The Enigmatic Knights: Sign of Valor

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Roka laughed at Jack's statement. He then turned to Jack and said, "Hey Jack, can we talk in my office for a minute?"
  2. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Sure thing. Jack followed Roka to his office and closed the door behind him, and took a seat opposite Roka's Desk.

    "Whats up?"
  3. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Roka had a concerned look on his face. "Well, it appears that I'm very shorthanded around here...and I was wondering If you'd like to work you permanently instead of leaving after the battle. I can pay you any amount of munny you'd like. With Jaxed hardly ever being around, it's incredibly hard to maintain this place, so what do you say?" Roka then added, "And once one of these cadets becomes loyal enough to be a lead knight, you can leave."
  4. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Jack smiled

    "Well hey I'm always here to help. I'll be happy to stay, Naomi will as well. As for Chaos, Theory and Roan though...Well, they'd rather just be free lance for now...but i'll ask them." He looked past Roka and out the window.

    "What if i told you i have the perfect kid to be a lead knight? Better the Jaxed ever will offence, and better then any other warrior in the universe, what would you say?
  5. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Roka looked enthusiastic, but remembered a fellow knight. "The problem is him finding out that he's the best knight ever. The power could go to his head and then if he were to ever betray us, we'd have no way of stopping him....unless you do know how to stop him. Okay Jack, I'll need a full report on him as soon as you can. Before lunch tomorrow. I need to know every detail about this kid, we clear? I don't want anything left out, or else we will all regret it some day."

    ooc: Wing, you can PM the report to me, so that only Roka knows. Like, he's only read it. =]
  6. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: Sounds good lol

    Jack stood and saluted.

    "Will do sir will do. now, is there anything else on your mind?"
  7. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "Not that I can think up at the moment, but please stand by in case something comes up. I have a bad feeling today for some odd reason...."
  8. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Jack saluted once more.

    "Sir. now if you'll exuicse me old friend, i have few things to look into...I hope your bad feeling is just that...a feeling...Right now we cant handle any more battles...Organization XIV is gone, now all we have are heartless...I'll get work on the report. Please call me if you need anything."

    Jack Bowed and headed out the door, where an eger girl stood waiting.

    "Hey Naomi." Jack said as he past her. She walked next to him and handed him a debrief on the mission that took place on Prism.

    Naomi:" Please re it and tell me what to add sir."

    "Thanks Naomi, but i'll handle it from here. you've worked hard enough, just go and relax for a bit okay?"

    Naomi:"Thank you sir!" She walked away happily.

    "Perfect now i can add my report on the kid as well. I olny hope that by the time all the proper channels are reached....that he's okay." He paused in mid step and called out to Naomi.

    "Naomi, sorry but before you go...could you get me the debrief on the final battle against Organization XIV? Just bring it to my office thanks!" He hurried away into his "offece before Naomi could evebn ask him why he would need such an old document...afer all it had been five years since the fall of the second organization.
  9. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordxy looked around at all the commotion and sighed, this really wasn't as fun as she thought It would be. If only I could show Roka my strength and skills...Then MAYBE he would respect me, I'm not just a Damsel In Distress. Never before had she been so annoyed by somebody's comment, yet, this was The Enigmatic Knights after all, she couldn't lose her respect just yet.
  10. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Kain woke up a few minutes later. He knew he was going to collapse beforehand, but he still didn't do anything to avoid it. He scratched his forehead and stood up. "Oh, man that was embarassing. They don't expect too much from me,now, do they?"

    He shook his head and tried to get some focus out of his eye. Once everything started to look clearer, he walked around to find where the other were. "How embarassing. 20 years old, yet here I am, wandering around like a kid who lost him Mom at a mall."
  11. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Roka saw Kain wake up as he came back into the dining hall. "Kain....what the hell? How is it that you got invited here if you pass out from aroma of freshly cooked chicken?"
  12. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Kain looked behind him to Roka and smirked." Hey, when you've lived in the desert for 20 years, you find yourself having to adapt to alot of things most poeple find ordinary. It's just as simple as that.", then his faced carried a more serious lok But don't judge my combat abilities just because of a bit of light-headedness."

    He smirked again and pointed at his eyepatch. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. I don't want to tell you much, but where I'm from, you won't find a better bounty hunter. Just ask that General to look up my name later on San Quentin's database. I'm sure he'll find at least 79 files about criminals I've brought in. not much, but still something that shows I'm no chump."

    He sighed and crossed his arms behind his head. "Besides, for someone whose supposed to be a high-ranking officer, you should know better than to judge somone without looking up their information, no?"

    He stopped to think about what he just said and scratched his head embarassedly. "Sorry about that. I guess I tend to brag a bit every now and then. Let's not get started on the wrong foot."

    He put his hand up to give him a handshake. "My name's Kain Stantine. Pleasure to be of service."
  13. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "Right now, you're nobody to me. If you manage to pass training and the first mission, then I'll start to give a damn about you." Roka then chuckled as he said, "So how did you catch them? Did they laugh when you passed out from a pumpkin pie? Then by the time you woke up, they were still on the ground laughing? But seriously. If you think that just because an eye injury makes you a total badass, then you've got another thing coming. When I was fourteen, I lost my right face to darkness while trying to escape my hometown. I've never gotten that darkness out of my soul. Don't think for one second that people will be intimidated by little facial features. It's your fighting abilities that will leave marks to the worlds, not your face." Roka then tossed a key at him. "Get to'll need it." Roka then heard the rest of what Kain had to say. "It's fine, just don't act cocky. Trust me." Roka extended his hand. "Roka Drakson."
  14. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Can anyone tell me what's going on?
  15. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc: Roka has been talking to Jack Swanson and Kain. That's mainly it. lol
  16. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Venture walked back into the room. "Hey, guys. Guess what? The General thinks I'm Black Ops. material. He said whenever you guys get your first mission, I'll get mine." he said. "I never figured I'd be doin' this kind of work..."
  17. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Okay, thanks.

    BIC: Tera Roth slumped against the wall. "So, what are we going to do?"
  18. gerlert_fav2005 Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 19, 2006
    Somewhere... I ish not telling you, Florida! XD
    Karla sighed.'Man,I thought this was going to be something more exciting! The only intersting thing here is the small fight and the piles of food...'. Karla started to drift off into her tiny little world in her head.
    She looked around and got just a piece of drumstick."I'll just get this.I don't need anything else.Thank you."

    >> << Yeah,I really don't know what else to put...
  19. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "Well Venture, meet me in my office after you eat. We'll discuss your first mission." Roka then looked over to Tera Roth. "Tera, meet me in the the office with Venture. I have plans for you." Roka then grabbed a water bottle and went into his office.
  20. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal

    Kain caught the key, and shook his hand and nodded "Well, I suppose you would'nt know about it anyway. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then."

    He looked at the key for a few seconds, then walked on down the hallway. When he got to his room, he went to the bathroom to wash his face. He took off his eyepatch, revealing his left eye which had a crimson iris and yellow pupil. He rinsed his face and looked at his refletion in the mirror. He completely froze and stared at his reflection for nearly 5 minutes, then put the eyepatch back on and went to bed.
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