The Keyblade Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 13, 2009.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji found himself walking in the main room, hands behind his head as he whistled a tune before noticing a female standing in the middle of the room, wielding a keyblade.

    "Haven't seen her around here, must a new student then." He thought to himself and removed his hands from his head and walked up to her.

    "Hello there miss, are you a new student here?" he asked her.
  2. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darryl walked out of his room after finishing his nap. It was quite a boring day and he really had nothing else to do but meet the new students. "Well...may as well go meet them now." He started his walk to the main room.
  3. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Yen sid was in his office surrounded by books and a skull on his desk the he was making ssmoke come out of in the shape of a bat. Then it changed into and flashing butterfly but after Yen sid quickly dismissed it away and stood up"The new students arive today indeed this will be interesting" exclaimed the old wizard to himself.
  4. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan sighed and walked along the street towards the school. She wondered what it was going to be like there, pulling up her hood higher.
    Honestly. Pulling up a hood and trying to hide your face won't protect you. A person said to her.
    "Please don't talk to me in public Dark..." Rhixan whispered. "It'll seem like i'm talking to myself...."
    Dark smirked and hovered over her head. "Well, I'm BORED. Plus its your job to keep me entertained."
    Well how about you tell me how to keep a shinigami entertained?! Rhixan thought.
    "It doesn't have to be much, but shinigami have nothing much to do 'cept eat, sleep and gamble back in our world." Dark sighed. "And half the creeps there think just because I arrived 10 thousand years ago and is female means that I can be fuucked whenever...."
  5. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Yen sid looked outside his window and sighed"I can this peace will not last I can tell It wont"Yen sid looked up at the sky and laughed looking down at the ground and started looking through his books".while reading he read through piles upon piles of books in a deep concetration.
  6. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darryl stopped as he saw Phenox walk in to the academy walls. "Hello, Phenox. How's your day today?"
  7. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Yen sid warped to the frount of the academy watching the students enter the academy with a book in his hand"The new students today this will be joyful and painful at the same time".Yen sid laughed and continued reading from his book.
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex walked down a street, heading to the academy. "Wonder what it's like there." He said. He approached the towering academy. "Well, here it goes!" Alex said with a smile. He walked in and looked around. "It isn't so bad in here." He said.​
  9. benyboywantkhcodes Traverse Town Homebody

    May 23, 2009
    Hollow Bastion
    Name - Oruma

    Age - Unknown

    Gender - Male

    Picture of Character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Swift, quick, and barely talks.

    Weapon - Gun Axe (pwnage!)

    Powers/Magic - He can shoot electricity, he can do strong fast attacks with his gun attack, using it as a melee weapon or as a gun.

    Character History - Was a ninja rookie when he was little, but all his precious friends and everybody he loved died. His mom sacrificed herself to save him, and she died. He wandered and wandered and couldn't find anybody to take care of him. He died, was brought back by the darkness, and started training in the arts of the dark and became a master warrior.
  10. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: Accepted.

    BIC: Phenox looked at Darryl and smiled. "Well hey. It's going pretty good. Boring, but good, and yourself?"

    Riku sighed as he walked outside. He leaned against a wall, looking for Sora. "Damn... he's nowhere to be found, and the newbies have already started arriving... knowing Sora, he's probably slacking off somewhere." Riku yawned.
  11. benyboywantkhcodes Traverse Town Homebody

    May 23, 2009
    Hollow Bastion
    Just then an axe landed in the ground in front of Riku. Just then Oruma jumped down and grabbed his axe back up, grabbed Riku from his shirt, and stood there looking him straight in the eye. Just then he heard somebody coming, and jumped on to a ledge and fled around a corner. He left a note on the ground written in an unknown language, looking like a to do list.

    OOC: The list was written in a special language spoken by Oruma's people when he was young and before they were extinct. The language is rarely understood and can be translated by really wise people. The list is a to do list that has the names of most keyblade warriors at the academy and how to kill them, mostly while they are sleeping and unprotected.
  12. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Can i join plz,it sounds so cool greenbounce

    Name - Ryoku Leon

    Age - 17

    Gender - Male

    Picture of character - guy/luxan/Fighter/shadow.jpg?o=94

    Personality - Happy,Couragious,Slightly Mysterious

    Keyblade - Darkminor

    Keyblade Description or Picture - keyblade/Yomigami/Weapons/My1stkeyblade.jpg?o=97

    Powers/Magic - Darkness and Light

    Character History - Born in the world that never was,Ryoku is part nobody. He is an experienced swordsmen and alcamest but wields inner darkness that will one day kill him....he cant remember most of his life so he masks his pain with a smile and he is always ready to help those in need....

    And can I also Be Leon.......plz
  13. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "I'm doing quite well. Though its kinda boring around here. The new students should liven things up a bit." Darryl said smiling.
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox chuckled. "Yeah, things are gonna get really hectic really soon." He laughed, but quickly silenced himself. "Sorry. I just thought about my first day at the academy... oh, the memories. Do you remember your first day?" Phenox asked.

    OOC: Accepted. ^^
  15. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "I try not to. I had no idea what I was doing back then. Took me some time to get used to this place." Darryl laughed and looked up to the sky.
  16. benyboywantkhcodes Traverse Town Homebody

    May 23, 2009
    Hollow Bastion
    Oruma met up with Sylis at the remnant hide out. They talked.

    Oruma: So, Sylis. What are our plans to unnoticeably take out the kids at the academy one by one?
  17. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OOC:taking control of my character is against the rules

    Yen sid looked at the students coming in he sighed"There will most likely be trouble makers this year like always so I have prrepared this time".Yen sid walked through a corridor in the academy looking around the arena of the academy.Yen sid chuckeled"Students will be here in the arena at some point".
  18. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Name - Neal

    Age - 14

    Gender - Male

    Picture of character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Kind and loving

    Keyblade - Dark Hero

    Keyblade Description or Picture - [​IMG]

    Powers/Magic - None yet

    Character History - Neal was an average boy who lived in an average house with average parents. He made average grades in school. Neal would no longer be average after the night heartless attacked his world. He obtained his keyblade and fought the heartless. His world, unfortunately, was destroyed. Neal was found by Sora, who took him into the academy.

    Can I have Sora?
  19. benyboywantkhcodes Traverse Town Homebody

    May 23, 2009
    Hollow Bastion
    OOC: sorry...

    Just then Oruma appeared behind Yen Sid and whispered

    Oruma: Maybe not all students...

    Oruma then vanished away.
  20. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Red=Kelly Aurorus;Sliver=Zhyriad;Yellow=King Mikey (Also, Keybladewarrioroflegend, please add on that I am using Mickey. And also benyboy has powerplayed. leon47 may ignore that post.

    Barred from another mission. Damn, this sucks.

    Kelly lay perched upon the castle walls, overlooking The Academy's front gates, watching as the new students began to fule into the building. They were anxious to get started with their education here, just like she had been when she had first arrived. She had been so young, and naive of so many things. But like all of the students who had preceeded her, she had grown into a warrior of the legends. She was stronger, both physically, and mentally, and maybe, even spiritually. But still, she felt a bit naive, even after three years of education.

    She had noted, just now, that this had been the fifth mission in a row that she had been restricted from going on. And six missions ago, she had pulled her team out of dire straights against a horde of noe-shadow class heartless. And for the most part, she had kept a level head through the process. The only exception was when her friend, Archie had been consumed by the horde. Whether his heart had been stolen, or if he had simply been killed off, she was unsure. But she was sure that she had lost it at that point, and nearly did something stupid. But she couldn't remember exactly what it was that happened.

    "They must worried about me, or something. I don't know. Maybe I'm just not emotionally cut for field work... I wonder if any of those new students are like me, or like I was."

    Mounds of papers, and books of spells, and histories, and journal acounts from various famous names lay strewn across the office of the King. he had never been so disorganized in his life, but issues seemed to be arising at unexpected, and inconvenient times lately. A scout had recently reported a dark disturbance somewhere in the worlds, though where exactly this was, was uncertain. And it had all come to light at the same time that the new students were set to arrive at The Academy. Stress did indeed come in many forms, good news, and bad news. And contrary to belief, the good news would never make the bad news any less bearable. In fact, in this case, the good news made tha bad news even worse. New students, plus new darkness, meant new troubles, and a need to boost security.

    In a frantic rush, he commenced to pack in his needed equipment. He would solve this problem personally. As the king of the Realm of Light, it was his duty to do so. If he failed, the worlds would fall into disorder, and would be overrun completely. As he finished his preparations, he eyed the PA device on his desk, half barried by a clutter of files, and reminders. For a moment, he considered gathering the other teachers to tell them that he would soon be leaving. But his suspiscions told him otherwise. If he did gather them, there may be a chance for someone to get word of his intentions. IF this knowledge fell into the wrong hands, there would be a greater price to pay.

    Silently, and swiftly, he exited his office, closing, and locking his door, and departed, using the lesser traveled hallways, through to The Academy's basement, which ran in a tunnel underground, directly to the main Gummi port....

    (will post for Zhyriad later).
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