“I am a child of Sound” The girl smiles “There is Sound all around me” She walks in rhythm Singing with tune “If Silence ever caught me…” The girl points to her head “I can choose from the radio,” “Inside my blessed head” And she hums to the radio On which she claims To have antennae Like a butterfly on a bright summer’s day “I am a child blessed by Sound” I am a child of Silence Writes the boy who scribbles on paper It has chosen to curse me alone I cannot speak But I can hear other’s sounds I can hear a girl She has Sound all around her All I am is lonely with my silent demon I am cursed by Silence “Hello” Smiles the girl of Sound The boy of Silence writes back I hate you “Why? Why do you hate me?” The girl wonders, curious “Is it my Sound?” The boy of Silence node, grimace on his face “Well don’t be” Why? “Because…” Silence is a Sound “I wish for Silence” I wish for Sound This is an original poem created by me and I would like if you didn't steal. Please tell me your thoughts on it, thank you
That's awesome. I like the way you wrote it. It's very good! The silence and sound work together beautifully.