Exactly what it says on the tin, The Game Awards 2016 will honor and celebrate the top games of the past year (December 2015-November 2016). The show will be streamed this Thursday, December 1, at 6pm ET across several platforms, including Twitch, YouTube, IGN, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, VR, and more. In addition to the awards themselves, the show will also feature gameplay footage from upcoming games including Mass Effect: Andromeda, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, Assassin's Creed VR, and more. You can find more info, including award categories and nominees, at the official site. While the majority of the awards are jury-selected, there are a few categories that will be determined by fan vote that you can vote on at the official site. What are your predictions for the winning games? Personally I'm betting on Overwatch winning Game of the Year, and either Firewatch or Stardew Valley for Best Independent Game.
I can never get into the awards... I'm an indie snob, I'll admit it. Nothing ever wins that I wanted or felt deserved to win. Then again, I've never played that many mainstream titles in any generation, so who'm I to talk. I just noticed though, Run the Jewels is playing? The hecky? I wouldn't think that's their kinda scene.
THE WINNERS (will update as announced) Game of the Year: Overwatch Best Game Direction: Blizzard Entertainment - Overwatch Best Narrative: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Best Art Direction: Inside Best Music/Sound Design: Doom - Composed by Mick Gordon Best Performance: Nolan North (Nathan Drake - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End) Games for Impact: That Dragon, Cancer Best Independent Game: Inside Best Mobile/Handheld Game: Pokemon Go Best VR Game: Rez Inifinite Best Action Game: Doom Best Action/Adventure Game: Dishonored 2 Best Role-Playing Game: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine Best Fighting Game: Street Fighter V Best Strategy Game: Civilization VI Best Family Game: Pokemon Go Best Sports/Racing Game: Forza Horizon 3 Best Multiplayer Game: Overwatch FANS' CHOICE WINNERS: Most Anticipated Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trending Gamer: Boogie2988 Best Fan Creation: Enderal: The Shards of Order eSports Player of the Year: Marcelo "Coldzera" David (SK Gaming - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) eSports Team of the Year: Cloud9 eSports Game of the Year: Overwatch