The Future

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Roxas is Hot, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    [searched and didn't exist. I couldn't really search anyway, since 'the' is less than 4 words. -_-]

    What do you think the future will be like? Do you think we'll be frolicking like animals and rolling around in everything wonderful and happy, or will be all turn out to be lazy fatties because we've made robots and electronics do everything for us? Or do you think there will be no future?

    Share your opinions here. :\
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    I have no idea what the future will be. I'm fairly certain that we'll have robots and the like though. Technology and Science can do more and more each day, it seems to be inevitable.

    However, there's definately a change coming.

    With the current crisis over oil and gas and the like, environmentalists are making some pretty strong points. Lots of people are encouraging everyone to lose weight if they need to, and all that. Being healthy is being promoted heavily. It seems like with all this positive influence, that eventually Global Warming and obesity and all that stuff will begin to be less of a problem.

    On the other hand, the exact opposite could happen. To be blunt, there's a lot of obese people in America. If I remember right, we have the most in the world. We could all just fall into a slump. All that positive influence I talked about earlier, well.. eventually.. if not enough people succeed, they'll give up. If they give up, and all this dieting craziness fails, then I think that we're in a bad way. My Aunt recently almost died because of a Heart Attack. This happened because her arteries were clogged with fat and cholesterol and all that stuff. I don't want to see that happen to people. It's a serious problem.

    Who knows? We'll find out soon enough, amirite?
  3. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    It's an extremely delicate matter, because also a little invention can change our future. A thing that we can do, a new born person can change completely what we will see. Maybe the world will end, or maybe we will live happy forever, or the technology will take possession of everything and we will do what they are doing now for us....
  4. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Well, there's gonna be global warming.
    And I have a feeling the moon will break and cause chaos. Or then the moon will just crash to earth.

    And nearby-future: BBS and 358/2!
  5. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Well i think that stem cell research will actually be allowed and human cloning will be legalised.
    I also think that certain diseases like cancer types that are uncurable now will become curable
    and robotic science will be perfected.Cyborg tecehnology will be so perfect that instead arm
    graph's,there will be machanical arm surgery.All the stuff from metal gear solid will be possible
    like stealth camo.
  6. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I try to live in the moment, so I don't really think about the future... Maybe it'll be like Star Wars!
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    As long as there's many explosions and collapses, I'm a happy guy.
  8. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    To me, the future could be with no cars, pollution. With the weather in a mix. So...the world could come to an end with all the same patterns flowing.
  9. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    What do I think is in the future? The end of the universe of course.
  10. Asylum Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 27, 2008
    In the Head Office of my Asylum.
    I'm not sure about what will be in the future so I try no to think about it. It's a little too sensitive of a discussion.
    There maybe be a future and there may not be. I'd like to say to worry about it when it comes but I think we have to start thinking of what the future might hold.
    As for what I think may be in the future, possibly technology will reach an astonishing level and many diseases will have found a cure. Hopefully in the future, earth it won't come too an end too soon.
  11. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    No one really wants to read this... I know. <33

    Ehh…well, let me rant about something first of all. I don’t think animals have it all that easy, actually. In my opinion, they live a harsher life than humans do, and everything isn’t as wonderful and happy as it may seem, or how many like to believe. Animals constantly compete with each other for survival, and it starts from the moment they are born, until death [so do humans, but theirs’ is a whole new stage of survival]. There’s competition for food, mates/reproduction, the chance to stay alive, and recently [by about last century or so] due to the human intervention of the natural environment, the competition for a home has become all the more challenging for them. Just like the poor hungry and homeless man down the street, animals also die of hunger and from a lack of home. The truth is that animals aren’t exactly the “merry-go-happy-things†people deem them as, humans always and still had, has, and will have it easier. Just think about it for a moment.

    Anyways, I digress…

    Back on the subject of “everything wonderful and happyâ€â€¦yeah, not so much. I don’t really see that happening to the future denizens of the world. The ways we’re living right now…yeah, though luck. Environmental issues such as global warming, and economic issues like the banking, housing and oil crisis, and etc., aren’t exactly pointing towards a bright future for the country, or for the rest of the world. Economically and environmentally [not to mention socially i.e. Iraq and Iran], we are pretty much sawing and hacking on the branch we’re sitting on, you might say. But problems like this always have a solution; it always does, as history teaches us that. However, the steps we or our leaders are taking now are not helping us all that much either. Perhaps in the distant future people will come to their senses and come to a neutral position which would allow for the world to settle down and play nice. Unfortunately, I don’t see that coming all too soon and I’ll consider myself lucky if I witnessed such a thing before my death. To be frolicking and rolling around in everything wonderful and happy still has a long way to come; and honestly, in the end, it NEVER comes [history teaches us that too].

    Technology wise…well, I can definitely see a future here, but I assure you that it won’t be anything like The Matrix or Star Wars [sorry to disappoint :p, but if it did it would’ve kicked major ass nonetheless]. Technology is not always “technical†like people think; a breakthrough in science or a discovery in space is also technology. We are some curious creatures in this planet, and the art if crating and discovering things is like a game to us. We constantly try to move ahead and come up with brand new ideas to make something amazing, or just general ideas to improve something. Inventions will go a long way, we all know that, and perhaps we can have a huge breakthrough or a significant amelioration in the developments of the A.I. program. On the side note, since we are also the laziest in the animal chart, we will most likely be fatties because we made ourselves some robots. Just think of how we’re living now, and the future will be no different. It’s all about luxury; is it not?

    Other than inventions, new scientific discoveries in biology or astronomy can also induce effective life altering events. Take the discovery of antibiotics, or strictly Penicillin, in 1928 as an example, for it saved an extreme amount of lives of people suffering from TB. Or go back a couple millennia to when rice was first discovered to be a suitable source of food, which resulted in the amazing growth of the cultures. Technology so simple as the discovery of rice was a big factor why the world is filled with so many people today. A little discovery can go a long way.

    Microbiology is moving at a fast pace as today, we have the power to give a barren mother a child or genetically design the so called “designer babies†for a better world. We know of the germs and bacteria around us and even when they can be deadly, we have the knowledge to use them to out own advantages…so who knows where this will take us. Astronomy also has had huge impact on us as the discoveries continue to open new boundaries for us, and maybe someday we will be able to find another life form out there…the possibilities are limitless.

    Well, apart from all that hopeful talk of the future universe, many do not know of the things and events occurring in space right at this moment. Well, for starters, our precious galaxy, the Milky Way, is slowly being consumed by our neighboring galaxy, Andromeda. Oh yes, that is a fact. However, the Milky Way won’t completely disappear until a couple more millennia. Also the chances of our sun being turned into a black hole by then, is also a possibility, but hey, I’m speaking in a VERY LONG TERM here, so don’t fret. I also recall something about our night sky loosing the lovely stars, and no, not because of light pollution, but something to do with our solar system or galaxy or something like that, I forget. Anyway, I’ll stop scaring people now, as these are still way into the distant future, and this time it’s not sarcasm.

    Ah, well, we can see where the world will be going in the future. It’s sort of balanced out between the bad and the good; however, I do hope that the good weighs more than the bad. We are plummeting to our destruction through economy while the science pulls us back up. I think we can continue to balance ourselves like this for a couple more centuries or so, otherwise, we are screwed. <3
  12. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    Well, the end of the universe seems too...big O_o Maybe the end of our solar system or only of the Earth.
    The Universe in endless:) (...fortunately...)
  13. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    i fear that to many animals will be lost in the future because of man....
  14. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    well i think that Global Warming will kill us but if it doesnt then thing thing will be the same
  15. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Well, as long as the world is still running the way it is right now, I'm good.
  16. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    You mean, global warming getting worse over the second, people dying because of poverty and extreme malnutrition and more and more people becoming obese?

    EDIT: Sorry, that was a bit uncalled for... im sorry.
    Its just i like the environment and my mother taught me to try and conserve the environment
  17. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Honestly if you think about it, the future is in the hands of humans. They take the wrong path, the whole world has to take it in. Humans control the world, the future and everything in it. Animals are just things on the sidelines to make it seem like we have something more than just people.

    From a religious point of view, we should never expect or anticipate something good to happen as God will provide a happy ending, though we can't see it now.
  18. Fruity~ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 5, 2007
    ... In a country?
    In my opinion, animal species will one by one extinct because of excessive developement and human will be lazy after people use robots as servants. :/
  19. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Exactly!!! Just like Wall-E!
  20. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Ha! lol! But i do't want all the cute animals to die :cold: I'll be one less person to worry about! *kills self*