I had an XCF lying around from my Gimp days that had a nice concept but was pretty poorly done, so I slapped together a new one in Photoshop. I ended up entering it in a contest, which had a minimum height, so I had to extend it and darken some areas. Will post the original in a bit, but critique for now would be nice. :]
I'm liking everything you've done thus far, aside from the border on top, which I'm guessing is the same picture, bigger, only showing her lips. It seems a bit out of place there. The thing you did on her left side seems good, but in my opinion, shouldn't really look that strong, maybe a bit more subtle? Just a bit, methinks. It feels somewhat empty, like it could have text or something more. Plus, the focal point doesn't seem to stand out, at least that's what I'm seeing. Overall, it has some nice effects, but I believe it's in need of tweaking. it feels like a WIP, and could do with something more.
I feel like it's bright enough, don't lower it. And yeah, add some text. I think the little circles are cute though LOL. (: goodjob. but yeah, maybe consider a little more added onto it. But it's still fine as it is.
A nice slap of text would go smoothy into this piece. And what's up with that glob of light just sitting there. ;o; Overall : It's Decent.
I'm actually not sure if text would work here. It seems as if it's too far in to add text in my opinion. Sometimes last minute text just looks really decided and tacky if it's not at least planned ahead. That and it looks like there's some beautiful depth going on here, and text may actually take away from that. I wouldn't change the lighting either. It's pretty spot on I think. =) I do agree that it looks like a WIP, but that may be because of the size req (which was redonk gaiz. srsly). Really nice job overall.
My focus keeps "eyeing" the bright light is what I mean. We all have different opinions, so hey. I believe that a text would go well in this piece because it seems like something is missing within the tag. It just looks spacey IMO.
Sorry if it seems like I was undermining your CnC. Believe me, I wasn't. I apologize if my (I honestly can't think of a better word) opinion, comes off that way. :(
circles underneath the chin look like dirt on my computer screen :D try softening them. I don't agree with adding text as it would look kind of tacky (unless you really make something spectacular with a custom font or something). lower the lighting on the right side of the face, it looks just a tad too bright. lastly that bar on the top looks out of place, try extending the clouds and make a subtle image of the lips within the clouds.