The Escape

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by guardian_of_ light, Mar 30, 2009.

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  1. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xathabat started to write down on a peacie of paper and keep looking up and noticed Drewxan and wrote some notes
  2. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Drewxan looked towards Xathabat. He got up and walked to the seat next to her but didn't speak.
  3. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    The nobody studied the other two figures with some mild interest, for they seemed somewhat unimportant. Merely a set of pawns in a game of chess... much like the Keyblade War. The knights were falling, the king is cornered... only a matter of time until the Darkness wins. Unless a miracle happened. Marluxia, though, cared not for the war, only that he wanted freedom. He wanted them all to pay for locking him up in a cage like an animal.

    Unknowingly, Marluxia began to develop a plan. What it was, he did not know, but the possibility of leaving this dreadful place was too great for him to ignore. The seed of liberation slowly began to grow as it was settled into the back of his mind...
  4. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    on the paper it said 'Name:unknow Gender:male Clothing: Black T-shirt, black skinny jeans, black sneakers, black Element sweatshirt, necklace with half the heart white and the other black, on the black side, a white angel wing, on the white side, a black demon wing. Next entry name: unknow gender:-' Xthabat looked at Marluxia and wrote in her notes
  5. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Drewxan looked to Marluxia. Wonder what he's up to.
  6. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Xion shivered, keeping her head down. She was always cold, the clothes she wore were never thick enough. She displayed the string in the pattern of an eye, then started making something else.
  7. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    in her notes about Marluxia she wrote 'need to keep my eye on that one my be useful' she turned and saw Drewxan and closed her notes and finshed her drink and walked into the hallway 'darn i hope he didnt see my notes' she thought to her self
  8. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    As the loner felt the eyes upon him, Marluxia shifted his gaze to the woman with a string. He was intrigued, though briefly, as to what she was doing with the string, his hazel, glass-like eyes glittering as his interest began to grow. An odd one, that girl.
  9. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Xion shivered again, feeling herself being watched. She looked up, meeting a guy's gaze briefly. Then she looked down again, keeping her eyes low. She noticed he had pretty eyes, but she didn't like talking to anyone. It had never served her well.
  10. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    He chuckled lightly and shifted his gaze elsewhere... There truly was nothing to do. With nothing better than to walk around, the loner shoved himself forward, toward the door jamb, where, by all means, he took his leave, leaving behind the small, uncomfortable mess hall.
  11. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xathabat went to her room she woundered which one of them is her cell mate probly the women that was in the corner. she put her notes away under her mattress and got her syth she went back to the cafiteria and started writing on the wall about nobodies.she looked at Drewxan again and back to her wall she didnt want to know about the girl because she was highly going to be in the same jail cell as her and take notes later

    OOC: im going to have to leave soon because i have to play in a band concert
  12. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Someone shoved Xion forward. She caught herself on her hands, then turned. It was a larger woman, grinning. She shovd Xion again. Xion slowly got up, backing away. She didn't want trouble of any kind. She turned, and was shoved again. The girl tripped, then ran to her cell, ignoring the laughter. She ignored the other person in her cell, going to sit on her bed and curling up, staring at the wall.
  13. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    xathabat saw and went to Xion " are you ok that was rude of her"she said nicly

    OOC: gtg brb
  14. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC: Same here.

    BIC: Xion didn't turn around."Terrific." she murmured.
  15. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    xathabat didnt belive her "so whats your name by the way myns Xathabat' she smiled she kept her hood down though so no one may see her face

    OOC: im back
  16. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Here is my first post. It's very creative isn't? ^_^ )

    From the shadows, his eyes looked at the moon, the land of broken dreams lay beyond him. Strumming his sitar, he sat on the edge of a table with his leg hanging over it. He didn't know what was to come of him and the rest of the members that had been caught. He was one of the survivors still adoning his black leather organization cloak as he thought of the day of the keyblade wars where others including himself were taken away. It sent shivers down his spine to have been captured by humans. The guards wouldn't go near him knowing that he had a split personaility and could change it upon whim which was extremely dangerous to the guards, as well as the other cell mates. No one would dare touch him afraid of the water that he summoned and maniupulated ending up in thier throat thus shutting down their organs and causing them to drown. This was the reason why he kept his cloak and was not fited into prison garb. Demyx could be like a loose cannon having mood swings of being clueless, naive and annoying to violent, revengeful and deadly. The melodious nocturne also had his weapon that no one could take away from him since he could make it dissolve and disappear before their very eyes. Along with his sitar, he had the most beautiful voice, and his dancing was graceful, swift and passionate. Due to all of these qualities that nobodies weren't supposed to have, they made him odd and unique to the others as if he felt like he actually did have true emotions and believed in had a heart. Due to these reasons, he was by himself most of the time since the other nobodies didn't want anything to do with him.

    Demyx's fingers danced on his sitar, the vibration sounding like an electric guitar on account he did have special abilities and could manipulate music besides water and being an alive spirirt so to speak and not a normal human. Opening his mouth for all to hear, his harmonious voice rang out with phantom emotions interwined with his beliefs of being able to feel them and express them through song.

    He gazed at the moon through the bared window reaching for it pretending to grasp it and pull it to his chest not caring if the other inmates thought he was crazy or not. He was in his own world, one where no one could hurt him or cause him any turmoil.

    Once again I'm here alone my secret life awaits me
    Still a thousand miles away from a land of broken dreams

    Night falls and the screen is shining
    Force deception behind the lines
    Hours wasted aimlessly gone time and time again

    He dropped to his knees, singing to someone who was not there.

    Try to understand, desperately lost with a dream in my hand
    Will you wait alone for me tonight?
    Hold me, Save me

    Rocking his hips back and forth, he lept in the air causing some people to think he needed either a stray jacket or have a shot of medication, but the nocturne would not allow any of that.

    A star shines in all of us, we'll search for all our lives
    One day we'll find a way and a reason to survive
    Cry for the day to return, life no one can understand
    We all face our fears in the the world,
    We all hold our place in the universe
    For eternity

    Hide the lines deceive myself erase the past from my space
    Images of loneliness sent far across the land

    Once sure but my eyes a blinded
    Frantic charge for a place to hide
    Lost generations apart and ancient life returns

    Kindness in her eyes, taken away by a man in disguise
    Won't you wait alone again tonight?
    Save me, Take me

    A star shines in all of us, we'll search for all our lives......


    Try to understand, desperately lost with a dream in my hand
    Will you wait alone for me tonight?
    Hold me, Save me

    A star shines in all of us, we'll search for all our lives......

    Our past lives return to us all
    Our memories will fly free forever
    So far from the cries of the world
    For eternity

    As he ended his song, his head was down as he slowly rose it getting use to the surroundings that awaited him. As long as he had not given up any hope and had his musical nature his spirit would continue to flourish
  17. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: ....omg....O.O....*mouth drops*..that was llooonngg....and xathabat knows him....

    BIC: xathabat heard his singing and regornized it and sighed"oh no...not him again...why is HE here" she sighed
  18. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel sighed as his gaze on the moon fell at sight of seeing the clouds cover it slightly so that it was almost dark. Just like his old home, the darkness could never get away from him. No matter where he went it always found its way. He was like a free soul as well, but his organization outfit had been almost thrashed just trying to escape the place. He would need to get another one because he didn't have time to alter it in the meantime. People pr guards wouldn't go near him because of his fiey temper and he would kill if they gave him the chance. Sliding a hidden knife that was grasped in his teeth he slid it across his tongue marking the lines of the wall. Upon hearing footsteps had put it away gradually in one of his boots. The singing he was hearing in the next cell was inspiring to him as he began to hum it intentively as if to not lose his mind over being insolated in a cell for such a long time. Vengences was on his mind as he thought to go after anyone was responsible of his capture, but until he could attempt yet another escape he would keep his thoughts to himself.
  19. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xathabat started to think this place was for the crazy now she went back to her cell and looked in the cell next to her and saw axel " what the freck!" she shouted in anger and turned back and got her note book and wrote axel and demyx in her notes she pulled her hood more down over her face so you couldnt even see her mouth she started to make notes on the gaurds now and when they changed gaurds.
  20. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    A guard came up and dragged the singer out throwing him in Axel's cell now since the cell that Demyx once occupied was to be filled by someone else and they needed more room. The nice thing that the guards did allow was Demyx to have Axel as his cell mate due to the fact Demyx would complain about being alone and so not to upset him and bring out his watery rage, the ones whom held him here against his will relented so not to be killed. They figured that two dangerous nobodies would be better of together anyway. Getting to his feet, his anger exploded. "Next time you do that again I will drown you! You hear me you sorry son of a *****! He yelled as he held the bars with his clenched hands. Spotting Axel, he joined him as he sat on the bed. "So what have you been up to?"
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