The end of the world? 2012

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Roxas is Hot, Oct 12, 2007.


What do you think?

  1. Yes, I think the world will end on this date.

  2. Nah, the chances are slim-da-nil.

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  1. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    There have always been these theories that only make people scared. I don't want to believe that the world will end, i don't want to believe that, but it is possible, after the inconvenient truth, the world is informed about how bad the climate situation is. But the thing is, i doubt it is possible for only the Earth to not align.
  2. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I think it's not true.
    They keep saying "The end of the world is coming!" and nothing happens.

    What do WE know?we're humans after all,we're not perfect.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    The end of the world is a misinterpreted, astrological allegory (but ONLY to the religious interpretation of the end of the world).

    To recognize this, let's look at two quotes.

    - All Jesus is saying is that after the age of Pisces (the age we are still in to this day), will come the age of Aquarius (the age that will start at approximately 2150 C.E. (IRONICALLY close to our current year, right? At least from a geological scale, of course)). Also, the man bearing the pitcher of water is Aquarius. As Aquarius is usually seen as a man bearing a pitcher of water. "Follow him into the house..." is just saying that it will come, that's all.

    Here's another quote...

    (note: I forgot where in the bible this is. >.<)

    In this quote, Jesus says he will be here till the "end of the world". However, in the New King James Version, "World" is a direct mistranslation (among many mistranslations). The actual word being used is "Aeon", which means "Age". "I will be with you even to the end of the age." And this is true, as Jesus' astrological, Piscean personification period will end, bringing forth the new age, the age of Aquarius. (which means, that after the Suns Kingdom in the age of Pisces will end, it will come the age of Aquarius).

    However, scientifically, they're probably bull****ting as 90% of them are probably religious. :3 In which case, I can't trust a source of science that I know isn't entirely secular (entirely).

    Also note, that Aquarius and Pisces are Zodiac symbols of constellations in space.
  4. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nah I don't think that the world will end while we still live :/
  5. ransu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 12, 2007
    im certain the world will end when the sun dies, but thats not until 4 billion years from now.
  6. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    This makes me laugh greatly, because I'm watching the show that started this thread. xD
    Anyways, this is a really interesting topic due to the sheer power of superstition in our cultures. I believe that the world will end, but I also believe in God, so I believe in afterlife. I think the reason people freak out about the apocalypse is because it is human nature to believe there is a begging and end to everything. We HAVE to know how things started, i.e. mytholgy, God, science. We HAVE to know how it will end, i.e. mythology, God, science.
  7. ransu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 12, 2007
    31 how did everything start? scientists say that there was a big star/planet that exploded and created these 7 planets, but im not sure that was the start of all things.
    for the religious people, they believe that a god or something created all life.
    no one knows for sure how things started. also its hard to tell when things will end.
  8. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    NO, NO, NO, NO NO!

    THIS is why we must teach the big bang theory and evolution! No one understands them!

    *takes deep breath*
    15 billion years ago, all matter in existence was curled up in one IMMENSELY tiny ball. It 'sploded. Really big. Due to the enormous heat of this explosion, all matter changed into the simplest particles (neutrons, protons, electrons, etc.). Due to the law of gravity, some of these particles combined to make hydrogen. Trillions of these hydrogen atoms cam together to form stars. In these stars, hydrogen fusion took place. This created the light elements (everything from helium to iron). After a few billion years, some of these stars went KABOOM and created nebulas. Again, gravity causes these nebulas to get squished and created the heavier elements, and new stars. On one of these 2nd generation stars, leftovers from the nebula condense to create planets and stuff.

    On the third planet, water formed. Because of a chemical reaction with the sun's heat, carbon and other things, RNA was formed. The RNA strand with the most effective way to survive survived. DNA was then formed. Natural selection kept taking it's course. Now we are here.

    In another 4 billion years, the star Sol, will get bigger, swallowing the Earth. The sun will then spew out it's outer covering leaving only a core about the size of Earth.

    After trillions and trillions of years, something odd will happen. Due to the movement of all matter away from each other, matter will seperate at an alarming rate. This will decay all matter, and the universe will become a life-less, cold void. Nothing exists.

  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    The world will die long before the sun burns out...
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    *cough* thank you for that clarification. <)
  11. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    I'd just like to point something out. If the big bang theory states everything came from the extremely small state of matter, what created that matter? God wins.
  12. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    What created God?

    Logic wins.
  13. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    Not in my religion, a God create out God who had to go through the same trials we had to go through.
    Mormons win.
  14. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Double standard. Why can't the universe has always existed, but your God can?

    It's like a shortcut.


    Let's try to stay on topic. Let's leave this to the God topic.
  15. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Although I am a great admirer of your debating abilities, I think I should point out some minor errors.

    After going to a talk on Super String Theory, I have been clarified on what the "Big Bang" theory entails. First of all there is no explosion. The point which contains all the matter and energy in our universe today is all that exists. It is time and space. There is nothing outside it. Then the space and time expand creating our 3-11 dimensions. Before then time and space didn't really exist.

    I also heard that it is 5 billion not 4 but hey I'll be dead then so who cares? ^^ Scientists have also worked out that the Earth may not be engulfed at that time. The shockwave of the outer shell being released will push the Earth into a larger orbit, but it will still be roasted and uninhabitable.

    As for the Aztec/Mayan prediction (as I have said many times before) it says that the world as we know it will end. This isn't necessarily a bad thing and does not mean the end of the human race.

    On the other hand, the Carter Catastrophe states mathematically when the human race will end i.e. when the last human will die. This works on the principle that we are in the last 10% of humans ever to be born (see this diagram). This means that it is possible to work out from the number of humans already born coupled with life expectancy when the last human will die. It ain't perfect but no prediction of the future is.

    EDIT: I love your sig btw ^^
  16. Repliku Chaser

    There is no doubt in my mind that the supposed 'scientists' that claim the earth will be destroyed at that date are also fanatically religious and they attempt to use science to protect and define their religion. I wish Religious Scientists would fade away so that others could do real science. Even studying spirituality can be done through science. It saddens me sincerely to hear people respond here and in the Creation vs Evolution thread with religious babble and putting down science and yet not even understanding the theory they are dissing. At least -please- study the subject before dismissing it utterly. It doesn't have to make you disbelieve in your deity to understand. Many scholars and scientists comprehend the Bible better than religious people, yet I have seldom met a religious person who has cared to examine the Big Bang Theory or Evolution. If we can study religion, I think it's only fair that religious people actually study science fairly instead of taking the easy way out and saying it's impossible.

    I grow tired of the harm zealots cause, as well as those fanatical preachers like Ted Haggard (who I'm glad the hypocrite is gone but his church still exists) who try to prevent people from learning science. Children should know science. This world and the universes out there are tremendously awesome to learn about and yet it is discouraged by religion. One would think if someone were so religious, they might want to know about how those things their God created and enjoy it and stop waiting for the end of life. Enough people covered the Big Bang theory etc so I won't go there.

    I suppose through these ramblings I am trying to say that the earth has been predicted many times in the last 2000 some years that it was going to go bye bye. Every century after Jesus died supposedly, people have declared the world was going to end and some commit suicide in groups or do ridiculous displays such as carrying signs and putting up graffiti to say it's all over. I remember having to go to religious classes at methodist churches where they'd try to tell children that the end was coming and how we should deal with it. That's mental conditioning. If people want to believe in a religion, sure thing, but it should not cause them to be hung up on the end of the world stuff. It should neither make them try to prove it with science, nor commit suicide in droves, quit their jobs, etc. Why not instead enjoy the gifts that are here and the time here and if your religions are accurate, you move on?

    So in closing, I don't buy this is going to end the world at this date, as assuredly as I don't buy that the age of Aquarius is going to be the end either and if it does, I sure as hell can't be pointed at and told "REPLIKU, YOU ARE WRONG" because we'll all be dancing in a ring of fire and turned to ash. The earth's axis is not stagnant and does adjust but it certainly isn't like that. Ages end in cycles of the stars and worlds but it does not signify the end of all life on earth. There is no proof that they do. It simply means that the cycle is over and a new begins. Sorry once again for a long winded post. =:)
  17. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Yes the world will end...but most likely not at that date. We have no proof really and we can only predict so much. Theories are one thing, but oracles are another. At best, you should use your own judgement when concerning such....apocolyptic matters, after all you have the right to.

    But it's allright, if the end comes it will most likely be something swift. And if it isn't, well then good luck to the survivors.

    *sorry my reply is so short, but really this is all I can comment on in this matter*
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    For all we know, the world could blow up in three minutes. No one, whether scientist or whoever, can predict the future. What people are doing to the atmosphere is destroying the planet at a fairly slow pace, and I do believe that the world will end eventually in some devestating turn of events, but not on any exact date and not at such a rapid pace. I happen to be a religious person, but that doesn't 'cloud' my judgement. If scientist could predict the future from such a large scale like people are claiming, catastrophic events, such as Katrina and such, could have been predicted maybe years before they happened. Also, people would probably have taken the time to research and build technology that could literally change the enviroments tempature and stop global warming.
    Though slightly off-topic, based on my religious views, I'm confused as to why God hasn't gotten fed up enough to kill us all yet. I believe that the world will end according to his plans.
    Whether religious or not, we effect the enviroment serverly and whatever happens, it's most likely our fault. If the world happens to end on December 21st, 2012, props to science, but for all we know this could be a hoax to get people to start changing the way we treat the earth.
    It that's the case, I don't blame them. People are awfully ignorant at times.
  19. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    I...DON'T think this wil happen. Planets have alligned I doubt this time would be any different. Still, I have to wonder, what point is there in broadcasting this theory and scaring paranoid people out of their wits? It's not like global warming where they're telling us to stop polluting. This would be something out of our power :P

    But, dear lord, PLEASE someone PLEASE keep this topic open until December 21, 2010 so somebody can report to us whether or not the world's ending:

    "Yeah, so, December 21 is here and sure enough, I'm typing this message as the world falls into an endless pit of hell."
  20. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    It was the Mayan calender, which our own is based on, that lead to this idea. But it does not mean the end of the world. It just means the end of what we know, according to Mayan tradition, each era ends as a new one starts.

    But anyway, I guess the only idea to know for certain is to actually wait until the date comes about and see. It's only in about 4 more years after all.
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