The High Seas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Dec 9, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Too young Feenie. Older please :3

    BIC: Mya narrowed her eyes on John. She never saw a man like him here. She assumed he wasn't a pirate, but one could never know who is what around here. She decided to keep an eye on him until he showed suspicious actions.
  2. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    John decided that he had better leave before he got he walked out he saw Dante staring at a young woman "pirates" he thought "none of them have a bit of decency.he felt someone shove him and he turned around, a huge pirate was the culprit and he shoved him again then he pulled a knife John pulled his out pistol and shot him"bad move now everyones looking at me" he said to himself.
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate looked in shock as the guy got fired shot. Okay, she wasn't his biggest fan but he did not deserve to be shot. She span round and her eyes narrowed at the man who had pulled the trigger, "Who the hell are you?" She asked loudly towards the man, clearly less than impressed.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Dante stared at the man who'd shot another pirate. He recognized the man and smiled good naturedly, "Something we can help you with? Mr. Taylor?" He addressed him by name with a cynical smile and Alistar moved to pull his cutlass from his sheath, "Easy Mr. Marlowe, I'm sure this British officer means us harmless pirates no harm. Not on our turf. He'd be a fool to pick a fight."

    Alistar grumbled and let his hand simply rest on the hilt.
  5. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    "Oh no what should i say to her?" he thought and then he responded "Paul Johnson" he had no intent of them finding out who he really was but it was to late thanks to dante and his first mate.He then made a run for his ship but none of his crew was on board he jumped into the ocean and hid underneath a dock until he thought everyone was gone.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Dante thought it peculiar for an officer of the navy to act such a way. "Ah, the Navy, I'll never understand them. As different as pirates but as same as the law."

    Alistar leaned close to Dante, "Cap'n, wasn't that John Taylor? Of the ship we had to sink just last july? Reckon he's got himself a new ship now?"

    "Not a doubt in my mind Alistar. Now, on to buisness." He started out of the bar with Alistar tagging along behind him toward his ship.

    Sir Morgan tapped his finger impatiently on the Sea Dragon's redwood railings, he hadn't planned to come all the way out here just to find Captain Leighton away from his ship. Touching the warrents in his pocket he wondered if he should even consider what Dante had to bargain with for the warrents to disappear.
  7. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    John rose himself up out out of the water and didn't believe what he saw sir Morgan one of his closest comrades talking to Mr.Leighton about some bribe to make the warrants "disappear" "ah the navy isn't what it used to be" he thought to himself he knew he would now have to turn him in to the king so they could hold a trial to decide his punishment ."Sir Morgan what a surprise to see you here" he said.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Morgan shook his head and Dante removed his hand from his pistol. "Good to see you John. More of a surprise to see you here." he pulled the warrents from his pocket and handed them to Dante, "See here Captain Leighton, these warrents are for the arrests of a few pirates we've had some trouble with. John, you know them. They've eluded you for years. I've decided to elist Mr. Leighton's help in finding them." he caught Dante's distrusting look and shook out the warrent for Dante's arrest, "For a good favor of course."

    Dante sighed, "Gentlemen, it appears more of the Navy than I can be responsible for is here," he said, indicating John, "Buisness will have to be concluded not to your satisfaction Sir Morgan."

    Alistar drew his cutlass, "Ye best git on outta here 'for the rest of the crew get back from eatin'. We don't take well to British on our ship." Dante gave him a disappointed look and lowered Alistar's cutlass, "Forgive my first mate, he's been at sea too long and all we've seen is British."

    Morgan nodded and handed half of the warrents to John, "Of course Mr. Leighton. C'mon John, we stay here we'll certanly get beheaded by these mongrels."
  9. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    John suggested they go to a inn where they could probably find some of the pirates they where looking for, he still wasn't sure about this whole thing but since he had known Morgan for years, he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.They decided to try an inn called the Falcons Nest.John scanned the area for any pirates they were looking for.
    he saw none but he decided it would be best to hang around just in case.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sir Morgan cast a glance at Dante and found him staring at a locket around his neck, "John," he spoke quietly to his comrade, "Why did you come out here in the first place? Buisness is buisness to these people. If they'd have found you before I did, they'd have killed you. You shouldn't be here."

    Dante listened closely as the tiny locket played a melody that was sweet and familiar. He sighed softly and glanced up, his blue eyes hard and dangerous as the sea, "Have you gentlemen had enough? They obviously are not here. Now, it's bad for my rep to be seen with a few British officers." He pulled his pistol from his pocket and aimed at them. "So sorry, Sir Morgan, Mr. Taylor." He pulled the trigger but neither of them felt the iron ball hit them. A heavy thud fell behind them and Morgan turned around to see Dante had shot a pirate with a knife in his hand.

    Dante's locket's song:
  11. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    "I'm sorry Morgan but my crew was threatening mutiny if we didn't dock at the next island.I knew it was pirate territory but what was i supposed to do?" John replied then Johns first mate walked in drunk and saying terrible things about the king.then he called the British navy a bunch of idiots who needed to be discharged from service. then he decided to ask the pirate right next to him if he had ever heard of a bath.John heard a bang and then he saw the body of his first mate lyimg in a pool of blood."well there goes my first mate" John said to Morgan.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Morgan sighed, "He was a sorry fellow." he said to John and turned to Dante, "If you'll be so kind, I'd like to return to my ship now....Mr. Leighton? Wh-what are you doing? You shot one of your own?"

    Dante shrugged and pocketed his pistol, "Be my guest, Sir Morgan, Mr. Taylor." He walked away and back to the bar. Settling himself at a table with Alistar and a few others of his crew he dropped his head to the table and held up the warrent for his arrest, "The King wants my head again. What will it take for him to lay off this old pirate?"

    Morgan escorted John to a safer inn where they could rest and left John there, "I must be on my way. There is important buisness to do."
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The famous assasin who goes by the name Blade was sitting in the bar with his legs on top of the table infront of him, his chair tilted a bit and eyes closed. The boredom of this area had taken a hold of him and now he wished he had at least gotten a new mission or so. Blade opened his eye and looked over at the girl sitting at the table next to him. It was rare to see girls around this area but he didn't really care much. "I agree things have been like this for a while now. Nothing but a bunch of newbie pirates around" Blade said to the girl
  14. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate sighed as she sat down, quite a lot of people had followed the Birtish officer out, including the one that had been looking at her and now the place had really quietened down and the mood had been a little subdued. She looked down at her half empty beer glass, realising she wasn't really enjoying herself. This wasn't how she'd planned the night to go.
  15. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    John was sitting at a table alone when he started to smell smoke he could feel it getting warmer then he saw it someone had lit a candle and dropped it to the floor by the door the place was starting to go up in flames he rushed to the nearest window but pirates were guarding it from the outside he watched as a couple of pirates who were standing by the door began to catch fire they screamed but no one came to rescue them they burned to death.John started to stack tables on top of each other until he could stand on them and be close to the ceiling then he busted through the ceiling and climbed up on the roof he jumped off landing on some really fat pirate that broke his fall he then ran so that by the time the fat guy got up he would be out of sight.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sir Morgan started to sail off on his ship, Annie Jean, leaving Captain Leighton to his revelries.

    Dante sulked at the table in the bar again, "What a dreadful day." he looked over at the girl he'd seen eariler, she hadn't left amongst all the commotion, surprising. "Mi'lady, I trust my wicked eye has not betrayed my darkest thoughts and you would grace myself with your name?"

    Alistar looked over at his captain, "Sir..." Alistar was ignored as Dante waited for the woman to answer.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate considered it for a moment before deciding she was too bored to pass up this chance of company, "Kate, first mate of the Night Whisperer" She said with a small smile, "Pleasure to meet you and you may be?"
  18. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
    John gathered up the few people on his crew that were left alive. He decided to head back to england.he hoped the repairs on his original ship the one damaged by Dante would be fully repaired so he could give back "The Flaming Dragon" to the king this boat was way to small and had no means of defense. he couldn't wait to get home.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Dante grinned, "Dante Leighton, Captain of the Sea Dragon. A pleasure to meet you indeed, Kate." He gently lifted her hand and kissed her fingers.

    Alistar frowned at his Captain, "Cap'n..." After being ignored for long enough, he dropped the slight pirate accent and spoke with an english accent, "Captain Leighton, I admire your great skill as a Captain and a gentleman, but if you would please just--"

    Dante lifted his hand and Alistar shut up, "Alistar, it's not polite to inturrupt your Captain when he's speaking."
  20. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate smiled and her eyes sparkled, maybe there was more to Dante than she had first thought. "Captain, so how are you this evening?"
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