The Keyblade War: the Awakening of a Solemn Melody

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Love, Apr 5, 2011.

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  1. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Oh ... I see. If helping to free you from that prison isn't helping you out, then what is ?"
    Phisoxa said as she looked out the open glass doors onto the balcony outside as she spoke within her mind she then turned her attention to Dante and stood up. As she did that he looked up from his work with concerned look in his eyes.
    " Yes what is it?"
    " is it alright if I can wander around inside the mansion or on the grounds, sitting upon a pillow for extended hours isn't real satisfying to ones limbs."
    Phisoxa said as Dante stroked his chin with the back of his pen and he nodded.
    " Whatever is fine, but don't dare try running or getting into mischief or else I will put you into solitary confinement dear."
    The man said as Phisoxa thanked him and wander outside onto the balcony and stood there looking over the edge and onto the grounds and city beyond that.
  2. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "From what I can gather, you were either going to be easy to find, or a royal pain. I wasn't about to take any chances." Mixt said before turning around. However he didn't want to say anything. He was at a disadvantage to this man, that was proven earlier today. If this degraded to combat, then it wouldn't end well.
  3. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Surrender, you have already lost" the prisoner said as he dropped a container at the lookalikes feet "I believe you are already familair with these lttle things" the prisoner said.
  4. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "Well that all depends on what your terms of surrender are" he said, trying to keep conversation going since he knew the man was right. As he did so he took a look at the container, expecting to see the glitter like substance that had caused so much dismay the last time around
  5. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "I could explain, but I don't have time to explain" the prisoner said as he flash stepped right in front of the lookalike and slammed him into the ground "Being locked away for fifty years has given 'him' to much influence, and as such I can't hold back" the prisoner continued as he pulled out another container "I was going to hit you with the glitter, but a more permanet solution is needed."
  6. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    After a few moments and no voice responding to her question within her mind Phisoxa grabbed the side of the balcony and flung herself over, using the cascading green vines to help ease her fall along as she hit the stone ground of the walkway below. Phisoxa then began wandering over the lush grassy grounds and gardens of the estate and sat herself down on a well trimmed hill, under a willow tree.
    " What am I going to do now?"
    Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes nearby and someone dressed in a hooded cloak began walking towards her and then stopped at the bottom of the hill and looked both ways, searching the area for any onlookers.
    " Hey,I have come to help you escape out of here. You can't stay here long and expect to have your wishes respected by everyone here, its not safe at all . ..."
    Phisoxa recognized the voice to belong to the young goddess Aia and seemed shocked at why she was all the way out here.
    " Are you sure nobody will figure it out that you are helping me?"
    Phisoxa said as she stood up and walked over to Aia.
    " I disabled the tracer placed on you for now but there is only so much time before the system is back on. So we must hurry"
    Aia said as she grabbed Phisoxa by the hand began leading her through the thick gardens towards the walls which guarded the estate which were covered in a thick mess of vines, but between the fines, Phisoxa could faintly make out a gap in the wall.
    " Hurry go inside."
    Aia said as she pushed Phisoxa inside and she nearly tripped.
    " If the guards find us here, all hope is lost, so please keep going and don't stop."
  7. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    The Mixt lookalike hit the ground hard. What kind of person attacks when asked what the terms of surrender are? Obviously even playing along was not safe. The court didn't get out that long ago, many of the gods would likely be somewhat nearby there. But if they didn't succeed then they were all grouped together to be taken out in one fell swoop. And that was assuming he even made it that far.

    With a swift arm movement arm movement he summoned a broad-sword and swung it at the escaped prisoner.
  8. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The prisoner jumped back out of the swing and summoned a demonic looking keyblade, "This is my weapon, its called God Killer, it has that name for a reason" the prisoner said as he took his stance
  9. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "I'm guessing that satire isn't that reason" He said as he glanced around for exits. His lab wasn't exactly designed for heavy combat. Not seeing an easily accessible one, he muttered. "Aia please forgive me for treading on your grounds" and he slammed his hands on the ground to make a transmutation circle appear.
  10. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The prisoner hit the ground that sent cracks threw the ground, most of them went threw the lookalikes transumation circle and made it usless. "Stop fighting and this ends, you can't win a fight, and you know it" the Prisoner said. A dark pressence was slowly filling the room, eminating from the prisoner and it slowly spread threw out the nearby areas and kept going.
  11. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "I'm not trying to win. Our quick bout earlier proved you have stronger energies than me, and anyone can see that you have a better physical build than I do. I could still argue intelligence, but the gap between us isn't great enough to matter, I'm not even sure if I can beat you on that count. So no, this is not a fight for me to win. I simply have no intention of letting you kill me" he said. There was no way to utilize a physical exit but he could still make a spirit door. However it was unlikely that he would even be able to make it to the other side. No, he would need to wait, soon someone should sense him and sound the alarm. Until then, he just needed to fend the prisoner off. To aid the process the Mixt lookalike started to release more of his own energy to push out the prisoners into other rooms faster.
  12. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Aia ran out through hole in the wall, following Phisoxa as she signaled for Phisoxa to halt as Aia stepped away from the wall and looked both ways, making sure the area was clear before she attempted in summoning a doorway. A door appeared, but instead of being big and elaborate it was small and white. Aia walked forward and turned the door handle as she walked through into the area behind the door, leading Phisoxa through it.
    " Welcome to my estate, you will have to be staying here for now because I can't get you out of the godworld when the security has been heightened, but when this is over or I there is a chance i can take .... I will take you back to the mortal world. For now you will just pretend to be my immortal servant."
    She said as she lead Phisoxa into a mansion that seemed to be made out of pure material, many of the walls glittered and shone like pearl and the floor was tiled with a substance that seemed to be of platinum. The future matched and seemed to be made of a silver material. This room appeared to be a lounging room since the floor was littered with lavishly colored pillows. Then Aia turned to Phisoxa and gave her a strange looking pendant and told her to put it on. Phisoxa put it on and all the sudden Phisoxa's hair color and eye color began to change. She now had black hair and icy blue eyes. As Phisoxa looked into the golden mirror that was hung on the wall nearby she seemed surprised by what she saw. She looked so different with these changes, yet her face remained the same.
    " Can't people just tell by my scent that I am a mortal? How would this help?"
    " That pendant will not only change your features, but also it will also mask your aura and fool the others into thinking you are just my servant."
    Aia said as she instructed for a nearby female servant to bring Phisoxa a new set of clothing. The female servant came hurrying back with a midnight blue dress which had long sleeves and then without warning another female servant came walking over and began to help undress Phisoxa when Aia was still the room.
    " Wait !! You can't do this with the door open !! and I am fine with what I am wearing."
    Phisoxa said freaking out and seeming surprised as they stripped Phisoxa down to her black under shirt and then they helped place the gown on her and then Phisoxa realized that it was a corseted gown which made her feel really uncomfortable.
    " Really the corset? Are you trying to kill me?"
    Phisoxa suddenly gasped for breath as the servants pulled and tightened the strings as Phisoxa squirmed in their grip and then finally it was finished. And Phisoxa stood there staggering.
    " What did you expect, I don't know where you come from but the outfit you were wearing was immodest and strange. No wonder every man here have their eyes all over you, even a respectful man like my grandfather had that look in his eye."
    Aia said as she complained and Phisoxa held the white sundress that she had worn not too long ago in her hands. To her it looked fine but to the others in the room it was like a night slip.
    " Oh wow I didn't know you guys were so conservative around here. In the mortal world I have seen worse then this."

    OOC: the dress
  13. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "I'm not trying to kill you, just seal your powers, which I will, if you bring anyone else into this, they will suffer the same fate" the prisoner said.
  14. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    The man looking like Mixt laughed as his energies dropped. Dropping the sword he kicked it over to the prisoner's feet. "If you had said that from the beginning we wouldn't have needed to have this little show. There are things worth fighting for, and this is not one of them." With outstretched arms he commented "Let it be done"
  15. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The prisoner stabbed the lookalike with God killer, the keyblade paralayzed the lookalike and drew a apple seed like object from the lookalikes body. "I will see you around" the prisoner said as the lookalikes body started fading quickly, the prisoners dark presence was still spreading threw out the land of the gods.
  16. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    The sun was beginning to disappear behind the dark clouds in the distance and finally night was drawing near. But Phisoxa however spent the rest of the day lounging around outside since Aia didn't even bother to ask servantly duties of her. So all Phisoxa could do was lounge and watch as the sun went down, glowing a warm hue that matched the color of her eyes almost as the sky began to darken and the moon began to appear and many sparkling diamonds appeared in the black sky. The night was perfect enough that Phisoxa began to consider sleeping outside tonight as nothing but the sound of crickets chirping softly off in the distance filled the air.

    " Where exactly am I ?"
    Phisoxa thought as she could sense a strange presence rising up in the distance. What exactly was it? Maybe a even more powerful god or something else was coming.
  17. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The prisoner blew a hole in the roof above him and flew all the way to the top on the palace in the center of the land of gods, once up there he raised his hand in the air and fired a massive bright beam into the sky that hit the invisible barrier that protected the land of the gods from the mortal worlds. The barrier started disappearing. The prisoner flew towards Aia's mansion and landed outside it, only metres away from Phisoxa, his face was still hidden behind the hood.
  18. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa had the look upon her face as if were going to the scream when she saw the man appear but, it quickly disappeared as she tried to back away.
    " Maybe he didn't see me. .. who is that? And what was that strange rush of powerful energy . . .?"
    She thought her now raveny black hair flowing the wind his sheer presence created.
  19. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The man slammed open the doors to Aia's mansion, as he did two guards came at him as he preapared his weapon of choice for a fight.
  20. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa knew something was up when the man threw the mansion doors of Aia's estate open with a loud violent slam. She wasn't sure what this man was here before but Phisoxa didn't want to wait around and find out. So Phisoxa picked up her skirts and hurried herself over to the side door to the estate and wandered through Aia's study which was dark and empty since Aia was already in bed Phisoxa thought. Phisoxa then hurried towards a nearby elevator and took it up to the second floor and as she did she then wandered over and then peered down the marble stare case that lead down into the first floor to see if she could see the man coming. She could hear the sounds of a fight and alarm coming up the stairs a she heard some of the guards shouting and one shouting in pain as one guard rushed into the darkness below with sword drawn.
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