The Keyblade Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 13, 2009.

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  1. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Xignias chuckled, he was really having fun with this. The thing which was solid, or used to be anyway was practically right beneath the hanged guys feet.
  2. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    "Lets see whats solid that can turn into water..."she then looked at Xignias feeling stupid but nervous of her answer."Heh, i think i got an answer now.."
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuhi clicked his fingers. "Of course, it's so obvious." He notcied Kisa was a bit nervous of her answer. "Don't worry, it's possible to achieve that in the room."

    He looked at Xignas. "This just our answer but what if that man had it all planned out, let's say used something from his kitchen or more specfically, his freezer and he put a box filled with water about a day or two ago and when it was frozen, he carried it to the room and emptied the contants onto the floor with the rope already in place and he either dumped the box or stored it away then he locked the door."

    he noticed Kisa was staring at him. "But he still has the key on his person and that room has no windows and the only door is locked so let's say he swallowed it, effectively creating a locked room and then he placed the rope around his neck whiel standing on that block of ice, however, he slipped and hung himself, leaving the block of ice to melt into the ground and since teh room is locked, it would take a few days for the neighbours to notice he isn't doing his daily rountine and the rest is history." He said calmlya nd looked at Xignas.

    "Are we correct?" he asked him.

    Inasi stared at the two. "Are these keyblade wielders or high school detectives?" He mentally sighed at this and looked at Xignas.

    OOC: Let's see if anyone knows what Inasi meant by 'high school detectives' and here's a hint, it's still a running anime show over 540 episodes.
  4. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Kisa smiled as Yuji had said the answer the exact way she would of."Lets hope its right." she said grinning
  5. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    From his perch within the tower, the pale skinned male bore witness to all that had been happening around the Garden. In the distance, he observed the summoning and dispersal of several squads of heartless upon the town, and The Academy, and their people. Students, and villagers alike would be flustered by their assailants. But of course, they would be far from falling in battle. At the base of the towers of the Vale, he took note of a student, absent mindedly leaping from the cliff, and approaching the first tower as though possessed by some cosmic force. But this one was pursued by two others. A fellow student, and a teacher, who was, to the pale man, a familiar face, although he hadn't actually seen him before.

    Well, well, well. If it isn't Riku. I do hope to test my own demons against his at some point in the near future. But that can wait until a later time. For now, I should gather my hand together. We've slacked about for longer than I'd have liked.

    He stared down to the tower that stood adjacent to his own, seeing clearly the form of one of his hands. Sylis, sitting idly in the comfort of a chair, where he awaited some form of command or, direction to take. The pale man, Zhyriad, pulled the hood of his cloak up over his head, obscuring his face behind a thick screen of darkness, veiling it from the view of others. His was a face that was not to be seen anytime soon, not by The Academy, at least. There would be a time, but then, maybe, he would just skip that, and keep his face unknown. Concealed behind his cloak, he stood at the end of his balcony, looking down on the lower tower where Sylis sat in wait.

    Silently, and with the grace of a bird, he lept out over the rail, holding his cloak out making a cape which from below would have appeared as two bat wings, proportioned to fit the body of a human. The "wings" made by the cloak, caught in with the air currents, granting him with a brief moment of suspension, floating in the sky, inching forward towards the tower, letting himself drift until he was positioned directly above the next balcony. There, he slowly folded his cloak back into his body, and dropped down smoothly unto the balcony.

    There, he stood, glaring at Sylis for several seconds before speaking to him. "Be prepared to leave when I return with the others." Without waiting for his underling's response, he lifted his hand up, bringing it line with his face, with his index and thumb held together as if he were undoing a zipper. From this raised position, he moved his arm down, tearing open a portal through to the village, where two of his other hands were, as he could tell, starting some sort of ruckus. Through this portal, he stepped, vanishing into the dark corridors, the gateway through closing tightly behind him.

    The sound of low pitched snoring carried out across the length of the castle walls to be heard by anyone desired to pass through there. These snores, though sounding as though they were being exhaled by a male, of perhaps a large stature, were infact being produced by a lone female figure. Kelly, asleep on the edge of the castle wall, lay in slumber, dreaming of fantasies of various sorts. Mostly, she was dreaming of the missions that she could be on, if not for the fact that she had been forbidden that luxury. And still, she thought of why she had been barred from these missions at all in the first place. There was nothing wrong with her, or anything that she had done on those missions that she had gone on prior to being banned from them. There seemed to be no logic to this. Hence, boredom had reached the point of sleeping away her free time.

    But her nap, to her joy, was cut short by the sound of screams echoing over the landscape. These screams, were many, and coming from all over. At the sounds of panic, Kelly bolted upright, and looked out to the village, viewing an attack force of several heartless and nobodies attacking in the marketplace. But these were being dealt with by the town's security forces, who were well trained enough to deal with the situation. Her primary concern was the dark presence she was felling from the area of The Academy. In an adrenaline rush, she jumped down from the wall, landing bent kneed on her feet, lessening the force of the landing upon her, and sprinted the distance towards The Academy.

    In route, she came across the sight of two of her student colleagues, facing off against two others, whose mere presence on the scene gave the area a much darker vibe. She had no recollection of these two, but knew one of the students there. In a flash of light, her Judgment Keyblade manifested itself into her hand, as she took her stance beside the student who she knew.

    "Yuji," she said simply, before turning in a glare at the two darker beings. "What do you lot want here?"
  6. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    The crystal around Phenox's neck glowed with a pale green light. His eyes suddenly opened. They were green. Phenox stood up and looked to his left. Riku was asleep at a chair. Phenox summoned his keyblade. It looked different. The gold parts were now a sickly green and the angel wing was replaced with a bat wing. Phenox approached the sleeping Riku.
  7. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Xignias smiled for a second before seeing Kelly. "Well done. You've solved the Riddle. A piece of cake huh?" He let go of the girl who ran quickly out of the Academy crying. "I just needed some data and information on some of the wielders inside this castle. I'm done now." He opened a portal.

    OOC: I know. Detective Conan right?
  8. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Through the seemingly eternal darkness of the corridors, Zhyriad floated limberly along, coming out ever closer to the light at the end. There upon the other side, was The Academy, or a part of it. He could feel the sheer presence of the Keyblades beckoning warnings of his approach to the students, though many of them would be either too foolish, or too busy to take heed this signal. It would work all the better for him in the short run of thing. The element of surprise was the most powerful of them, and one that he was quite fond of these days. His portal let out beside that of Xignias, who, by the looks of the scene, had just proven a point of some sort. In his head, Zhyriad chuckled. They were doing better than he had anticipated, striking fear into the hearts of Radiant Garden, with surprisingly little blood spilt.

    "I see I missed your fun, Xignias. Very well. Return to the meeting spot. We'll be moving on from there momentarily." About facing, returning through his portal, which still held wide open for him, he was drawn away by a tough female voice at his back.

    "You think that you can just have your cronies scare us all, and hurt people, and have it all be just "very well", and then expect us to just let you waltz out of here like it never happened? Well you've got a horrible misguided view!"

    Again, he about faced, finding himself staring down a young woman, with long redish hair, and a masculine body form, and expression. She was right up in his face, her nose mere inches from his own, so close that she may have well been able to see his face under the darkened veil. Yet her tough acting, and bold stare were not what drew him back from her. It was rather, the vibe that he felt from her, there was no normal power within her. But it was something far more than he had expected to find at The Academy.

    Yes, she is indeed that one.

    "You, yoiung woman, are more dreadfully powerful than you yet realize. Yes, I can sense it. You could lay waste to entire worlds single handed, if you could just tap into that power which you fear in you. Take no heed of the fear others have of it, and train it, and use it." He backed away, half fearful, have joyous at his discovery, and vanished through the darkness, leaving Kelly in a jumbled confusion.

    "Power? What power do I have that's that bad?"
  9. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Sylis was in Villians vale summoning creatures made out of darkness"Now I shall build the defences of this place and they will guard well". Sylis laughed and opened a portal and stood at the top of Villians vale his keyblade was becoming more corrupt and changing.
  10. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "Hey, stop it right now and face me," Darryl told Sylis as he readied his keyblade in position "What did you do to Phenox?"

    Xignias started analysing Kelly. She indeed seemed quite powerful out of the three Keybearers he had analysed so far. She indeed had the potential to destroy the worlds, maybe she could be of some use to them. He stayed quiet as he continued searching through her memories for her strengths, weaknesses and fears.
  11. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Sylis laughed"I did nothing to your friend boy so dont blame me"Sylis stood still looking at Darryl. Sylis looked him in the eyes and laughed"Maybe your friend is turning to darkness or maybe not heheh".
  12. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "Shut it. He wouldn't turn to darkness, Phenox is better than that. As if he would want to be with a bunch of losers like you guys." Darryl said angrily gritting his teeth.
  13. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    ((OOC: I do hope you being metaphoric in that statement)).
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox walked up to Riku and raised his keyblade to kill Riku.

    Riku suddenly stood up and kicked Phenox in the head.

    Phenox's keyblade vanished and the crystal stopped glowing. He passed out.
  15. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: Of course. The only reason I'm looking for her fears is because Xignias' power is illusion and I may use it later on or so.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji notcied Kelly and listened to the conversation as Xignas scanned her as Inasi unsleathed his sword and Yuji quickly got into battle stance.

    "Tell me keyblade wielders, what is your resolve and strength?" Inasi asked before swinging ti down as a balde of fire was shot at three wielders as Yuji's hair wavered as widn surrounded him and he took a stance before swinging a slice to wind to collide with Inasi's attack, thereby negating it.

    " control the wind...Keyblade Wielder Yuji." Inasi wasn't impressed to say the least as Yuji looked at them. "All I can say is you are correct, but I have more tricks up my sleeve than just that." he replied to Inasi calmly and Inasi stared back.
  17. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    OOC: Yes, his power is illusion. Not mind reading. He can't just look into her thoughts, and heart and know her fears. He can imply her fears, and that is all. Simply, his character sheet doesn't support it.
  18. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: Of course, sorry about that.

    BIC: Xignias stopped smiling for a second before saying. "Well, I think I'll head back now because I sense something over there." Xignias walked through the portal and closed it behind him.
  19. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Dark took out her notebook and started to scribble in it.
    Rhixan looked up at her. "Whats that?"
    "My notebook."
    ".....So what do you write in it?"
    "Well... You'll find out..... Now." Dark said, smirking.
    Rhixan's eyes widened as a massive pain struck her head. Falling from the tree, she held her head, screaming in pain.
  20. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    OOC-whats happening??? its a bit too fast to follow lol
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