The Golden Compass

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 21, 2007.

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  1. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: im here
  2. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: lol. I don't know why but I'm freakin' pissed by this RP. probably because I've read the whole series and you've only seen the movie. But I'll join anyways. I'm still pissed by the lack of knowledge of the real series. btw it doesn't matter what age for when your daemon takes a final shape. it matters if you are mentally grown up or not. (as in Lyra and Will. they were around 16 yet their daemons started staying in one form.) (also sorry for getting so pissed but I hate when people make movies and completely run off-story from the origional book.)

    Age: 15
    Daemon: he's usually in the form of a tiger but will change to other things if neccasary
    Daemon's name: Aerenht ( I will only tell how to pronounce that if it's completely neccasary.)
    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)
    Biography: has been in Jordan for most of his life, but right before that he permanantly damaged his left eye, so much that it constantly bleeds out if he's not careful. It's not gone, but badly damaged. He still studies and loves exploring, though.
    Played By: BlackKeyblade706
  3. Desaray Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 1, 2007
    I'm not looking to hire a stalcker.
    that dose seem a little off. but it can still be fun to do cant it? ^^ btw, can I join?

    Name: Jade
    Age: 16
    Daemon: normaly in the form of a snow fox but changes often
    Daemon's name: Jasper
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: Loves to wonder off all the time and get into some 'harmless' trouble. Is considered immature somtimes by her childish personality and lives on her own.
    Played By: Desaray
  4. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    your in!BlakcKeyblade
  5. Devil's Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 19, 2007
    Listening to my music which is your heartbeat
    Tenshi walked through the halls and carried her books.
  6. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    your in Desaray!
  7. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Name: Balion

    Age: 16

    Daemon: Usually in the form of a snow-leopard.

    Daemon's name: Carla (Is that how you spell it?)

    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Biography: The bad-boy of Jordan, more of a "nuisence" in the college, he just seems to get and stay like forever, never leaving, he always gets in trouble no matter what it is...more like he has got bad luck.

    Played By: XarenTheTwilitAngel
    am I in?
  8. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    welcome aboard Xaren!^^
  9. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    ooc: I might go in a few or more, I dunno, but when I'm not posting, keybladeofdarkness, you can control my character, so, where are we in the story so far?
  10. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    Marcus sat with Aerenht, fiddling with a watch they had found. About to rub his eye, Aerenht pounced on Marcus's hand as a cat.
  11. Tina_^_^ Moogle Assistant

    Can I join?????

    Name: Christie
    Age: 15 1/2
    Daemon: Usually takes the form of a cheetah
    Daemon's name: Kyle

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: A loner ever since age 5 . She likes getting into trouble ( with friends ) She has a serious cheerful kind of personality
    Played By: Tina_^_^
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    ooc: oh, we're still in Jordan huh? well, fine with me. ^~^

    ic: Balion had been lectured, yet again, by the master telling him not to mess with the water in the bathroom stalls or the sinks, "Wasting water...who cares, it's not like I'm hurting anyone, right Ric.?" he asked Carla, walking to the library where Marcus was. Carla wasn't very pleased either, Carla was in her snow-leopard form at the time "He told us not to run it, and what do you do, you run the water in the stalls and the sinks...even the 'tubs, Bal., I swear, one of these day you're gonna get us killed with all the work we have to do now." Carla replied back, walking along side of Bal., noticing that Bal. had nothing more than a smirk on his face, she had shooken her head and smirked as well "At least it gives a good joke to laugh about." Bal. replied back. "True...but you do know, wasting water is not much of a big deal now that you mention it." Carla started sheaking her head, knowing Bal. was ever becoming more settled with her being in her snow-leopard form, calm and cool, but fierce and wild. In a few moments, they opened the doors to the library and walked in and sat down next to Marcus.

    "Marc. what're you doing here, killing time?" Bal. asked, sitting down in a chair across from him, Carla lied beside Bal.
  13. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: I just remembered. If you;re a boy, your daemon is a girl. if you're a girl, you're daemon is a boy.

    BIC: Marcus just sat there, still fiddling with the watch.
  14. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    ooc: dang, I never knew that >_> I should read the books, wait, that is what happens my character has a girl? Dang...well, it should be rare if a guy has a guy daemon, right?
  15. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: more like impossible. A guy's daemon is like their girly side.
  16. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    ooc: dang, all right, I think I might just change the name...dang ><''' not my guy's name, my deamon's, I switched to Carla, so, yeah...anyway, I'll be back later...someone can pm me what has happened while I'm gone...well, best of luck. ciao XP
  17. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: ya I know.

    BIC: Marcus Suddenly yanked something out of the watch. " I got it." Aerenht slightly regarded the newcomers. Marcus noticed and looked, too. " Aerenht, put this in my backpack." he handed her the thing. " No. I'm actually experimenting. I'm guessing you guys are having fun with mischief?"
  18. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    "Dimitry!" The master ordered " I need you to find Tenshi, Balion , Christie and Marcus"
    "Okay"Dimitry said as he walked out the door.
  19. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    "I am, Carla's always just being a pest and telling me stop..heh..she always says that I'm trouble, ya know." Bal. replied back, seeing the thing before it was put away "Tell me, what are you tinkering with?" he asked as Carla looked at Bal. with fearful eyes.

    ooc: now I must go, cheers.
  20. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: cya

    BIC: " A watch. I'm trying to make something but I have to find everything." Aerenht came back as a dog, her tail wagging happily. She was pushing a book titled All About the Pieces of Watches. Marcus smiled at that, knowing that he needed to see about that piece.
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