These questions are for the experts Ana/ized of kingdom hearts: (i) When is the first time Destiny Island shows sign of the worlds destruction in KH1? (ii) Name the only two battles where you get potions on Destiny Island in KH1? (iii) when you face dark side for the second time you're on a platform.In which other kingdom hearts was it shown and what battle was done there? Theres only three for now but i think more. If i thought of them now then they'd be too Easy.
question 1. the intro scene. question 2. Tidus, Selphie and Wakka at once and Riku evry time you beat him. question 3. There are 3 possible answers. Answer 1 is when you fight Zexion in Reverse/Rebirth. Answer 2 is where you fight Zexion in KH2 FM+. Answer 3 is when you fight "Ansem" for the first time in KH1.