The guide on how to be healthy/ live long.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Flyn Pnut, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Flyn Pnut Banned

    The guide on how to be healthy/ live long.

    I know, we all want to live forever, right? But, unfortunately, that's never going to happen, unless you're the Easter bunny, Santa, or the tooth fairy, so, lets try and do our best to live long, and stay healthy!

    1. What we can stop
    1. Smoking
    2. Alcohol
    3. Drugs
    2. What we can start
    1. 5 a day
    2. Water
    3. Swap!
    4. Stay active
    5. Sleep well

    1.What we can stop.
    1. Smoking
    2. Alcohol
    3. Drugs

    1. Smoking.
    If you do smoke, you probably know it's bad for you, and probably want to stop, but it isn't all that easy, so try and get some help. If you live in the UK ask for help from the NHS, if you live anywhere else, ask for help from your doctors. You could try reading books, watching DVDs, listening and loads more. Smoking, also leaves to bad breath, yellow fingernails, and bad teeth. As well as that, it also causes cancer, which no-one wants, it can also cause early death, and infected lungs. If you don't smoke, don't try, then you'll end up getting addicted, so it's best to stay away.

    2. Alcohol

    Don't under-age drink, whatever you do. If your parents give you a glass occasionally, that's fine, but don't have loads when you feel like it. That goes for adults too, alcohol is fine, but not to much. It can lead to bad head-aches, hang-overs, hurting yourself, and other people. Drinking, can also get you arrested, drink-driving, trying suicide, or trying to murder anyone when you're drunk, will get you jailed.

    3. Drugs

    Drugs on prescription, is fine, but anything else, that's illegal without prescription, is bad. When you're mad, you may want drugs, and they may seem to calm you down, but after a while, you'll get mad again, and therefore take drugs again, and it'll keep going around like that. So, don't do drugs. It can effect your brain, incredibly bad, and you could die. If you get caught taking drugs, you'll also be jailed.

    2. What we can start
    1. 5 a day
    2. Water
    3. Swap!
    4. Stay active
    5. Sleep well

    1. 5 a-day
    Your 5 a-day, is extremely important, fruit, helps you keep healthy, and stay normal. It boosts you with energy and vitamins, that keep your heart pumping. It's extremely hard to keep your 5 a-day, but try and do your best, to have at least 3 different fruits and veggies a day!

    2. Water
    Water keeps you going, staying fit, and you need it to live, without water, you'd die, so lets stop it with all those fizzy drinks and sugary juices, and replace them for water. Over here, people take water for granted, but your actually really lucky! In 3rd world countries, people, and even children have to travel miles each day, to get water. And it's barely even good for you, which can cause thousands of deaths. So as well as drinking water, make sure it's clean.

    3. Swap!

    Everyone loves chocolates, crisps, cakes, pies, sweets, and other sugary snacks, but, they're not really helping us! Fruit and veg, is what we need, so lets swap all those chocolates, crisps, cakes, pies, sweets, and other sugary snacks, to swap them with apples, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, strawberries, and other fruit and veg, because then we'll stay healthy. So, lets do a swap around!

    4. Stay active
    Staying active is important, everyone should really get, 60 minutes a day, of being active. You'll find, that when you get out, you have some real fun! By getting out, you can do anything you like, play games, sports, hang out with friends, and loads, loads more! So, put down those consoles, and get out!

    5. Sleep well

    Sleeping is EXTREMELY important, how much you might not want to get off the computer, carrying on playing with consoles, stay out late, sleeping is more important! Every child, should get at least 10-12 hours sleep, and every teen and adult 8-10 hours. By going to sleep, you get a nice, early start for the next day, and won't be grumpy in the mornings!

    Do all of these things, and you'll stay healthy, fit, live longer, and will avoid being sick!

    I hope you enjoyed my guide!
  2. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    Good guide.I'm gonna use it!
  3. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Good, you needed to lose weight xD
  4. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    0.o I'm skinnier than you.
  5. Flyn Pnut Banned

    No your not.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    There's a lot of stuff that can be added. Eating about...6 meals a day(although they have to be somewhat "small"), a warning about sleeping too much, information about vitamins...and a lot of other things. But you covered the basics. Oh, and you two should stop spamming.
  7. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    It's an okay list, for a very basic idea of a healthy life. But following the guide-lines isn't as easy as the list seems to say.
    And I agree with Arch, some things could be added. Eg, you don't say anything about mental health/stress etc.
    And well, none of that is going to help, if I'd get hit by a car/shot to death/struck by lighting...​