The end of the world? 2012

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Roxas is Hot, Oct 12, 2007.


What do you think?

  1. Yes, I think the world will end on this date.

  2. Nah, the chances are slim-da-nil.

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  1. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I don't wanna beleive it because it's almost impossible for that to happen and then there's another theory that a meteor will destroy us all. Too many theories to be explained or discussed now.
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    A meteor could destroy us; that's possible.
    At least, more possible than the Earth just suddenly ending as if it never existed.

    Besides, a meteor killed the dinosaurs, so imagine what effect that would have on humans.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, anything could happen really. I suppose that's why I don't really worry about it. It's either we are made to believe we are going to die out and freak having nightmares or just go with the flow, trying to help preserve the earth from damages caused by us with what I can do personally to make it better. There is just too much random bad stuff that can happen that would be out of our control to contend with. Also, there have been so many times the world was predicted to end and it didn't happen that I just don't believe in anything without sufficient proof. This 2012 thing of the Mayans only seems to be because the Mayans quit the calendar but we also have to remember that the Mayans were also wiped out of their culture by the Spanish.
  4. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Exactly. I'm not really partial to any religion (Athiest, Christian, or otherwise), so to me, it ends when it ends.
    And to be honest, if a known force was going to destroy Earth, like a meteor, we have no way of stopping it. As JFK said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
    If we get ourselves worked up over something that either won't happen or can't be stopped, it'll cause a huge meltdown of human mental stability. We'd be obsessed with what could happen to us.
    Though from seeing this, I can't say we're not already.
  5. Larxenegirl101 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 21, 2008
    somwhere....over the rainbow
    i dont think the worlds going to end at 2012.but it could.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    There's a 0, correct. But theories were still made. Not everyone thinks like you, mate.

    The clock has 12 on it because it is an ancient form of time that we still use today.

    As for religious references to the number 12, 99% of them are references to the cross of the zodiac. Especially considering ancient texts REVOLVING around these astrological concepts.

    Math is not a religion. If you deny math, you are basically denying basic fundamentals of logic. It is not a theism.

    This is incredibly laughable. Not even a theory. No proof or anything. Math is a system of numbers to explain simple mathematical formula's, to figure out area's, volumes, simple things like that.

    Sure, there were historically documented figures such as Pythagoras and his men who believed there were such thing as math deities, but that is not present today. It is used in science to figure out theories, concepts, and the like. And it is PROVABLE. Something your vocabulary lacks.

    As DPWolf said, science=/=religion. Do more research. You claim to be a rebel but you are nothing of the sort. If you were a rebel you would research more, find the time to make a reciprocal of your "research" so that you don't sound like such a prejudice fool.

    And I'm just going to assume you haven't come up with any tangible evidence to argue with my post that I used to start an intelligent argument sometime back. =/
  7. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    I don't think they world would end unless somehow, a meteor crashed into the planet or what. I sorta think those "theories" are dumb.
  8. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    wow, you really don't like me do you. Not in that way, like you really have an issue here. Why do non of the "higher ups" see this kid and tell him:" stop being provakative, and starting fights, cause i see that and other posts as if you want a flame debate or something."...cause thats what u'r asking for. Math is a "hidden" relgion, you can't touch numbers. They will continue forever, they are gods. No one will ever be able to recreate math, and most religions are related to math in some way, so? Its a "hidden" religion...thats all i'm saying. plus, 12 isn't all zodiac, remember Jesus and Horus both ave 12 disciples......weres the zodiac relation? No doubt zodiac has big influence, its pretty awesome 2.
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    lol well, do you see individuals praying to numbers and asking them for forgiveness?

    Saying that numbers are just an idea is true. They are just an idea. A concept of configuration. But good and evil are just ideas too yet we continue to implicate every day in society that they are real, physical concepts. You're basically saying saying anything is a religion just because it "isn't tangible." But you have to realize, things can be represented as we interact with them and experience them. Numbers are not a religion. They are something to experiment with to explain phenomena, both in science and through the mathematical subjects.

    Now, I really don't want to sound bashful here. But you say "you can't touch numbers," implying they don't exist just because they aren't physical, as we've established. But God isn't tangible, is he? Where is he? Why do you believe in something that is no different, abstractly speaking, than God?

    Again, realize we use numbers, math, measurement, chemistry, experimentation, realization, and several other forms of intangible concepts to explain phenomena and occurrence.

    Also, I'm not trying to flame you. I'm being very calm here, if you take the time to see it. I'm not using caps, big fonts/letters, and exclamation marks to express myself. I'm being logical, with evidence. And I have yet to see you use either of those two things thus far.

    I also want to, again, call you out. Stop referring to members as "higher ups." It's separatist and I find it ridiculous.
  10. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    lol, sorry......i guess? numbers are like god when u think about it. THEY dictate life, everything revolves around numbers when u think about it. Quote:They are just an idea. A concept of configuration. But good and evil are just ideas too yet we continue to implicate every day in society that they are real, physical concepts.

    Yes, i'm a strong believer in good and evil.

    Quote: Numbers are not a religion. They are something to experiment with to explain phenomena, both in science and through the mathematical subjects.

    Yes, this is their meaning...i'm not doubting that.
    Quote: But God isn't tangible, is he? Where is he? Why do you believe in something that is no different, abstractly speaking, than God?

    Because, someone created something, whether he be good or bad, so i do believe in a god. That leads me into my search for the truth of god, i am a Diohenes, Spanish name for a seeker of truth or god. I am a very strong believer, but for some reason....i don't like using the word faith to express my belief? odd isn't it? Anyways, back to what u were saying...

    Quote: Again, realize we use numbers, math, measurement, chemistry, experimentation, realization, and several other forms of intangible concepts to explain phenomena and occurrence.

    wait....that last bit, about realization, and other forms of intagible concepts to explain phenomena and occurence? That sounds like god, just a bit don't you think?

    Quote: Also, I'm not trying to flame you. I'm being very calm here, if you take the time to see it. I'm not using caps, big fonts/letters, and exclamation marks to express myself.

    Therefore without explain the way you say things, you can sometimes give the wrong vibe off. thats why i use those things, so people better understand my position(although that doesn't allways

    Quote: I'm being logical, with evidence. And I have yet to see you use either of those two things thus far.

    Yes, your being fairly calm, but like i said before, some of the other posts could be taken offensively.

    Quote: I also want to, again, call you out. Stop referring to members as "higher ups." It's separatist and I find it ridiculous.

    lol....sorry, again. i just say that....because.....i don't know, just making it clear to who i'm talking to. What else am i supposed to call them?

    So, anyways, sorry about the weird way of Quoting. I don't know how to seperate the Quotes like some people. My whole point is that numbers are a prt of everything, even religion, thus what is their significance in life? They are immortal, untouchable, have always exsisted, and are eternal. You cannot touch numbers, bend them, break them, they are almighty. Therefore, they are a hidden religion...hidden, meaning unouticable(did i spell that right?), to find you must go out of your way. HIDDEN
  11. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i dont' think so.....the same can be said about anything intangible like words or radio signals. just becuz you can't really destroy them doesn't make it a religion.
  12. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...
    Well, I know it can be said about a lot of things, but numbers have always existed. Radio is only like 200 years old, if that! Words are powerful, but anyone can SAY something. I guess you could say that about letters. but not words. Letters is another theory in and of itself. They're related to numbers in many ways
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i just realized something, why are we talking about religion in this thread again? i don't see how it correlates to the original thread discussion
  14. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    LOL (to da max!).
  15. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    khsuperfan, that is really not intelligent discussion. Or six words. That's four. Two, seeing as "LOL" and "da" aren't actually words. And if I'm not mistaken, you threw a s*** fit over religion a few posts back.

    I think we're talking about religion here because it may have something to do with when the world ends. Mayans predicted soon, Christianity hasn't predicted (not that I'm aware of), most Athiests and I don't believe it's going to end on that date, and math is apparently going to be a religion soon.

    Back on topic. I still don't think it's gonna end. On a cosmic scale, humanity on Earth has been around for a pitifully small amount of time, even compared to the Age of Dinosaurs.

    Sorry for the brazenness. Today has sucked, and I'm not in the mood for happy. =\

    EDIT: Just noticed superfan's number thing.
    Numbers haven't ALWAYS been "here". Just as civilization hasn't always been here.
    Okay, let's look at this from a "the world is going to end in four years" point of view. I'm not saying it's going to happen; let's just pretend it is.
    Humans will not be advanced enough to colonize other planets. We are the only creatures that can use numbers as a means of defining things.
    Apes, for example, see two plus two equals banana, and they can't use reason (as far as we know) to say that two plus two does not equal banana.
    Humans, on the other hand, see two plus two equals banana and think, "No, that's not right. Two plus two is four."

    When the world ends, humans will be the only ones that can intelligently express numbers in speech and equations. Therefore, when all humans die, numerics die. Speech, no matter how far evolved by that point, will die as well.
    As for being untouchable, I'd like to counter that. A small numeric change in a code (such as binary) for a router can crash a whole system of computers, reducing a company to nothing, or can make the whole network run better than before, increasing the company's benefits.
    Numbers are very tangible. We work with them every day to solve equations and make things run smoothly in society, lest we live in a world of massive malfunctions.
  16. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    No. We created numbers TO live. To organize. We didn't need to create religion to organize. All it is doing is separating everything. Numbers don't separate anything; there is only one kind of number, right? Just a number.

    Well, personally, I deny the very declaratory concept that there is such a thing as good versus evil. They are notions of opinion, and not an actuality. They are extremely complex and don't explain anything except a label. As you know, what is good to me probably isn't good to someone else. Thus defeating the concept that something can be "good." As I said, they are concepts and are completely intangible. Just like emotions.

    You didn't answer my question. You failed to realize that numbers did not create us, we created numbers. Just like we, in a way, created religion.

    God and numbers are both similar, in esoteric terms. But also different in use of explanation and complexity. True, yes?

    Yes it does. This is why they are all the same: intangible, as you stated. They were created, essentially, out of thin air. Except God is being taken on a far more complex level than numbers, or emotions, because it explains a entire beginning.

    Well I am always calm, and generally expect the same out of everyone else. And generally assume that unless I see obvious clues to some kind of emphasis or yelling (via caps or exclamation marks). So yes I can give the wrong vibe off. But this is a debate forum. It is assumed you are calm. If you assume someone is not calm even though they presented such you must not be in the right forum. lol

    Has nothing to do with what you quoted from.

    Their usernames. That should be specific enough, right? XD

    Aha, but only immortal as long as we, the CREATORS of numbers, exist. This is assuming no other life form of intelligence out in the universe (if there is one) hasn't created something like it. Just like religion, only eternal until there is no longer a need for it. A belief, as you said. But not a theism.

    You seem to keep voiding my comments and rebukes to your points. <_<

    Numbers are an idea. ALL idea's are thus as you described, and can be considered theisms by what you are trying to explain. Making ALL idea's, intangible and all, some kind of theism. Last time I checked, my thoughts weren't a religion. <_<

    Lol this is true. But most end of the world theories are based off of theology; if not all. :P

    We just happened to branch on to a more specific subject from that. It happens all the time in debates in order to keep them fresh. :3

    Numbers and letters haven't ALWAYS existed. Don't you understand? XD they are a production of sophistication. WE created them. Not worms. Worms don't operate based on a calender, do they? WE do. WE are the creators of all forms of time. No other species focus' on time except weather patterns. But they aren't the ones assuming it's because it's some hidden religion that is somehow taking over the world. xD
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I completely agree with you, Darky.
    Everything except one point. I belive your thoughts may have been a sort of religion when you were an admin. xD

    But yes, like what both Darky and I said, we came first with numbers, and number wll probably end with us. We are, after all, the most intelligent species on the planet.
    ...Most of us, anyway.
  18. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    What do you mean, DP? XD
  19. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...
    ... Well, u'r view on things is different from mine. I'ma believer, as u probably know, and u'r Athiests. I'll stop know, nowing that i can'tconvert u. So, goo-bye!
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I don't even know why you'd bring up the topic of conversion in the midst of our conversation. But yeah....see ya.
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