The Keyblade Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 13, 2009.

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  1. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darryl started to feel uneasy. This Kia person could read minds? What if she already knew we were from the future? "This bring back memories Kisa?" He asked as the younger Kisa and Kia left.
  2. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    Gabranth had walked out of the school and looked around This land is so tainted.... so dark.... so long as I am amongst the living there is always a goal.... now..... i have aided the light, now to aid the darkness as well
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji's eyes widened and he turned around. "How is that even possible, I only just thought of-." He cut himself off and it clicked in his mind.

    "This...isn't good..." Was all he said and looked at them. "I think we can rule out she can in fact read our minds or peharps, even our memoires of the Academy." He said to them surprisely calm.
  4. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    "I remember her being able to do that my whole life though, you think she can still read minds even now?" She then stopped dead and looked at the calendar. "Oh god, today is the younger Kisa's birthday that means, she'll die tonight, this was when she died at 14, i remember going for a walk and-" she then suddenly ran out the door.

    ooc:"Be back in a sec guys restarting my computer :3
  5. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darryl looked at Yuji and Alex in terror. "You do realise what happens if she tries to change events in the past right?" He had learnt it from Merlin of course, bad things usually happen to people who meddle with time.
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji looked at them and nodded. "History is not a thing to be meddled with, you change an event who knows what will happen." He said to them and ranoutside sicne none fo them had folowed Kisa so they had no clue of which direction she went.

    "This isn't good at all!" He thought to himself calmed himself down as he closed his eyes as the wind blew and he opened them. "Found her." He said to them as they were slightly confused.

    "I'm adept in wind and so, I can sense presences around me and notice the slightest change within it." Yuji explained and ran in the direction Kisa went to.
  7. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Kisa kept running, then turned to see the others were following her, but she kept running, she didn't know why it felt like a heavy burden had been put on her, she could still make it if she ran faster, so she did.
  8. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "Nice power," Darryl said. "But that won't help us catch up with her. Haste." He cast it on himself, Yuji and Alex and all of a sudden he felt like he was Sonic the Hedgehog. He started running faster than normal.
  9. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Kisa then saw them running faster then normal. she jumped up in the trees and kept running from branch to branch then jumped in the air, silverwing transforming, she landed on it and then flew off quick.
  10. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "Hey, wait up for a second. We just want to talk to you about something." Darryl shouted to Kisa from afar and started to slow down a bit when a few Heartless appeared out of nowhere, Neo Shadows. Darryl summoned Omega Weapon. The Neo Shadows jumped at him but he quickly and swiftly disposed of them all in one hit. However the more he defeated, the more replaced them. Darryl started spamming Thundaga all over the place moving quickly, the Neo Shadows speed was no match for his own.
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji noticed the Neo Shadows and Darryl's attempt to stop them as he noticed Alex attempt the same as he looked at them. "You guys should be able to manage this." He looked at Darryl. "You are in charge of Alex until I get Kisa back."

    He stood there and focused the wind under his feet as Neo Shadows tried to attack him only to be blown away by the fierce winds Yuji generated as he moved quickly into the air as he saw Kisa flying annd followed her.

    "Time to stop her..." He thought to himself and closed his eyes. "By the contract I uphold, I ask of you to bestow upon me all of your wind." Yuji opened his eyes as they were azure blue as he bend his knees and focused even more wind beneath him and shot foward with such speed it was almost like a storm had passed by and he was beside Kisa and raised his hand against her as wind blew towards her, knocking her off her Keyblade as he focused his wind on encasing her within a barrier of wind in which if she tried to escape, she would cut herself against the sharp winds a she landed himself on the ground, staring at her with his azure blue eyes and with his look, he was deadly serious.

    "Kisa, I know you want to save your friend from the Heartless attack but you can't, if you did try, you'll be changing history and time." He said to her and continued.

    "You only just started at the Academy but I'll tell you why you can't do this...Master Yensid of the Academy taught us about time and history very seriously as the other Master's did as well, if you change history right now and save your friend, the effects can be destructive." He noticed she was still attempting to escaspe from his wind prison.

    "Let's say you save your friend, what do you think will happen? She may go to the Academy or not, maybe this one event will not allow you to wield the keyblade, there are many dangerous factors right now and if you go and do thsi, you won't exist as you are now and if you even escaped from here, I will stop you from going forward, whenever you like it or not, we aren't supposed to be here in the first place and already, we meddled with history and given away important infomation of the Academy to your friend who read our minds."
  12. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darryl nodded as Yuji ran off and continued slashing through more Neo Shadows. Soon, it was beginning to get boring and Darryl found himself tired as 15 Neo Shadows appeared out of the ground. He charged his keyblade up and then used Blizagga Blitz. All the Heartless had been frozen by ice on the spot. Darryl jumped in the air and then planted his Keyblade face down on to the ground. The Neo Shadows were all electrified and soon disappeared. Thankfully no more Neo Shadows came after that. "That was quite a bit tiring. Lets hurry." He said to Alex breathing deeply.

    He waited a second before transforming his Keyblade in to a bike and jumping on it. He zoomed off in no time in the direction Yuki went with Alex at the back of the bike. He soon caught up with Yuki and Kisa and slowed down.
  13. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Kisa sighed deeply. "But I'm not trying to save her... i wanted to see what would happen after i was taken away by the villagers, what happened to Kia after I left, i never got to see... what if the answer is there!!" she said yelling at them irritated, she then got up and fell back from the wind, she then got up again, summoned her keyblade and slashed at it, trying to push the wind back, her keyblade begin to glow brighter as she use more and more strength, she was determined to get out as cuts appeared on her arms from the wind, she was finally making a dent on the wind.
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    The wind suddenly recovered as Yuji's azure eyes stared her. "That may be what you want to do but how can we be assured that you'll try and save her in the process as well."

    He raised his arm and swung it as Kisa was hit back into the ground. "When we tried to catch up with you, you ran away faster without telling us what you planned to do, therefore, we cannot trust you to be on your own." He said calmly to her.
  15. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    "I didn't tell you because you would say that exactly, I wouldn't try to save Kia, if she died at that time it was meant to don't understand what its like to live alone for all your life, from being born to growing to a child, there's no family at all there to support you... Kia was the only family i had, the only friend, I thought when i met all of you, i would actually realize life again..." she said calmly as removed her hood revealing her crimson red eyes staring back at him.
  16. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Veral sat on a nearby bench and watched the people go by. He carefully searched everyone that went by. "Everyone's hearts are so full of light... no one here would make a worthy ally to serve me..." He growled and stood up. He warped away and reappeared at the Dark Depths. He stared at Villian's Vale. Veral's curiosity was starting to get the better of him...
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji stared at her calmly. "I don't understand!? I had a family all right but when I was 11 and they never returned from a trip to another world since I was ill so I used what was in the will left by them to travel to Radiant Garden and lived on my own and I even had to pay rent and that was hard to cover since I didn't wield my keyblade until I was 14 and enrolled in the Academy and use the money I gain from the missions to pay it off for the next three years of life as I had to get food, pay water bills, everything just to get by on my own."

    He stared at her. "So don't tell me you been alone during your lfie because I experienced it as well as he put his hand down and the wind barrier dissolved and eh closed his eyes, onyl to open them, revealing them to be their original color, black.

    "We're going together whenever you like it or not." He said to her.
  18. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "Yep, don't think you're alone because we are right beside you. We'll stick together to the end, no matter what." Darryl added in smiling at Kisa.
  19. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Kisa walked over to them, she closed her eyes, calming down, she then opened her eyes," Thanks, I'm sorry about your losses.." she said sadly.

    Suddenly a giant heartless appeared a few feet away from them, in front of the younger Kisa and Kia. "Kisa!!!! Run now!!! Kia yelled as she send a beam of light at the monster, she then turned around to make sure Kisa had ran off to a safe distance, suddenly the heartless's arm turned into a shard sword as it went and was pierced right through Kia, she then looked emotionless, she turned her head and smiled looking at Yuji and the others."Tell Kisa I said Happy Birthday...." she said as her body was thrown to the side her emotionless eyes staring at them, the little Kisa ran over to Kia. "Kia!!!!! Kia!!!" she said crying. a few villagers ran over to Kisa grabbed her, "Its not safe!!!", Kisa fought back, "Kia!!! No let me go!!!" she said crying as they ran off dragging her behind.
  20. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darryl stared at the scene sadly. Apart of him wanted to save Kia and prevent it from happening yet he knew that he shouldn't do so. He just stood and watched as Kia was killed and Kisa was taken away by villagers. He summoned his Keyblade looking at the giant heartless ahead of him asking Yuji, Kisa and Alex "You ready everyone?"
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