The Keyblade Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Oct 25, 2009.

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  1. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    ooc: hello. I'm interested in joining this RP but i want to know what's happened so far. Before i begin, can someone send me a PM and tell me please? Thank you :)
  2. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Someone Here will certainly know the name......

    And that someone, they know who they are, is in trouble.


    Zhyriad (Formerly Known as Jerrick Nualt)


    Zhyriad... One so dark, so vile in his intentions, can only be described as cruel, and bloodthirsty. He is lone wolf in all essence, uncaring of the pack which he has shifted his way to the top of. He would send any of his followers to their demise, were it known that it would yield his own personal advancement. And in the end, he would care nothing for their fate, nor the fates of those that were left harmed in their wake. He is also a man of veiled secrecy, harboring knowledge, and afflictions that no others could ever be made aware of. When conversation drifts in the direction of such information, he bluntly veers the topic off course to avoid imparting knowledge unto those that have no need for it.

    Zhyriad, being an incarnation of the purest of darkness, is endowed with a set of powers based around the manipulation of "dark energy". The term used to define dark energy is, not as an element, but a its quality of destructiveness. That is, energy based on the acceleration, and augmentation of power, and the consuming of the physicality, and mentality of others. He could shroud entire worlds in darkness, and, with the proper channeling, submit the minds of others to his will. He is also capable of infusing these dark energies with the baser spells, learned in his youth.

    With such a powerful amount of dark energy at his disposal, Zhyriad has seen little use for conventional weapons. He wields a simple bow staff, forged of a durable, largely magic resistant, and lightweight metal, though his precision with it makes it a boastful force.

    Why bother to delve into the past of someone who has pulled such a horrid 180 since his childhood? All that needs to be known is that Jerrick Nualt was once a mild-mannered boy, living in the basking eternal dusk of Twilight Town, attempting fruitlessly to learn the arts of magic from the legendary Yen Sid. From these days, he came to seek out a way to utilize the powers that had once eluded him, and as a result, fell into the possession of the dark incarnate, Zhyriad.

    His name, forgotten to those that had once known him, and now, inconsequential even to him, he has, with his demonic influence, gathered together a group of malevolent beings of such a nature that the worlds themselves would crumble if they got their way.

    Kelly Aurorus


    Having been raised primarily by her father, Kelly has grown into being a girl of several, more masculine qualities. She has developed into a strong, male-like physique, and generally hangs around the males within The Academy. On a negative note, she can be rather irritable, and judgmental of others. Yet she is generally straightforward, and never holds grudge against others, unless seriously wronged by said others. If she has a problem with someone, she will most likely tell them that there is a problem, and hope, for their sake, that they comply with rectifying it.

    Keyblade - Judgment
    This keyblade, is mostly the embodiment of Kelly's persona. Judgment, is a striaghtforward, unmasked concept, and one of strength, and a hold fast nature, just as its wielder.

    Kelly possess one of the most unnatural, yet, in paradox, most native power that any individual within the Realm of Light could hold. What power could be so confusing? The very power of a symbiotic relation to the heart of all worlds, the fuel of life into the Realm of Light. Such a power's limits are widely unknown, though it has been agreed by the staff of The Academy that to allow her to fully utilize this power, would be something far to dangerous, even if it were used for the good of the worlds.

    As with any keyblade wielder, life for Kelly started off as being a generic childhood. She was born to her two parents, named Kalvin, and Veera, mother and father respectively. For the first part of her life, she lived in the world of Traverse Town, playing by night on the streets with her female friends. But good times can never last. Darkness was fast appraoching the worlds, and even the haven of Traverse Town would fall victim to the Heartless onslaught.

    In one such heartless attack, her home was directly invaded by a swarm of shadows, and she, and her parents, were chased to the streets. But this was for naught, as they were no safer outside than inside. The sahdows swarmed more densely, and her mother, losing her balance, fell to the ground, and was swallowed by the darkness. Her heart, being so weakened by the pain of losing her family in her death, and leaving them behind, was unable to produce any more than a shadow, and no nobody was created to go with it. She was, in all respect, dead on the spot. Yet still, her daughter, and husband pressed on, in order to make her sacrifice worthwhile.

    It was, when they were surrounded by heartless, when all hope of survival seemed lost within the horrors of the invasion, that they were rescued by a young boy wielding a key-like weapon. The boy, soon to be revealed by the likes of Leon, as being Sora, the Keyblade wielder, and the legendary hero who would salvage the worlds from the darkness. On this day, Kelly vowed to always remain loyal to Sora, even in the darkest of times. He was, on that day, her hero, and idle.

    With nothing left to live for in Traverse Town, Kelly, and Kalvin relocated to Twilight Town, where they reestablished themselves as a well meaning family. Her father, still loyal to her mother, never remarried. She liked it that way, and being raised by him, shifted her into a more masculine demeanor. She started hanging around with boys casually through her early school years, partaking their rowdiness, and sometimes, aggressive behavior.

    It was a year later, that the nobodies came at large in the town. Seifer, and his crew tried what they could to deal with it, but were oft defeated easily by the creatures. Again, Kelly was caught in the path of the affairs of the Keybearers. And again, it would be Sora that rescued her town, and her people. Her idolatry of him grew by leaps and bounds, and she vowed that one day, she would repay him for his heroic actions.

    Long story short, she found herself, at age 13, in possession of a keyblade of her own, and, even more shocking, and invitation to The Keyblade Academy, a place where she would soon learn her trade, and role as a guardian of the Realm of Light.
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  4. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Staring out from the isolation of the distant Villain's Vale, Zhyriad allowed his vision to absorb the the destruction that had been sparked. The entire village had been coated in a thick sheet of ice, which was, now, only just beginning to break apart with the help of villagers, and Academy teachers alike. The walls of The Academy had been breached, and shattered by numerous heartless. And more so, those that had inspired the disastrous calamities had gotten away, free of the punishment that they would have so rightfully deserved.

    So is this what I've returned to? A group of miscreants bend simply on the unsystematic destruction of worlds? No, this will all change. They are fools. And they are fools because they have no leader. We are all that remains, and we must be as united in our front as this Academy is.

    He heaved a horselike sigh, and turned to face the door leading down to the base of the tower, stroking back his black, weeding hair, relieving it from his eyes. For several seconds, he stood still, with no thoughts, and no words, simply blank in expression, before remembering where his destination was. In a single, powerful, and exaggerated motion, he flung his hands together above his head, the clap dampened as he pushed them together even after they had met. And as the dulled clap rang through the room, his body was consumed by a torrent of flames, shooting up from the ground.

    And he was gone, leaving in his wake, a charred marking on the floor of the Vale.

    "We are now landing in the port at Radiant Garden. We ask that you remain seated, and fastened in your seats until the ship has come to a complete stop. Thank you."

    The voice of the gummi ship captain rang high in Kelly's ears as he uttered his instructions. As though she didn't know landing procedure by now. As though anyone on the ship didn't know landing procedure by now. They were all senior members of The Academy, and had been on missions as before. Procedure to them was like the back of their hands. Anyone of them could have sufficed for a teacher, at this point, and many of them had wanted to step in and teach a class or two.

    With a roll of her eyes, she stared out her window onto the world, and scowled. The village had been iced over, and by the looks of things, there was reconstruction taking place along the outermost walls of the main academy building. Can't the freshmen do ANYTHING right? This seemed to have been a running theme within the passed few months. The Academy would send its senior members off on missions, and while they were gone, something would happen to the building. Either there would be fires, or there would simply be people lying passed out in the courtyards. ]

    Either way, it was annoying to Kelly, and her peers, to return to find that things had been messed up. She turned to her fellow student, sitting to her left, still scowling. "Why don't they ever leave any of us behind when we have missions?"

    "Not sure," he said. "I guess it's because the teachers are still there. Why they let things happen like this is beyond me though."

    "Yeah, I here ya. I swear, the minute I get off this ship, I'm having a word with someone, either Sora, or Riku. Which ever one I can find the easiest." She let out a half-hearted chuckle to herself, and sat back, upright, ready for the ships landing.
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku sat back in his chair, watching the students that were still doing push-ups. He sighed to himself as he opened his desk drawer and took out a magazine he had confiscated from a student the year before. He started reading it, being sure to keep an eye on the students.
  6. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    He looked back at Cloud. "You talking to me?" he asked, gawking at his giant sword.
  7. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "I think he is! Don't worry! I'm sure Cloud won't mutilate you TOO bad!" Phenox called out.
  8. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan finished her last push up and fell to the floor, exhasted.
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku saw Rhixan finish. "Okay Rhixan. Take a seat. You are done." Riku kept reading.
  10. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan got up and slumped back in her chair, happy to be sitting down.
  11. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Neal finished his pushups. He limped to his seat, next to Rhixan.
  12. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan smiled at him. "Never..... again...."
  13. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku looked at everyone. "Everyone done? Good. Now, go to the arena. Your next assignment is there."
  14. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Neal groaned. "Let's go..." he limped to the arena.
  15. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan headed after Neal. "Here." She handed him a potion.
  16. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Neal accepted it. "Thanks..." he drank it.

    OOC- Gtg..... brb.
  17. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku put the magazine back in his desk drawer. He stood up and led the students to the arena.
  18. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan smiled at Neal. "No problem..."
  19. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: Sure.

    BIC: Riku entered the arena with the students. "Take a seat on a bench!"
  20. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan sat on a bench, saving a spot for Neal.
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