The Hunted

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Riyoma_SerkanHR, Aug 5, 2009.

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  1. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    In the year 47XX 6 children (ages 7-11) where kidnapped for an experiment. The experiment was to create the ultimate warrior with Super speed, Super strength, Energy blasters (hands and eyes), Flight, and Telekinetics. 8 years later a group of rebels broke into the facilty and freed the children and helped them to escape as well as establish a new life. But a week ago the facility E.D.R.P (The Experimental DNA Reconstructual Program) Sent a security force called the DNHunters a group of super human agents to hunt down the children.
    Good Guys
    The Rebel Army

    Bad Guys
    E.D.R.P and the DNHunters

    1. NO GOD MODES!!!
    2. nothing less than 20 words
    3. You can reincarnate only if you have a "love interest"
    4. Love insterests are 1 per character and if you make your own give them away to fight saving the same character over over is so Zelda/Mario not Hunted
    5. if you read all the rules post "Hunted"
    6. People cant switch sides if they say something about out of character 2 posts befoe they do
    7. There are all kinds of people both alien, human, Animan, and Hybrids
    8. Don't Join if you don't plan of being creative
    9. 3 weeks no post you must have died
    10. If you want a weapon or other equipment state it in your joing post
    11. Any ideas for the storyline/plot for characters or the story itself vm or pm to me and i will bring the idea to the group

    -Rebels Are Full-

    -to join DNHunters-
    Age- (DNHunters can be almost any age)(years of service)
    Apperance- pictures and before/after is opptional)
    Power(choose no more than 3)-(Super speed, Super strength, Energy blasters hands, Energy blaster eyes, Flight, or Telekinetics)
    Bio- (what your character was like before or during capture)
    Current Characters

    Age-9 to 17
    Apperance- Black hair in dreads pulled back under a skull cap, a black long sleeved shirt and forest camo cargo pants with black work boots and gloves
    Power-Super speed/Energy blasters hands
    Cap Bio- Very silly and sometimes annoying but would give an arm before letting someone get hurt, He was taken on his way home from school
    Relo Bio- More serious and currently works for the rebel army as a black smith.
    Other- Has always known that he would be Hunted after his escape and will never let it happen to anyone again.

    Name- Iris Normina/ Kaya
    Age- 8/16
    Apperance (current age)- [​IMG][​IMG]
    Power(choose no more than 3)-Super speed and Flight
    Cap Bio- Before she was captured, Iris was a very sweet, tender little girl. She cared about everyone around her and she wanted to help anyone in anyway possible. She loved to make new friends and just be herself.
    Relo Bio- Kaya changed greatly since then. She seems to be a little more seculded and self concious about herself. She only trusts those who were with her during her capture and tries to keep her true feelings to herself. Kaya hates to show weakness and therefore only fights when necessary. When alone, she likes to draw and make short stories. When with the rebelion, she trains with her fists to be one of the best fighters.
    Other- Hunted

    Name- Mimochi Haruki/Jynx

    Age- 9/17

    Appearance- (Captured Apperance):
    (Escaped Apperance):

    Power- Telekinetics/Energy Blaster Hands

    Cap Bio- Mimochi was a kind-hearted child, loved to play games, and opened his heart to his friends, before he was captured. He also loved to play with animals and was a funny kid.

    Relo Bio- Mimochi (now Jynx) changed very much since he was captured. He usually keeps to himself but still enjoys making new friends. He doesn't tell jokes anymore and doesn't enjoy animals as much. Even though he enjoys making friends, they are hard to befriend him. Jynx keeps a small notebook around him at all times to right important things down or how his day went.

    Other- Hunted (Sorry about showing the links, and not the pics.)

    Name-Ame Nagasu/ Kumiko
    Apperance- Captured appearence- [​IMG]

    Escaped Appearence- [​IMG]
    Power(choose no more than 3)-Super Speed and Telekinetics
    Cap Bio- Ame was a shy girl living in an orphanage for a few years. Her uncle soon adopted her and she opened up a bit more to others than she used to and liked music. She taught herself how to play the violin and piano. She liked cats and dogs and had one kitten and a small puppy. Apparently when she was captured the dog (Sorou) and cat (Yuki) stowed away in Ame's backpack.
    Relo Bio- Ame (A.K.A Kumiko) changed all of a sudden after she escaped. She was shy again and didn't talk to anyone unless she was in a place like a store anything like that. Her pets Sorou and Yuki (Dog and cat) are still with her. Kumiko sketches to keep her mind off her memories but she seem to sketch her memories any way. She earns money by singing but keeps her distance when around suspicous people
    other: Hunted

    Name- atrium-atrium
    Apperance-16- she is about 5-5 and has a miniskirt( but not the kinky ones just a red and black plad skirt that goes up to like thigh) black arm sleeves that go from the hand to elboes and only on left hand a glove on the right red hari that goes to knees and pale

    Powersuper speed flight telekenesis
    Cap Bio- jumping around and hyper, but after caught she made no friends and kept to her self
    Relo Bio- very sensetive and easily cries she was taken from family and wont talk to anybody by her self she likes to sit in the shade avoiding using her powers reading a book with her sword sheathed at her side and bow and arrows
    Other- has a sheeathed sword and bow and arrows

    Name- Hoshi Resowa/ Lena Setsue
    Age- 8-16
    Appearance- Before-
    Power- Telekinesis and flight
    Cap Bio- When she was captured she was relatively shy and quiet all the time. But after a while she started to freak out making her come out of her shyness.
    Relo Bio- She is now hyper and confident about herself, she sometimes as problems not talking but when it comes to meeting new people she gets quiet and shy like she used to.
    Other- Her eyes change to the color of her mood. Various shades and colors are different depending on her mood.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Name- Iris Normina/ Kaya
    Age- 8/16
    Apperance (current age)- [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Power(choose no more than 3)-Super speed and Flight
    Cap Bio- Before she was captured, Iris was a very sweet, tender little girl. She cared about everyone around her and she wanted to help anyone in anyway possible. She loved to make new friends and just be herself.
    Relo Bio- Kaya changed greatly since then. She seems to be a little more seculded and self concious about herself. She only trusts those who were with her during her capture and tries to keep her true feelings to herself. Kaya hates to show weakness and therefore only fights when necessary. When alone, she likes to draw and make short stories. When with the rebelion, she trains with her fists to be one of the best fighters.
    Other- Hunted
  3. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    o.o holy crap someone joined ^^ yay lol ok all we need is a few more people and we can start
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sweetness. ^^ I can't wait till that happens. Join peoples, JOIN!
  5. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    im tempted to start anyway i mean more people could join as we went on
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    lol, sounds like a plan to me. If you want, I can make another character.
  7. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    yea i think i'll make one too, at least until more people join right ^^
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Name- Mimochi Haruki/Jynx

    Age- 9/17

    Appearance- (Captured Apperance): boy/catdogfishsasha/anime/Anime-Boy.jpg?o=4
    (Escaped Apperance): guy/miszboo12/33cu612.png?o=11

    Power- Telekinetics/Energy Blaster Hands

    Cap Bio- Mimochi was a kind-hearted child, loved to play games, and opened his heart to his friends, before he was captured. He also loved to play with animals and was a funny kid.

    Relo Bio- Mimochi (now Jynx) changed very much since he was captured. He usually keeps to himself but still enjoys making new friends. He doesn't tell jokes anymore and doesn't enjoy animals as much. Even though he enjoys making friends, they are hard to befriend him. Jynx keeps a small notebook around him at all times to right important things down or how his day went.

    Other- Hunted (Sorry about showing the links, and not the pics.)
  9. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    one more person and we can start
  10. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    It was an normal day in sector 76-C, the Rebel City, children laughing and playing the security perimeter around the city bored to tears. A few EDR Scout Cams tried to scan the area but got blasted by the motion decector gun. The Scout team is on their way back from checking out the Waste Land.
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: Erm... don't know what to really type... but here we go. ^^;


    Kaya walked causually down the street, passing by a group of children playing a game or something. She sighed out quietly to herself, pulling the cap of her head lower to shadow her eyes as well as half of her face. She then pressed forward, glancing around to make sure no one was following her. She stuck her hands in her pocket, slouching her shoulders as she walked. 'Man... no missions lately... I'm bored out of my mind,' she thought to herself. Kaya decided to get away from home-base for a bit to get some fresh air.
  12. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    ooc- were basically establishing the setting right now (which is my fault by the way for not doing in the first place) we're just figuring out where everyone is and what their doing.

    bic- Burst was working on some new armor for the Rebel Attack Force General Titan in his shop "Burst Metal". "So Burst hows my new armor coming?" Titan asked. "Its almost done I'm just adding some finishing touches to make sure its bullet proof" Burst replied 'Man I know if he askes me one more time i might have to blow him up' he thought smiling at Titan. Titan was always a nice guy but he can be a bit annoying when he's not in the mist of battle. "It's done here ya go its all rea..." he notices Kaya walking by passes the armor to Titan and runs outside "dude i'll see ya later oh and can you lock up for me thanks!"
  13. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Jynx took a quick peek at his notebook. He sighed. "What a boring day..." He murmured to himself, walking down an empty street. He looked up to see if anybody was around. He looked back to his notebook, walking to his destination, knowing every turn. He knew this Sector like the back of his hand. He finally reached his destination, Burst Metal. 'Man! It's closed!' he thought. He looked up from his book again to notice Burst and Kaya. He went back to his notebook, hoping they would see him. He never enjoyed starting a conversation.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    can i join? and HUNTED!

    Name- Hoshi Resowa/ Lena Setsue
    Age- 8-16
    Appearance- Before-
    Power- Telekinesis and flight
    Cap Bio- When she was captured she was relatively shy and quiet all the time. But after a while she started to freak out making her come out of her shyness.
    Relo Bio- She is now hyper and confident about herself, she sometimes as problems not talking but when it comes to meeting new people she gets quiet and shy like she used to.
    Other- Her eyes change to the color of her mood. Various shades and colors are different depending on her mood.
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Hm...?" Kaya heard a voice and glanced up. She tilted her hat up a bit, trying to get a better view of who's voice she heard a few seconds ago. It was no other then Blaze. She stopped walking and planted herself in the middle of the sidewalk, since she didn't see anybody else coming her way. Her ears then picked up more footsteps. She looked to the side, seeing that Jynx was coming towards her direction too. She lowered her hand from her hat and folded her arms, waiting for the two boys to meet up where she was at.
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kaya raised an eyebrow and turned, hearing a bark. "Oh bother..." It was Kumiko's dog, Sororu. Kaya braced herself, preparing for the dog to either jump on her or just run up to her. She couldn't tell what Sororu had in mind all the time.

    OOC: lol, it seems like my character is the buglight for the other characters. 8D8
  17. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    Name- atrium-atrium
    Apperance-16- she is about 5-5 and has a miniskirt( but not the kinky ones just a red and black plad skirt that goes up to like thigh) black arm sleeves that go from the hand to elboes and only on left hand a glove on the right red hari that goes to knees and pale

    Powersuper speed flight telekenesis
    Cap Bio- jumping around and hyper, but after caught she made no friends and kept to her self
    Relo Bio- very sensetive and easily cries she was taken from family and wont talk to anybody by her self she likes to sit in the shade avoiding using her powers reading a book with her sword sheathed at her side and bow and arrows
    Other- has a sheeathed sword and bow and arrows

  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kaya shrugged her shoulders at Kumiko's comment. "Nothing much... just doing things here and there, waiting for a mission. The usual." She looked down at the dog, silently greatful that he didn't jump on her. "How about you?" she said looking up at Kumiko.
  19. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    "Still being a pup i see" Burst said laughing "Oh, speaking of missions Titan came by my shop today he wanted me to tell you about a new squad or something that he wanted you to lead." he said adjusting his skully smiling. "Seems like someone just got a big promotion."

    ooc:Sora117 your in
  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kaya raised an eyebrow at Blaze. Either he was talking to Kumiko or her... 'Probably Kumiko,' she thought. She kept her arms folded, waiting to make sure who Blaze was talking to exactly.
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