The Keyblade War: the Awakening of a Solemn Melody

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Love, Apr 5, 2011.

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  1. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    "Agreed." Mike noticed Gexln being a little hesitant, "You don't have to take the food if you don't want to." Mike stuffed the backpack back under his head and laid down, looking up at the ceiling. Wonder where Phisoxa went? She probably gets a proper meal because shes a girl.. Mike looked at his watch, surprised to see they very well slept through breakfast.
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "No..i appreciate the food....i just don't know how to react to it,that's all" Gexln replied. He too looked up at the ceiling, laying down on his bed. Was it just a dream..or is there more to it? Could i have foreseen something? Is that even possible? he pondered.
  3. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    As Mike laid down he twiddled his thumbs together, but he couldn't stand being still. He got up and paced around the other side of his bed, trying to find something to get his mind off of not staying still. Okay, so I covered that, covered that, don't want to talk about that strange dude, now that's just giving me visions of- wait, never mind, hmm.. he did this for a while, going over everything in his head. Oh yeah! The emperor! Will he become a heartless? We need a new ruler, not to mention. What's going on.. suddenly his thoughts got disrupted, and a chill went up his spine. The dark, ancient and cruel voice spoke once again in only his head, but echoing off of it, War. just one little word that made no sense, but it still made Mike just want to die. Then the chill went away, his muscles tensed once more, but then loosened up his muscles. He decided to ask Gexln, "Did you hear that?"
  4. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln raised an eyebrow. "Hear something? Not really. I mean i don't know why but something no i didn't hear anything" he replied. He sat up in his bed. "Why? Did you?" he questioned.
  5. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike sat down on his bed again, looking at Gexln, "Nope. But something does feel off, that's why I was asking, you know, everything is so unpredictable.." Mike looked around the room, Wow good job. Failing at being smooth and embarrassing yourself. I applaud your work. Mike twiddled his thumbs, trying to get think of something to get off of the topic.
  6. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt turned around and got to his feet again "Sounds excellent. And I see Phisoxa here has received some good news. On a similar note you were just the man I wanted to see. There have been some ideas brought to mind with recent events that I would like the oportunity to discuss with you."
  7. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Well..if everything were predictable, life wouldn't be interesting to me in the slightest. Unpredictability's what keeps things new and intriguing" Gexln said. He's right about something feeling off though...i just have no idea what it is he thought to himself, not saying a word.
  8. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " I would glady speak to you whatever the topic may be, but first let us enter the dining room."
    Rould said walking ahead, leading Phisoxa and Rould towards the dining room, thankfully it was empty and it was a room seperate from the main dining room everyone had dined in last night. The table was long, built to accomdiate the long dining hall that seemed to be 40 feet in lenght so that it touched both sides. Rould showed Phisoxa to the closer end of the table that was near the door the three had come in, nearby a man with long black hair and a stoic but hardened expression on his face nearby, eying Phisoxa with almost disinterested look. At the farside sat the mysterious oldman from earlier. He was busy looking into a pile of books that sat upon the table. Rould leaded Mixt to the oldman's end of the table and Rould sat down nearby. The table was so lengthly that they would have to shout pretty loud for Phisoxa or the other knight to hear on the otherside.The dining room was empty except for those who sat far away from eachother but nobody sat in between part of the table, only at the far edges. It was almost ironic since Phisoxa and other man were seated together, people who were both of light realm. And then there Mixt Rould, and the Oldman who were "supposively" of the realm of light. Almost as if destiny parted them all on differen't sides. Rould called a servant to him and ordered him to go and fetch Gelxn and Mike and invite them to brunch. The servant respectively hurried away and out of sight. Leaving Mixt, Rould, and the Oldman alone on their farest corner, this gave them a bit of privacy since such a farway place wouldn't let any "faraway" dicussions be overheard by the wrong set of ears.
  9. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    After a long silence somebody knocked on the door, "I got it." Mike immediately said, getting up and walking over toward the door, opening it up. "Gexln and Mike, you both have been invited to brunch in the council dining room. Mike looked at Gexln, shrugging, "Want to go?" he asked, Better then leftover pasta..
  10. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Well i've heard worse things to do" Gexln said, shrugging his shoulders. "Beats staying here anyway" he stated as he walked towards the entrance.
  11. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    The servant nodded and led them out, and after what felt like forever for Mike they arrived at the council dining room. He held opened up the door, then as soon as Gexln and Mike got through he hurried off elsewhere. "Okay where do we sit?" Mike quietly asked, looking around, quite puzzled.
  12. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt took some casual glances around to run a few mental calculations on the acoustics of the room as he made his plate off of the serving dishes that were positioned on the table. This hall, unlike the one from yesterday, seemed purely for meals so there were no special acoustics set up. Content that they would not be heard unless he raised his voice he started, being sure to keep calm like it was small talk so no one would see anything odd. "Okay, so I'm able to practice a rare art known as alchemy -transforming material without the use of tools- as you witnessed indirectly last night; I doubt either of you believed these clothes fit me so well by chance. There is one fundamental rule though, Equivalent Exchange. In order to gain something of equal value must be lost. This leads directly to the taboo of alchemy, Human Transmutation. The body I could make on a child's allowance, but the soul has no equal in value. No matter what you sacrifice it won't be enough. As it stands, that suits me just fine. What I am interested in is going in the other direction. What can be gained from the loss of life? This is the research that I mentioned. But obviously this is not a project to be done here, at least not in the open. I need a place with test subjects that is behind closed doors. Hence me coming to you." Mixt said, giving the whole pitch as he calmly ate his food.
  13. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Hmm ? Well I can't tell you that, but I think my friend Xehanort might have such a place, afterall he is always traveling and has many homsteds upon each world. As for those test subjects, you might get some free ones in this war that is soon to become either that or you can always use any neighboring village."
    The oldman was busy looking at his open books lying around, he was writing notes in one of them about something called Kingdom Hearts, on the other page he was making calculations and writing down observations. Pictured on that very same page was a oldworld looking logo but the explanation and the rest of the text in the book was written in latin.
    " I know very well of that power you speak of, after all I have been around quite alot, the secret behind that I am not telling.Son, you can come along with me if you would wish, but be warned I won't be so kindhearted or sympathetic if you get into any trouble or need help. You are on your own the entire time. I will leave Janina for good once I know the birth of those twins is successful. In the mean time I suggest you follow Phisoxa on any mission she is given while she doing the duties of knighthood, you might find some obersevations that might proove useful on the way either that or you can assist me in my research and experiments."
    He said as he kept writing.
  14. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike finally caught himself and tapped Gexln on the shoulder "Their over there." he said as he gestured Gexln to follow him as they sat down at in seats right next to theirs, although, they did not seem to very well notice Mike and Gexln, and Mike didn't really feel like finding out whatever they were conversing about. Mike looked around then saw the far corner, this..creature. It was an average height, and a human body, just leaning against the wall, arms crossed. But the head was the horrible part. First it was a regular human head, then a deceased human sitting in a coffin for a really long time, then a bloody animal head, each thing worse then another that Mike could hardly look without screaming. He looked away, his heart pounding against his chest. But it seemed nobody else acknowledged the creature there. When Mike dared to look over in the dark corner again there was nothing there anymore. But this time Mike's muscles still were tense, even thought whatever the creature was was gone. He clenched his fists together, his knuckles turning white. He tried to breathe normally, in through the nose, out through the mouth, but he couldn't get over what he just saw. His heartbeat returned to normal speed after a bit of time, and he looked up, and straightened himself up, as if nothing ever happened, Considering everybody else is acting normal. What the heck was that?
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt thought for a moment. "I can help you with research once we get our travels underway. For now I think my time is better spent with her. After all, one's mind is not the only thing to be trained. And I can assist you with research once our travels are underway." Mixt got to his feet and picked up his plate. Looking forward to researching with you later." Mixt said, giving a quick bow to Xehanort and then to Rould. 'If that doesn't confirm there is something to her I don't know what would. Why would Xehanort suggest being with his "sister" otherwise. And to phrase it as observation? Well observe I will. Let's see what he's playing at.' Mixt walked with his plate over to Phisoxa, Mike, and Gexln.
  16. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln was looking around, unsure of himself. Instinct told him to leave the place, but then again instinct wasn't always right was it? I guess i'll just sit tight and see how this plays out he thought, still looking out for anything suspicious.
  17. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Mike took a deep breath, he still couldn't get that image out of his head, "Are you feeling something off around here?" he asked Gexln quietly, hoping to get an answer before Mixt came back.
  18. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa was eying the oldman, a worried look on her face. The serious faced knight got up and walked off leaving the youth alone as Phisoxa then saw Mixt coming over.
    " Are you friends with him now?"
    She said referring to the oldman.
  19. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "Who? The old man?" Mixt asked as he took his seat and started eating. "Hardly. No, it was Rould that I needed to talk to. He visited me when I was at the hospital yesterday. I figured it would be best to present my research idea to someone I know. He liked it so I should be able to start soon by joining another researcher to depart. Until then I figured I would tag along with you. You are afterall making history right now. It would be a shame for you too pass out like you did at the academy durring your first missions. So a training partner can't hurt, right?"
  20. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Are you implying that I am going to pass out more ? Hey its not like I'm weakly or something. I have never been ill a day in my life."
    She said taking a drink from a cup of milk.
    " I just don't want to be making history as the result of unnecessary deaths is all. It seems lately that death has been following me and striking down those whom I get too close too, its kind of strange."
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