The Enigmatic Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jaxed, Apr 5, 2007.

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  1. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I start gripping my keyblade tighter and tighter until my hand starts to bleed, but I don't stop. I want to just kill him now, but I wait for a reaction by Jaxed or Rokuxion before I do anything. "I couldn't believe that, out of all people, YOU killed them?! I want you dead...NOW!!!" I then signal Amaya to get Seikei out of here.
  2. Zarexu Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 17, 2007
    Rokuxion interrupted "get out." His tone was demonic and evil, then suddenly a portal of darkness appeared behind everyone,followed by a fierce gust of wind. He then began to levitate in the air, hand sin the forms of fists, "Me and Rila......We were going to get married.....but....." He then turned around. His iris were red, lips black, and face an awkward white, "YOU DAMN KNIGHTS RUINED IT!!!!!!!!!!!1 I HATE YOU !!! YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE!!!!YOU KILLED THEM!!! I HATE YOU!!!!I HAAATE YOU ALL!!!!"Darkness then began to seep from the ground, tears falling from his face "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!! I LOVED THEM!! I LOVED THEM AND YOU TOOK THEM AWAY!!!THEY WERE MY WORLD!!MY HEART!!!!" Darkness then swirled around the entire area,seeping up onto his body,the sound of the bald man's laughter echoing throughout the area. An image of the bald man then appeared next to the berserker Rokuxion, and said, "Well done Jaxed,you've completed all the steps for my plan, my plan to be reincarnated and using Rokuxion as a medium."

    ps: ...uhhhh...roka....Illix and Rila were sorta in my story..
  3. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    She was horrified at Rokuxion's new visage, but anger replaced fear as soon she saw the bald man. "You, you're the cause of all this!" she shouted. "Let Rokuxion be, or I swear I will..." Amaya stopped talking, too full of rage to complete even her own sentence.

    ooc: I don't think he's talking about Illix and Rila, I think he's talking about his own family.

    ooc: And nobody's on...*sigh*
  4. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I hold on to Seikei and hold my stance. I then set Seikei down and yelled to Rokuxion, "This isn't the knights' fault. It was Jaxed's fault! Get out of the darkness and you can get your revenge. Don't blame all of us because of Jaxed. You are my best friend, and I don't want anything to change that. Please...if you wish to stay as this...then kill me..." I then drop my keyblades and spread my arms. I hope that I got to the Rokuxion I know. I then look over to Jaxed. "I hope you get the worst punishment possible..."
  5. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    ooc: Oops, sorry for not replying to your earlier post Dual Wielder. Can't wait till we get this thing moving later though.
  6. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: So, now it's Rokuxion VS. Jaxed or is it Roka VS. Jaxed?....or is it Rokuxion and Roka VS. Jaxed? xD

    A bright light could be seen as he opened his eyes. His eyes fluttered a bit as he woke up from his little nap. The boy got from the floor and began to stretch his body with a yawn in between. After a while, he grabbed his keyblades and with a flash of light they disappeared.

    "Man. I must've dozed off.." he said while yawning. He walked out of the room.

    A couple of minutes later.....

    Hakumei had looked everywhere. From the second floor to the first floor. No one was around. The boy could now be seen walking out from the front door. His head askew in thought.

    "Where did everyone go?" he asked himself while holding his chin with his index finger and thunb.

    As he headed for the frontgate, he noticed three orbs of light hovering ahead of him. They were orbs of light trapped within orbs of darkness. You could barely make out the small rays of light seeping through the dark aura's tiny gaps.

    He stared at them, gawking in disbelief. He shook his head and ran towards them. Unfortunately, when he got to the spot, the orbs had already disappeared with a quick, harmless, explosion of light.

    "What....were those things?" Hakumei muttered as he stood at the spot look in all directions in hope of locating the orbs.
  7. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    As Blade Got to The Castle of Nightfall he slowly walked to the basment. the stairs Going down for wat seemed like hours. He'd pass a door every now and then. but he still kept going untill he hit the bottom floor. At the bottom floor there was a Dark POD. he walked up to it and it opened slowly. a sudden shock went threw his heart. This power....WHO's IS IT! He started walking up and then another shock went threw. He might be able to defeat me... Blade thought. as he got into the POD it then closed and then started healing him. he fell asleep and something that could be heard around the castle said, "50%"

    ooc: icase you didnt know i was talking about rokuxion for the power thing....^_^
  8. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:I am really sorry....................I thought I could have got back on yesterday, but I was mistaken...............I hope I didn't miss too much, did I?
  9. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    ooc: Besides Rokuxion going all berserk and the bald man coming to the scene to make everybody's lives worse? ...No, no really.
  10. Zarexu Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 17, 2007
    Rokuxion's hair crossed down over one eye all emo like. He had Red pupils with black bags under his eyes, a pale appearance and black lips. THe bald man laughed manically, "hahahahahahha Sory my sweet little girl, but Rokuxion has a task he must accomplish, and he canno-" He was cut off by a whip of darkness slashing at him from his right. Rokuxion breathed out heavily Darkness seeding around him. The light in the realm was now spiraling black and purple darkness. Rokuxion yelled out. He shifted his eyes down to look a troka, and when he did he ipene dhis eyes wide and stopped "Ro......ka." He then turned to look at Jaxed and he scowled. His body head and hands came down to the cente rof his chest, then shooting back as wide and far out as they can, Rokuxion's screams filling the area with terror. His body was now consumed by black flame, feirce wind picked up and darkness shot all over the place, as if the entire area was falling apart. Behind him formed a portal, and he turned around, dragging his morphed keyblade with him as he walked into it.

    THe bald mans cowled and said, "well well, persistant you've made him, i expect that he is now going to disney castle to find his dear brother and fiance that you bruitally killed jaxed." The bald man then looked towards the knights and said "I'll explain, since Jaxed cearly forgot to." He then paused and smiled, chuckling viciously, "I picked Rokuxion the day he graduated from the academy, he was such an excellent knight, and i knew that i would use him to reincarnate myself into this world." He then paused and turned towards Jaxed, "Though my sacrifice would need to lose his heart, sacrificing it into darkness and hatred, and the only way to do that was to bring upon despair and hopeless oblivion. So i ordred my favored dark knight jaxed to dispose of his dear fiance and brother." He then began to laugh and said, "Since then, rage and anger have been building up inside him, giving birth to darkness, the darkness that would soon be fit for my manipulation. Then one day, I found the boy and took him into the darkness, that was why he succumbed to it, I told him thta he could find illix and Rila if he came to me." He then looked down at Roka and Amaya, "Also, since he did i planted a seed inside him, a seed to bring upon further darkness and hatred, though that was thwarted when his herat was lost to the herat of cornerstone and he returned to light. I knew that my only chance was for him to suffer sch anger and hatred at one moment,which took place now as Jaxed told him the truth." He looked to Jaxed, "THe malice and hatred returned 10 fold, and he has now lost his heart, now an empty vessel of darkness, fit for me to take control." The bald man then said "I needed someone to keep you busy, so i put some of my power in Doxyc, who already had darkness springing, though I'll need to take that power back." He then smiled and opened a portal, "Come to Disney castle if you want to see your friend's death." Just then the portal closed, leaving the knights empty in the realm.
  11. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I then cover my face from the debris. I lower my arm to see that Rokuxion is gone. I then look at Jaxed, hatred in my veins. "YOU....were the person I trusted the most! I seem to have no!" I then start charging at Jaxed, attempting to slash my keyblades directly at him. I then hesitate and stop. I go to Amaya and say, "We're going to Disney Castle. I will not let Rokuxion die because of the bald man." I then go through the city of Twilight Town, and seeing Xarend, I notice him and walk up to him. "Where is Doxyc?" I ask, pointing a devastating, power filled keyblade at his head...
  12. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Jaxed just stands in the corner stunned.............with tears in his eyes*
    Jaxed:"I would never intentionally hurt any of the knights........I had no memory of what happened before............I............I just..................Why?!"
    *Jaxed slams both fists into the ground*
    Jaxed:"I have lost everything........................My hope..............My friends................My honor......................And even my my reason for living................"
    *Jaxed collapses face-foward, crying*
    Jaxed:"Does it even matter anymore.......................?"
  13. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hakumei only stood there in thought. So many events were coming one after another that it was hard for him to not get confused. He tilts his head backwards and looks at the sky.

    "What's.....happening to this universe?" he started with a concerned expression. "It's like everything I've once thought as a perfect peaceful place(s) has now been turned into a...a....a place of complete chaos...." he muttered.

    He closed his eyes and at the same time leaned his head forward. The boy let out a sigh of stress and shook his head.

    "I wonder what the others are doing..." he said while opening his eyes.
  14. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    She saw Roka walk off and was about to follow him, but hesitated when she saw Jaxed there. Amaya was angry with him, but could she ever hate him so completely? No, she knew she couldn't. But now there was no time to tell him that, there were more pressing matters to deal with. She sighed. "Be safe Jaxed."

    She took Seikei into her arms and hurries up to join Roka just in time to see him confront Xarend.
  15. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Is everyone tiring of this thread? I can create a new of if you want me to...................And, does anyone else think it is time for a break?
  16. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc: What do you mean by new thread? And yes, I would like to take a break from it for a couple of days.
  17. Zarexu Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 17, 2007
    Rokuxion brok open a door in disney castle, where animated objects stood in fear. Each step he took left a footprint of darkness that oozed out darkness. He walked down a hallway, dragging a large keyblade that was mad eof black flame, morphed from its original twilight form. He then approached a larger door and puleld his left shoudler froawrd, swinging the keyblade from his left side and slamming it against the door, breaking open a hole which he walked through. He came across a stairwell, a very deep stairwell, which he mindlessly and carelessely ran down, the same insane darkness look on his face, scolwing and clenching his teeth, dragging his keyblade as if it meant nothing.

    ps: We don't need to completely get rid of it, just take a break from it, get time to gather thoughts about their characters. And also, let som epeople try out other treads.
  18. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Yes, I thought the break was a good idea....................As for the the new thread however, I am not quite sure of..............I wanted everyone else's opinion first...........I personally think a new thread is not nessaccary......................but the break is............
  19. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    ooc: Yes, I agree that a break would be a good idea, but I don't see why we would need a new thread.
  20. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Then it is settled.................We will take a break, but there will not be a new thread...............Also, taking a break will help me think of some things to spice this story up (If Jaxed's past didn't do it enough)..................If this was an anime or tv series, I would call this the end of season 1.............right well things go horribly wrong, a perfect ending..............or, a perfect begining...............Alright, after the break is over, I promise you that I will have a fresh storyline, right where this left off.............
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