The Darkness vs Light

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sonic the Hedgehog, Oct 30, 2008.

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  1. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    *grabs you before you vanish*Ha ha you lose!*smacks you with keyblade and hand 25 times,you drop to the ground and I prepare a kamehameha wave*!*the wave fires at you*
  2. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    *the waves of fire hit me, devouring my skin and i vanish*....
    did i kill her? you say to your self
    *out of nowhere i appear and smack you with my keyblade .. you fall to the ground and i stick my tongue at you*
    tag your it!! ^^
    *then i vanish [without you catching hold of me]*
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    *focuses on your location*There you are!*blasts where I think you are.You drop to the ground and I say*Hmm,your pretty strong you know?I'm inpressed with your skills.What about that secret power you had to show me huh?*charges energy without you feeling it*
  4. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    i have more then one
    its a secret power
    but i will show you when the time is right
    says to myself "hmm somethings changing in the atmosphere .. better be careful"
    *takes one step backward*
    you know your pretty good yourself :)​
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Pretty good.No,great.I'm not getting cokey now,but I'm better than good.I will show you mine,right about now.*the sky gets dark*Your gonna love this friend.*charges up energy all the way to ss4*Ok,I'm a super saiyan 4 right now.But I have done that a million times,here is the real knocker.*a very bright white ight appears.I transform into a white/red/blue/navy/yellow costume*This is my ultimate form!I call it,super saiyan keyblade God!Can you defeat me now?*charges you and hits you.Sending you across the city 3 miles back*Man,I hit her far.
  6. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    if you only hit the real one
    *roxas turns to see her sitting on the bench*
    i now confusing but you see i'm pretty good at tricking people
    very impressive performance you made there
    but sadly i can't do something that big =[
    my powers are almost finished
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    *aims for the real you and knocks you down.I pick you up and beat the crap out of you.And what do you mean your powers are almost finished?I'm a saiyan from Earth who is much more powerful than you may think.*reverts back to normal form*I'm done fighting at full power,you lost too much energy.There is no use in fighting you in that form.I'm more than powerful enough to take you down myself.A simple monkey.
  8. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    *stands up and crack my neck*
    you shouldn't believe what people really say
    *with full speed i punch you in the face, grab you from your hair and jump high then throws you down on earth. I come landing on your stomach with my elbow and pick you up from your ear and beat the **** out of you*
    i told you i'm pretty good at tricking people
    *then i tie you to the branch of a tree*
    now whos the monkey know huh? ^^
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    *thinks to self*I'm not gonna lose,it wont end here!*screams out loud*Everyone,give me your power!*the planets people raise their hands in the air,giving all their energy to me.The plants,animals,all life.And a giant ball appwars in the sky*I'm going to end this,I just lost all my power and is going to llose to her.This is like fighting Android 18.*absorbs Spirit Bomb and all the power goes into my body*RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!And I don't care if I was holding back,the planet is my power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*charges you and beats the crap out of you.Then slams you down.*Now for the final strike!DRAGON FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!*a giant dragon comes out of nowhere and goes through you.You drop to the ground and I stand there.*You........lose.I'm the monkey because I'm a saiyan.
  10. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    *eyes turn to the color a rainbow*
    think again
    *i snap my fingers and all the colors around us come together in one huge ball in my finger tip, i shoot the ball at you and instead of exploding the ball devours you, i disarm you [taking your two keyblades]*
    very impressive presentation you made their my friend
    but you see my teacher once told me don't waste you energy all at once
    leave it at the end
    a true warrior must not think of winning all the time
    a true warrior must think of his enemies weakness in order to defeat him
    that is the only way of winning
    its a step by step process you see
    "if you wanna win go threw it the slow way"

    know that ball your are in is a anti-power ball
    if you shoot anything inside that ball it will hit right back at you
    there is no password to free yourslef from this ball
    even i cannot free you
    the only thing to free you from that ball
    is to figure out how to get out of there without using any violence or any power [because remember it will come right back to you]
    if you shoot anything it will only make the ball more powerful and more harder to escape
    good luck my friend
    *sits down on the bench and watches*
    says to myself "this is gonna be fun"
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I don't care!!Kamehamehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*the blast is so powerful it blows the ball back at you very fast it knocks you nearly.And I made sure it was you.You didn't even notice*Your a strong warrior my friend.I am too,but this ends here!!*you are on the ground 99.9% dead*Here,I'll help you up.*gives you a cure from the keyblades I summoned back*Feel better?*reverts back to normal form*I'm sorry my friend.That was the best fight I ever had.But,we shouldn't be fighting eachother,we should be working together.I gotta go,see ya.*leaves you well standing there*See ya next Saturday!!!*flies away*I really gotta get off,I got chores.Bye!
  12. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    you have a point there
    but wont this help us in our powers
    isn't that our aim?
    well so long my friend
    says to myself "next time i will make the ball more powerful .. its a shame i made it weak"
    *turns around and walks returning all the colors back to normal*
  13. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Hey, im gonna join if thats cool with you guyz, anywayz

    played by: Roxas Sora51
    Nickname: Fireball (perfers fire)
    Keyblade: Decective Pumpkin

    P.S. I dont really know where to throw myself into the RP at this point....
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Don't worry dude.What side do you wanna join?I suggest the darkness because we need a few more members for that list.
  15. GREE06 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 19, 2008
    Twilight Town.
    Hey dude, what's your surprise?
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Well,I'm thinking about changing this Rp to only keyblade weilders.So everyone can benefit.But there will still be ranks.Rank 1.You weild 1 keyblade,like and apprentice.Rank 2,just a keyblade master with still one keyblade,and the third rank,you weild 2 keyblades,we might run out so make up your own.And the 4th rank ,your a subleader.Last and 5th rank,your athe leader of your squadrant.You lead with the master leader.Make sense?
  17. GREE06 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 19, 2008
    Twilight Town.
    Yeah, I got it.
  18. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Is it to late to join?
  19. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Nope it's not too late bud.This Rp is always open for new members.
  20. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    can we set up where we fight like on a mountain or in a armory?
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