Well, since i'm working on a novel, i'd figure during school hours, I'd fix up a cover xD CnC biznatches.... my art teacher loved it xD and BTW GUYS she's supposed to be tall, and have no face, xD
This is quite the lovely drawing dear. I can not really find anything wrong with it. It makes me think, she acts like someone else and hides who she truly is.
Excellent job! I love how it looks! If you publish the story when you're done, send me a copy! I'd love to read it!
It looks a bit messy and roughly done in my eyes but I guess I just like things a little neater when I draw (because I tend to draw a shiz load of lines and it looks all messy so then I line it in with a marker and erase the pencil to make it neater :D) but I think you want that effect, so maybe just make the writing stand out a bit more and any lines you want to stand out and it'll be perfect <3
This is lovely <3 I wanna read the novel ;D This is very eye-catching and interesting. Very creative too :]
A bit to messy for my taste, but it has a good basic design. I think this has potential if you did it again, just don't make the background so "sketchy" next time. I like the girls though.
I like like it. :3 But it's really rough for my taste. I love the pose, but she's way to stiff. Her hair should flow alittle more and her cloths should has more folds. The way she's standing, her legs should have them. But like I said before she looks stiff. .____. And like Gade said too, the the 'sketchy' background kills it. D:
Well, i didn't want to spoil anything from the book ;_; but She like tears wallpaper and finds scratches like that, covered up ^^;
I love it, the style is awesome and the shadowing is well done. I really like the hair, and the way she is standing. 9/10