The Grimm Cadet Academy {Remake - OOC Thread}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Maka Albarn, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    RP Thread:

    The Story Begins


    In the kingdom of Nythm, there is no happily ever after. There never has been, but no one would have ever known that.

    It was said that a long time ago, about a hundred years, there were a type of people that stood up to the Wicked Queen and almost made the land of Nythm what it once was; a land of peace and harmony. They were different from the others; they had their own special stories and gifts. They are called the people of Grimm. They banded together and stood up to the Queen, waging war against her and her tyranny. After many days that eventually turned into weeks, only a selected few got past the Queen’s army and into the Queen’s layer. But before they could slay her, the Wicked Queen put a curse on them that they and their people would die a slow and painful death… but she was then slain.

    The curse still rested on this race, the race of Grimm. But then a divine being came to the rescue, reverting the curse, saying they would live on forever.

    But it wasn’t all what it appeared to be.

    One by one, each one who was of Grimm died off becoming as if extinct to the kingdom. As soon as the kingdom was about to get back on its feet, the Magic Mirror of the Queen through Black Magic rose the Queen from the dead, putting her in rule over the kingdom once more.

    But over the years, something miraculous was happening… There were babes being born with special gifts and talents, just as the people of Grimm had!

    The Wicked Queen found out, and fearing for another uprising, had them all put to death… Except for her own daughter (who is the Red Queen).

    But there are some those in the kingdom of Nythm who does not fear the queen and knowing who their children are, reincarnated of this special race, put their little ones in hiding, waiting for the day that destiny would call them forward to once again free the Kingdom of Nythm once and for all.

    Now that some of them had survived thus far, they have left their homes to not put their families in danger and has put a little group together deep in the forest and have called themselves:
    The Grimm Cadet Academy.

    Setting (And other things to know)


    Yush, laugh at Maka's map making skills on paint... LAUGH!

    Anyways... The RED star is where the Queen's castle is. The DARK RED around the red star is the city and how big it is... Pretty big. The GOLDEN around it is where the farmers live and do their stuff. The BLUE is a river called the Stilkin River, which cuts off and runs to Lake Boar. The GREEN is the forest/trees. The YELLOW star is where the hideout of the Grimm Cadets are. The city is to the west of the kingdom, the Cadets are to the East of the kingdom.

    If you can think of any other landmarks I should add, lemme know. [/COLOR]

    By now, there has been some advances in the kingdom. No, there’s still no major technology (since the Queen forbids it and wants to have complete control) but the clothes have changed and styles of weapons have changed also. So think of it as everyone wearing the modern clothes we see today, but there’s no computers, iPhones, Xboxes, stuff like that. People still have to go by the old fashion way to live.

    Stuff that would be different~
    Glowing Crystals: They give off a faint glow and provide some light without making a fire

    Tillioh City: This is where the castle of the queen is, and this is where everyone is crammed together in slums and crowded market places. Everyone here has to give something back to the Queen, and anyone who defies the Queen will risk being killed or tortured by her or her Mystic Men and/or Minions.
    Those to look out for
    Mystic Men~
    They patrol the city, and given any sign of trouble and they will make sure everyone is put back in line right away. They do what ever the Wicked Queen tells them to do.

    They come in any shape or form, and they’re used to hunt down those who defy the queen. Each of them has their own special element, and they will use their elements to hunt and kill. They are a bit stupid, but they are fast once they past their stupidness.

    Comes in these Elements:

    Illusions (These ones can take form of people and talk)- Advanced than the others
    Darkness- Advanced than the others

    The Garriot Forest:
    This is where the Grimm Cadet Academy is hidden, and it hasn’t been found yet. It’s been around for about ten years, but they haven’t done anything major yet. So far, they’re just teaching each other how to tap into their hidden talents and powers that resides inside of them. They go through training to help them be stronger, faster, and to be able to stand up against the Queen, the Magic Mirror, and her daughter’s dark powers.

    The rules of the Academy are simple:

    Have written permission from one of the leaders of the Academy to be able to venture into the city.
    • Be respectful to your leaders
    • Be respectful to each other
    • Stand tall and be strong
    • Buddy systems are a must. No one is to venture into the forest alone for whatever reason

    The hideout is up in the trees (think of Jet’s hide out in Avatar: The Last Airbender. If you don’t know what I mean, think of tree houses built into the trees with bridges and zip lines to get from one side of the camp to the other.)

    A Note from Nikki {One of the Main Leaders of the Grimm Cadets}~

    Summary of the RP Plot

    Okay, so if you skipped everything and just went down to here, this is what it is. Your character is the reincarnation of a Grimm’s Story character. They have similar personality, habits, etc. to the original characters, but they have their OWN personality and quirks.

    Your character is an outcast to the kingdom of Nythm because the Wicked Queen had this huge grudge against their kind because in the past, in this huuuuge war, your character’s past life killed off the Queen. And before she died she put this bad curse on your character’s past life saying that they would die a horrible slow death. Someone reverted the curse and said they would live on.

    But it wasn’t taken literally, just figuratively. So your character is the reincarnation of a Grimm character (or an Alice and Wonderland character, since the Queen’s daughter is the Red Queen).

    The conflict? Stay hidden from the Queen and her men in the Garriot Forest, but help free the kingdom and wait for the right time to stand up against the Queen and take her down once and for all.

    Ready to get going?


    No Godmodding
    • No Powerplaying
    • About 5-10 sentences per post. Writer’s Blocks are understandable, but don’t make it a habit.
    • Keep fighting and romance at a PG-13 level please
    • No Auto-Kills. You must get my permission and the character’s permission
    • You may only have ONE character from each Grimm/Alice Tale

    Positions in the Grimm Academy:

    Everyone is a fighter and everyone is required to help the kingdom, but there’s little special positions in the academy that makes it the way it should be.

    Main Leader #1: Nikki Skov
    Main Leader #2: Gracie Meraviglia
    Main Leader #3: Lucifer Bedlam

    Everyone else can choose to be a:
    Scout~ Nikki Skov, Rosaline
    Cook~ Rosaline
    Tech (Make weapons and new things)
    Trainer (help others tap in their powers)
    Healer~ Nikki Skov, Rosaline​

    List of Fairy Tale/ Make Believe Stories:

    Alice in Wonderland~
    1. Chesire Cat : {White (Christmas) Knight/Jabberwocky "Neko" Fantasmo}
    2. Mad Hatter: {Sessamaru/ Lucifer Bedlam}
    3. Dormouse:
    4. Mad March Hare: {TwilightBlader/Alastair Oz}
    6. White Quen: {Saxima/Anastasia}
    7. Alice: {AndrewTemari101/Gracie Meraviglia}
    8. White Rabbit:

    Beauty and the Beast~
    1. Belle: {Reserved}
    2. Beast: {tummer/Philip}
    3. Gaston :
    4. Lumière:
    5. Cogsworth: {Britishism/Alek Hitzig}
    6. Mrs. Potts:
    7. Chip Potts:

    Little Red Riding Hood~
    1. Red Riding Hood: {Jayn/Mirabelle Scarlette}
    2. Wolf: {Fuzzy/Brian}
    3. Granny:
    4. Woodcutter:

    Hansel and Gretel~
    1. Hansel:
    2. Gretel: {Maka/Nikki Skov}
    3. Witch:

    1. Cinderella:
    2. Lady Tremaine (Wicked Step Mother):
    3. Anastasia:
    4. Drizella:
    5. Gus:
    6. Jaq:
    7. Lucifer:
    8. Prince Charming:
    9. Fairy Godmother:

    The Pied Piper of Hamelin~
    1. Pied Piper: {Sessamaru}

    Sleeping Beauty~
    1. Aurora/Briar Rose: {Firekeyblade/Rosaline (Rosie)}
    2. Phillip:
    3. Maleficent: {TwilightBlader/Legault}
    4. Flora:
    5. Fauna:
    6. Merryweather:

    Snow White~
    1. Snow White: {Maka/Nieva}
    2. Prince Charming:
    3. Wicked Step Mother/Queen/Witch: {Maka/Queen Sylvia}
    4. Happy:
    5. Sleepy:
    6. Dopey:
    7. Doc:
    8. Grumpy:
    9. Sneezy;
    10. Bashful:
    11. Magic Mirror [IS BAD AND IS SOLELY LOYAL TO THE QUEEN!]: {Krowley/ Krowley}

    1. Rapunzel: {tummer/Misa}
    2. Mother Gothel:
    3.Flynn Rider:
    4. Maximus:

    Goldilocks and the Three Bears~
    1. Goldilocks: {Fearless/Re}
    2. Baby Bear
    3. Mama Bear
    4. Papa Bear

    Character Layout:

    Puppeteer: {Username}
    Name: {Name of character}
    Former Self: {Name of original character your character is reincarnated as}
    Gender: {Self explanitory}
    Age: {Youngest I'm accepting is 8}
    Race: {Grimm or Wonderland }
    Where is Your Mark?: {The skull (Grimm) or heart (Wonderland) like birthmark, where is it?}
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: {If you’re the Queen’s Lacky, you’re working for her}
    Personality: {Basic personality of your character. Get creative as you want with this, but be sure it matches sort of close to your character you're reincarnated as}
    Picture I.D.: {Link would be nice}
    Breif History: {At least 5-8 good sentences of your character's past}
    Likes: {Again, get creative as you want. List at least 5 things}
    Dislikes: {Like so for likes, list five things}
    Weapon of Choice: {Optional, but you can get creative}
    Magic Abilities: {Do only magic that is close to your reincarnated character. You can only have 4 magic abilities. List them, and briefly explain what they do. Remember the rules, and don't get too crazy.}
    Theme Song: {Another fun optional thingy. You can use what ever you want}
    Other: {What ever you want to put here}

    ~Accepted Characters~

    Puppeteer: {Maka}
    Name: {Queen Sylvia}
    Former Self:{The Wicked Queen (But she is actually her, not a reincarnation)}
    Gender: {Female}
    Race: {Grimm}
    Where is Your Mark?: {She doesn't have one}
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: {She is her own boss}
    Personality: {Queen Sylvia is cold as ice, having no mercy on anyone if one offends her in any way (This including her daughter). She finds joy in watching others suffer at her hand, and if anyone escapes her wrath is she determined to hunt them down till the very day they die. She is cunning, deceitful, and above all very vain of her power and beauty.

    And rumors have it that she takes the blood of her young victims and makes Youth Potions out of them, but there's no way to really tell. She has many enemies, but none are brave nor strong enough to stand up against her almighty power. They are forced to do her will to survive.}
    Picture I.D.: {
    Breif History: Long ago, Queen Sylvia was crowned to be ruler over the land. She had an older brother and sister that were suppose to succeed her, but they had all but mysteriously died somehow, and she was the last one to survive. As soon as her mother and father had passed away, she changed all that her parents had created and cared for and turned the loving kingdom into a battleground of darkness and evil. After all, she had made a deal with the Unknown for forever divine beauty and eternal life.

    But nothing can truly live on for eternity.
    Weapon of Choice: {A silver dagger}
    Magic Abilities: {She is advanced in the dark magic; from summoning shadows from creating large storms and elements to bring chaos and woe on her kingdom. Her favorite is using lightning though, and creating potions that bring misfortune and death and making her victims choose which potion (poison) to drink.}
    Theme Song:{
    Perfect song for her
    Other:{She will find her enemies weaknesses and use them against them in any way possible.}

    Puppeteer: {Maka}
    Name: {Nikki Skov}
    Former Self: {Gretel}
    Gender: {Female}
    Age: {17 ½ }
    Race: {Grimm}
    Where is Your Mark?: {Her skull is behind her left ear}
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: {Grimm Caddet}
    Personality: {Strong willed, very outgoing, always has a smile on her face when she's not in life or death situations, Nikki is the one who get down and gets the job done no matter what. Because of her outgoing personality and spirit of not giving up, she tends to get herself in a couple of scrapes here and there and always leaves a mission with a bruise or a cut or two.
    Nikki is also pretty active and is rarely found sitting or lazing around. She's always coming up with new plans and missions for the Grimm Cadets, hardly ever sleeping. Although she appears to be open and happy to her friends, she has a lot of inner turmoil she only lets on to a couple of her friends. Nikki is considerate of other's emotions and can see the strengths and weaknesses in each of her friends. If they don't want advice and they just want to rant about something, Nikki is willing to listen with open ears.
    Once Nikki has made a friend in someone, she will do everything and anything she can to protect them at all costs.
    And she also has a big sweet tooth
    Picture I.D.: {
    Breif History: {Nikki had a normal life living with her mother and her father when she was very young and they kept it from her that she was a reincarnation of the race of Grimm. They wanted to wait until she got old enough to tell her who she really was, but when she turned six, her mother was killed.
    Her father of course remarried right away since he didn't want his little daughter to grow up without a motherly figure in her life, but it wasn't the best thing for her after all. It turned out the stepmother despised the idea of the reincarnations of Grimm, and so Nikki's father kept hidden from his new wife that her step daughter was apart of Grimm.
    But as most stories with step mothers end up to be, Nikki's new mother was cruel to her, constantly talking down to her and doing things to her that Nikki wishes not to remember. She has burn scars on her arms that she keeps hidden most of the time from one of the many angry episodes her stepmother had.
    One day, when she was twelve years old, things finally became desperate for Nikki and something exploded inside of her. Her stepmother was wrapped in vines that seemingly came out of no where, and that was the day she found out she was a Grimm.
    Fearing her stepmother's wrath and being handed over to the Queen, Nikki ran away from home with barely and of her belongings and into the Garriot forest. After days of wandering and nearly starving to death, the people of the Grimm Cadet Academy found Nikki and took her under their wing. She has been with them for five and a half years now, and has grown a lot since her previous life. But those who know her well will know that the Nikki they see now wasn't the same Nikki they knew back then.}
    1. Butterscotch Candy
    2. Forests
    3. Hot chocolate
    4. Rain
    5. Small animals

    Dislikes: [/COLOR]
    1. Dark, enclosed places
    2. Fire
    3. Anger (she tends to shut down)
    4. Bees
    5. Mold

    Weapon of Choice: {Any good stick or dagger she can get her hands on}
    Magic Abilities: {1. Plant Whisperer: This is the ability that unlocked inside of her when she was face to face with one of her step mother's cruel moments. She can control any kind of plant by making them grow and move according to her will, but the easiest one she can mostly control are vine like plants. If there's no plants, this ability is practically useless
    2. Quick Future Seer: Can see at least thirty seconds into the future, but can't see any time past that or she'll use up all her energy. Kind of happens on accident and gets little headaches when she gets a random vision, but she keeps it mostly to herself.
    3.Healing Touch: Can heal bruises and mend together open wounds and broken bones up to a certain point. Also if someone is sick, she can soothe them. If someone is very upset, she can help them down so they can think clearly and collect themselves.
    4. Telepathy [Only works with those she's grown very close to]: Can communicate to those she knows rather well through mind, although only for a short period of time before it gives her a big headache.
    Theme Song: {
    Other: {Can run very quickly and move super fast if the situation requires it.}

    Puppeteer: {Maka}
    Name: {Will reveal soon}
    Former Self: {Snow White}
    Gender: {Female}
    Age: {12}
    Race: {Grimm}
    Where is Your Mark?: {The skull is right on her collar bone in the center}
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Forced Queen’s Lackey
    Personality: {????????????????????????????????????????????????????}
    Picture I.D.: {}
    Breif History: {??????????????????????????}
    Likes: {?????????????????????????????}
    Dislikes: {???????????????????????????????}
    Weapon of Choice: {????????????}
    Magic Abilities: {Will add soon}
    Theme Song: {Frozen by Within Temptation}
    Other: {Yush, Maka broke her own rules. Needed to have some sort of twist and another Queen Lackey in the bunch though, so meh!}

    Puppeteer: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Gracie Meraviglia
    Former Self: Alice Liddell
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Race: Wonderland
    Where is Your Mark?: Gracie's heart birthmark is located on her right forearm, the arm she holds her parasol in.
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Caddet
    Personality: Gracie loves to explore. She thinks outside the box on numerous occasions, which usually gets her out of a tough situation. She is a very curious young girl as well. Alice tries to always be happy, no matter what happens. Overall, she is a very bright girl who has a few kinks to work out.
    Picture I.D.: Breif History: Gracie does not remember much about her past. Her parents died when Gracie was only 3 so she doesn't remember much about them. All she remembers about them is that they gave her her very first parasol before they died in that tragic car accident. She was put into an orphange at a very young age, parasol in hand. She was picked on in numerous occasions by older children (specifically older girls) because she always carried around her parasol. One day when she was 12, a much older 17 year old girl was getting ready to punch her. Gracie put her parasol in front of her and it turned to metal. She was later kicked out of the orphange and decided to enroll in Grim's Cadett Academy to hone her newly found abilities. Little did she know that soon enough, the Academy would soon turn into a secret hideout...
    1. Exploring
    2. Flowers
    3. Dresses
    4. Rabbits
    5. Ribbons​
    1. Rude people
    2. The sense of falling
    3. Holes
    4. Heights
    5. Tea​
    Weapon of Choice: Parasol
    Magic Abilities:
    1. Parasol Chance- Gracie can automatically summon her parasol to her.
    2. Parasol Spin- Gracie throws her umbrella up into the air, it spins rapidly, and targets an enemy of which she chooses.
    3. Parasol Shield- Gracie puts her parasol in front of her, it turns to metal, and defends her from attacks.​
    Theme Song: N/A
    Other: Her last name literally means "wonder."


    Puppeteer: Sessamaru

    Name: Lucifer Bedlam

    Former Self: Mad Hatter

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Race: Wonderland

    Where is Your Mark?: Heart, it's located in the center of his forehead

    Grimm Cadet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet

    Personality: Lucifer is goofy. He's often a klutz, knocking things over, breaking things... falling over his own two legs... and so on. Lucifer even has an "addiction" to tea. More often than not, he rambles about nothing; however, these "nothings" may be "something" in the long-run. He's a very keen observer, but his attention span is quite short. His memory is crummy short-term, but in the long-term it may be useful. This is normally a mental cross-wiring involving total recall. Lucifer is very imaginative, and more often than not verbose. Though he's not very quick to anger, he does have episodes where something that should've made him outraged, doesn't, and what shouldn't make him angry, does. It is theorized that he bottles up all his emotions, despite appearing joyful.

    He's quite scatterbrained and only pays the most attention to the clouds in the sky and the stars upon the blanket of night. More over, he's often aloof and passive, but is capable of showing sympathy during his times of "humanity". He's often random, but even this can make him seem wise or intelligent at times.

    Picture I.D.:

    Brief History: Lucifer was a young boy who liked magic. As a child, he wanted to be a magician. However, he was the son of a noble, and it was frowned upon. Rather than be taught how to pull a rabbit out of a hat, he learned to play the violin (which he took a shine to, fortunately). However, the violin did not fill the void of fun and entropy that magic had done to his soul. He was given lessons in sketching and painting. He took a shine to those. Again, they did not fill the void. Eventually, as he became older, Lucifer ran away, and he took with him his favorite top hat, a length of velvet, his favorite card in his father's poker deck, his violin, and a cane. Aside from those few things, he even took with him the clothes on his back. After a few days on the streets, far from home, he appeared as a pauper, playing the violin for money. It was then he learned of his talent, for he had conjured shadows to dance to his tune. People either screamed, gasped, or applaud. With a smile, he disappeared from society by enrolling in the Grimm Cadet Academy.

    1) Tea
    2) Hats
    3) Magic
    4) Sweets
    5) Exercising his artistic talents

    1) Rules
    2) Anything sour
    3) Vegetables
    4) Cats
    5) Boredom

    Weapon of Choice: Wit

    Magic Abilities:
    1) Hammerspace Roulette- Lucifer has a chance of summoning something useful or useless out of his hat (which ranges from a fish to a mallet to a pail of water).
    It's the greatest magic trick... until a shark bites your arm off.
    2) Minuet of Madness- Lucifer has the ability to summon semi-physical apparitions who obey the given notes of his melody. Like the name states, the given piece has no set rhythm and may swiftly change and become incoherent. It is entirely random, much to the joy of these ghastly figures.
    A dance is a dance, even if it's with the dead or the forgotten!
    3) Weightlessness- He can appear floating or defying the laws of physics by appearing in the air sideways or upside-down. This may be the most useless skill he has.
    Look at the world from this angle and you'll understand...
    4) Jack-of-All-Trades (or A Joker's Chance)- As the joker in a game of poker, Lucifer must be able to make sure no one but him wins. As such, he must equal out in all areas; though not the best in ANY of the fields (save for his own intelligence), this magical amplification allows him to have "good luck" in some areas of his choosing (mostly for the situations at hand). This doesn't assure the fact he'll win, however, since he's not skilled in ANY of the fields, but he is given a chance to survive the situation. This magic spell is simply a buff in "Luck".
    If it wasn't for luck, we wouldn't be where we are now.

    Theme Song: N/A (May update this when bored or inspired)

    Other: He's often seen carrying a cane and a violin case. His cane is actually a sword, but he hardly, if ever draws it out (but he does use the cane for defense... or for long walks... even though he constantly trips over it...)


    Puppeteer: Firekeyblade
    Name: Rosaline (Rosie)
    Former Self: Briar Rose
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Race: Grimm
    Where is Your Mark?: The skull is located on the bottom of the left wrist palm side up (thus it's only shown if she raises her left hand or something and she's not wearing a long sleeved shirt)
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet all the way.
    Personality: Rosie is a kind person and has been fairly well off. Her family was of the middle class. She always had decent clothes, and though she could probably purchase more luxurious things and wear nicer clothes, she tended to dress the same and always wore the same jacket everywhere, thus looking more like a poor person than a well one. Though she isn't as poor as some other people, she isn't stuck up about it and is actually very kind and thoughtful to a fault. She tries extremely hard not to offend anyone and is also somewhat sensitive. Rosie is also somewhat well educated and is also very interested in herbalism, wanting to become a doctor or pharmacist of sorts. Due to this, she has medium sized knowledge about the various uses of plants in the forest for different ailments. She is also well trained by her mother on how to cook, sew, and administer first aid. She is a nice and polite person, she can also be somewhat tough and rowdy, also extremely honest about some things.
    Picture I.D.:
    Brief History: Her mother was quite shocked and proud when she noticed that her daughter had the birthmark of a Grimm on her. The family was a bit poor at first, but gradually climbed up the economic ladder to middle class, where they are now. Unfortunately or fortunately, Rosie remembers the time when food was somewhat scarce and money was short to buy the latest fashions. Thus, she is a bit of a pennypincher when it comes to monetary affairs. She is also very strict about not wasting food. Rosie's mother was also set on teaching her daughter to be as womanly as possible as Rosie turned into a bit of a tomboy playing with all the guys in the neighborhood, since there weren't as many girls. She didn't have a problem with Rosie turning into a tomboy, but she absolutely must know the skills of being a woman. Thus, Rosie became adept at cooking, sewing and a little bit about nursing in her childhood years. She wasn't much of a scholar, but at least some of the knowledge stuck with her. When she turned 17, Rosie left home on well wishes from her parents and went to find the Grimm Academy through intense research of rumors. Now, she has spent at least one year getting used to the forest and researching on the plants.
    Likes: 1. Cooking
    2. Medicine
    3. Sweets
    4. Guys with glasses (*snicker*)
    5. Jackets (this is in no particular order)
    1. Sewing (takes so long man)
    2. Annoying kids
    3. People with seemingly no morals
    4. Bitter stuff
    5. Dishonesty
    Weapon of Choice: Sword
    Magic Abilities: Thorn Defense- Giant thorns sprout from the ground and either create a wall or shield completely protecting Rosie.
    Enchanting Lullaby- Confuse enemies for a short period with singing (it's not spectacular singing, but it's decent)
    Animal Whisperer- Can talk to animals for a short period of time.
    Thorn Leech- A sort of spell that when casted on a target, should they get wounded, the enemy that wounded them gets equal the damage. (tell me if this is too much)
    Theme Song: {Another fun optional thingy. You can use what ever you want}
    Other: Rosie's trying hard to try and get married at some point while she's young.

    Puppeteer: White (Christmas) Knight [Webhead]
    Name: Jabberwocky "Neko" Fantasmo
    Former Self: Cheshire Cat
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Wonderland
    Where is Your Mark?: Under his right eye
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet
    Personality: Mischevious, flirty, playful, with only the slightest bit of sarcasm. He has an unnatural affection for shiny things, the color purple, and miniskirts (though obviously not on himself!) While rather smart, school bores him. I mean, who wants to stay sitting down listening to lessons you will never use in real life when there is a tree you can climb outside, right?
    Picture I.D.: This shall be his ugly banner~
    Breif History:
    Neko doesn't remember where he's from. He just appeared out of nowhere when he was five years old to a young couple. When asked his name, the little boy grinned as big as he could and said "Jabberwocky!" Nicknamed "Neko" for his cat-like appearance, the couple adopted him. At certain times, the couple would go crazy when he would be nowhere to be found. Other times, the couple would be plagued by a small purple kitten that they had never seen before. As Neko grew older, his adopted father would often spot the boy disappearing into thin air. However, the couple was fascinated and enjoyed playing hide-n-seek with young Neko, despite his obvious advantage. When Neko was thirteen, he admitted to being the cat that they had seen several times over the last 8 years. Thus, Neko was both a son and a pet. One day, Neko disappeared and was never seen by his family again, though, he left a note telling them he went to enroll at Grimm's. Unfortunately for them, the note was carved into the wall in a language Neko invented himself.
    Likes:: Neko loves anything shiny. If it's dull, it has to be the color purple or else he reserves the right to deny its existence. Being the flirt he is, miniskirts is also high on his list. Scarves and butterflies, Neko couldn't live without. What he like most though? To confuse those around him with pointless riddles.
    DislikesDogs, water, loud noises, sticky things. Anything that stays perfectly still is prone to his attack.
    Weapon of Choice:His fingernails can extend into long claws.
    Magic Abilities: 1. Invisibility - Neko can make himself, any part of his body, or small objects around him invisible. He loves to make his body disappear but leave his head floating about. The last things that turn invisible are always his bright green eyes and finally, his smile.
    2. Cat Transformation - Neko can turn into a dark purple cat. Neko keeps his trademark green eyes and a light purple star under his right eye. Unlike other cats, Neko has an unusually large grin. He still retains the ability to become invisible sometimes being a cat without a grin or a grin without a cat.
    3. Floating - Neko doesn't use it much as he'd rather climb, but he can float small distances in the air. His favorite way to use this ability is to become invisible, save for his head, and cartwheel in the air, causing his head to appear to spin.
    4. Minor Phasing - For a quick moment, Neko can allow things to pass through his body, including walls. However, he must phase quick, for he can only stay phased for such a brief moment that he must run through the object. Otherwise, he would get stuck with the object in his body.
    Theme Song: I'm Odd
    Other: I copied it almost exactly from the old RP. Let me know if something doesn't work~[/COLOR

    Puppeteer: White (Christmas) Knight [Webhead]
    Name: Jabberwocky "Neko" Fantasmo
    Former Self: Cheshire Cat
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Wonderland
    Where is Your Mark?: Under his right eye
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet
    Personality: Mischevious, flirty, playful, with only the slightest bit of sarcasm. He has an unnatural affection for shiny things, the color purple, and miniskirts (though obviously not on himself!) While rather smart, school bores him. I mean, who wants to stay sitting down listening to lessons you will never use in real life when there is a tree you can climb outside, right?
    Picture I.D.: This shall be his ugly banner~
    Breif History:
    Neko doesn't remember where he's from. He just appeared out of nowhere when he was five years old to a young couple. When asked his name, the little boy grinned as big as he could and said "Jabberwocky!" Nicknamed "Neko" for his cat-like appearance, the couple adopted him. At certain times, the couple would go crazy when he would be nowhere to be found. Other times, the couple would be plagued by a small purple kitten that they had never seen before. As Neko grew older, his adopted father would often spot the boy disappearing into thin air. However, the couple was fascinated and enjoyed playing hide-n-seek with young Neko, despite his obvious advantage. When Neko was thirteen, he admitted to being the cat that they had seen several times over the last 8 years. Thus, Neko was both a son and a pet. One day, Neko disappeared and was never seen by his family again, though, he left a note telling them he went to enroll at Grimm's. Unfortunately for them, the note was carved into the wall in a language Neko invented himself.
    Likes:: Neko loves anything shiny. If it's dull, it has to be the color purple or else he reserves the right to deny its existence. Being the flirt he is, miniskirts is also high on his list. Scarves and butterflies, Neko couldn't live without. What he like most though? To confuse those around him with pointless riddles.
    DislikesDogs, water, loud noises, sticky things. Anything that stays perfectly still is prone to his attack.
    Weapon of Choice:His fingernails can extend into long claws.
    Magic Abilities: 1. Invisibility - Neko can make himself, any part of his body, or small objects around him invisible. He loves to make his body disappear but leave his head floating about. The last things that turn invisible are always his bright green eyes and finally, his smile.
    2. Cat Transformation - Neko can turn into a dark purple cat. Neko keeps his trademark green eyes and a light purple star under his right eye. Unlike other cats, Neko has an unusually large grin. He still retains the ability to become invisible sometimes being a cat without a grin or a grin without a cat.
    3. Floating - Neko doesn't use it much as he'd rather climb, but he can float small distances in the air. His favorite way to use this ability is to become invisible, save for his head, and cartwheel in the air, causing his head to appear to spin.
    4. Minor Phasing - For a quick moment, Neko can allow things to pass through his body, including walls. However, he must phase quick, for he can only stay phased for such a brief moment that he must run through the object. Otherwise, he would get stuck with the object in his body.
    Theme Song: I'm Odd
    Other: I copied it almost exactly from the old RP. Let me know if something doesn't work~[/QUOTE]

  2. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Puppeteer: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Gracie Meraviglia
    Former Self: Alice Liddell
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Race: Wonderland
    Where is Your Mark?: Gracie's heart birthmark is located on her right forearm, the arm she holds her parasol in.
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Caddet
    Personality: Gracie loves to explore. She thinks outside the box on numerous occasions, which usually gets her out of a tough situation. She is a very curious young girl as well. Alice tries to always be happy, no matter what happens. Overall, she is a very bright girl who has a few kinks to work out.
    Picture I.D.:
    Breif History: Gracie does not remember much about her past. Her parents died when Gracie was only 3 so she doesn't remember much about them. All she remembers about them is that they gave her her very first parasol before they died in that tragic car accident. She was put into an orphange at a very young age, parasol in hand. She was picked on in numerous occasions by older children (specifically older girls) because she always carried around her parasol. One day when she was 12, a much older 17 year old girl was getting ready to punch her. Gracie put her parasol in front of her and it turned to metal. She was later kicked out of the orphange and decided to enroll in Grim's Cadett Academy to hone her newly found abilities. Little did she know that soon enough, the Academy would soon turn into a secret hideout...
    1. Exploring
    2. Flowers
    3. Dresses
    4. Rabbits
    5. Ribbons​
    1. Rude people
    2. The sense of falling
    3. Holes
    4. Heights
    5. Tea​
    Weapon of Choice: Parasol
    Magic Abilities:
    1. Parasol Chance- Gracie can automatically summon her parasol to her.
    2. Parasol Spin- Gracie throws her umbrella up into the air, it spins rapidly, and targets an enemy of which she chooses.
    3. Parasol Shield- Gracie puts her parasol in front of her, it turns to metal, and defends her from attacks.​
    Theme Song: N/A
    Other: Her last name literally means "wonder."
  3. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Puppeteer: Sessamaru

    Name: Lucifer Bedlam

    Former Self: Mad Hatter

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Race: Wonderland

    Where is Your Mark?: Heart, it's located in the center of his forehead

    Grimm Cadet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet

    Personality: Lucifer is goofy. He's often a klutz, knocking things over, breaking things... falling over his own two legs... and so on. Lucifer even has an "addiction" to tea. More often than not, he rambles about nothing; however, these "nothings" may be "something" in the long-run. He's a very keen observer, but his attention span is quite short. His memory is crummy short-term, but in the long-term it may be useful. This is normally a mental cross-wiring involving total recall. Lucifer is very imaginative, and more often than not verbose. Though he's not very quick to anger, he does have episodes where something that should've made him outraged, doesn't, and what shouldn't make him angry, does. It is theorized that he bottles up all his emotions, despite appearing joyful.

    He's quite scatterbrained and only pays the most attention to the clouds in the sky and the stars upon the blanket of night. More over, he's often aloof and passive, but is capable of showing sympathy during his times of "humanity". He's often random, but even this can make him seem wise or intelligent at times.

    Picture I.D.:

    Brief History: Lucifer was a young boy who liked magic. As a child, he wanted to be a magician. However, he was the son of a noble, and it was frowned upon. Rather than be taught how to pull a rabbit out of a hat, he learned to play the violin (which he took a shine to, fortunately). However, the violin did not fill the void of fun and entropy that magic had done to his soul. He was given lessons in sketching and painting. He took a shine to those. Again, they did not fill the void. Eventually, as he became older, Lucifer ran away, and he took with him his favorite top hat, a length of velvet, his favorite card in his father's poker deck, his violin, and a cane. Aside from those few things, he even took with him the clothes on his back. After a few days on the streets, far from home, he appeared as a pauper, playing the violin for money. It was then he learned of his talent, for he had conjured shadows to dance to his tune. People either screamed, gasped, or applaud. With a smile, he disappeared from society by enrolling in the Grimm Cadet Academy.

    1) Tea
    2) Hats
    3) Magic
    4) Sweets
    5) Exercising his artistic talents

    1) Rules
    2) Anything sour
    3) Vegetables
    4) Cats
    5) Boredom

    Weapon of Choice: Wit

    Magic Abilities:
    1) Hammerspace Roulette- Lucifer has a chance of summoning something useful or useless out of his hat (which ranges from a fish to a mallet to a pail of water).
    It's the greatest magic trick... until a shark bites your arm off.
    2) Minuet of Madness- Lucifer has the ability to summon semi-physical apparitions who obey the given notes of his melody. Like the name states, the given piece has no set rhythm and may swiftly change and become incoherent. It is entirely random, much to the joy of these ghastly figures.
    A dance is a dance, even if it's with the dead or the forgotten!
    3) Weightlessness- He can appear floating or defying the laws of physics by appearing in the air sideways or upside-down. This may be the most useless skill he has.
    Look at the world from this angle and you'll understand...
    4) Jack-of-All-Trades (or A Joker's Chance)- As the joker in a game of poker, Lucifer must be able to make sure no one but him wins. As such, he must equal out in all areas; though not the best in ANY of the fields (save for his own intelligence), this magical amplification allows him to have "good luck" in some areas of his choosing (mostly for the situations at hand). This doesn't assure the fact he'll win, however, since he's not skilled in ANY of the fields, but he is given a chance to survive the situation. This magic spell is simply a buff in "Luck".
    If it wasn't for luck, we wouldn't be where we are now.

    Theme Song: Theme 1

    Other: He's often seen carrying a cane and a violin case. His cane is actually a sword, but he hardly, if ever draws it out (but he does use the cane for defense... or for long walks... even though he constantly trips over it...)
  4. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    So definitely interested. I'll edit this post tomorrow as soon as possible.

    Just a bit of a reservation.
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OMG! People are joining?! D:

    Maka is so happy, you guys have no idea. :glomp:

    You're in little brother. :3

    I can't express how much I am interested in your character. I never seen you around before, and let me say I'm impressed. xD You're in.

    Okay! Do you want to reserve a character before you go? Just in case?

    And also, I have failed to mention this in the layout, but those who already made a character what position are they in the Grimm Cadet Academy? Does anyone want to fill in as a leader? You can choose what they are in the Academy.

    Like for my character Nikki, who is a reincarnation of Gretel (need to edit that), she is oneof the main leaders, a scout, and she can heal (need to put healer position in there too *Facedesks*)

    ALSO! Do you guys want me to have full control of the enemies and summon them at any random time, or do you guys want that freedom too? Just don't crazy with it if you know what I mean.

    And any other suggestions?

    And I will post my characters tomorrow (I'm not feeling very good at the moment and can't think clearly), and I'll start doing an accepted character list.
  6. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    lol, thank you and I'm glad you're interested in my character. I've been here before, but it amazes me how we never met. I just came back to the forum, nevertheless... '>.>

    As for the leader position... well, it would be hilarious for Lucifer, seeing as how everything else doesn't necessarily suit him. But, I'm not 100% sure if that's a good idea. Well, it might... meh, I'll leave this "rank" thing alone for the moment. It's making my head hurt.

    As a suggestion, since you're the GM (Game Master), the God of the RP, it should really be YOUR responsibility to control the enemies. If you give us that responsibility, some of us may take advantage of it and cause some strife... this is just from personal experience. I'm sure most people here WON'T do it, but I suggest it as a precautionary measure.
  7. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    I'd like to be a leader please~ :3
  8. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    I thought it over... if you think it's wise to make Lucifer a leader, then I suppose he can be a leader. Unless you can advise something more... suitable... for his personality ;)
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ahhh the story's so different from what it used to be....but I guess this is all right. tempted to be Red and use a picture of endling's Red. XD But we all know I'm not badass enough to RP as someone like that. XD Also she hardly ever talks so....Eh I'll just go with what I originally had.

    Puppeteer: Firekeyblade
    Name: Rosaline (Rosie)
    Former Self: Briar Rose
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Race: Grimm
    Where is Your Mark?: The skull is located on the bottom of the left wrist palm side up (thus it's only shown if she raises her left hand or something and she's not wearing a long sleeved shirt)
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet all the way.
    Personality: Rosie is a kind person and has been fairly well off. Her family was of the middle class. She always had decent clothes, and though she could probably purchase more luxurious things and wear nicer clothes, she tended to dress the same and always wore the same jacket everywhere, thus looking more like a poor person than a well one. Though she isn't as poor as some other people, she isn't stuck up about it and is actually very kind and thoughtful to a fault. She tries extremely hard not to offend anyone and is also somewhat sensitive. Rosie is also somewhat well educated and is also very interested in herbalism, wanting to become a doctor or pharmacist of sorts. Due to this, she has medium sized knowledge about the various uses of plants in the forest for different ailments. She is also well trained by her mother on how to cook, sew, and administer first aid. She is a nice and polite person, she can also be somewhat tough and rowdy, also extremely honest about some things.
    Picture I.D.: [​IMG]
    Brief History: Her mother was quite shocked and proud when she noticed that her daughter had the birthmark of a Grimm on her. The family was a bit poor at first, but gradually climbed up the economic ladder to middle class, where they are now. Unfortunately or fortunately, Rosie remembers the time when food was somewhat scarce and money was short to buy the latest fashions. Thus, she is a bit of a pennypincher when it comes to monetary affairs. She is also very strict about not wasting food. Rosie's mother was also set on teaching her daughter to be as womanly as possible as Rosie turned into a bit of a tomboy playing with all the guys in the neighborhood, since there weren't as many girls. She didn't have a problem with Rosie turning into a tomboy, but she absolutely must know the skills of being a woman. Thus, Rosie became adept at cooking, sewing and a little bit about nursing in her childhood years. She wasn't much of a scholar, but at least some of the knowledge stuck with her. When she turned 17, Rosie left home on well wishes from her parents and went to find the Grimm Academy through intense research of rumors. Now, she has spent at least one year getting used to the forest and researching on the plants.
    Likes: 1. Cooking
    2. Medicine
    3. Sweets
    4. Guys with glasses (*snicker*)
    5. Jackets (this is in no particular order)
    1. Sewing (takes so long man)
    2. Annoying kids
    3. People with seemingly no morals
    4. Bitter stuff
    5. Dishonesty
    Weapon of Choice: Sword
    Magic Abilities: Thorn Defense- Giant thorns sprout from the ground and either create a wall or shield completely protecting Rosie.
    Enchanting Lullaby- Confuse enemies for a short period with singing (it's not spectacular singing, but it's decent)
    Animal Whisperer- Can talk to animals for a short period of time.
    Thorn Leech- A sort of spell that when casted on a target, should they get wounded, the enemy that wounded them gets equal the damage. (tell me if this is too much)
    Theme Song: {Another fun optional thingy. You can use what ever you want}
    Other: Rosie's trying hard to try and get married at some point while she's young.

    Oh yeah. Cook/Healer. If there's a need to be a scout, she can do that too.
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    As you know, papa and I won't be home for a little bit. I'm outside of 7-11 right now, but I'd like to reserve the Red Queen (to help you with the bad guy plot thing. <3) /Little Red Riding Hood (Myself) and Wolf (Fuzzy).
  11. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland

    Cogsworth, please.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Cheshire Cat, please<3
    I'll post details soon~
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    I think it's cool. xD It'd be interesting if he's leader too. Put him as one.

    Added your character, and cook and healer is good and scout too. And I know. ;~; Trying to make it interesting as possible. Glad you joined though. :glomp:

    Woo hoo! Characters are reserved.

    Both of you are reserved

    Okay, so everyone... I spent ALL morning filling out my characters and I made a little schedule of what my work has me down for (under accepted characters) posted in the first post so you guys can get an idea of when I'll be online and offline. If you have questions or any other little ideas for this RP, let me knoooooow. I love getting feedback from everyone.

    Heads up too, this will be somewhat of a slow RP because Real Life is not nice to Maka and doesn't let her laze around all day like she wants to. ;~;

    But since there's a lot of people joining up and stuff, expect the actual RP and starting post to be posted by tomorrow before I have to go to work.

    Thanks everyone for joining up so far! If anyone else is interesting in joining, don't be hesitant to jump in now!
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Puppeteer: White (Christmas) Knight [Webhead]
    Name: Jabberwocky "Neko" Fantasmo
    Former Self: Cheshire Cat
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Wonderland
    Where is Your Mark?: Under his right eye
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet
    Personality: Mischevious, flirty, playful, with only the slightest bit of sarcasm. He has an unnatural affection for shiny things, the color purple, and miniskirts (though obviously not on himself!) While rather smart, school bores him. I mean, who wants to stay sitting down listening to lessons you will never use in real life when there is a tree you can climb outside, right?
    Picture I.D.: This shall be his ugly banner~
    Breif History:
    Neko doesn't remember where he's from. He just appeared out of nowhere when he was five years old to a young couple. When asked his name, the little boy grinned as big as he could and said "Jabberwocky!" Nicknamed "Neko" for his cat-like appearance, the couple adopted him. At certain times, the couple would go crazy when he would be nowhere to be found. Other times, the couple would be plagued by a small purple kitten that they had never seen before. As Neko grew older, his adopted father would often spot the boy disappearing into thin air. However, the couple was fascinated and enjoyed playing hide-n-seek with young Neko, despite his obvious advantage. When Neko was thirteen, he admitted to being the cat that they had seen several times over the last 8 years. Thus, Neko was both a son and a pet. One day, Neko disappeared and was never seen by his family again, though, he left a note telling them he went to enroll at Grimm's. Unfortunately for them, the note was carved into the wall in a language Neko invented himself.
    Likes:: Neko loves anything shiny. If it's dull, it has to be the color purple or else he reserves the right to deny its existence. Being the flirt he is, miniskirts is also high on his list. Scarves and butterflies, Neko couldn't live without. What he like most though? To confuse those around him with pointless riddles.
    DislikesDogs, water, loud noises, sticky things. Anything that stays perfectly still is prone to his attack.
    Weapon of Choice:His fingernails can extend into long claws.
    Magic Abilities: 1. Invisibility - Neko can make himself, any part of his body, or small objects around him invisible. He loves to make his body disappear but leave his head floating about. The last things that turn invisible are always his bright green eyes and finally, his smile.
    2. Cat Transformation - Neko can turn into a dark purple cat. Neko keeps his trademark green eyes and a light purple star under his right eye. Unlike other cats, Neko has an unusually large grin. He still retains the ability to become invisible sometimes being a cat without a grin or a grin without a cat.
    3. Floating - Neko doesn't use it much as he'd rather climb, but he can float small distances in the air. His favorite way to use this ability is to become invisible, save for his head, and cartwheel in the air, causing his head to appear to spin.
    4. Minor Phasing - For a quick moment, Neko can allow things to pass through his body, including walls. However, he must phase quick, for he can only stay phased for such a brief moment that he must run through the object. Otherwise, he would get stuck with the object in his body.
    Theme Song: I'm Odd
    Other: I copied it almost exactly from the old RP. Let me know if something doesn't work~
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Remember that it isn't a star but a heart under his eye now. XD Also that's all right maka. I just don't want this to die again. But if it does, that's okay too.
  16. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Awesome. Can't wait for the RP ^^ if only RL can be a bit more giving rather than annoying...
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Puppeteer: Jayn.
    Name: Evalotte Flame.
    Former Self: The Red Queen.
    Gender: Female.
    Age: Nineteen.
    Race: Wonderland.
    Where is Your Mark?: The small of her back.
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Queen’s Lacky.
    Personality: She can come across as just a tad narcissistic. Though she follows her mother's orders with no complaints, she still enjoys pretending otherwise and putting herself on a pedestal. She can be fairly childish, enjoying her creation of mischievous schemes
    and troubles for the rest. Her main personality component, however, is her ability to be manipulative and unpredictable. ...Oh, not to forget her enormous appetite.

    Picture I.D.: Here.
    Breif History: There isn't much to be said about her, as she's always followed in the footsteps of someone else. She enjoys serving her mother, but only because it puts her in a position of power. ...Or, rather, semi-power. She's pretty much oblivious to the fact that her mother could possibly be using her and has been raised to believe otherwise by the queen herself. She was always treated with love and respect (false or not), and has been raised to get what she wanted. Every day, along with her training and mastery of her magic and swords, servants and other's abide by her beck and call. She's not sure what it means to struggle. All of her life she witnessed other people being negatively affected by her mother's actions, but she felt impervious to it. Protected. Superior.


    Strawberries (with the tops on) drizzled with a red honey-based syrup.
    Chilled sparkling apple-cranberry cider with cherries.
    Red velvet scones with a pink butter cream frosting.
    Sweet red chocolate mousse with tart raspberries and heavily whipped cream.
    The color red.


    Coconut cake.
    Straight milk.
    The color white.

    Weapon of Choice:

    Dual Swords.

    Magic Abilities:
    *Blue = Weakness/Non-godmoddery.

    She has the ability to use short-range teleportation.
    She can fly, but only when she takes the time to form wings, which takes a bit for her to do. Not too long, but it's definitely not a smooth process. Currently, she can only fly up to 30 minutes.
    She wields the power of illusion, able to shift-shape into another person, and cast familiar looking shadows. However, she cannot imitate their voice, and she has a limited amount of time before the spell breaks.

    Theme Song: Kukuku.


    Puppeteer: Jayn.
    Name: Mirabelle Scarlette
    Former Self: Red Riding Hood.
    Gender: Female.
    Age: Sixteen.
    Race: Grimm.
    Where is Your Mark?: The back of her right hand.
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Caddet.
    Personality: She can be easily described as reckless. Though she enjoys doing things for others, she's often misled and easily distracted from her tasks, though she doesn't mean to be. She likes to see the good in everyone, despite how they may appear initially and sometimes very foolishly gives into to deception.

    Despite her tendency to be naive, she is a particularly good fighter and enjoys a good spar once in a while. Due to her previous experiences with misjudgment, she tries to take better precautions now and often portrays herself as stronger and more mature than she really is. Her reckless behavior continues to bleed through.

    Picture I.D.: Here.
    Brief History: {At least 5-8 good sentences of your character's past}


    Sweets and breads.
    Picking flowers.
    Red fabric.
    Taking walks.


    Wolves or dogs.
    Sour or spicy foods.
    Taking medicine, or any sort of 'unnatural' remedy.
    Being lied to.

    Weapon of Choice: See Picture I.D.

    Magic Abilities:
    *Blue = Weakness.

    Stealth. Though unable to completely disappear, she is able to blend in with the objects around her for a short period of time. Doing it too often makes her tired.

    Other: Both images are subject to change when I make my banners.
  18. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Puppeteer: Britishism
    Name: Alek Hitzig
    Former Self: Cogsworth
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Race: Grimm
    Where is Your Mark?: Skull takes up most of back of neck.
    Grimm Caddet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Caddet
    Personality: Incredibly uptight. He is obsessed with respect and rules, and thus ignores and verbally assaults those who do not follow basic rules. He is very unlikely to actually show his real emotions, which inside are relatively normal for a person. He is polite and nice to most, unless
    they give him a reason to dislike them, in which case he is brutal and spiteful. Strong work ethic bordering on addiction.
    Picture I.D.:
    Breif History: Alek's life has been a repetitive and rather drab experience so far. He was born and had a childhood of being bullied and abused, by almost anyone who met him. This hardened him in many ways. It inspired him to strive to be the best, to follow every rule to beyond what is expected. This, however, caused his peers to mock him. As he grew older, he turned the tables- mocking them for their growing failure. In his late teens, he decided to put the matter of his education onto himself. Now, he realizes he must put aside his dislike for all things social to take a stand. He dreams to some day be in control.
    Likes: Work and chores, the cold, ties, chess and board games, design, stained glass, tea, rules, brown and grey.
    Dislikes: Heat and fire, disrespectful people, night and early morning, laziness, lies and the people who tell them, soup, the ocean, gold.
    Weapon of Choice: A long, javelin-like spear, shaped like the hand of a clock.
    Magic Abilities: He claims to be able to either stop or speed up time, but in reality he can psychologically cause another person to believe time has changed. He can use a commonly faulty type of hypnotic chanting, that possibly puts the opponent to sleep.. He can increase his own speed temporarily, for a very short time.
    Theme Song: Time Bomb- The Format
    Other: {What ever you want to put here}
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    You both are accepted, and I will add you in the ranks. :3

    Okay~! That's fine. I just sent the text, but I noticed Red Riding doesn't have a past. Is that on purpose? o.O Other than that, you're good.

    I will try to at least reach page 15 before it starts dying. D: Hopefully, it'll be super interesting by then, and it'll continue. :'D

    I know, right? ;~; Makes me sad.

    Anyways, I am so happy many of you are joining. I will start working on the starting post tonight, and will add the rest of the characters to the list shortly, and expect the actual RP thread in the morning. If at any time you feel like you're character needs to be attacked by the Mystic Men or Minions, let me know since I'll be in full control of them.

    ALSO! My starting thread is going to jump RIGHT into action. You guys can place yourself ANYWHERE you want to, and I'll see if I should send enemies to attack you or wait for your character to get more into the RP. I'm going to play solely by ear, so I hope you guys won't mind.

    Again, any suggestions from anyone about anything?

    OH YEAH! Gonna make a basic map of the kingdom with paint too. xDx
  20. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Ooooooh, a morning post would be pretty sweet... as for a suggestion... make the opening post worth my while? :P
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