The Keyblade War: the Awakening of a Solemn Melody

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Love, Apr 5, 2011.

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  1. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " The creation of the x-blade is easy to stop, if we perform a ceremony and throw her soul in to oblivion the power of the x-blade will be locked within her soul when she passes on so it can't leave and infect a new host. But She is not pregnant yet . . . we can all tell, I myself have just found out about this curse she carries so I have no further information about that. As for the father I have no clue yet, since they are demigod twins it could be any god in this courtroom including myself. But it's too early to find that out and if we wait any longer it will be too late. . ."
    Dante said as Phisoxa sighed and fidgeted in her seat.
  2. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "So by your logic everyone here should be thrown into oblivion. You girl, what do you have to say?" the judge asked looking at Phisoxa.
  3. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " No I was implying that we rid of her before a mishap happens where we will have to be forced to do such a thing. . ."
    He said while he was cutoff when the floor was given to Phisoxa instead. Phisoxa stood up in her chair and walked forward but stopped several feet from the edge while looking up at the guard.
    " I can agree the part about the x-blade but a accusation such as me bearing children I remained baffled. You see I have no desire to be with a man in any way of intimacy, many of the men here including your fellow god, Dante here,may be handsome but just acknowledging that is as far as I would go. I am more interested in fulfilling my current occupation then forming a relationship."
    As Phisoxa finished Dante's face remained emotionless but the look in his eyes appeared startled almost as if he were going to blush and he straightened himself up quickly.
  4. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt was confused when the judge stated that by Dante's logic everyone should be cast into oblivion. This girl was the only one who showed signs of the kye-blade. He wasn't sure why, but she was. Aia might be able to form a second, given a heart of darkness to compliment it. But no one else in this room would be able to come even that close. Well, no matter. Dante seems to have rebutted it well enough for the moment, and it was no longer their time on the floor. She could now defend herself. Mixt sighed, wishing he could of just killed her at the beginning of all this.
  5. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Thats it, thats all you have to defend your self with?" he Judge asked Phisoxa before looking over, "Ok, ten minute break then" the judge said.
  6. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa felt a bit confused she had been givenly hardly anytime to speak compared to her accusers. Did they expect her to fight for existance with conditions were like this.
    " I don't get it . . ."
    As the stands cleared of guests, only the gods were left and Aia still sat in the same place as always. The other man who was seated with Mixt and Dante jumped off the platform and floated up to the area where the VIP box was and he walked over to Aia's seat and stood near her, it was hard to tell what they were talking about since the chatter of others drowned them out but Phisoxa could tell by Aia's face that approach by this man hadn't made her the least bit happy as the man grabbed her hand and lift it up to kiss it while whispering something into Aia's ear that gave Aia a distressed look in her eyes.
  7. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The judge called everyone back into the room after ten minutes "Ok, is there anything anyone wants to say before I deliever my verdict?" the judge asked the room.
  8. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa called for their attention as she stood up.
    " Might I ask, is it wise to sweep a rare occurrence such as myself under the rug especially when you have such a terrible foe on the loose, especially if you know only such a vague explanation of the occurrence without investigating the full detail? Is it wise to not reap the benefits that may come from such a occurrence? Why would a normal human have been born with such underlying power if there had not been any reason for their birth? After all isn't it said that everyone is born for a purpose, no matter how simple a purpose that may be? Who knows this criminal could possible be the one to bring your downfall instead of I. Why? Well I in a sense I and I only held the key to his escape and if it wasn't for me arriving upon this day in time he would have never gotten out. So maybe what this prophecy foretells is that just my help it was unleashed, the terror that shall slay you. So maybe it wasn't my direct power that shall take you down. Might I also add did the prophecy "clearly" foretell that this destruction be caused by the my hand only? Did it mention that the creation of the blade be only for malicious intent? What if this time around this key were destined to help aid you people in the long run? Would there be any use in destroying me straight away when you don't know the full detail of what is about to happen? I mean from what I heard, your precious seer, Dante can predict the future correct? And also from what I have heard the visions he receives don't come with much instruction. All that I heard of him manage figure out from his vision was that my very presence would cause destruction but there was no indication in the vision that the actual x blade or the curse would be the main cause of it. What if the destruction of everything befalls by my death? What if by my execution that your last hope for salvation disappears? Oh dear that would be a bummer. . .what if this power I carry inside me could be put to use? Might I ask? Would it be wise to have only a brief look at something and then rushing to be rid of it? Sure my inner powers are destructive but does that mean they are only destructive in a malicious way? Seriously do you people only fear me because the x-blade is weapon capable of slaying gods and you are too simple minded to think that is all it is capable of? Are you really chickening out because you afraid of a blade? There are so many things that can bring death to a simple human like I yet I don't doubt them just because of the possibles. You people look at me as if I were a little spider crawling up a wall, you think just because I am like that little spider, that spider could be possibly deadly because some spiders produce venom? But does that necessarily mean that its "actually" true that all spiders in theory produce deadly venom? Actually not all spiders pose such a stereotypical threat. Maybe it is just the sight of it that frightens you into the need of smashing the spider? So why classify me as a major threat when you barely know much about the situation. After all Mr. Dante and Mr. Mixt what can kill a god other then the x-blade?"

    Dante answered quickly in a shaky voice.
    " Only another god can kill a god."

    " Ah correct, so if you people fear for your own lives, there are living weapons sitting around you that could murder you tomorrow, today, or even in this single second. . . so why don't you people rid of eachother?"
    Phisoxa said with a laugh as the room went into a loud uproar again.
  9. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    The worlds were falling apart at the seams. At least, that was what it seemed like from Diuccio’s point of view. He had followed through the last portal, the one through which Mixt, and the younger kid had left the infirmary. Not even an hour had passed, and he had realized that he was walking into something more than he expected; needless to say that a trip to the Shadowlands wasn’t in his top picks for things to do, weighed against everything else he had on his plate. That fact had only come more to light when the familiar feeling of encroaching Darkness fell, if possible, more thickly upon the world. The next thing he had known, he was surrounded by Shadows, and the Earth beneath his feet was rumbling. His natural reactions were to battle the shadows, which he did efficiently for some time, until his began to see the futility in even trying to fend them off in the midst of their element.

    If you can’t beat them, join them, a voice in his head said. It was a familiar voice, but one he couldn’t quite place his finger on, though he knew it to be recently added to his memories. It seemed to make sense, though he had his reservations; last time he had tried that strategy, it had ended in some rough damage to both people and property. In his mind, he was at war with himself over whether it was really worth diving into the deeps again. Yet again, as though coaxing him further in that unwanted direction, the voice spoke out to him. Just do it. You’ve nothing to lose here. There’s nothing to be lost, no one to care if waste a life or two and a few buildings in this world. It’d be nothing more than the norm around these parts. Use your weapons, and be rid of these confounded things. And with those words, Diuccio saw the sense in it.

    His mind blanked, and what felt like only a second or two later, he came back to it, and, heaving himself to his feet, gave a good look to his surroundings. He wasn’t in the Shadowlands anymore. Where exactly he was, he hadn’t even the slightest clue. All he knew was that it wasn’t someplace he had been before, and that it certainly wasn’t a place that he had been brought of his own accord. Maybe it did it to me, he thought, thinking of what he had done to fend off the Shadows. But he refrained from letting the how and why get in the way of figuring out the where. His vision, previously a bit blurred, cleared out, and he was able to get a better look at his new location. He was in a corridor, abandoned, and dimly lit. Somewhere, he presumed along the corridor, the sounds of faint, distant voices echoed into his ears. Drawing a single blade from its sheath, he began to walk down the corridor. If there really were voices, there had to be people, and if there really were people, they’d certainly be able to tell him where he was and how to get back again.​

    ((Using this as my gateway to figuring it out post. I suppose I'll figure my way to the courtroom or something)).
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt stood to his feet. "A far better defense than your original, and I can not refute your claim that it maybe one of the aforementioned factors is not what Dante's prophecy claims. However I still believe that they very likely are. First, we fear the kye-blade and not necessarily each other due to purpose. I can confidently say that none here have any intent of killing one another. Why? Because we have other things to attend to, and we've lived in eachother's trust for era's. Sure we should still be cautious, but it isn't something to fret about. However, the kye-blade is a much different story. Claiming that it would be used for a lessor purpose would be like claiming that you are using a blowtorch simply to illuminate a room, when there are an abundance of candles no less. And an object of such power can't be left in the grips of mortals either. Greed over it will cause war. Were it not for the prophecy, I would still wish you be executed. You can't claim your life to be more valuable than those that would be lost due to letting you live. And you would likely be among those falling victim to the resulting violence of your life. This is not about speculating if a spider has venom or not. You are venomous. What you are asking is that we keep you alive per-chance the barbs have more poison than the fangs." Mixt remained standng as the chatter grew at the end of his statement, expecting to be asked to speak again.
  11. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The judge sat, watching them try and justify their positions "Ok, I have decieded" the Judge said as Mixt finished, "I think both sides are right" he said to the crowd.
  12. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " How would you know if that metaphor I brought up doesn't fit with the debate? Afterall you have people have no idea what it feels like to be tiny and meaningless."
    Which was Phisoxa last statement as she sat back down and the king stood up awaiting the judges opinion on this. And the when the judge spoke everyone in the room gasped and murmured amongst themselves
    " So what do you think would be a good resolution to the trial, what verdict does the girl deserve?"
    The king said asking the judge.
  13. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Imprisonment for ten million years. In crystal stasis" the Judge said "She has yet to do any harm, and when her sentaence is up she will be put threw another trial" the judge said bored.
  14. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Calm murmuring returned to the crowd as if the sentence were nothing but a sentence to community service in their terms. But Phisoxa appeared shocked, ten million years in imprisonment? Had they any idea that a mortal life could only last for a microscopic fraction of that sentence.
    " 10 million years? . . uh ... isn't that a little over extreme?"
    Phisoxa asked as the guard called nearby for her to hold her tongue but Phisoxa ignored it.
  15. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "You missed the stasis part" the judge snapped at Phisoxa, "Crystal prisions seal you inside,, you won't age, you won't get hungry but you will be aware of everything the whole time" the judge said.
  16. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "I believe you should be familiar with them. You were whacking one with a keyblade not long ago" Mixt said. Mixt said before making a rather swift leave. With that done with, he now needed to move quickly onward and deal with the escapee. First and foremost he needed to execute a scan attached to a tracer. During his captivity Mixt had recorded his energy signature, the scanner would find it and the tracer would then follow it. It would take a long time to finish, and he would need to manually search until then. But this was too important to not have a safety net in place.

    Back in the deserted town, the real Mixt stood up very slowly and calmly. Reaching a hand forward darkness spewed out and began to swirl in a vortex in front of him. The darkness was more stable than his first attempt, but it was still rather chaotic. On top of that it seemed to refuse to actually become a portal. The darkness just twirled in wisps before him.
  17. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Wait I still don't get it. . . why such a long time? Is there any use for it?"
    Phisoxa said but before she could continue the collar on her neck sent out a electric shock that emanated through her body and made her loose balance as she lay on the ground enduring the pain. Nearby in the VIP box Aia watched the scene unfold, a irritated look still upon her face. When the verdict had been made finally the platforms where Phisoxa and Dante stood upon began to proceed downward. The sound of a machine running could be heard as the platforms began to recede into the floor of the trial room below them and then come out the outside within a chamber below the trialroom. Dante chose to keep his stance upon the platform, letting it take him below along with Phisoxa. When the platform merged in with the ground of the spacious and empty chamber Dante turned towards Phisoxa and began casually walking towards her with a serious look on his face. Phisoxa pulled herself up off the ground and then proceeded back away from the approaching man.
    " Don't you come any closer . . . I'm warning you . . . and stop staring at me so weirdly, its starting to creep me out."
    Dante remained silent as he drew in ever so closely, it seemed almost as if he was purposely trying to keep eye contact with Phisoxa. Phisoxa then bumped into the wall behind her as Dante continued on.
    "This may be normal behavior around here but please cease with it, it's unpleasant . . ."
    " Hmm strange, why isn't it working . . ."
    Dante said ignoring her statement as he stopped a foot in front of her and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close continuing to stare into her eyes as Phisoxa began to squirm in his grip.
    " Stop turning away from me and look at me . . . hmmm . . .not only do you have strange qualities but you are immune to my influencing powers."
    " What . . ? what do you mean by that? You can't just influence by staring into someone's eyes. . ."
    " Ah yes I can . . . us higher beings have the power to influence and control the humans below us, no matter how resistant they may be. If you were just any human with one look I can influence you into doing almost anything . .. I can tell you to take your life or land a big kiss upon my cheek without you hesitating the least bit and perhaps I can make you do more then just a kiss, but no matter I will just matters into my own hands . . ."
    He said with a charming smile as he pointed as his cheek and came unbearably close to her and then without much thought Phisoxa threw a hard punch at his face knocking him backwards onto the ground with a thud. He then sat up quickly and stared at her, rubbing his cheek.
    " OW. . . what the hell was that for? I was only going to kiss you nothing more . . . why are you being so damn uncooperative. You are lucky that I am watching over you instead of Mixt, and yet you are so ungrateful.Mixt would make it a living hell for you !!"
    " Just to kiss me? You barely know me, you don't even call me by my first name and yet you try to make the moves on me already. Bloody pervert, you know charisma and looks aren't going to win me over just like that. Anyways of all people why did they choose you to escort me? Wouldn't they be afraid a barbarian like me would destroy your pretty face"
    Phisoxa said with a chuckle as she walked off towards the door at the other end of the chamber, Dante sprung to his feet and began following her and then he caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm and began leading her toward the door.
    " Well we can't throw you into imprisonment just yet. With that escapee at large it isn't wise to leave you alone in a crystal container without thinking about the possibility of the escapee trying to break you out after you attempted to do so earlier with the same man. So I have been given the duty of watching over you for the time being. But don't worry, you will be thrown into crystal imprisonment once the current incident dies down. Anyways stop running your smart mouth off to me and talking to me as if you know me. A simple yes sir or my lord would do nicely."
    Dante said as Phisoxa continued to squirm in his arm as the walked through the massive doors into a white blank abyss while the doors behind them closed with a loud clunk. Within the blink of a eye Phisoxa found herself not in the abyss anymore but the study or office of a large manor house. The walls were decorated with many bookshelves, all containing ancient looking books. On the wooden floor below them many large pillows sat upon the ground. Dante released Phisoxa and wandered over to a wooden desk nearby and sat behind it.
    " Seat yourself now . . . you see this is my manor you will be staying here under house arrest till things cool down in the outside world. If you have any mortal needs that need fulfilling let me know otherwise do not interrupt me with your immature questions or comments while I work."
    Dante then took out a pen and began writing something down on a piece of parchment as Phisoxa sat down on a pillow which was a tremendous size that she could sleep on it and her whole body would fit perfectly atop it, then turned her eyes towards the open glass double doors that let the air in from the marble balcony outside. When Phisoxa heard the sound of pen-writing cease from Dante's direction she adverted her eyes back to Dante who was staring longingly at her.
    " I thought you said you were busy working . . . "
    " Oh no I am its just its hard to focus with you sitting there, its a shame a pretty creature such as yourself has to go to waste. I would have made you my slave without much of a thought if circumstances were different."
    " . . . is that suppose to be a compliment ?"
    Phisoxa said, a confused look on her face, she then rolled her eyes and lay down on her belly atop the pillow, a bored look on her face.
    " I've got to remind myself to give my world's Dante a real beating once I get back, thats if I ever get back home."
  18. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    'Don't give up' a voice said to Phisoxa in her mind.

    "You don't have to try so hard to find me" a voice said behind the Mixt lookalike, the prisoner stood behind him, still in his prision clothes, the hood covering his face "Given your skills and knowledge this shouldn't be a suprise" he said, almost emotoinless, but there was a small amount of excietment in his voice.
  19. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa seemed alarmed when she heard a unfamiliar voice speakout inside her head so she fell off the pillow and looked around the room, as if expecting to see the source of the voice but she couldn't find it. Dante looked up from his writing to see Phisoxa spazzing out in front of him and only shook his head and returned to his paperwork as Phisoxa dragged herself carefully back onto the pillow.
    " Who are you?"
    She spoke within her thoughts.
  20. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "I am the guy you helped earlier, though not in the way you think. What you have done for me is greater then what anyone can know" the voice said calmly.
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