The Enigmatic Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jaxed, Apr 5, 2007.

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  1. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Jaxed sat in a corner carefully deciding what to do*
    *gets up*
    Jaxed:"As much as I wish to know about what happened to Rokuxion, we must find Hakumei! It Rokuxion's final wish before he disappeared..........unfornately, however...........I have no idea where Hakumei is............but, I know someone who might..........Jarex..........."
    "Knights! Prepare to leave! We must go to The World That Never Was! We will ask the head of the organization itself where Hakumei and Rokuxion are! This will be dangerous though......I suggest a full-fledge attack!!! Are you ready?!
  2. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    Alarms rung throughout the organization 13's base. Nobodies poured down into the hallways. And at the hall of empty melodies, Norukuxu was there, swinging both keyblades, slashing away nobodies with both keyblades, dusks, samuria nobodies and sorcers falling to the might of Norukuxu. He jumped and flew down, stabbing his keeyblade sinto the ground, sending a shockwave of both light and darkness in front of him, slamming nobodie sinto the walls. He then ran up into the outer wall of the castle, slashing nobodies off the walls and sending blasts out in front of him. He then ran up until he reached the top, where an organization member waited, a female with her hood down. long red hair falling to her back. grinding her teeth she summoned up a book of spells. and began reading them. Norukuxu charged jumping form side to side, spinning forward, dodging both thundaga and firaga. Coming to her and slashing both keyblades down in the form of an x, making her dissapear on impact. Breathing out, Norukuxu charged forward until there stood Jarex, hand extended. Below Norukuxu formed a portal of darkness which Norukuxu fell in, appearing at the desert once again.
  3. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Ok, should we go to the desert now or continue on to The World That Never Was? Also, sparda, are you joining the attack?
  4. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    ooc: The world that never was, but have some side-stuff happen so we can rp it when haku comes on, Roku also asked about illix and rila, so why doesn't Jaxed go do that.
  5. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Oh, I thought that was what you were doing.......ok, let's see what happened to them. Hey! I just thought of an idea........We both separtly look for them, and during or travels we run into each other......And join forces to look for them together, but maybe with a little fighting at first.......
  6. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc: The reason I suggested to go to Twilight Town was to find the portal to go to TWTNW.
  7. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    ooc: nWell...rokuxion meant get their bodies and stuff, but how about you give the knights a break and you guys split up, then you somehow appear at that place and you see an organization member with his hood up (me, but I'm actually not), you think I am but we fight.
  8. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Ok, I admit the knights need a small break.........after about 10 battles and 6 double-crossers, they deserve a break........Ok, The knights will temperally split, some to look for Hakumei, some to look for Rokuxion, and some simply to look for new members, in other words, if any one wants to join, do it now.
  9. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    ooc: alright., I may make anothe rknight to join you guys if thats okay. So Jaxed, why don't you get the rp started,Announce the break for the knights, then lets get the show on the road, I WANNA FIGHT YOU!!
  10. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Jaxed opens portal to TWTNW, suddenly closes*
    Jaxed:"Hmm? It seems we can't go that way......."
    *Turns around suddenly senses something*
    Jaxed:"What? Rokuxion?"
    *Turns toward knights*
    "I just sensed.....Rokxion....."
    "Ok, I believe it is time I found him........And it is time everyone has some time off..........Not even I can go days without sleep without consequences......."
    "Well, you've heard my orders......feel free to finally take a break.....though, those who wish to help me find Rokuxion, feel free to come....But, that was not an order, so, just relax........Visit old friends............"
    "Or fight them........"
    *Opens portal*
    "I sensed Rokuxion was within the desert area..............our old fortress.......overrun with heartless almost the moment the knights were formed.......I believe it is time I reclaim my castle......."
  11. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    ooc: i'm at the desert now....and wasn't mickies castle yuor old fortress? o.o oh nvm, I'm at the old fortress.

    Norukuxu swung both keyblades, jumping through the holes in the walls, slashing away heartless and nobodies. His hood as up, not wanting to reveil his identity incase an organiation member showed up.
  12. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Jaxed thinks to himself*
    (Alright, last mission, then sleep....)
    (Boy, I am tired......)
    *Looks up*
    "At least my fortress is still standing.........albeit very run down......"

    OOC:Only my character is tired, not me, don't worry, I can still stay on....I just thought of it as a plot twist that Jaxed is really tired and can't hardly fight....yet he is challenging 1000's of heartless.....
  13. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "I'm going back to the mansion. I need to do some research on the super computer. Everybody, I have thought of you as all of my brothers and sisters, but this is where we must depart for now. Good day." -gets in gummi ship and takes off-
  14. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    The idea of a break was fine with Amaya, though she didn't exactly have any friends to go to. "Lovely," she muttered to herself. "Maybe I'll go back to Twilight Town... Or something."
  15. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I appear back at the mansion a few hours later. I walk into the basement. I start to type in "organization", but a sound is coming from the machine behind me. I walk toward it to see that a dark aura is surrounding it. I extend my index finger close to it. It pulls me in and I appear in the same room, but I know that it is somehow a different place. I step into the command room to see a portal in the corner.
    I step through it to see millions of nobodies surrounding me. I bring out my keyblades and start fighting. For a few minutes I do very well, but then I get tired and they pile on top of me. I shoot twilight out of my Ancient keyblade and they go flying. I run toward the other opening and I appear in a dark alley.
  16. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Yeah, go ahead and create your own little mini-stories, consider this an intermission......just don't kill off any main characters, or other things like that.

    *Jaxed slowly stumbled toward fortresss*
    Jaxed:"Maybe this was a bad idea....."
    *All of a sudden 8 (Forgot name, the ones from Kh1 that looked like darksides and had swords) heartless appeared around him*
    "Bring it! I not helpless, yet!
    *2 dash at him, slips in-between them and cuts them in half*
    *Another shoots dark orb, Jaxed sends it back at it, destoying it*
    "Anyone *pant* else?"
    *2 more stabs swords in ground and become flame orbs, surrounds Jaxed, Jaxed casts relectaga, killing them both*
    *1 dashes from front, another dashes from behind*
    *Blocks attack from front, dodges attack from behind, casts thundaga, killing both*
    *Jaxed dashes at remaining one, stumbles and falls to knees*
    "No.........I can't fail...........not yet.............I must keep going..........."
    *Last Heartless flies toward Jaxed*
    "I am sorry, my friends............"
    *Hangs head, closes eyes*
    "I have failed............"
    *Heartless slashes at Jaxed, Jaxed blocks attack and shoots heartless in face with light blast*
    *collaspses from exsaughtion*

    OOC:Sorry to leave on such a cliff hanger, but I have to go.........
  17. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    Suddenly a portal appears infront of jaxed and doxyc comes out but not with armor...with an organization XIII coat. he quickly summons his keyblade and looks at the 1...what ever they are...and says, "long time no see..." to jaxed then says "this'll get you out of here!" he flung out an arm making a portal on the ground below jaxed. as soon as jaxed went threw the portal shut and then doxyc looked at the heartless as it summoned more of its kind to its aid untill there were 10 of them. "ROKUXIONS MINE!!!" doxyc said then lunged at them without holding back...
  18. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    Norukuxu was in the back, turning around and walking foraerd, both keyblade son his back, hood up. Suddenly, heartless fly at him, and a she does he merely turns his body, heartless missing him as they come. He then comes to a hallway, and down there was none other then Doxyc.
  19. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: I'm just going to post a side event.

    An Organization member can be seen carrying a body using some sort of giant plant as a bed for the body. As she leads the way, a tower comes into view. The female member comes to a hault and looks up. Concealed in the shadow of her hood is a grin.
  20. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I start to walk put of the alley. I am greeted by many shadow and neon heartless. I swipe them easily away with Tiida and I block them away with Ancient. I then run away as they start to flood the cages. I run to I sense something weird, but I get blindsided as Karxo swings at me. I jump back, astonished. " are dead. I'LL KILL YOU!!!" I leap...
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