The Heart of Rising Dawn

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Jul 31, 2007.

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  1. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    The kingdom of Rising Dawn has been at war with the kingdom of Falling Star for centuries. At last, King Jidai of Rising Dawn decided to compromise with King Reju of Falling Star. They decided to let King Jidai's daughter marry King Reju's son. So plans have been made for their wedding. However, the princess is not so intent on marrying someone she hardly knows, and plans on running away. At the same time, two bandit groups, Eternity and Eclipse, have been competeting just as long as the two kingdoms have been battling. Once, the leader of Eternity caught sight of the princess and falls in love with her; the leader of Eclipse, on the other hand, wants the princess because he has heard that she wears a bracelet with special powers. The leader of Eclipse, desiring this power, decides to capture her...if they can find her...

    To create a character, please fill out this form:

    From: (say which bandit group or kingdom)
    Powers/weapon (optional):
    Personality (optional):
    Biography (optional):

    You can be part of the bandit groups Eclipse or Eternity, or just someone who wants the princess (or her bracelet). We also need someone to be spies or assassins from the kingdom of Falling Star. You can create up to ten characters (and you can create one in the middle if you please).


    Name: (Princess) Harmony
    Age: 16
    Goal: To protect her kingdom, but still find happiness
    Race: Human
    From: Rising Dawn
    Powers/weapon: None (but it's said the bracelet she wears gives her special powers...)
    Personality: Kind, determined, loyal, a bit naive
    Biography: She is the princess of Rising Dawn, and although she knows it isn't right to run away, she cannot help it.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Kotone
    Age: 15
    Goal: Her goal is unknown, but it seems to be wanting to find the princess
    Race: Human
    From: Rising Dawn
    Powers/weapon: Ice powers/mind reading/others
    Personality: Stoic, cold, and harsh.
    Biography: When she was young, she was found, wandering and homeless, by the king of Rising Dawn. He took her into the palace, and despite all the fatherly love he gives her, she never opens up, seeming emotionless and cold. When the princess disappears, she volunteers to find her, but she seems to have an alterior motive...
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Cinderella (that's her alias)
    Age: Appears 16
    Goal: To capture the princess for Falling Star, so they can obtain the bracelet.
    Race: Appears human
    From: Falling Star
    Powers/weapons: Wields a sword
    Personality: Logical, cold
    Biography: She is a spy/assassin from the kingdom of Falling Star, but something about her is shrouded in mystery
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Emotion
    Age: Appears 16
    Goal: To help Eternity with whatever they want
    Race: Appears human
    From: Eternity
    Powers/weapons: None
    Personality: Kind, caring, naive, cheerful, optimistic
    Biography: As a member of Eternity, she helps with the supplies and tries her best to help. However, she cannot remember her past, and wishes to know more.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name - Alice
    Age - 16
    Goal - to destroy Falling Star
    Race - Half human, half demon
    From - Falling Star
    Powers/Weapon - Katana; Can read minds
    Personality - Kind, loyal, bit mean
    Bio - She was loyal servant of Falling Star kingdom, but she was betrayed and threwn into prison. She escaped and now she is in woods
    Appearence - [​IMG]
    Played by: Chendler

    Name: Scarradaj "Scarrac" Altana.
    Age: 16
    Goal: Protect Eternity.
    Race: Human-Demon, he looks like a human.
    From: Eternity.
    Powers/weapon (optional): He wields a scythe, he has power over the darknees and the Light.
    Personality (optional): Cheerful, calm, sometimes a little silly, optimist.
    Biography (optional): Born without family of friends, the bandit group Eternity found him, he is Emotion´s best friend.
    Appearance: Like Zexion, except he has blue eyes, and the one that is covered by his hair is red and with a pupil of a snake, he wears an Organization XIII´s cloak.
    Played by: Chaser007

    goal:help the princess
    powers:turn invisible and creat forcefields
    histroy:none.cant remeber it
    apperence.long brown hair.deep blue eyes
    Played by: SORA!

    Name: Dimentio.
    Age: 38
    Goal: Protect the kingdom.
    Race: Human
    From: Falling Star.
    Powers/weapon (optional): He don´t have a weapon, he has power over Illusion and magic.
    Personality (optional): Childish, secretly Evil, and a little crazy.
    Biography (optional): He´s the king of Falling Star's general and his best friend, he´s the one who secretly dispersed the rumor about Alice, he haves others secrets.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Chaser007

    Name: (Prince) Naoki
    Goal:marry the princess
    Race:half human/????
    From: Falling Star Kingdom
    Powers/weapon (optional):n/a
    Personality (optional):n/a
    Biography (optional):n/a
    Played by: ShadowofRiku

    Name: Jade
    Goal:kill tailm
    Race: vampire/dragon thing
    From: (say which bandit group or kingdom)Eclipse
    Powers/weapon (optional):fangs and a sword
    Personality (optional):tough qutie cruel evil like
    Biography (optional):unknow she told no one
    Played by: hitna3150

    Name: Talim
    Goal:work for king and kingdom
    Race: dragon/bird thing
    From: (say which bandit group or kingdom)kingdom
    Powers/weapon (optional):dual swords
    Personality (optional):hyper, clueless and really an idoit
    Biography (optional):unknow she told no one
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played bt: hitna3150

    Name: Kia
    Age: 18
    Goal: To have her group better than Eternity
    Race: Human
    From: Eclipse
    Powers/weapons: Can wield a variety of sword-like weapons
    Personality: Intelligent, stubborn, manipulative, competitive
    Biography: She is the leader of the bandit group, Eclipse, and has been competing with Eternity for years.
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny
  2. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Name - Alice
    Age - 16
    Goal - to destroy Falling Star
    Race - Half human, half demon
    From - Falling Star
    Powers/Weapon - Katana; Can read minds
    Personality - Kind, loyal, bit mean
    Bio - She was loyal servant of Falling Star kingdom, but she was betrayed and threwn into prison. She escaped and now she is in woods
    Appearence - [​IMG]
  3. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    I want to join:

    Name: Scarradaj "Scarrac" Altana.
    Age: 16
    Goal: Protect Eternity.
    Race: Human-Demon, he looks like a human.
    From: Eternity.
    Powers/weapon (optional): He wields a scythe, he has power over the darknees and the Light.
    Personality (optional): Cheerful, calm, sometimes a little silly, optimist.
    Biography (optional): Born without family of friends, the bandit group Eternity found him, he is Emotion´s best friend.
    Appearance: Like Zexion, except he has blue eyes, and the one that is covered by his hair is red and with a pupil of a snake, he wears an Organization XIII´s cloak.
  4. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    goal:help the princess
    powers:turn invisible and creat forcefields
    histroy:none.cant remeber it
    apperence.long brown hair.deep blue eyes
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    You're both in!
  6. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    A: You forgot about her:
    B: Can we start?
  7. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ahh! Sorry, I didn't see you! I added you now!
    We just need someone to play the leader of Eternity, unless that's Scarrac...
  8. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    can we start? We have everybody
  9. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Yes, Scarrac will be the leader of Eternity, can we start now?
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Alright! I'll start it off then:

    Princess Harmony was on the balcony of her room, looking up at the starry night sky. The smell of the roses from the garden below filled her with a sense of peace, but she just couldn't relax. Her father had just told her that, in order to compromise with the kingdom of Falling Star, she would have to marry their son, the prince.
    "But I hardly know him!" Harmony had protested. "How can I marry a stranger?"
    "I'm sorry, but this is the only way," her father had said. "Our kingdom...cannot withstand a war any longer. If this keeps up, our kingdom will fall apart, and we will fall into ruin." He put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Harmony, I'm sure you'll grow to like him."
    "But what if I can't?"
    "Then...I'm sorry..."

    Harmony sighed, thinking about that conversation. How can I marry someone I don't even love? And what about...

    "Harmony?" a voice interrupted her reverie.

    "Y-yes?" Harmony asked, turning to see Kotone.

    "It's late, don't you think you ought to get some rest?" she asked.

    "Of...of course," Harmony said, as Kotone walked away.
    Harmony glanced at the night sky again and thought, Of course...I can't marry the prince of Falling Star...I had almost forgotten...about him...


    "Scarrac!" Emotion exclaimed. "I got us some new weaponry!"
  11. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Alice was running from Falling Star ´´They will feel my revenge, but now i need something to eat. Lets see if in Raising Dawn have something to eat´´she said and runned to castle
  12. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "Many thanks Emotion" Scarrac said and smiled at her "How do you fell this day?" He asked.
  13. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "The same as usual!" Emotion replied, cheerfully. "So how are you feeling today? Are you thinking about where we should steal from?"
  14. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Alice saw castle she looked for and knocked on doors ´´Well, i am totally hungry. This is first time that i am glad the kingdoms are nearby´´
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    A soldier opened the door and saw Alice. "What do you want?" he demanded.
  16. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´I need something to eat´´Alice said and her skin went paler, becouse she was hungry and thirsty ´´Can you please let me in?´´
  17. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "I´m felling okay, the rumors says that the princess of Rising Dawn will marry with the prince of Falling Star, they were idiots starting this senseless war, and now this" Scarrac said and sitted in a couch "Come Emotion" He said to her.
  18. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Emotion sat next to him.

    "We don't want a beggar like you!" the soldier said.

    "Who are you talking to?" Kotone asked, coming to the door. She turned and saw Alice. "...You want something to eat and drink? Come with me then."

    "But Kotone..." the soldier began.

    "Leave her alone," Kotone said. "Unless you've forgotten how it was like when I came?"

    The soldier fell silent.

    "Good, come with me now," Kotone said to Alice.
  19. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Alice followed Kotone ´´I am not beggar, i was highly respected servant of Falling Star, but they imprisoned me´´she said and wiped out tear ´´I was running from them for 5 days, so i look awful now´´
  20. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Why would they imprison you if you were highly respected?" Kotone asked, as they reached the kitchen. Kotone got some food for Alice and gave it to her.
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