The Final War, Light Vs Dark

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Aelin, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    [​IMG]The situation they were in quickly deteriorated with the sudden appearance of Xross and Rexitus. Quickly he used his keyblade to parry Rexitus's attack and kicked him back. Kel may be a skilled fighter, but he knew that he couldn't fight all then off. he wasn't as strong as his father is. Though R's moved might be the chance they were looking for. Everything related to darkness was vanishing, including the trap Rexitus made, giving them their chance to escape. First, he tossed a potion towards Beuce. Then he sent a fire down towards the ground, causing a huge smoke cloud to surround the area. "Grab her!" Kel ordered.

    [​IMG]If the sudden losing of power wasn't bad enough, Kel's smokescreen made it hard for him to see what was going on. Fortunately he could dodge still since another firaga went right for his head. Probably Kel's way of saying 'We'll settle this later'. Still there wasn't much he could do in his present situation.
  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    "Got it!" Beuce called back to Kel through the smokescreen after chugging the potion. He sounded oddly serious and determined, focused on the goal at hand. It was off for Beuce, yet handy. He ran through the smokescreen to grab his target.

    "You won't Succeed!" R yelled at Beuce. He had to be quick. This was the only chance he had to save her, but the smokescreen blurred his vision. He couldn't tell who was who. He sent a massive dark firaga in the general direction of where Beuce had been standing, slightly grazing him on the shoulder but not enough to significantly hinder him.

    Through the smoke, Beuce could make out her red hair. "Got her!" He said picking up Sapphire and throwing her over his shoulder. "Let's bail!" He then bolted for the door, but he could feel something behind him. A series of dark blades dropping from the ceiling.

    "Dark Guillotine!" R yelled, using the attack he had defeated Xross with. He had to stop them before they reached the door. As the blades sliced through the smoke,he hoped the right target was struck. He had cast the attack near the area of the door to increase the odds of hitting the lights and decrease hitting the darks.

    "Runrunrunrunrunrunrun!" Beuce yelled frantically as he realized what was happening. It was either make it to the door or be cut in half. In a desperate dive, he made it out the door as he felt a blade touch the sole of his shoe. He looked over to see that Kel had fortunately made it out too. He wasted no time in summoning his glider and tossing hopping on it with the girl he had taken. "Man Kaya did your boobs get smaller or so-....God dammit" He swore as he realized that he'd taken Sapphire. He couldn't go back, so he was left with no choice but to take off.

    "I like this girl." Emerald said smiling at Lysa. She reminded her of herself a bit. Right now she was just tagging along with Louvel, so she left it up to him to decide what they were going to do, But she made a mental note to stop by Merlin's house while they were there. A certain mechanic needed a visit.
  3. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013
    Rexitus got up quickly and twiched. His darker side wasn't fooled by the smokescreen, and easily saw Kel taking off, trying to get the girl. Rexitus entered a wormhole and went out the other end in front of Kaya, throwing a back kick, knocking Kel and Beuce down, and pointed a Keyblade at the two. The Otherworld suddenly became worse.
    "If you think you are a warrior, Kel," Rexitus said in his normal voice, "Then you never turn your back, you fight."
    "BUT!" Rexitus's crazy side said, "You'll get to face my dad! AGAIN!!" Rexitus laughed a high mocking laughter as he threw one hand out and he summoned a monster. But it wasn't a Nobody. Instead, it had a pyramid for a head, and had rusty Keyblade armor. It kneeled in front an incredibly large blade, too heavy to be carried by an ordinary man. The monster stood, and let out a dull roar.
    "See you in hell, buddy. Lexain, if you will!" Rexitus grabbed Kaya, and was pulled her through a wormhole
  4. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    He'd finally reached Tram Common. Gexln looked around, only to realize that yet again there was nobody in sight. "Where is everyone, and why is there never anybody to fight?" he asked to nobody in particular. He walked around the path a few times, still unable to find anyone. However, he came to a stop when he saw the opening to the old mansion. Going through the opening, he ran towards the old mansion.

    When he arrived at the old mansion, the first thing he noticed were the gates. Those huge, imposing gates. As usual, they were locked. "Who's always the one locking these?" he asked, wondering aloud. He quickly climbed over the gate and dropped on the other side. He sighed. The last time he'd been there, had been when he had first learned of his existence as a Nobody and found Darkness' Sorrow. He looked at his blade now.

    Gexln was standing in the foyer of the old mansion. How he'd gotten there was simple enough to figure out, if a little odd; he'd woken up there. The last thing he remembered was Glen losing his heart to the darkness, and then he'd woken up there in the old mansion. Walking up the stairs, he nearly bumped into the man that was standing there. He was about 5"8, he looked as though he worked out quite a lot, he had black hair and he was wearing a gray shirt with a picture of a keyblade on it.

    "Hey, i don't know who you are, but you're in my way" Gexln said roughly. The man looked almost shocked that someone had spoken to him. "Haven't seen you around here before, you new here?" he asked. "Who wants to know?" Gexln asked. The man laughed. He then held out his hand. "Name's Luke, i've been living in this mansion for a couple of months now, though i can't say that i've had people break in before" he said in a joking manner. Gexln shook his head. "I didn't break in, i woke up here" he said.

    Luke's face took on a more serious look. "Woke up here?" he questioned, clearly confused. "Yeah, the last thing i remember was someone that looked like me being overtaken by darkness, and then i woke up here" he replied. "Wait a minute, you're a Nobody?" Luke asked, eyes wide in shock. "Nobody?" Gexln queried. "Yeah, you know. Someone who's lost their heart to the darkness? I hear they're pretty strong, never met one myself though" Luke answered. "Well, til now that is" he added.

    Luke turned around and picked up a blade that was leaning against the wall. He spun around to look at Gexln once more, holding out the blade for him to see. "If you're a Nobody, there's going to be a whole heap of trouble you'll get into. If the stories are true, Nobodies have a knack for getting into trouble. So you're going to need this weapon. Her name's Darkness' Sorrow, i've had her for a while now. Better keep it safe for me alright?" Luke asked, handing Darkness' Sorrow to Gexln, to which Gexln responded by accepting the blade. "Anyway, i imagine it must've been a little weird being overtaken by darkness huh?" he asked.

    "So that person that looked like me...was me?" Gexln asked, getting more confused by the second. Luke laughed once again. "Yep, you got it. That used to be you, and now the person you are now, that's the new you. So...what's your name?" He asked. "My name's Glen" he answered. "Wrong! Not anymore it isn't. New person, new name. That's how it works. So, i'll ask again. What's your name?" Luke asked. Gexln closed his eyes in concentration. For a brief moment, he could feel the darkness inside of him ebbing away at his being. He opened his eyes, knowing his name. "My name is Gexln, Nobody of the Dark" he said in a serious tone. Once more, Luke held out his hand, as did Gexln. They shook hands this time. "Well then, nice to meet you, Gexln"

    "Ah, you taught me so much. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to control the darkness at all" Gexln said out loud. He walked into the mansion, up the stairs and took a seat on the top one. He decided he would wait there for a while in the hopes that the old mansion attracted some attention, and maybe a challenger of worth.
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Sapphires hands began to shake as Rexitus revealed his power. It was definitely great, greater then she previously thought. It was then that R stood up and absorbed the darkness, this included the darkness she was using to power her dark mode. As he began to drain the energy Sapphire dropped her sword. A loud clank of metal hitting the cold hard floor echoed through out the room. Smoke filled the room, Sapphire couldn't even see her sword. Soon after a loud thud could be heard from Sapphire passing out, and falling to the ground. Sapphire let out a small so of fear from what was to come before she was completely out cold.
    Kaya relaxed a bit as the other darks entered. Now they stood a chance of winning this. Rexitus and Lexeian could handle Kel while she protected her sister. But before they could get to far Kel put up a smoke screen making it impossible for anyone to see what is going on. Kaya spun towards the sound of her sister collapsing. She was unable to see her sister through the smoke that Kel created. "Damn it Sapphire." Kaya yelled out as she choked on the smoke. "Why must you be so defenseless? Kaya started to walk towards where she believed her sister was when Rexitus stepped in front of her. Before she could completely figure out why he had dragged her through a wormhole. "What is your problem? You are letting them get away with my sister? Why did you have to go and do that?" She yelled at him clearly frustrated. She attempted to use a dark firaga on him but her darkness was still mostly drained from R, So she settled with a punch in the face.


    "I don't know what to expect but it never hurts to be well prepared." Louvel said. "I was hoping not to have to. But anyways I am glad to have your help with this. If you and Emerald want to go ask Cid about your ship you can go ahead while I poke around here a bit to dig up information." Louvel told them. Louvel spotted two people over at the edge of the square. "I suppose they are as good as a place as any to start my search."
    Azurite shook his head. "No I have no idea. I have never studied the keyblade much. I spent my time trying to find a brother of two girls I witnessed an indecent of long ago. I believe he is here now. I can finally fulfill my goal. I just got a keyblade with my intention of protecting people." Azurite explained as he looked over his shoulder at Louvel.
  6. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    Kaxar now only noticed the other people. "Oh okay, sorry for keeping you then.." Kaxar said, feeling as though she was in the way. She then had an idea. "What if i came with you to help protect others too? I need to get better at using my keyblade to save him, so i'll have to learn sooner or later right?" she asked. She felt it was a good idea to ask, and maybe she could learn more about the keyblade as she went along.
  7. Sora's Apprentice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 15, 2011
    Iaso couldn't hear a thing that Buece had said but already knew he was again being annoying. He however was able to make out what the man he had saved said. He held his head and got back up. He had realized that he had a potion in his back pocket, ment for a situation just like this. Iaso drank the potion and started to feel better as his head's pain went away. He then felt a tingle in the back of his head. He felt the back of his head and realized that a glass bottle was shattered against it. He summoned his keyblade and looked at the man he had saved. "I so desperatly want to kill that guy", Iaso stated as he spoke of Buece. "The names Iaso, and i am extremely confused by all this", Iaso introduced himself to the man while still not knowing what in the world just happened.
  8. Rapid Ignis Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2012
    The depths of my soul
    Lysa grins and jumps into the air, propelling herself three times her own height, doing backwards tumbles the whole way. She grins as she lands lightly on her feet next to Emerald, "alright... so... who is this Cid guy? You think he can help with my ship?" she asks.
  9. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce looked at Pyramid Head, who was standing in his path. That sword looked like it'd hurt so much, it'd need at LEAST 1000 mommy kisses to make it better. And his mother was no where present, so he needed to avoid getting hit by that. Seeing as he was on a flying motercycle made from a legendary weapon, that wouldn't be too hard. He revved it and propelled forward toward him. He stared down his target, and at the last moment, propelled his glider into the air, and back down again, doing a wheelie on it's face. "Hyper combo K.O.!" Beuce yelled as he took off directly upward, hitting it with the flames from the tail pipe as well.

    R was about to give chase, but they were too far away by the time he got out there. Sapphire was gone, the lights had won the day. R slowly walked back inside. He slammed his fist against the wall, using the darkness in his body to give the punch more force, shattering the wall completely. By this point the smoke had cleared and he looked around at all the darks. Lexeain, Xross, Iaso, and Ruby were there. Rexitus had taken Kaya through a portal for some reason. "Xross, tell me you have the stone." R said, hopefully.

    Emerald grinned at the question of whether or not Cid could fix it. "You kidding me? He's a wizard at when it comes to gummi ships. And i know a wizard!" She said smiling before taking her hand and leading her toward Merlin's house.
  10. Rapid Ignis Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2012
    The depths of my soul
    Lysa grins as she holds Emerald's hand, matching Emerald's pace as she is lead through the town, "thanks so much for doing this... I built most of the thing from spare parts and a wreck I found... but I didn't really know what I was doing... the strange ships that attacked me didn't help one bit..."
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    [​IMG]Though it couldn't be seen on his face, the frustration he was felling was growing huge and it had nothing to do with the situation the mission was in. It was from all of his old problem coming back to haunt him all at once. Sure he could deal with one of them at a time, but Xross was a higher priority and it took a lot of will power for him not to say 'screw the mission' and rush him right now. Still the monster before him was still a problem. It had to be weak due to Beuce's attack so he decided to finish it. "Infernal Divider!" Scrapping his keyblade against the ground, he soar up the body of the creature, cutting it along the way.
  12. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010

    "Whoa! Hey!" Garnet said as she walked in. "Did you guys throw a party without us? Because that's rude." She hoisted Annabelle back onto her shoulder. As much as she wanted to have left her back there, she couldn't. There was more danger. "Where's my sister? She slacking off again? Or is she crying that I beat her?"

    "Garnet... Calm down... You'll get us into trouble... There's only so much we can do, I mean... We wasted all out items against your sisters..."
  13. Sora's Apprentice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 15, 2011
    Iaso saw the man shatter the wall and began to think. He desperatly raged for the man he wanted to kill had somehow screwed things for these people. He saw that the man wanted to go after Buece but couldn't for some reason. With that he made his decision. "Screw it, I'm going after him.", Iaso stated to noone inparticular. He went outside and summoned the glider from his keyblade. "I most likely wont be able to get out of this. But if i kill that guy, it'll all be worth it. Don't wait up.", Iaso said to the man he had saved. He then began to boost his glider and persue Buece no matter how far he was from him.
  14. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013
    The Executioner groaned as it felt Kel's blade against its side, and stood again as it Beuce got enough leway. It swung its large blade in a horizontal fashion, contacting Kel's blade and making him skid 40 feet away. The monster then grabbed the end of Beuce's Keyblade Glider, and wrenched it in half, turning it back the way it was, making Beuce fall to the ground. The Executioner slammed it's blade on the ground, exactly 16 inches away from Beuce's face, but in the process, it's blade got stuck in the ground.

    Rexitus felt the blunt force of Kaya's slap against his face and let out a grunt. His eyes returned to his normal color, but only temporarily.
    "There is nothing we could've done. The cavalry came too late. The Executioner Heartless was the last distraction I could do. Besides, would you rather stay with the idiot who has a tendency of spouting random comments? I doubt that." Rexitus said normally.
    "And don't you dare slap me again. I may be lower-ranking to you, but I still have the power to rip your spine from you back and hang it on the wall." His corrupted half added. Rexitus eyes turned red again, and he opened the exit wormhole, out of the pocket dimension. Rexitus walked out, and only closed the portal when Kaya came out.

    Lexeain greeted Rexitus as he came out with Kaya. She turned to R, and slapped him.
    "You fool." Lexeain stated in a voice more adult-like, but still her normal voice, "You dare send us on a mission, when you decide to fight one of your own?! I felt your energy rise before the portal closed!" Lexeain's eyes burned an incredible green flame, that burned pure anger...and an angry light, too bright to be questioned by any of the darks.
    "You are very lucky that I am forgiving, otherwise, I would trap you in the Iceworld the first chance I get!"
    She walked off in a huff.

    Rexitus merely watched what was going on in silence, twitching occasionally. As Lexeain left, He said normally,
    "The Otherworld spell will last until all the Lights leave the castle. I will talk Lexeain, and later I will talk to you."
    "But be warned superior." Rexitus's other side growled, "Lexeain and I are not to be trifled with. We have saved one of your own tonight, but your actions tonight are deemed unworthy of my scope of understanding, and this should not happen again. I am not insulting you, but telling the truth from the way I see it."
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    [​IMG]Xross was in quite the internal situation. On one hand, he wanted to torment Kel some more, but on the other hand he had R to deal with. Fortunately he knew that Kel would die form something like this, which meant that he would have his chance. Digging into his pocket, he handed R the drained cornerstone.

    [​IMG] Zwei remained silent as the two girls talked on the way to Cid. Still he was curious about this so called master mechanic. It that was what he was known by, then he had to have earned the name.
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Sapphire hit the ground hard as Beucefilous fell, and dropped her. She groaned and sifted her weight although still unconscious. Her hand could be seen sticking out a slight but from under her body. She clenched it like she was trying to grab something.
    "That idiot? All I would have to do is flutter my eye lashes and get close to him and he would do whatever I pleased. I could have dealt with him but now thanks to you they have gotten a hold of my sister." Kaya responded slightly enraged. "And don't you ever threaten me. you have no idea what I am capable of." With that Kaya spun around and walked away.

    As she was leaving she saw Ruby laying on the ground obviously injured. Kaya force fed her a potion before standing up and giving her a light kick in the side to get her up. "Wake up your sister is missing too. You can't just go sleep while my brother tries to corrupt their minds can you?" She asked Ruby. Kaya wanted to go after Sapphire herself but knew she had to run it by R first. Same went with Ruby and Annabelle.

    Azurite hesitated. "Well after I do this I am not quite sure what I am going to do, but you can still tag along. It has been a long time since I had a companion to come along with me." Azurite then spun around and started to walk towards the other group as they started to go their own ways. "Let go." He said to Kaxar in a strong confident voice. "... I hope this is the right guy." He added in under his breath before approaching Louvel.


    Louvel look as the two people he was going to talk to approached him. He wasn't sure what to think of this, if it was luck or fate. Either way it never hurt to ask what he needed to ask. "Um excuse me." Louvel started to speak. His voice had a slight tremble as he was nervous to ask about his family. "I am looking for information on what might have happened to my family. They used to live here and all I know is my parents are now dead and my twin sister, Kaya has turned against me dragging our younger sister Sapphire with her. All I want to know though is how my family died. Do you know anyone who might have answers?" He asked. He was only slightly aware of how lengthy and possibly rambily that sounded but he no longer cared. He needed these answers.
  17. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    "I'm sorry to hear, that's so sad" Kaxar said, unsure of exactly what she should be saying in the situation. "I don't know many people here at all, i don't know many people anywhere else either really, but there's a big castle around here, and big castles usually have to have someone important running them don't they?" She said, trying to give him an idea without telling him what to do. She gave a warm, friendly smile and spoke again "but if i hear anything anyway i'll be sure to tell you!" she said. She wasn't sure why she trusted people so easily, or always saw the best in people; perhaps it was the fact her element was light, or perhaps it was because she found it very difficult to hate or even dislike somebody unless it was related to the darkness, but she always genuinely wanted to help.
  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    R felt the sting of Lexeain's palm on his cheek. He was about to let her go, figuring he deserved it for draining his allies of strength, regardless of his reasoning. Was about to, but stopped her from storming off with a wall of darkness. "What....Happened." R said, the rage in his voice apparent. It took every ounce of willpower he had to not tear the nobodies limb from limb as he clenched the cornerstone in his hand. While he was normally calm and composed, he was still a heartless. And heartless were, by nature, violent and acted on instinct. Right now his instincts were telling him to redecorate the castle in red. "Do you have any comprehension of what you've done? First, you only brought me half the stone. If that were all, i could simply send you out again for the other pieces. But what you've brought me, it's little more than a rock with a spark of power in it. Without extensive measures to restore the power it once contained, it's useless to us."

    Beuce groaned as he was somehow thrown onto the ground by Pyramid he- i mean..."the executioner" In the span of five seconds, he'd managed to counter Kel and him both, regardless of being supposedly slow. Maybe he should have tried to milk style points out of that attack by doing it in slow motion...Just a thought. Anyway, he could see Iaso getting closer to him from the distance. It was a REALLY good thing Rienzel stated that R went back inside because they were too far away to catch already, because apparently they were stuck fighting this thing. He looked to see Garnet and Luna calling to help them "Oi! Thought you skipped out on us!" Beuce called to them, before turning to Glen as he read this. "Yes. Oi. Is there a problem?" He then turned to Pyramid head, and used his last remaining item, an elixir, well worth the money. He drank it, and was as good as new. "Now we're talking!" He yelled as he finished it. He turned around and chucked the bottle as far as he could, aiming straight for the center of Iaso's forehead.

    Emerald looked up at the roof of the house as they arrived. The roof was it's most distinguishing feature. It was in the shape of a wizard's hat. It fit, given the owner. "It's been a while since i've seen this house." Emerald said to herself in a moment of nostalgia. After a second of staring, she walked up to the door and pushed it open. Sure enough, there he was on the computer. Except he wasn't doing his usual programming, he was on what appeared to be a forum. something She couldn't make it out. "Well if you ain't in top shape!" She called to him, alerting him to her presence.
  19. Rapid Ignis Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2012
    The depths of my soul
    Lysa chuckles softly to herself as she listens to Emerald's playful banter with Cid. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the massive computer monitor, "huh... that's weird... what is a 'Role Playing Arena'?" she asks, tilting her head to the side, her hair tickling Emerald's arm, since she was still holding Emerald's hand on that side. Lysa's gaze contiues around the room, examinine magical tomes, Ninja weapons, and hand-drawn diagrams pinned to the walls.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2015
  20. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013
    Rexitus turned back to R, and said, "We planted a device that balances energy, and me, Lexeain, and Xross got a huge chunk of it. Without the device, we would've been fried by the energy that both Cornerstones released. However, when you preformed the Dark Siphon, you absorbed the excess energy that we carried. Right now you hold all of the excess. All you have to do is to transpose and divide the energy among all of us, making us infinitely stronger. We hadn't failed our mission."
    Rexitus snapped his neck, and his crazy side replied, "The Otherworld is beginning to fade! I'm losing my grip!
    "I feel fine." Lexeain muttered.
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