The Enigmatic Knights: Sign of Valor

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: xD Don't be offended by this Don

    BIC: Jordxy sneered at Roka, then turned to Terra Roth and Karla "Hello there, I'm Jordxy Vanhalian, call me Jordxy" She looked at them both, Roka still In her mind. What an ***! Of course I can fight, Pssh...
  2. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc: Jordie, I won't get offended. =P

    bic: Roka sat in his office. He stared blankly at a picture of him with many other knights. It showed Roka, along with several other knights. A tear then came down Roka's face as he wiped it away. He then sat his head gently on his desk and instantly fell asleep.

    He then woke up a second later. His papers on his desk were drenched with tears. Roka grabbed a towel at his left and wiped his face off. He threw the papers away and opened his office door. He then went back to where everybody was. "Well, seems it is dinner. Please come this way." Roka then pointed toward the two big doors, in which the dining hall lay.
  3. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    "Excuse me," Tera Roth said. "I've been assigned to this contingent as a sort of trainer, part of the team but not. This is, at least in part, due to the fact that I am already a member of the Enigmatic Knights, and have just been re-assigned temporarily. I hope you'll find me useful."
  4. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Venture laughed. " That guy's second in command of the Enigmatic Knights. You might want to show a little more respect."

    General Martin spoke once more. "Ahem! Now, I would like to inform you of a change in rankings for the knights. As of now the knights have been divided into three divisions. The standard Enigmatic Knights. These Knights will be the knights that the public will know. The knights that will be the heroes of the new age. They will be the knights that go on the major missions. The Guardians of Larenskaa will be our team that goes on missions that even our regular knights can't go on. And lastly there is our Black Ops division.....I'd rather not say too much about them. That reminds me! Venture! I would like to speak with you.

    Venture got up as he and the General walked towards the main hall.

    OOC: Sorry it took so long to post....
  5. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Roka looked at Tera Roth confused. "I've never heard of you before in any academy... Are you sure you've been assigned here?" Roka then saw the General. "Hey! Don't make any changes before consulting me. Your position to try to take over the knights has pissed people off many occasions. Watch your back General, or I will be forced to take you into custody for trying to maintain a dictatorship. That's the last thing we possibly need here." Roka then let his fist relax into an open palm.
  6. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    "Forced to take me into custody? On who's authority? Yours?" The General scoffed. "Let me tell you something, son. This is under complete authorization of the United Central World's government. You think I pull the strings here? Well I don't. If you have any problems you can take that up with the president. And despite you being the second in command of the Enigmatic Knights. Do not doubt for a second that you can't be arrested yourself." the General reprimanded.
  7. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    Tera Roth folded his arms. "I guess they finally got around to making us a full division."

    OOC: He's talking about the Guardians, FYI.
  8. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: WOO i'm in!!! lol


    Jack brushed the blonde hair from his eyes and wipped the sweat off his face.

    "Well no one said this was an easy job." He sat on the edge of the fountain that stood in the center of the grand city of Cerina, on the world of Prism, a world in Twilight. Heartless were every where and Jack along with his team the "Emrald" knights had been sent as an occupatonal force to protect Prism.

    "Well then, time to move on...Cerina is okay now, but thats a different story..." He took a swig off water and noted that he shouldn't be talking to himself before picking up his keyblade. Suddenly a group of neo shadows surrounded him.

    "Great..." He siged, "Bring it on!" THe Neo Shadows charged Jack, and he finished most off with ease.

    "Well now, do you give up yet?" He said as he slashed another. "No? Well good, i can go all day." The neo shadows kept showing up, and Jack grew more and more tired.

    " guys really want me dead that badly huh?" He then tripped over a pice of rubble and the Heartless over took him, he was stripped of his Armor and his blade was taken. To top it off, a Dark side had appeared.

    "Earth!" He shouted, sending the neo shadows flying. Now it was just him and the Darkside..

    "Never tell you these tinhgs inthe acadamy..." He said under his breath. "You're pretty ugly aren;t you?" He shouted as he sent a fire ball at the Darkside. The giant heartless, took the blast and then threw a puch, sendfing Jack flying into the fountain.

    Jack held his side as he stood up, but then fell to one knee He was bleeding badly...needless to say, the fountain wasn't the best thing to fly into.

    "Well...nice right hook." He said through gritted teeth. "Cur-" But he was cut off as more Neo Shadows blidsided him, and pinned Jack to the ground.

    ???: "Twilight!" Came a voice in the distance. Then a navy blue sphere flew into the swam of Neo shadows, obliterating them. A young boy ran up to Jack and helped him to his feet.

    "Thanks...kid" Jack managed to say to the boy that stood before him. The boy looked to be 16 years old, he had brown hair and ice blue eyes.

    ???: "No problem. But now we got him to deal with." The boy made a gesture with his rapier to the Darkside.

    "Yeah. Name's Jack by the way." He said as he picked up his keyblade and took a battle stance next to the boy.

    Coa: "Coa, but we'll talk later..." Coa charged the Darkside and Jack began to protest untill he saw how the boy handled himself...

    "Not bad kid, not bad at all, now my turn." The duo attacked the Darkside together, easily weaking it...

    Coa: "Hey throw me up, i'll get it from above so we can end this!" Jack nodded and used his Aero spell to send Coa in the air. Coa shot Twilight spells from above and then brought his rapier down into the head of the Darkside...finishing it....or so he thought. The Darkside yelled in pian and quickly grabbed at Coa, throwing him into Jack.

    "You okay?" Jack asked pulling Coa up.

    Coa: "Yeah...fine" He said wiping blood from his mouth.

    "I'll take it from here." Jack said and charged the Darkside, slashing at the blakc monster...the Darkside reeled in pain and tryed to fend off against Jack's assault...finally it resoted to summonig other breeds of heartless...Jack was quickly over was Coa.

    "Kid! Get out of here!" Jack shouted to Coa.

    Coa: " no...this is my home! I wont leave...not yet!" Suddenly a bright light shone through the heartless that had Coa Pinned to the ground.

    Coa: "GET OFF!" He shouted as he swuing the keyblade that appeared in his wasa Navy blue and had a navyblue orb keychain...the Twilight's Blade...a legendary key that only existed in myths. Coa then freed Jack from the heartless and the two made quick work of the Darkside.

    When it was over, Jack looked Coa up and down.

    "Thank again've got some real should join the knights."

    Coa smiled and politly declined the offer. Jack then left cerina and joined up with comrads in Ater...

    "Should have seen this kid...he was really talented." Jack explained to Chaos...another "Emrald Kngiht." Chaos just nodded, as the Gummi ship flew back to the nkgihts home base...another small task force was headed to Prism to keep the heartless at Jack and co would be getting a new assignment.

    OOC: Yeah...sry bout the length...i wanted to Tie Jack to Coa asap...considering the time line of events and all.
  9. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: I must say I'm almost confused.
  10. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: I'll edit it... lol
  11. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Oh! Not you Wing! Just the RP in particular....
  12. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: oh lol oh well i wdited it anyways...i like it much better now....but your right the RP is a bit confusing....but hopefully we can get everyone in the same place...and i wont be controling 5 charaters at all times...hopefully only two main, and 4 sub....(Jack and Coa are the main two.)
  13. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: Why hello there! I just got back from the airport, I do have to say that nothing much has happened o.o And I don't have much to say xD Also, don't think I'm offline 'cause I'm appearing offline.
  14. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Kain was looking towards the doors Roka pointed at, not paying attention to his arguing with the General. "Oh, good, some food. Now that you mention it, I could use a cup of coffee."

    He walked towards the door and opened it, seeing a buffet. Being from a town in the middle of the desert, seeing all that food in one place was a bit.... overwhelming. His face had a big drooling smile on it, then he collapsed to the floor.
  15. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Roka smirked. "You can not possibly interfere. We're almost like a church. Since we don't pay taxes to your government, you can't make any rules regarding us. Read up the amendment 'Seperation of Church and State'. It regards to exactly what we are. The thing is that we can't sue your government for any amount of money since we don't pay you." Roka then looked at him with rage to think that the General can make orders to the knights. Roka then looked at Kain on the floor. "Damn, this is going to be harder than I thought. If this man can fall from the smell of food, he won't last a second in battle." Roka then grabbed Kain by the arm and lifted him up.
  16. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Jack and his gang had landed at the knights base and they each went their seprate ways.

    "Now to find Roka..." Jack thought to himself as he took his helmet off and slung it over his shoulder. He decided to check the Dining hall Roka was there, along with a few people he didn't recognize....

    "New guys huh?" He thought as he looked to the General.

    "Great...that guy's here too..."

    "Greetings are things going in the government? Good i hope." Jack smirked and kneeled to Roka.

    "Sir." He said before standing once more.
  17. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    "Good to see you again Jack." Roka said as his smile grew. "Are you here for a visit, or is there something I should know?"
  18. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: actually my knight is Jack Swanson lol, Wing isn't around yet, but give it time he will be lol

    Jack cocked his head to the side and looked around before answering Roka.

    "Well, i was here to tell you that my team has finished it's mission on Prism, and the occupational strike force has already been seent to just keep the heartless away. Oh, and i would like to talk to you about recruting new cadets, though i see we have some already..."
  19. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    ooc: Sorry, I'll edit my post after I post this one.

    bic: "So I'm guessing you'll be staying here?" Roka smiled from ear to ear. "Oh, and not everybody here is an official knight. They have to maintain the same thing we were taught." Roka then winked at Jack.

    Roka then looked at the cadets. "Well, it seems as if you've been summoned here because of many reasons, but that does NOT make you knights. In order to be a knight, you must have everything there is: Hard work, determination, valor, and heart. Without one of those, you can't call yourself a knight. So Jack and I are going to train you all until you are ready for a mission. If you can't complete the mission, you will go back home and we will delete any records of you ever being here. UNDERSTOOD?"
  20. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Jack winked at the new cadets

    "Yeah what Roka said. Now i suggest you all eat up tonight, because we begin trianing bright and early....and by bright, i mean before dawn." He chuckeld.
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