Yes people, if you don't want anyone to know what you've been up to, or if you've been on a site that you quite frankly don't want anyone to know about, just follow that simple rule. I'll post it again just to be clear
I do that every Saturday night before I go to bed. (Or Sunday morning if I go to bed for Saturday on early Sunday.)
i get the feeling the reason you do this is not the reason most people do this if im right, why? if im wrong, just nod and say nothing either way, know that i haven't deleted mine in about a year lol
I just do it to keep things clean. It's like if you don't defragment your hard drive for a long time, things start going slow.
Do you ever clean to the beginning of time? Otherwise someone might find something you searched back in 25000BC
If I clear everything then people who look will notice a gap so I would just delete anything I want to be kept secret or go incognito c:
i came expecting something totally different but really, i've only ever deleted the accidental click of a nsfw ad ( every time i go to watch Kill la Kill THEY ARE EVERYWHERE ;-; )
Hey. Hey. Hey. Learn to use the [plain*] code before you emote all over the place like in your early days. JEEEEZ.