The Keyblade Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Oct 25, 2009.

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  1. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
  2. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    OOC: I guessed.

    Rhixan blinked. Phenox. The name was extremely familier to her. She smiled. Maybe hes my brother! Rhixan jumped up and ran down the stairs, looking for Phenox. Spotting Riku, she watched him go by.
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox ran ahead of Riku as they entered the arena. he was ready to fight. his keyblade appeared in a flash of bright light. he smirked at Riku as he entered his battle stance. legs slightly apart, center of gravity low, blade drawn back. "OKAY!!! I'M READY!!!!"

    Riku facepalmed and chuckled at Phenox's energy and eagerness. "alright then." Riku's signature blade, Way to the Dawn appeared in his hand. he drew it back. "now.... let's begin..." Riku lunged at Phenox. "hya!" he shot three Dark Firaga blasts at his opponent.

    Phenox dodged two but one clipped his shoulder. He ignored the pain and ran at Riku and swung his blade wildly.

    Riku easily dodged. "That all ya got?" Riku smirked. His smirk faded when he saw Phenox wasn't in front of him anymore. Riku looked around. His eyes widened as he looked up.

    "Brace yourself! This next part may be a little shocking!" Phenox raised his blade in the air.
  4. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan peeked her head around the door and watched the fight. Sneaking in, she hid under the chairs and watched through the gaps. His way of fighting... I reconigse it!
  5. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Kiligara: *Evil Laugh* Lets see what happens if I throw his Blizzard Lord into the Market, Sends NeoShadows.
    moves the Blizzard lord to the Marketplace while fighting Neoshadows.
  6. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "YAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Phenox casted Thundara .

    Riku tried to keep steady as the blast hit him. A painful tingling sensation shot through Riku's body. he lost all control of his muscles and fell backwards. "Damn..." Riku muttered. He growled. "No choice... Darkness!" The darkness enveloped Riku.

    OOC: Um... what up with the heartless???
  7. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan watched in amazement. She then yelped as a slight shock reached her and sent her flying back, moving the chairs around.
  8. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    OCC: I'm gonna change it then the battle field :O and people post a bit too fast for me XD
  9. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    OOC: Very well...

    Name - Jordan Sabath

    Age - Physically 18

    Gender - Male

    Picture of character - [​IMG] He may not look like himself at the moment, but put a replace that serious frown with a calm smile, annnd...Bingo, Jordan Sabath

    Personality - If there's anything to describe Jordan, it's optimistic and happy. There always smile on his face, need it be small, huge, or a smirk in the face face of death. But inside that smile is a presence anyone would probably fear. His true nature comes when his leadership is needed, he generally like to contemplate a good plan or decision during a battle, focusing on all aspects of it.

    Keyblade - King's reign

    Keyblade Description or Picture - Basically, it's a white keyblade, that you could swear is basically an upgraded version of Oathkeeper at first glance. The Keychain, seems to have the symbol of the crown, as did Oblivion, except this looked made of silver and something about it seems like it's been sealed up in a dark aura. The same goes for its blade as it too feels wrapped around a dark aura, as if to keep its true powers in tact and sealed up. The hilt and the blade makes it look more like a white broadsword then it does a keyblade, with a fabric wrapped around the hilt, and the round arm guard and the part that sticks out like a keyblade looks rather angelic, but again, doesn't feel like it's full potential is unleashed.

    Powers/Magic - Jordan is skilled with much magic and power, as it was he who sealed up his keyblade's true power. His greatest skills in magic is generally holy magic, or light magic. His power, too, seems like the powers of light.

    Character History- Jordan Sabath, known as the "King of Light" is said to be the leader and strongest among the 5 kings, demi-gods (Like Hercules) who was said to be chosen to protect all that exists from the threat of annihilation. Even as a child he was self-taught in the ways of fighting, and eventually passed on his skills to two of his little brothers, for a while, he let his brothers go on missions across the universe to help out all that's needed, but right now, he travels to this universe for reasons known only to him.
    Side note: Though he's definitely an ally, he's neither a student, nor a Remnant.

    Name - Kotaro Sabath

    Age - Physically 17

    Gender -

    Picture of character - [​IMG]

    Personality - He's shy, not really one to talk to people, but when he does talk, he can be quite serious in what he says. He's kind and compassionate, giving a helping hand where it's needed.

    Keyblade - Halted light

    Keyblade Description or Picture- Like King's reign, Halted light's seems to be sealed in itself, the light one could sence or see is one that's corroded with evil. The looks are very similar to a gray Oblivion, the edges of the keyblade seems to curled up in itself, leaving only two round edges where they should be. The keychain is that of a V-shaped, black, demon head with tiny ruby eyes.

    Powers/Magic - Like Jordan, Kotaro is also very skilled in the light magic, but it seems like a rather corroded light in comparence. While his father focuses on Holy magic, Kotaro seems to unpurposely add evil into the light magic he possesses.

    Character History- Kotaro is Jordan's son, and prince of light therefore. Like almost everyone in the family, he was created and not born. While he was young, his light magic was indeed excellent for his age. However, during a mission, he was cursed by an unspeakable demon, forcing him on his side by corroding him with evil influence. He had to leave his family, to keep himself from harming them in any way. Who's side he's on, none can really say. While he is joining the academy for that demon, he's also doing it as an excuse to control his powers, and be able to at least reunite with his father again.

    Name- Zogar

    Age- Physically around 19

    Gender- Male

    Picture of Character - [​IMG]

    Personality- Quite egotistical and prideful. But he doesn't let those thought manifest his mind, to his comrades he can be cold and serious, Waking them from whatever delusion of grandeur' they may have, and reminding them of their place. Which is quite hypocritical, seeing how he himself thinks of himself of the leader of the Remnants

    Weapon - A sword made from Pure Darkness

    Powers/Magic- The powers of darkness at a huge level, combined with a negative influence within, making it even more powerful/

    Character History - Bearing the name of the legendary god of darkness, appeared among the Remnants as neither human nor heartless. No one knows truly of what he is, as he never really told his past to anyone, but there's rumors that he is in fact, at least, related to the god of darkness and at most, IS the god of darkness.

    That good enough?
  10. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: Accepted. ^^

    BIC: Phenox stared at Riku.

    Riku was clad in black armor. "Let's try again..."
  11. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan sighed with relief. No one had noticed the fact that tons of chairs were piled against the wall in a jumble. Looking up again, she watched Phenox again.
  12. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku shot at Phenox with Dark Firaga.

    They all hit Phenox.
  13. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Loud Explosion Came From the Marketplace. Can Be Heard from the Academy
    OCC: gotta love explosions to alert people
  14. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan held her breath. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to be crouched here.
  15. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku stopped when he heard an explosion.
  16. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan looked around. What was that..?
  17. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Then Ice Shards Began falling into the Academy
  18. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan saw them and screamed, hiding under the chairs.
  19. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    Kotaro was in the halls as well, looking at his black gloved hand. "What's the point? This is a keyblade academy, what good will it do for myself. Still...I have no other options, A once in a lifetime opportunity to encounter my dad again isn't easy to find." He thought. He then heard the explosion, and ran into the room where Rhixan was in, and went towards the window. To look at the marketplace. ".....Heartless." He said to himself, he then noticed he ice shards falling down, and avoided them, right before jumping out the window, and hading towards the marketplace, his keyblade in hand.

    Jordan was in the Marketplace as well, staring at the heartless from the top of a building. "....Your late." He said, as Mickey jumped up into the air, and landed next to him. "Sorry, I guess I was sleeping. The explosion woke me up in my office." Mickey said. "...A king never sleeps when he knows danger might hurt his kingdom, my fine little friend." Jordan said as they both get their keyblades, and jump off the building, slashing at the Neo Shadows on the way down.
  20. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    OCC: Apparently Kiligara sent too many Neoshadows so this is what happens :D
    The Marketplace was cover in about 10 inches of ices including on the walls, (seems that the Blizzard lord decided to freeze everything) Froze the Heartless in the Marketplace as well as every shop, and humans as well, now then the Blizzard lord was moving to the next area, the Castle Circular Area (Where you meet Yuna, Paine, and uhh I think the last one was Rikku?)
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