under a large gray tarp which Phisoxa pulled back to reveal her master's gummi ship. Phisoxa was about to jump inside the thing when she heard the slightest snap of a twig, without thinking she dove behind a large pinetree and hid. Suddenly there was a loud thump a tree off in the distance fell with a big crackling thud. Off in the distance she could see large yellow eyes moving about the trees, it was a darkside of course but it seemed to miss it's landing spot landing lost and confused in the forest. So Phisoxa snuck into the gummi ship and started the engine while keeping an eye on the creature from her window.

    OOC: Okay people we should be getting ready to depart from the world which the Academy is on. You can either stalk Phisoxa and ask to ride with her, find your own ship or allow the darkcore to naturally throw you off the world(simliar to what happened to sora) so you will be randomly thrown onto another world. But don't worry everyone will end up on the same destination which is the world the Imperial Capital is located on or otherwise known as Janina, this is where the royal family and the council are located.
  19. No Heart-X Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Velvet Room
    Isaac was cruising around at high speeds in an attempt to find a nearby world. He found a world to go to after sometime. Instinctively, he flew straight for it, with absolutely no idea what world it was or what would happen when he got there. He had his mind set on getting to that world, not realizing that he was coming in too hot. Before long, he entered the world at a dangerous speed. The Gummi Ship crashed into a city called Ryukahn located in a mountain near the Imperial Capital Janina. The force of the impact forced Isaac out of the Gummi Ship and into through several buildings. His Gummi Ship was completely smashed into tiny bits of machinery and smoldering ashes. Isaac groaned as he finally landed on the ground, completely stationary. Several of the townspeople came to see what all of the commotion was. He tried to move his limbs, but he was to weak. His arms were bruised badly, cut up, and slightly burned from the crash. One of Isaac's legs was broken at the shin and bruised beyond recognition, his other leg was badly injured. Dazed, he tried to look around to see what was going on. Oh sh**, this isn't good. I've drawn too much attention to myself... Dammit, I can't believe it. Isaac tried to stay conscious, but he blacked out from the pain he was experiencing.

    Several of the townspeople picked up Isaac and brought him to the closest hospital. One of them cried out, "This guy needs medical attention right now!"

    Ashley, one of the nurses at the hospital came out to see what was going on. When she saw the bloody and battered Isaac, she quickly called over to the townspeople, "Over here, bring him over here!" She rushed to grab one of the doctors and brought him to help heal Isaac's wounds. Both Ashley and the Doctor quickly started to patch up Isaac's wounds and stabilize his condition. After a good hour or so, the doctor left things for Ashley to finish up.

    "Alright, he seems to be in good shape now. You take care of him from here on Ashley, okay?"

    "Yes sir." Ashley grabbed a nearby chair and sat down and continued to monitor his condition. It would've been so much easier to use my magic, but then I would be considered a witch and be cast out of the town, she thought as she sighed. Oh well, it can't be helped.
  20. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Although Mike had started walking slowly it turned into a walk, power walk, run, to sprinting. He reached the escape tunnel and fell a few times while running through it. When he got out he saw the forest, but he had no time to admire the beauty. He looked for the gummi ship, which he quickly found. He wasn't sure if Phisoxa was in there, and if she wanted to be alone, so he did a slight knock on the gummi ship, taking a deep breath.
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