The Keyblade War: the Awakening of a Solemn Melody

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Love, Apr 5, 2011.

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  1. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Damn. Di had been hoping the nurse wouldn’t notice him; if she hadn’t, she might have left, and he probably could have even gotten out of his bed and snuck around for a bit of fresh air before they realized he was gone. But seeing as she was wise to his open eyes, his chances were out the window. The nurses at The Academy never let anyone go about with injuries if they could help it, so surely a nurse in Janina’s infirmary, particularly at such a critical moment, would be several times ore strict. All Diuccio could do was put on an attempt at a smile, give nod, and say, “yeah. I’m awake. And I’ve… never felt better.”

    He cringed slightly, for oddly enough, he could feel that he really was better than he had ever felt before. He had never felt more alive and ready than he realized he did in that moment. Maybe they did drug me pretty well, he thought, managing a chuckle inside. I must be loopy. Who has ever felt BETTER after getting slashed and pierced by Darkness? He looked to the nurse, more seriously, and maybe a bit more demanding than was necessary. “I think I’d be well enough to go about on my own. I’ve got things I need to take care. I know I’ve got find someone high up and meet with them about all the Academy matters, and that’s not even to mention the fact that I’ve got five students without a master that need guidance.”

    He made to move, but under the stream of the light coming through the tube, he found himself stuck. “If you could please remove this… well, whatever the hell it is? I’d like to get a move on. A lot of catching up to do.”​
  2. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Stay still" the nurse snapped at Di. "Your body was heavily infected by the darkness, its a miracle you even recoved this far" she said as Di tried to move. As she looked over everything Robbie wearing a light army uniform entered the room, "Ah, nurse, one of the doctors was asking for a nurse to assist him, I tink one of the students has gone into a critical condition" he said to the nurse. The nurse groaned "Watch him" she said as she left, Robbie tried to protest but she left before he could even utter a single word.

    "This was its room, the anomly" the whispers said to Mixt.
  3. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    The anomaly... Mixt gazed into the crystal trying to see the heart of it through the darkened structure. What was the base to which all of this darkness clung to?
  4. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    “Glad that didn’t last too long,” Diuccio remarked as the nurse bolted out of the room. “Hopefully it wasn’t one of those students I came here with that’s gone critical though… nah. They were fine, much better shape than I was. Just shaken up was all. Those five should be alright, at least.” He looked to the young man that had entered, and effectively gotten the nurse off of his back. He looked familiar, though Di couldn’t quite put his finger on it right away. After taking a short time to think of it a little more carefully, he realized that he had seen the kid at the Academy, before it had been swallowed by the Darkness. What he was doing working in a hospital, Di couldn’t understand, considering there was so much more he probably could have been doing, like training for another attack. After the contemplation of the newcomer, he shook his head and dismissed it. They had gotten him out of a cussing, and that was enough for him at the moment.

    He smiled again, this time for real, and looked more directly at the comer. “I know it wasn’t any good news that got her out of here,” he said, “but… thanks for getting her out of here. I don’t think I could have stood another second of her ranting. Think they knew when a person’s ready to go, but I swear to Light and all in it that I’ve never felt more healthy and more right.” Aware at last that he was going on a rant of his own, he stopped, and thought. The young guy had gotten the nurse out of the room. Maybe he knew how to get that light tube off of its aim at his gut. “Hey man. You think maybe, you could, you know, get this think off and away from me?” he asked, waving his hand gentle at the tube. “I don’t even know what that thing is exactly. Must be something expensive, seeing as the Academy never had one that I knew of. All I know is that it’s not doing a damn thing for me.”​
  5. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Oh I don't know sir, I was told to watch you, and even that is something I shouldn't be doing. I should be leaving, but getting that tube out of you would mean you could leave at your own free will and my job would be done, but still.." Robbie trailed on, acting conflicted.

    "It was what called it here" the whispers said to Mixt.
  6. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    “Well I suppose that depends on a bit of things,” Diuccio said. His smile shifted into a semi-malevolent grin. He wanted to be out of that bed, and back in the field, if nothing else, to exact his vengeance on the Darkness that had taken The Academy in its storm. Of course, his real mission would be to figure out what was going on now that the Academy was gone, and whether or not Master Zaal had been able to escape in time to free himself of the Darkness. If the kid was his ticket out of the infirmary, and back onto the path he both wanted, and had to take, then he would coax him into getting him out, one way or another. “Let me ask you: do you even work at this hospital, or ANY hospital here or anywhere for that matter? By the looks of you, the armor and all, you probably don’t.

    “Now, assuming that I’ve got my understanding straight, and you aren’t an employee here, or a volunteer or anything, then that means that nurse has no real authority over you. What she said then, was not an order to watch me, but a request, something she ASKED of you, as opposed to TOLD you. And as I recall, you never exactly agreed to taking on that task now did you? You made no promises to her that you’d do anything. And assuming you ARE someone working here, then I suppose there’s always the option of letting me work myself up, toss around a few breakables in this little room here, and pass it off as me taking the escape into my own hands. Maybe you could even let me give you a quick knock to the gut, or something, just to make it look more believable.”

    After a brief pause, he spoke again, concluding his proposal. “And for the record, I do have things I’ve got to do around this city, the sooner, the better. So whether you agree to help me leave here or not, I’m going to be getting out, and figuring out what’s up with everything. That much, I can assure you of.”​
  7. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "But my orders where to assist the hospital in dealing with refugees from the academy, including your self, until further orders, seeing as the emperor was assinated I dont see a change in orders, if I was to help you leave I would be required to follow you and make sure nothing happened to ou" Robbie said to Di.
  8. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Who's room was this anyway? Mixt took his eyes off the crystal to take a good look around the room, or rather what remained of it. As he did so words echoed in his head from that night. "I don't speak to dead people" He had known, could he have been the cause? And where was he anyway?
  9. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Seek, Seek the anomly, remove the anomly" The whispers said to Mixt.
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt turned his focus back to the crystal. Well if he needed to remove it then he needed to get inside. Mixt summoned his keyblade and thought breifly about smashing the crystal to bits. Instead he dropped the tip down to the floor to etch a circle around the crystal. Once done Mixt used the circle to move and further condense the dark crystal. Another material to study, but at a later time.
  11. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa instantly recognized the clothing of her pursuers and then she sensed a familiar presence nearby.
    " I sense Dante. . . what have you done to him damn it ?!"
    She said shouting but her anger wasn't truly hers and then she started crying for no apparent reason, it seemed she was caught between different multiple personalities that were trying to grab hold of her at once. Phisoxa then grabbed her head and held it with her hands as the tattoo that lay under her collarbone began to burn a clear bright red.
    " What, what is wrong with me ?!"
  12. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike just stood there watching in both fear and surprise. He couldn't even have a full conversation with a girl, and he had no idea what to do. Mike just summoned his sword, holding it out in front of him. "Just freaking give us Dante." he shouted, his voice shaking. "I'm done with all of this! I'm done with everything! Just go the-" and then he said a word anybody at school would've scolded him for, "away!" he shouted, his voice still shaking as he ran toward the lady.
  13. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Diuccio knew a lost endeavor when he saw one, and trying to convince the armored kid to set him loose was as lost as any other. He heaved ou a sigh, half true, and half a feign in the hopes of stirring the boy into the action he wanted. Yet he waited for only second before deciding that he wasn't to get set free on someone else's accord; he would just have to get up and ditch the infirmary himself. "Well it's certainly a bummer that you can't help. But you know what they say about the show, right?"*

    Gently, he moved his hand towards the tube, stopping as soon as felt its smooth surface against his skin. It was mind of hot, due to the energy pulsing through its hollowed center, but Di ignored the burning sensation that came with making contact. Not that it mattered; as soon as his hand connected with the tube he gave it a swift yet gentle push, swinging I around in a semi circle away from his body. There was a fleeting pain that can with the process, but again, he ignored it and commenced to swing his legs off the bed and sit upright. Non a second later he was on his feet, redressing himself in his clothes, which had been left neatly folded on a chair in the corner.*

    He looked at the boy, and at he chair. There was one thing missing. "You know where they keep peoples' weapons when they come in? Like a security office or something. I won't get far these days without my short swords."​

    ((I might not get a connection again until Sunday night, riku. I'll try to get on a bit tonight, I might only be good for a few posts again)).*
  14. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "We don't have Dante, hes acting on his own" the woman said to Mike and Phisoxa "If you sense him its because he lead you back this way."

    The crystal changed slightly, create an archway that held a dark portal, a stable dark portal.

    "I believe they have your equipment in that cuboard over there, with all the patients they just shoved everything of yours into one room" Robbie said, indicating to a cuboard in the wall.
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "That was unexpected" Mixt commented. Remote stabilization via dark crystal. That could come in handy. Mixt stepped through, not fearing where the portal would take him.
  16. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The portal lead Mixt to the same hospital Di and Robbie where at, he arrived in a secluded area, away from anyone and everything.
  17. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Back in the city of light. So he just came full circle. Who would of thought he would be the first of the group to come back here? That being said, Mixt realized that he must reek of darkness by now. He would just need to blame it on being at the shadowlands and hope no one questions it. Mixt pulled his hood back down as he continued to think. Find and remove the anomaly. Obviously remove didn't just mean from that world if the portal sent his search here. Mixt brushed some dirt of the cloak as he walked into the hospital, although Mixt was fairly calm the situation was all to new to him. He hadn't ever pictured darkness like this. Darkness was the beings of the gate that would drag you in, not a whisper in your head guiding you along. Fortunately his worry didn't make him stand out, in fact he blended in quite well with the other visitors that were worrying about something quite different.
  18. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " What do you mean he's doing this on his own? If this is none of your business then why are you people surrounding me? Let me guess you are part of that monster's entourage, the one who slayed the emperor and left him to die at my feet. Well I have no interest in staying here at all so beat it before I have a reason to beat someone up real good."
    Phisoxa said as she turned and then she tried to run off but realized her escape had been blocked.
  19. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    "I see," Diuccio remakred. His face bore hints of a grimace as he looked at the tiny closet in which his blades would be found. The nerve of them, to dispose of something so classic in such a crammed space, he thought. The blades, beyond their value as weapons for self-defense, were probably more valuable to him sentimentally than a Keyblade was to its bearer. "No respect," he muttered as be walked over the closet. He hoped, for one thing, that it was unlocked, and beyond that, for his trusted weapons to be well kept at the front of the closet, or at least on the top end of whatever mountain of personal effects had accumulated from the massive influx of patiants.

    He found his first hope to be one rightly held; with one quick pull on the handle, the door to the closet opened without much of a hassle. But his second hope came to be more of a fool-hardy one. As soon as the door opened, he looked with sharp eyes upon the items directly in front, praying he might see the rustic forms that were his greatest of assets. He they were not at the front, and they didn't even appear to be at the top of the pile either. "Figures," he mumbled, digging through the mound of annexed belongings, some of which migt not have even had owners anymore. He moved things gently, and eventually found a faded leather belt with two filled sheathes attached to the sides.*

    After giving it a brief inspection to see it was all in order. Di strapped the belt around his waist, snug enough for it to stay on, bit not so much that or would grow cumbersome and uncomfortable. He turned to the kid that had been kind enough to leave him be, and let him depart without a fight. "Well, if it's your job to watch me, then watch me. Or you can just say I shook you off my tail along the way, or something to that effect. Either way is good with me. I'm off to find out what the hell has been going on since I passed out."​

    ((I almost definitely won't be finding a connection over the next day and a half (about))).
  20. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Well as I said the Emperor is dead, and everything is in confusion because of that" Robbie said "The only witnesses of the events arn't in the kingdom, so all you will be able to find out is rumors."

    "You two can't leave, so don't even try it" the woman said to Mike and Phisoxa.
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