Who here has the game, or has played it? Although it's not one of those incredibly cool games, it's really addicting!! And it's one of my favourites. I can't stop going to the shops and making the owners pay me a weekly protection rent .. Most of the times I don't save the game so that I can do it again!!! So, what do you guys ( the people who have played it) think of it?
That's why I start lots of Gang wars!! I just like seing lots of innocent people getting killed and then kill the bastards that did it!! It's addicting!!
WOW... I was playing the game and got a really weird glitch.. I was fighting some Cuneo guys, but I was loosing healt and fast. But when I got to 1 hp, I continued to endure damage, but didn't die... I was like a ghost or something.. It was cool, but very weird..
Yeah. The Godfather is one hell of classic, and I've heard of it since I was a little kid. The game, may not be that known, cuz it's not the greatest of games, but the movie is ******* awsome!!
Not the greatest of games? Proably not. The Blackhand Edition however is perhaps the greatest game to demonstrate just what the Wii is capable of with its controllers.