The Gods of KH

Discussion in 'Social Groups' started by NightofNights, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    NO *does a sumersault and jumps from the ground over nasirrich* SOUL REMOVER *hand turns invisable and goes threw Soras hearless's body at takes out Leo* NOW NIGHTON! 'right' *NightoN runs over to Leo who is in the air* Die! *her claws go threw him like paper*
  2. Soras heartless Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    *falls to the floor*
    *Pauses, stands still then Leo pops out of me, I fall to the floor passed out. Leo, since no one can see him stands over me and watches for the time that I wake up again.*
  3. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    'hey you ok' *NightoN asked standing over you* Finaly thats done. now we can fuse back together im tired of being your shadow and i have a bad feeling about that Leo guy. 'fine but qickly' *they put there hands together and dissapear into the body of me in red hair* wow i think i used to much energy *i say back in normal form* im glad your safe Sh. now to go help nasirrich *starts to walk over to nasirrich. wile carrying Soras heartless. but doesn't make it and falls to the ground and falls into a deep sleep*
  4. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Continues to cough up blood , but has some energy left.* Ok you 2 I can take it from here.*Picks up the both of you and teleports to his dimension. But then he doesn't make it all the way cause of his current condition.So while he starts to bleed again he starts to run very fast to the other side of the portal. Then he jumps out of it and is on the floor losing a lot of blood and then teleports to Both NightofNights AND Soras heartless So fast it seems like you were never in the air. Then He makes an elemental bed for the both of you to sleep in. But has no energy left for himself. So he falls over and blacks out.*I'm glad ur back Soras heartless its been a while dude.^^ ^^*Smiles**Then his body geos into shock, and he starts to lose blood every sec.*
  5. Soras heartless Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    *Leo stands over me, watching as I sleep. I get up* Damn it Nas, you're not supposed to die. *Picks up nasirrich, and sets him on a bed.* Why... why is it that I don't die, everyone around me keeps geting hurt. *Leo appears next to me and I walk with him to a place where no one can hear us*
    Leo: Why don't you just let me take over? I can fix everything. *Sinister smile*
    Me: No you won't do a thing. This is my life, and I will live it my way.
    Leo: I should stop you, but I won't. I will just sneek in some Ideas along the way.
  6. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    *starts to wake up but cant for some reason* 'Do not stir child your time will come soon' *a voice says in my head. it sounds sweet yet dark and i stay asleep but not asleep more like a coma*
  7. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *His eyes open but he's not fully conscience at all. And one looks like this.*
    *And the other like this.*
    *Vocies in his head wake up you must live.*
    Me- But I can't move and I over did it again. I have no energy, or pwer left to do anything at all. Maybe fighting for my friends was a big mistake.
    SCILENCE You and bite you tounge... You have saved us. And even said that your friends are you power. You have to get up... You've helped them and they trying to help you. Don't give up.
    Me- OO wait I know you... You are
    Mother's spirit- Yes its really me my son. You have grown up to be very strong, and a nice person.
    Me- *Tears start to come out.* Mom I thought that I would never hear from you again at all. I'm soo sorry I'm not strong enough yet.
    Mother- My son you work yourself way too hard. Your freinds can always help you, and you know that.
    Me- I miss hearing your voice mother its soo sweet and soothing to my soul.Its sound like my friends wen they help me out.
    Mother- My strong but yet lonely son... You can't keep going on like this. You will kill yourself if you don't take it easy, and trust in your friends power. You may think that your proving something by using you very strong attack. But wen you damage your body like this. All your doing is making them worry so do me a favor and wake up.
    *A bright light appears in his head then he becomes full conscience.*
  8. Soras heartless Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    *Leo, stands in front of me*
    Leo: Your going to fail them, you will lose everything that you ever loved.
    Me: Shut up Leo, you are a demon of my creation I will kill you.
    Leo: You lost your family to the fire YOU created in your house.
    Me: I didn't do it... *looks away* It wasn't my fault.
    Leo:*Appears infront of me* YES IT WAS, YOU KILLED THEM!!
    Me: No... *opens a portal and walks through*
  9. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    who are you and what do you want *i ask the voice im in the back of my mind where the voice came from* 'aww don't you remember your own father' *he comes out of the shadows* 'now girl. sleep' *i fall to the ground in my mind and stay asleep my breathing is getting weaker and weaker everything is starting to sleep*
  10. Soras heartless Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    *in a enclosed area where everthing is black, smog covers the sky, the trees are burnt to a crisp, and the ground is dark. I stand on a hill top, overlooking the remains of a small house. Leo appears next to me*
    Me: I remember now, you are my brother.
    Leo: Yes my lil bro. but ever since that day I hated you, and I was depressed that you got all the powers. I had to work for my life. The red eyes are the sign of hate, the dark aura is the sign of depression. I used this to keep me all powerful.
    Me: But your a ghost then.
    Leo: No, I am a fgment of your imagination, only you can see me. I still hate you, so I will be here torturing you of your failures.
  11. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Startled he gets up quickly.* Mother why did you have to leave me wen I most needed you.*Time stops then it starts to crack and become visible to the eyes of others.* Why did you have to die wen you knwe that you would get killed protecting me.*Sparks flowing around body.*
    Mother- My son please clam down I did it all cause I loved you and wanted you to live on with out hate in your heart.
    Nooo stop it the darkness has done this to me and now I must pay for all the sins I commited.
    Mother- *Comes out in a ghost form.* Please listen to me killing yourslef isn't gonna help anything at all.
    Me- *Snaps fingers* I know that why I'm going to kill everyone here and start all over again.
    Mother- *Apperas in human form* Noo the darkness can't control you and you know it. You are way to strong to let that happen. Please snap out of it.
    Me- *Looks at mom with blood lust.* Ok enough of you I will despose of you first.*Splits into three.*
    *Evil form to the max*
    *Pure evil form.*
    *Pure evil form,and evil form to the max fuse to make the Ultima Evil Form.*
    Me- Wa-wa-wats going on...
    Evil- Awww poor baby here we'll kill mommy so that you will finally understand who has been messing with your... Our minds.
    Me-Noooo not again I won't let you
    Evil- *Teleports on me then stabs mom.*
    Mother-*Coughs up a lot of blood.* My son you must live.*Smiles and gets the sword taken out of her voilently.And I see all the blood gushing out.*
  12. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Evil- You see know you must pay for wa...*Get teleported on by me.*
    Me- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST DIE NOW!!!!!!!*Starts to punch and kick and do spells like crazy.*
    Evil-*Gets hit by some but then dodges, and then teleports on me.* You dummy we gave you power and this is how you treat us. Ok then*Starts to choke me, then lets go and while I'm falling they punch me very hard in the stomach.*
    Me-*Coughs up a lot of blood, and eyes widen a lot.*Wa wat is...*Gets teleported on a lot.Then he tries to match it but he can't at all.*
    Evil- Is this all you got? Cause if so then that's sad little boy.*Kicks me in the face, then teleports and punches me in the back. Then teleports and Final Kicks me, and then teleports an punches me in the stomach with all their might, power, and energy.*
    Me- *Coughs up soo much blood its not even funny then goes flying to the ground, where he's met again with the same thing that happened last time.*
    Evil-*Takes out same blad that they killed the Mother with and puts it through nasirrich and takes it out more violently then they did to the mom.*You see how kool it is to have dark powers, but no you just fight us off. So now its our turn to kill you.^^ ^^
    Me- *Losing so much blood that I start to black out.*
    Evil- OOOO no we can't hvae you doing that now can we.^^ ^^*Stabs me then puts fists through me as well. Then wen they think I'm done they toss me and make me go flying towadrs my mother's body.*
    Me- *Slams on the ground and bounces.*
    Evil- *Final Kicks me back down and watches the blood go up like a fountain.*
    Me- *In a lot of pain.* Noo please stop don't do this anymore leave her alone. Mother has to sleep in peace please.*Grabs their leg.*
    Evil- Shut up*Picks me up and the stabs me again and takes the sword out slow so that it really cuts my me.* Ok first That friend of your NightohNights and your mother at the same time.^^ ^^*As my body falls the put the sword through me again and watch as I slowly die.*
  13. Dman23 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 27, 2009
    Duel Acedemy
    nassircih how in the world are u getting these eyes from?
  14. KeybladeMasterJoe Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2010
    Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom
    *in a realm full of nothingness* im going to stay here cause im just a bother to everybody *starts to walk forward into the pitch black till he vanishes*
  15. Dman23 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 27, 2009
    Duel Acedemy
    no your not come back here*chases after u and grabs u*
  16. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    *eyes start to flutter then stop all movement stops blood trickles from my mouth*
  17. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Evil-*Teleports to NightofNights.* AAAAA here we are the damn girl that keep interfering with my plans.*Makes orb.* Life Orb*This attack kills the victim instantly.*
    Me- *Teleports and takes in the orb.*
    Evil- I thought that we killed you
    Me-*Eyes barely open but has these.*
    You won't hurt her I know wat...*Falls down and then dies.*
  18. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    *my eyes flutter open* what the.. *still weak and half asleep but see nasirrich* NO! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS WITH YOUR LIFE! *turns into full evil mode that kills and controls your evil side and puts his life into you* rise nasirrich. rise from the dead and take my life as your own *falls to the ground after doing the spell my eyes are a still grey and not moving*
  19. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Mother- My son you must live.
    Me- But I...*Sees a great white light.*
    *Eyes turn into this.*
    *I wake up and see that your on the ground not moving.*
    OOO no please wake up You can't... *Opens his eyes up slowly and then uses them to look into your body. He then notices that your aura is the same one in him.* Life Transfer Realease.*This moves gives you back your life and then makes the evil side of his aura. Changes the evil side to make it good though so that he won't become evil.*
    Kyu if you can hear me don't let her die ok.^^ ^^ Me and you might have not been the best of friends in the past, but you are the strongests demond that I have met. So don't let me think other wise. I mean you claim that your the strongest, and yet your going to let your master die.Tch some demond you are I bet you can't even heal her properly.*Coughs up some blood from the spell he casts.*Please you must live.^^ ^^*Smiles with blood dripping down his lips.**Falls down and then blacks out.*
  20. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    'foolish boy i am her now i died long ago and is now resting in her body but these wonds are to great to deal with. i'm sorry but you need strong magic for this. it's her time and we can not change that.' *kyu is a orange red mist in your mind* 'but the best i can do is take her soul and create it into another and make her a child again. but it would take the rest of my life force. but i shall do it. in her arms she will hold an infant. that is her but she will be mortal till she finds her demon powers again. now good bye forever' *he dissapears into a white smoke then vanishes to create a new body for me. a red haired child with blue eyes is held in my old bodies arms* AWAAAAAA!!!!