The Enigmatic Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jaxed, Apr 5, 2007.

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  1. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    rokuxion kept straight face, maenuvering his legs and hands to flip him up onto his feet, going for several series of slashes. One aimed for his left shoulder, another aiming for his right rib, then aa series of stabs aimed throughout his chest. He separated his legs a bit and bent them, one leg bent, the other forward. One hand held his keyblade, the other generating a black orb.
  2. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "ENOUGH!!!!!" I yell as I spread my arms out, keyblaes in hands. I point one at everybody and one at Rokuxion. I start to calm down now. "Rokuxion thank you for the advice, and Hakumei. Thanks for always being there for me."
    I lower my keyblades and look out at everyone. "Being with the knights have been the funnest years of my life since that terrible day. But I came here for one reason, and this reason isn't being fuffiled. I wish the best of luck to you. Now excuse me, I know now that in this state I'm just going to hurt somebody. I love you all like brothers and sisters...Goodbye." Roka starts to walk towards the entrance.
  3. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    Doxyc looked at everyone in the room. he looked at roka then amaya and so on then turned around and started walking to the sight were the to guys were fighting
  4. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc:um...i stopped the fight
  5. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    Rokuxion sighed and lowered his keyblade "THe light stone at disney castle." Rokuxion yelled towards Roka, "The light stone at Disney castle will give you control over the darkness, and evengive you light, its not too late for you."
  6. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "Very well. You are all allies of mine, but if I get in a pickle don't bother to help. It might be a sign that he wants me to be with him. Maybe that is the only way to see him, but I'm not going in that direction until I know for sure his body and soul are completely gone off all worlds."
  7. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    A portal of darkness forms behind Rokuxion. rokuxion then turns to Jaxed. "In two days I will start a raid against disney Castle. That is your only opportunity, thats OUR opportunity." rokuxion pausd then said "In twod ays the organization leaves the castle to the heartless, but after that day they return to take the hearts of anyone who was killed, while they're gone, thats when you must strike." Rokuxion slwoly walks towards the portal, "our battle shall continue another time Hakumei." Rokuxion steps through the portal, the portal closing behind him anmd vanishing.
  8. Dark Keyblade Knight625 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 3, 2007
    How do people make pictures like that?
  9. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    After a while, they both had exchanged blows. Then, it was over when Roka stepped. Roka hugged everyone and left. Hakumei sighed in boredom. Their fight had to be postponed.

    "Well, I guess anything can happen now days..." he muttered as Nothings Existence disappeared in a flash of light. He walked towards the room where Rokuxion and Jaxed had their "Privacy". There, he fell on the couch and craned his his head up until the back of his head touched the top of the couch.

    "What a day..."
  10. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Sorry! I am sorry I was gone sooo long.......end of course exams were this week and so I had no spare time.........sorry I have been gone for so long.......anything important happen?

    Edit:Ok, read it, fight with rokuxion, eh? Ok.......Let's make things interesting.....

    *Jaxed stands up*
    "Ok, I'll join in this "sparing" match.......2-on-2, me vs. Rokuxion, Hakumei vs. Roka. If you are still ready for a challenge? Shall we?"
  11. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    ooc: I'm sorry, I would truely have enjoyed that, but i left already. Reply to what I told you in the private meeting, write about what he thought of what I said to Roka, the fight with Haku, then what happened after that before i left.
  12. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Meeting:"Disney Castle? Wasn't that place overun with heartless? And also.....The place you speak of is heaviliy guarded by many different sorts of spells.....only with the full effort of the knights can I access it......And because of knights will have to agree on that plan as well.....

    Reply to what Rokuxion said to Roka:"Hmm? A replacement? Why would think that? I don't even know who this is......are you new here?
    *Stares at Roka*

    Fight:"I'm afraid I can't join this fight.........You dont know it, but quite frankly....I'm too injured to fight.......I didn't leave all that time for fun.....I've been tracking the help my once-time friend......I will give you all the details later.....I'm afraid you'll have to fight in my place, Hakumei......"

    After Fight:*Thinks to himself over what Rokuxion said about Disney Castle......*
    (Raid Disney Caslte? Are we that desperate?)
  13. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    Meeting: "Yes, but in two days the organization will leave the castle for the heartless to consume hearts, THAT is when we must strike. Please, my friend, I want to see them again, you must help me, you trust me when i say that this won't go unrewarded."

    ooc: skip the thingy bout roka.

    fight: "hmph." walks towards portal of darkness."

    after fight and right before leaves portal: "Commander, I saw it with my own two eyes, I saw Kingdom Hearts, and that was with darkness. I'm sorry, but I can never return to the light, goodbye. if you accept the offer, meet me outside disney castle in twod ays, the coordininates my replacement has will take you there." rokuxion then Steps through portal while putting helmet on.
  14. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:When I said "pay back" I wasn't meaning revenge....I was meaning to help, to return the favor.

    Jaxed:"Rokuxion, I will think upon your offer....but think of what I told you, as well......I can't access it alone anymore.....The knights must agree to this plan as well....."
    *Turns toward knights*
    Jaxed:"So? Who shall join in on the next mission to Disney Castle?"
  15. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I am walking in the forest of Twilight Town, thinking... "I need to get to the castle now!" I summon a portal to hopefully take my to the castle. I emerge out of the portal to see a gummi ship and two little creatures fixing it up. "Hey. What world is this?" The creatures jump into the ship, unaware that I mean no harm. "Don't worry. I'm good."
    "Hi! My name is Chip and this is Dale. We are the King's mecanics."
    "Thanks. That is all I needed to know. Bye."
    I walk towards the entrance of Disney Castle, looking at all of the darkness. "WAIT! I hold the power of the darkness." I point my palms towards the gates covered with heartless and blow them to oblivion. I run towards the main room where I suspect the king is, but not here. I look into the room to see several cloaked men standing with creepier creatures than the heartless.
    "Come down here now!" I yell as they start to walk away. One wispers to another one an jumps down.
    "Well, I would say it's been nice to see you...but I nice isn't in my nature."
    "Who are you?" I question as my keyblades appear in hands.
    "If you must know, it is Karxo, the second member in the organization with keyblades."
    "There are two?"
    "Yes...and we've been trying to get hijm to come back to us, but he gets more stubborn. His name is Hemixuka."
    "Ha, ha..." I mumble.
    "What appears to be so gosh damn funny?"
    "The names of you guys... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"
    "You questioning us?"
    "I'm just saying that yours sounds smiliar to mine, and Hemixuka sound like Hakumei."
    "Where do you think we come from? YOU!!!"
    "No, that's impossible. How?"
    "Hakumei is not the person he thinks he is... well I bet you're smart enough to put the pieces together."
    "Shut your mouth! Hakumei would never lie to us!" I lunge twoards Karxo.
  16. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    ooc: Ooh! *waves hand like a first grader* I will, I will! I mean...

    "Do you really need to ask?" Amaya said laughingly. "I said I would stay loyal, and I meant it."
  17. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:No direct battles with king mickey, or sora, not yet........just to warn any thoughts of creating any fight with them.....

    Jaxed:"So it has come to this.....raiding the once bright Disney Castle for our survival....."
  18. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: 13thdarknes IS ALIVE!!!!! *bows* xD

    Hakumei raises his right hand slightly. "I will too....I guess.." he said in an uncertain tone. He gives a weak smile behind the beat up helmet.

    ooc: Short post I know. I have to leave for one day!! So.....I'll be on tomorrow who knows when..
  19. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc: Ok, changed it so that I didn't find the king.

    As I am lunging towards Karxo, he brings out two keyblades just like mine! WAIT! His has more jagged edges at the bottom of his than mine. We are slashing for several minutes before he raises he keyblde so then brings it down SO HARD it breaks my right wrist. My Ancient keyblade goes flying across the room. I still have my Tiida in my left hand though. I throw it as hard as I can at Karxo, he goes flying but no far. He recovers quickly and does the same thing with both of his. It's now time I use my teleport abilty to use. I am at the big doors. Next I am behind him. I bring out my Tiida keyblade and close in for the attack. He jumps and hits me in the face with Twilight Tiida. I slam into the ground! I use my power of darkness to hover, even though I am still sore. I make my whole body fill with darkness. I remember what Rokuxion said: even though I have the power of darkness, I can overcome it with light! I move as swift as the old man with the darkness. I don't have my keyblade for some reason though, oh well. I get many blows on Karxo as he is trying to stab me with his keyblade. I get up on his head and punch it rapidly. I jump off to see that he is staggering and trying to gain control. I leap towards him. I get out of my heartless form, giving my keyblade Tiida to me. I give one last blow to him as he goes to his knees.
    "You...were...a good opponent..." Karxo mummbles.
    "You too." I grin weakly. I look at my wrist to see that it is not broken anymore! "Now, tell me where the thing is so I can get my heart back!" I start to lift him.
    "wouldn't you like to know?"he starts to fade away...
  20. Sparda Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    ooc: okay, HOW EXACTLY did you get to disney castle, like, 5 minutes ago you were at the mansion, wait till everyone else elaves for the mission before you jump ahead to the fighting.
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