The Journies of a Warrior

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xendane, Nov 17, 2007.

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  1. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    jess smiled uncertainly, "that was a joke right?" she said. her smile faded as jaden didn't answer. "great.... i had to learn magic" she grumbled. jess bowed her head to jaden politely, "we have not been introduced properly, i am jess, and you are..."
  2. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    "Jaden Angel, Father of Kain and Sin Angel, son of Markus Angel and the hero who stopped all of evil... two years ago. That was when Kain was born." Jaden said kindly.
  3. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    jess smiled. "ow!" she fell to her knees clutching her left shoulder. she brought her hand away and looked at the skin that was stained scarlet. she walked over to the side of the water and splashed some water on the gash. it stung

    ooc: i have to go soon i will be back on later.
  4. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Jaden walked over and grabbed her arm. A pentacle appeared on the cut, and slowly, but surely, it faded to a mere scar. "I might also add that I am a master at magic and elemental control." Jaden took a sphere of water and made a Chinese dragon out of it. It stayed there for a few seconds, then Jaden released it.
  5. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    "Why would ven's 'master' would want to kidnap us all?"
  6. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    "Because. He needs more power if he's to take over the world again like he did two years ago, and he sees great power in you all. If he has your powers fused with his, he could end humanity as we know it. That's why I have to keep you away from him and his servants at all costs. If I were to die fighting him, likely, the world would be thrown back into its original state of chaos when he first took over the world. If he knows I'm alive now, he might send out his strongest to come and get me out of the way so that I don't interfere with his plans." Jaden said calmly.
  7. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    ooc: im back on for like ten min then, since i am on my brothers computer and he has to log out so i can get on my account. that makes almost no sense but the point is i will be on in a few minutes and if i have to get off then i will get on late
  8. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    OOC: (kay, we can wait if you come on late.)
  9. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    ooc: back on ^^... i don't know what to say...

    "that was two years ago?!" jess asked.
  10. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Jaden smiled. "Isn't it amazing what can happen in only the course of two years? My son is already fifteen years old and his brother is eighteen, and I died and came back to life. Amazing, right?" Jaden laughed harshly. "Actually, what happened is the Evil has created a time rapidation. That means that we age and die faster, then we are sent back to fully live our lives. I have to stop that."
  11. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    "yeah that is really weird," jess agreed. she stood up and brushed the dirt from her wet clothes. she smiled kindly at jaden and began to walk back toward the water.

    ooc: i have no idea what to say again.
  12. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    OOC: (This is kinda' like how some days I forget my own name then other days I remember it again. XD I have a short term memory, I'll say that.)

    Jaden laughed to himself and said quietly, "In all honesty, I have no idea how to stop this evil. I couldn't do it before, and I can't think of how to do so now. I guess I really AM a failure at heart." Jaden sighed. "Well, at least I can say I tried."
  13. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    jess smiled again as she walked into the water. "well at least you got rid of some of them, though it would have done me a huge favor if Ven was one of them,"

    ven entered a long hallway. at the end a large black door stood. ven entered shuddering."what are you doing back here? where is the girl? i thought you said two of the spell casters were jaden's sons i thought you said the other three were strong too... well, WHERE ARE THEY?!" his voice boomed out menicingly.
    ven got on his knees and bowed low, "my master, oi could not reach them," ven said boldly desperately not wanting to feel his masters wrath.
    "AND WHY NOT?!"ven's master boomed out suddenly. sparks of lightning flew across the room toward ven halting before ven. the electric spikes flickered evilly before vens eyes.
    "jaden," he croaked. "jaden is alive."

    ooc: ya it kinda is like that... woah! i just realized something... it says you are offline........
  14. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Kain looked over at Sin. "That's why you left, isn't it." Sin looked back at Kain, then returned his gaze to the floor. "You both knew. You knew father was alive. You knew that there was trouble. You were trying to keep me out of harm's way." Sin spoke softly, "I didn't want to lose you. They know. they know perfectly well." "Well, don't protect me!" Kain said, clenching his fist tighter, glaring at Sin. "I can take very damn good care of myself, thank you very much, I don't want anybody holding me back! You said you have Aquaphobia. You were faking it so that I wouldn't learn how to use that element because you were scared that they would find out, well, dammit, LET THEM FIND OUT THEN!" Kain yelled, glaring at Sin even more. Sin kept his gaze averted from Kain. "Sin, you have to let me take care of myself! I'm not two anymore! I can take care of myself without having people holding my hand for me. Sin, quit seeing my as a two year old and look at me as a fifteen year old! God d*mn it, Sin! I'm fifteen, I can handle it!" Sin kept his gaze to the floor. "Shut up, Kain." Lynx said behind them. "You're so headstrong sometimes. You need to get over it and face the facts." Lynx glared at him from the shadows, his eyes piercing Kain like daggers. "This evil is looking for you on purpose. They need you for a reason. They have to get to you if they want to make you one of them. That's why Sin and I were protecting you." Kain stopped glaring and looked at the floor. "Yeah... well, let me fight them. I can take them on." Sin growled and punched Kain in the face, making Kain's eyes shoot open and ears come out of them. Sin had never punched Kain out of sheer anger, not once. It was either discipline or playfulness. Kain felt hurt. "You fool. Quit being so darn sure of yourself." Sin said quietly.

    OOC: (Sorry for the cursing. And yeah, I'm in invis. mode.)
  15. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    ooc: i don't mind cursing since my friends curse all the time.

    bic: "i hate not being able to bend water!" jess said a little louder than she had intended. she flung herself onto the surface and rested there floating. she wasn't thinking about not ever getting dry or about how bored she was. actually jess wasn't thinking about anything. she sighed softly as a school of minnows darted under her.

    ooc: edited it didn't make much sense.
  16. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Jaden laughed. "I would teach you, but I'm too worried that those evil punks might catch your power and come looking for you." Jaden took his hands and made a small wave with his fingers, creating a ripple in the water that eventually created a small viewing screen of water. "Look into this screen and you'll see where they are located and what's happening." Jaden turned the mirror like viewing portal towards Jess.
  17. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    "they already know i can bend water. that is why they came after me in the first place, the only reason i cant right now is because i am completely wiped out from yesterday." jess said turning to the mirror-ish portal. she cocked her head and stared deep into the portal. her head began to fill with a strange buzzing noise. soon audible voices were heard,

    "--i told you already, i'll find the spell casters master,"
    "no ven, i have given you to many chances, this time i am sending someone stronger. besides you are absolutely no mach for jaden, you couln't even kidnap a teenager,"

    a figure jess reconized as ven appeared in the portal. he was talking to some person sitting in a chair he was dressed in all black. so this must be ven's 'master' jess thought

    ooc: do you want to be super evil dude or do you want me to be super evil dude?
  18. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    OOC: (I'll be super evil dude, when he first come into reality, which is right now.)

    The man in the dark hood looked down evilly at Ven. "Ven, you've had it. I've given you enough chances, and besides, why would I let a whelp like you have my revenge?"

    Name: Zragos
    Age: 807, but his body is that of an 18 year old. surprising, huh?
    History: Was the one who released Evil into the world the first time.
    Appearance: White hair that reaches waist, black robe and mask that covers face, black everything else, including gloves with spikes on them, a choker necklace and a black X-shaped belt around his robe.

    Weapon: Sinful Sorrows
    Weapon appearance: A sword hilt with a skull, then a black Cobalt blade coming out of the skull's right eye.
    Weapon strength: 100(Because he's the main enemy, and the main enemy always starts out stronger.
    Weapon add ons: None

    Zragos looked distastefully at the cowering Ven. Lifting his hand, he made a fist while Ven screamed urgently for mercy. It did not come, as the lightning bolts stabbed him, and Ven's soul disappeared into the left eye of the skull on Zragos's sword. "Ah... welcome home, dear brother Jaden." Zragos smiled evilly, revealing two golden Cat-like eyes. Zragos then began laughing. "This ends it, brother."Zragos said, venom dripping off his voice.
  19. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    i have to get off my mom is making me
  20. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    OOC: (Okay, see ya... later, I guess?)
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