The end of the world? 2012

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Roxas is Hot, Oct 12, 2007.


What do you think?

  1. Yes, I think the world will end on this date.

  2. Nah, the chances are slim-da-nil.

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  1. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    very good......o_O
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Hmm? In what aspect? I'm pretty sure I'm human, don't you think so? Otherwise how would I be on here?

    Good. You're a seeker of the truth. HOWEVER, if you've seen the materials I've seen, books I've read, movies and documentaries I've seen, you might be "as smart as me."

    LOL. What you're saying is quite laughable. Go ahead, use it against me. I dare you. XD

    Well, not because of creation or some God, that's for sure. rofl

    Process of elimination. It's as far as we can get to being right. Instead of mindlessly believing that there is some spooky incompetent father-figure who doesn't give a ****. :D

    Because that's a waste of my time. I like it here. Especially when I have free time.

    lol Okay, make me stop "being ignorant, and stupid, and a rebellious teenager."

    You just have to understand there's more out there. You think you have a recriprocal understanding of everything but you don't. Hell, even I don't. That's how I know you don't. So please, stop insisting you're the one in the righ, please?

    Now pay attention to the next part here...
    I would love to have an intelligent conversation with you. Care to start it? =)
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    in what ways may i ask?

    WTF is wrong with that?

    because i like Kingdom Hearts which i'm sure is why 90% of the people who log onto this site come here

    or maybe they're smart enough to decide for themselves what they want to believe in instead of blindly following a religion simply becuz their friends and family follow it


    how are you a rebel by following religion? religion is something accepted in this world and many people have no problem with it, so HOW THE HELL are you being a rebel by following your religion?

    hey you started it calling atheists ignorant with no proper proof as to why that is so. and hey i guess proving your point is completely out of the question in the intelligent discussion area.

    EDIT: you can think whatever you want but don't tell someone their beliefs are ignorant. but judging from what you wrote, you think too highly of yourself.
  4. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I love you khsuperfan, your posts are like delicious cake to me. Give me MORE.

    Firstly, Human qualities? Are you calling us demons, monsters, animals? Please explain to me your extreme relgious views on our humanity and morality, please. It will humor me.

    And really, I will not sit here and be told off by someone who clearly has little understanding about what they're talking about. Tell me, if you don't follow LOGIC, wtf do you follow? I follow MY logic, MY logic leads me to believe these things, whoever said I blindly follow anything? I research every basic principle and idea of science and religion, and I've come to the conclusion that science, evolution and such is all true, or at the LEAST more plasuible then then the Earth being created in 6 days, and god-forbid Aliens coming to earth and killing all the dinosaurs.

    And I do live my life, because I've decided to spend my life gaining knowledge and intellect, not wasting it by becoming a common criminal with no morals. Is that seriously what you people think about atheists? That we're ignorant, stupid, evil people who would rather waste life doing terrible things then actually trying to do something worth-while? The fact is, buddy, I do believe this is the only life I get, so I will spend it doing not what is best for me, but what is best for those around me, while I'm here, I'd like to leave an impression, and a good one, I don't need to be famous, I don't need to be remembered, I just need to know that I left the world improving the lives of others. Can you say I have no morals, when I want the world to be happy? Can you say I'm ignorant when I beg for religious tolerance from people like you who impose their beliefs on others? Yes, I'm sure you could, because you don't follow logic, do you? Oh, not math either? Well, here's some numbers.

    According to the 2001 World Alamanac, there are:
    121 million in Asia
    56 million in the former USSR
    23 million (3.5%) in Europe
    2.7 million in Latin America
    1.6 million (0.5%) in North America
    0.4 million in Oceania
    0.4 million in Africa

    Those are the numbers of Atheists in their respective regions.

    On an amazon forum not long ago, a young woman asked the question, "Why do people become athiests?", within 35 days she recieved over 200 responses, there were less then 3 spelling errors, and 14/16 of the responses were respectful and intelligent. This isn't just a random occurrence either, recent surveys and tests show that atheists are far more inclined to be intelligent, or rather, intelligent people are more inclined to be atheists.

    To show you what I mean about reference in my earlier post, I'll show you the quote I base much of my life on:

    "An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist knows that heaven is something for which we should work now - here on earth - for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist thinks that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue, and enjoy it. An Atheist thinks that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment. Therefore, he seeks to know himself and his fellow man rather than to know a god. An Atheist knows that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An Atheist knows that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand and love man. He wants an ethical way of life. He knows that we cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer nor hope for an end to troubles in the hereafter. He knows that we are our brother's keeper and keepers of our lives; that we are responsible persons, that the job is here and the time is now."

    Taken from Madalyn Murray (later O'Hair), and a document she wrote and used in the court case Murray v. Curlett, 4/27/1961.

    All quotes and numbers taken from a site called I suggest you go there and read every page you can, it's a wonderful site.

    It also provides reference and links to other helpful sites. You want to be a truth seeker? Realize that you're not the only one with a mind. Realize there's 6 billion other people on this planet who are searching for the truth as well. Realize that there's more then enough lies in the world with lovely paint and lots of glitter that will look like truth, but there is only 1 truth out there, and it is that we need to start looking inward, to find the real basic components of the human soul. Can you find god there? Or is he hiding behind the aliens?

    So as not to spam: The world will not end in 2012, my LOGIC leads me to believe that earth will end in about 6 billion years, when the sun dies. As for human beings, we'll have died long before that.

    AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE...Apocolypse is not an event, it is a PLACE, please use it in the right context...>:
  5. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Dude, according to some russian cult the world should have ended last month.I don't think the world will end.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Wonderful post, Cin. I was both intrigued and amused by your lovely input. :'D +rep
    I would like to elaborate more on this point with a lovely quote... :3

    "Spirituality is a particular term which actually means, "dealing with intuition." In the theistic tradition, there is notion of clinging into a word. A certain act is regarded as "displeasing" to a certain principles; displeasing to the divine. In the tradition of a non-theism, however. . . it is very direct that the case of history is not particularly important. What is actually important is the here and now. Now is definitely now. We try to experience what is available there on the spot. There is no point in thanking the past we had, and that it could be now. It is now. This very moment. Nothing mystical--just now--very straightforward. And from that nowness, however, arises a sense of intelligence that you are constantly interacting with reality one by one, spot by spot. We actually experience fantastic presicion. Always. But we are threatened by the now so we jump to the past or the future. And all the actions we lead are not bad, or good, persay. Everything we experience is unconditional experience. They don't come along with a label saying "this is good" or "this is bad." We experience it but we don't actually pay heed to them properly. We don't actually regard that as we are going somewhere; we regard that as a hassle-- waiting to be dead--. . . that's the problem. And that is not trusting the nowness promptly. It is so powerful that we cannot face it, and borrow form the past, invite from future, overtime. And maybe that's why we seek religion. Maybe why we complain to our government. Maybe that's why we protest in the streets."

    - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
  7. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...
    ok, all of u have pushed me to the limit. I'm gonna calm down, and lets have an intelligent discussion...shall we? I'm gonna ask an easy, yet difficult question. Why do you not believe in a god or gods? Answer this please any of you. Lets please stop the fighting, ok. I don't want any of us getting kicked off the site for mindlessly riping each other apart. You obviously out number me, so, like i said, lets have a NICE talk about the concept of God. And remember, i only get on this sight when at school, so type up something good i can look forward to tommorrow,lol^__^
  8. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    You see that huge long post I made about 4 posts ago? Yeah, that one you blew off? There's your answer.
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I highly suggest you *reading* Cin's post. He points out a lot of information on this topic/question which you must have decided not to indulge yourself in. It is acts like this, btw, that discourage people like Cin and myself from spreading counter-arguments to things like religion, because it shows arrogance and bias human behavior. Not that you are bias, but the way you ignored his post like that makes you seem very ignorant towards the topic.

    I'm also going to suggest a list of books for you to check out from a local library (if they have them), or order them to read them up if you have time over the summer or over a weekend.

    Here are the following:
    The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ
    Ancient Egypt, Light of the World
    Suns of God

    Along with some of these, check out this web site. It has a ton of books and video presentations on it.

    There is also, which Cin stated, another website known as Which unbiasedly discusses major religions. I highly recommend that to you, my friend.

    Now, explaining this is rather easy. First, while many might think a God exists, there is very much reason to believe he doesn't. It is a psychologically satisfying thought to truly believe all life is in the hands of some omnipotent being in the sky (this is how it was ORIGINALLY thought to be, keep in mind). It gives you a sense of security and what-not, which is what most people believe. I would like to address this point because having that thought gives the species the idea of "expectation," which places a psychological basis on your thinking to the extent that everything is the "will" of a being. This is interesting indeed, but not something you should be thinking. Religion in general, not just Christian sect's, tend to dismantle the human psychology to an effect that we have absolutely zero connection with nature/Earth, and intelligent design has to be a cause for our level of sophistication. Again, this is ridiculous, as ALL organisms are a part of nature, not just animals. It just so happened by chance and consequence that our level of thinking increased substantially throughout time due to our adaption to nature. Long ago, ancient civilizations would chart stars in the sky; the constellations. They would catalogue these celestial groups as figures, or animals. To depict them as elements of nature.

    Furthering that point, because they were created that way, as the night sky during this time had no interference with city lights, they were incredibly obvious to pin-point. And like-wise, events could be planned in advance. Hence calendars, time systems, etcetera. They would then plan time periods known as "ages" in accordance with these time periods (or times during the suns rein in the age Scorpio, for example). The length of this time period for one of these ages is roughly 2150 years. The total circulation through a "great year," or the Suns travel throughout each of the 12 ages, was about 26,000 years.

    You might be asking yourself why this has anything to do with Christianity. I'll tell you: it is because Jesus is the PISCEAN Sun god of our current time period. I say Piscean because Jesus is the sun god of the age "Pisces." (the time period for this current age is from 1 BCE - 2150 BCE, roughly).

    And I'll include a lovely quote for you to indulge yourself with information on:

    "How life got here is an understanding that is irrelevant, for odds are, life is energy and has ALWAYS existed, and does not end. What we do in life through understanding life's processes is the true philosophy and the faster people stop looking to some invisible power that doesn't exist for guidance, judgement and afterlife, the faster "heaven" will dawn on the planet earth. The true guidance comes from within, for we are nature itself. We are all brother and sister and we are symbiotically related to all other life forms in the most literal and profound ways. We are God. Period. There is no Evil and no Good- these are false notions based on biased ideals from a very primitive time in our evolution. The fact is we are one family living on the planet in harmony with nature, and religion serves ONLY the perpetuation of division and hatred. Also, the idea that the human race needs religion to be "moral" is absolutely absurd. We are not simply "guilty" or have perpetual "Sin" as certain religions would like you to believe. We are perfect. The reason the world is such a disaster is not because of some innate human flaw. It is a disaster because separatist, racist institutions like Religion, Nationalism and thus Politics, continue to corrupt each generation with the same age old value systems, designed only for social subservience and the perpetuation of the status quo." - Peter Joseph || Source

    Part of that is in my signature, also. If you feel the need to elaborate on astro-theologically derived material in all religion, since basically all major religions are parody of sun worship, visit Jordan Maxwell's homepage. He is a researcher in the study of occult symbolism, secret societies, astro-theological religious material, and the like.
  10. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    thanks. like a good and interested person i am, i'll go and read all these^__^
  11. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    This has got to be a troll. There's just no way otherwise.
  12. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Rapture? End of the world in 4 years. I shall quote teh for words from Promethus:

    What an epic sham!

    4 years. Ha! 4 years as in 4 years till a new president. Somebody's obviously usin' this as a front to cook up somethin' big. I just dun't see any real significance in the number 2012 as opposed to 666 or 13 or even 7. That's just mah opinion. o:

    I mean, this isn't the first time people got worked up. Remember th other scams and false people done in the past like Y2K? o.o
  13. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Sun dies in some millions of years. We die.
    THE END! 8D
  14. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You should stand corrected because (i)A million colamities could've happened by then
    (ii)Humans might be spread across the universe by then
  15. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    6-6-06 had no significance. theres a 0 there, duh! Plus, 12 is a huge number in religion. Look up some ancient Persia/Babylonia religions, Egyptian mythology, or any religion for that matter, and you'll see 12 come in some where as a big deal. 12 is a big deal, and my theory is that the earth is only 12,000 years 12 is big, thats my point, and look at the clock if you don't believe me.

    P.S.: another theory, math is a hidden religion!
  16. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    The world might end, It's all possible. I say go for it.
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I don't stand corrected, because:
    1. Even if calamities happened, there could still be humans, and the Sun dying would kill them.
    2. Humans are very unlikely to be spread across the universe, as it takes years longer than a human's life span to reach anywhere near the Outer Solar System.
    ...Or maybe dates just don't have a signifigance in events.

    The Earth is NOT 12,000 years old. It's millions of years old. And you can't say it's a theory, since it's a proven scientific fact.
    Math is also not a hidden religion. It's a way to work things out scientifically. Religion =/= Science.
  18. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I know humans can't just go thousands of light years but they could spread gragully and KHsuperfan that is the stupidest comment i've heard you say.the earth is about 4.(Something or other) billion years old.In comparision 12,000 year is like a second in the earths lifetime, Finally Math is not a religion but numeral logic. A religion has diaties or gods along with beliefs.Do us a favour and have a bit more evidence or back up and say something intelligent once and awhile.

    P.S:Sorry for coming off so blunt and using the word Stupid so much guys but i needed to be blunt towards KHsuperfan (not you DP)
  19. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Well, someone had to be blunt. xD
    I get how it could spread, but it's very, very unlikely. Most of the planets in our system are uninhabitable anyway; and as I said, to colonize and travel farther would take many lifetimes. Plus you'd have to travel lightyears in order to go from one planet to another, and to other galaxies...well, it's highly improbable, if not impossible.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Other people have dissected your rude comments and saying you hate Atheists with a passion. Who are you to judge us? You are one of those people that must happen to think Atheists do not have morals and care for other people and without some divine presence will just run a muck doing whatever. You are very wrong. We have -at least- the hearts of Christians with not nearly so much blood on our historical hands as Christians do. The high majority of us care for people, do genuine compassionate deeds without the need to pass on the 'good word' as part of it and take time to help others because we really care and not because some book guides us to do so. We don't pray. Instead we go out and do things to make a difference. We believe in order and equality for all people and most of the time we are the least prejudiced against women, races, ethnics and we do not believe in 'sins'. Instead we believe in the fact of law and protections of all human beings and to deal with those that harm others more fairly and justly. Why? Because we -care-. You judge us wrong and don't even pay attention to your own religion of not judging thine fellow man because you are -not- God. The perfect example of a zealot who misses the point.

    A true rebel? This cracks me up. I am sorry but you are NOT original at all when 80% of the U.S. alone believes in Christianity. Atheists are a very small number of Americans. There are some more Atheists in European countries but still the minority. If you are a -seeker of truth- one thing you should realize is that we all only have so much evidence to go on either way. If you believe in God, which obviously you do if we take your posts seriously, that is the direction your path takes you, along with the majority of people around the world. You are not thinking outside the box. Also, I don't see that you can use mathematics against any of us anymore than we can use it against you. Mathematics isn't a religion and scientists debate over many issues with some support from math and also history that constantly tries to be 'rewritten' and altered to fit the needs of religion of the 'winners'. For those of us who seek the truth, we do heavy research and don't read just one book to validate which path we will go. I suggest going outside the box and checking out other things. Heck, even reading about other religions would be a good idea. A true -seeker of truth- researches many things including religions, philosophies, sciences, histories and spiritualities. Most atheists have done the work of studying several cultures and are very educated. So are many Christians that aren't fundamentalists and say before learning other things that this is the -one- thing they want to devote their lives to.

    To an Atheist there is no God as Christians say there is. It is a disagreement and why is it such a big deal? You believe in God. Good for you. An Atheist believes that there is no God until there is real proof it exists since there is evidence to support the contrary. Good for them. There are more qualities to ANY person than just their religious beliefs. There always will be. I suggest to stop your growing hate of people for a simple belief that you look for other things that make the person who he or she is. This is a serious hatred you've got going on and Atheists haven't done anything to you anymore than some Christians have done to me. And I can tell you that some of the things some Christians had done is one of the reasons I quit believing in it and motivated me to research whether that was what I wanted to be classed as or not. This is not to say I would hate Christian people or Atheists do. Most of us are fine with our Christian friends and others of any religious beliefs as long as they are not seeking to harm someone else. Religious beliefs or the lack there of do not make a person good or bad. They are merely a part of a person's thought processes and help guide a person to do things. Please do open your mind and care more for -people- instead of just hating people for what is going on in their heads.

    You do realize that most criminals in the U.S. at least were raised Christian, right? Also, you do realize that many criminals 'find God' in prison again and come out after being liberated by Christian fundamentalists to only do the crimes again, right? Most Atheists are highly educated, whether having attended college or not and we do not waste our times going out to 'rebel' and be little brats. We also tend to spell and speak with a tone that is a lot more neutral and correct. Also, who are you to tell us what we can and cannot do? A rebel does not make someone ignorant and stupid...and I am an Atheist so you are wrong on what Atheists label as 'rebel'. You are very prejudiced and perhaps should try to get to know us more and who we really are instead of making judgments before you sit at a table with us, or on the internet.

    It is amusing you say you are not looking for a religious battle and yet you come on here saying you outright hate Atheists and call us stupid and ignorant. No one should be judged on a religious belief or lack there of to ascertain someone's intelligence. To do so clearly shows prejudice and you do know what that means, don't you? Prejudice means you have an opinion or judgment of a being without proper examination. It means that you base opinions that are different from your own as wrong and yet you have no basis or ground or sufficient knowledge. I certainly am not going to say anyone because of a religious belief is stupid. You should do some research since this -is- Intelligent Discussion before making open blanketed statements of ignorance. Then you will be a lot more appreciated not because you are Christian but because you are intelligent.

    Why are you playing the religious 'martyr' card when Christians are the DOMINANT religion in the world and surpass Atheists by far? I cannot believe you tossed that out. You are not a rebel. You are not something special for your beliefs. You are not on the bottom of the totem pole for your thoughts. If you ever want respect here you will not do that ever again. Also, declaring you will 'harm' people is laughable as this is the internet. Even in real life you would get your butt kicked. I suggest you learn to stop the hatred and bias you have going on and grow up. You aren't a stupid religious newb, as you said. You are being ignorant, prejudiced and closed minded. Many Christians here are much more open minded. I wouldn't toss you in the lot with them and certainly don't consider them stupid religious newbs.

    In closing, if you want respect, you have to do what every other one of us has done and -earn it-. If you make PREJUDICED statements, expect them to be ripped apart, analyzed and spoken against. Prejudice is not Intelligent Discussion. It is a lack thereof and reveals itself as an ugly little thing that we all must work on. If I made a prejudiced statement, I'd want someone to point it out to me so I could see it and become a better, more intellectual person. We are supposed to get something from conversing with one another; not just yell out people are stupid and run off waving flags around because we made a flame post about a certain group and feel we are a minority waving around martyr cards. Also, I have read the Bible 5 times through and also picked it apart and recall many of the quotes from the Bible with ease. Many Atheists have read the Bible to learn and study and many of us started out as Christians by rearing. We made a choice and it was an educated one not just done out of rebelling. If you don't acknowledge that, why should I acknowledge someone who's read the Bible 90% of the way through and calls himself a Christian? Any way, I wish you peace and hope you open your mind a bit more to the differences of others. You don't have to believe in what Atheists do, of course. I do not have to believe in Christianity of course. However, we are people and we should treat each other as such. Peace be with you.
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