Come on girls! We've got to have our list!!! (Boys just made a topic so come ooooon!!! XD) Because Final Fantasy is BISHIES! Too =P For me, the hottest of the hottest... S·Q·U·A·L·L · L·E·O·N·H·A·R·T my gooooooooooooooood i love that guy... he's like.... gosh i'm speechless to describe him... he's beautiful. Totally. Irvine Kinneas is also a hottie :p Some could say Seifer too... PERHAPS. Probably. Advent Children Cloud and Sephiroth, too =Dºººº Come on girls! SquareEnix is a bishie factory!!!
Tidus and Squall are the hottest! :P only thing is I don't like Tidus pants 0_o there differnt lenghts
I love Zidane Tribal (he is so funny an cute), Irvine, Sephirot,Squall and Laguna when he was young:p
Ehehe...I like Cloud. Even before he came out in KH ^^; I thought he was awesome when he was a cuby little set of polygons, yes. That's how demented I am =D And I like his personality better in FF7 >O In AC, it's just...bleah...He's so evilish.
TIDUS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes has the most GORGEOUS FACE AND EYES! but does anyone agree with me that he wears hideous clothes? how can a guy THAT hot have that bad of clothes?
I love Vincent he is soooooo hot *starts daydreaming* Cloud is also hot, but Vincent is hotter...Vaan is hot too
YES! His pants are un even. XD when I first played ffx I was like "what the heck? how can a guy that hot were clothes like that?"
SEPHY WEPHY!!!!!!!!!!!! Or Vincent. .............But you know what........... SEPHIROTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love cloud, tidus, reno, vaan, squall or as ya'll know from kh(leon), and here's one that none of ya'll said: shuyin from final fantasy 10-2..