The Gods of KH

Discussion in 'Social Groups' started by NightofNights, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *unleashes all his power into one final burst* TRUE ULTIMATE DRAGONS FLARE FINALE!!!!! *once his attack concludes, he falls to the ground completely exhausted and unconsious*
  2. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Once done charging up he loses all his energy and the last thing that he sees his a wite wave of light coming towards you guys.* Awww man*This light is harmless, and takes you where back to where you guys were.Both of you are on the floor where NoN's realm is* I heard a lot of cheering, and happiness.And I think that we did it*Is the last thing he tells you very softly CR before he passes out comepletly**And waits for your return NightofNights**And is on the floor in his chill mode*
  3. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *his dragon, looking over it's master, lifts him up and places him onto it's back, then flies off to a special location to help it's master recouperate*
  4. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    'why did you kill my pets' *a vioce says chilling with evil* 'why distroy the very thing that protects me. if you would of stayed and waited for me i would of been back by now. but no. now i have to fix every thing you distroyed. the sounds in your head was evil in me and now you have set it free. i have to fix your mistake now. there are two sides to me. the good/light and the evil/dark. and you two distroyed the gardian that was sealing the evil and it's now free. i shal not return till it is sealed..'
  5. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *wakes up after what seems like an eternity* What happened to me? *hears NoN in his head* what have I done, I never meant to hurt anyone *starts feeling pain from his back and a new voice in his head* (voice in head) But you did, you and Nasirrich knew what you were doing, and you liked that power, didn't you. (me) who are you? what do you want with me? (vih) I am your darkness. I need you for something special....*his dragon, sensing it's masters distress, quickly smacks him with it's tail, knocking it's master out*
  6. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Wakes up coughing up a lot of blood* Ooo noo please don't come out now. I've been holding you back so that...* His mother comes out of his body like a ghost. then she stabs him with hs sword, and looks at him with these eyes.*
    You see my child I new that you were going to do this. But I'm here now so you can die.Nooo I won't die*Gets caught in his momther's eyes* Please leave them be. They did nothing to you at all. OOO but they did my child. They took you lightly, and didn't even care for my baby. My very gifted baby that lived cause of the darkness that was trying to kill us all off.*Coughs up even more blood* Then you have some weak fools that know nothing.... NOOO THEY'RE NOT WEAK. They are my friends and I will protect them from you. *Puts sword even deeper inside of Nasirrich* My child they are weak, they can't even control the darkness, and light inside of them. But you mastered it. And now look at you... Please just die for mommy. So that she can kill your weak friends and let you live in peace.*Starts losing a lot of blood and body functions begin to fail* Mom I can't let you do that cause I love them all way too muc. And can't lose them. Hmmm very well than I'll kill you myself. *Takes sword out of him very slowly and then goes in a fighting stance.* Are you ready to die my son cause this is the end for you.Noo mother I will make sure you do nothing...*Gets caught fully in his mom's death illusion trance.*See my son you weren't ready to take on these powers just yet. I will put you under my control and make you start to kill you friends. That way you'll hurt more on the inside.Noo please don't...*Eyes change to his strongest.*
    *Nasirrich's left eye looks like this*
    *And his right like this*
    Now take care of them for mommy ok.^^ ^^* Under trance and has overwhelming darkness flowing around him* Yes mother
  7. KeybladeMasterJoe Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2010
    Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom
    nasirrich!!! *yells from far away* you've gotta snap out of it. *flies infront of nasirrich* if u dont stop im going to have to stop u myself.

    starts charging up aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your not the only one who can transform
    *wings grow twice as big electricity flowing all over my body and my hands are enveloped in pitch black aura*
    here is my form and u dont want to mess with me now *looks at u with black eyes*
    i will stop you!!
  8. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Is that...KeybladeMasterJoe.... Yea it is but wat is he... Now Son stop this weak fool from getting in my way. Yes mother...*Teleports then makes two of him self.* nOW YOU WILL DIE!!! I WILL KILL YOU AND THIS TIME...*Makes clone kick you in the air* You won't be coming back Final Kick....*Stops and try to fight bac* Nooo I can't do it. Stop messing with me... Awww poor baby yo reallly want to have your friends save you. Ok then I'll kill him myself.*Mom teleports and stabs you KBMJ. But Nasirrich takes in the sword fully* I told you that I won't let you*Pluses mom and starts having a lot of trouble breathing* I can't...*Gets back in trance* Hey do you really wanna die KBMJ cause your really starting to piss me off.
  9. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    'don't nasirrich' *i show up in front of KBMJ stoping you from harming him*
    if you want to kill something then kill the thing that gave you so much pain. dont let 'mother' control you let your mind go or I will have to do it for you *hands go on fire and a huge demon appears behind as black as night and as chilling as winter*
    cuz' i wont hold back. not any more *demon gets absorbed into my body and changes me to my other form*
  10. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Hmph wat are you kidding me. I'LL KILL*Fights back more* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh get out of my head. You do not control me*Mom teleports and stabs nasirrich again. Then he coughs up even more blood* You can't beat me, or can your weak freinds.... ENOUGH OF THIS!!! THEY ARE NOT WEAK!!!*Gets punched in the gut very hard which makes him cough up more blood* I-I-I can't let you do this anymore. I will stop you*Finds that he's going flying to the ground* Waaa- OOO yea say good bye to NoN cause she has to die from stoping me from making you kill KBMJ*Mom does Omega slash, but nasirrich does arial recovery before he hit the ground and takes in attack fully.More blood is lost and coughed up* I can't let you do this. Go away now....*Mom* Wat are you doing if you keep getting stabed like this then you'll die. Stop protecting these weak fools. And y isn't my trance working on you. Like I told you before My friends are my power. And You will not, or anyone eles kill, or hurt them in anyway. You got that cause now its my turn. Time to die*Evil Smirk* Lighting Blaze Fire Dragon Blast*Can't complety do the attack cause of his wonds and the amount of blood he lost.* Ok you no wat *Mom Teleports on nasirrich expecting him to get sliced. But instead he goes fly to the ground.* Wow my son really cares for these weak fools. No wonder why he can't master his strongest attack. Ok NoN you will die NOW*NoN VS. Mother*
  11. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *hearing the dark voice in his head while he's knocked out* You WILL obey me young dragon god, you cannot resist. *his body starts to rise, his dragon tries to hold it's master down, knowing what is happening*
  12. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Nasirrich get up then the teleports on mom and then her body get sliced in two.* Idiot I told you that you wouldn't win.*Vission starts to blurr cause of the amount of blood that was lost.* Wow this sux.^^ ^^*Smiles then closes eyes and goes flying downward slowly towards the groun. Then slams making a crater into the earth.**And uses his remaning energy to yell out to Charonus Rex* Charonus Rex don't let the dark take you over. It really isn't worth it trust me. You are strong, you don't need the da...* His sword the mom was holding has a bit of her evil in it and then the sword goes straight to nasirrich and stabs him. And goes all the way through, and major blood is lost, and coughed up.* Wa-wa- WHY now*Blacks out*
  13. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *his dragon, still managing to hold it's master down, starts to fly to a far off secluded place only known to it's master and itself, hoping to help it's master subdue his darkness*
  14. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Tries so hard to get up after waking up for a bit.* AHHHHHHHH I can't move my body at all. I lost way too much blood, and have to many wonds. I can't die at all I won't allow her to see me die.*Tries his best to get to get to you CR so that the darkness won't take you over you*
  15. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *his voice starts echoing through Nasirrich's head, telling him where to find him* Help me Nasirrich, I don't know how much longer my dragon or myself can hold out, You must come to my special dimension and help me *suddenly the evil side speaks* Come any closer and I will kill the precious Dragon God!!!
  16. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Ok that's it
    *Lets darkness take over him fully and all his wounds heal, and get all his energy back.* You see now your gonna die*The evil side has no control at all wats so ever.* I fully uderstand you I'm coming don't worry
    *One eye looks like this*
    *And the other one like this*
    I'll go K.^^ ^^*Then takes a deep breath and the some how dissapears from sight. He's running so fast that he can't be seen unless you have wat he does. Jumps and enters a portal he made so that he can got to your special dimension. Then he starts he has to start to run again but instead he then jupms up again after hitting the portal's ground. And then starts flying to his limit and his wings are helping him as well.* Hang on I'm almost there.*Starts charging up so that he goes way to fast.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Charonus Rex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 17, 2008
    Deep inside an active volcano
    *The evil side, sensing that someone has invaded the realm, starts his preparations* I told you to stay away, now Charonus will perish *the evil side creates a clone in it's likeness and starts charging an attack**my dragon steps in the way to try to protect me until Nasirrich gets here* Get outa the way, stupid lizard, or suffer your masters fate *the dragon holds his ground, bearing his fangs*
  18. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *A clone come out of the portal and so does nasirrich and then punches that clone. Than the real one does Lighting Blaze Fire Dragon Blast on the evil side of you.And then Nasirrich's clone makes two more clones to Final Kick the evil sides clone.*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Nasirrich teleports and then uses his moving sharingan eye to trace the evil sides power and then focuses the attack there.*And Lighting Blaze Fire Dragon Blast is an attack that acts like a person. It can teleports and make a clone. And wen there's a dragon near by it powers up the attack up 10 fold.It also can take anything evil out and trap it while doing major damage.*Peace dude I won't let you Kill him ever got that.^^ ^^
  19. NightofNights Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the always forgotten dream
    *I fall no my knees and hold my head in my hands* no I'm still to weak *starts to sob* I CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT *makes a huge crater in a nearby wall was tears streaming* every one is moving farther and more powerful but I'm nothing UGGGHH!! *hits the wall again causing it to fall* 'calm your self girl there will be a time for you to grow strong' yes your right daddy *I says in an inoccent voice* 'yes let daddy take care of every thing' *a dark arora surounds me and pats my head* yes let daddy take care of every thing... 'good girl' *the darkness surounds me completely and makes me dissapear back to the world i was in*
  20. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    *Senses NoN cause of his moving sharingan* Is that really her?? I have to do this before I go tend to that.