~The Darkness That Haunts Organization XIII~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nanaki, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene yelped. "Are you tring to kill me??!" She yelled at The Whirlwind Lancer.
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Another lace landed right inbetween her legs

    Xaldin let out a sigh of annoyance"When did you figure that out!?''he asked
  3. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    "I knew that after I tried to cut myself free, duh!! Now stop thowing your lances at me! Please!!" Larxene yelled. She didn't like being stuck.
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Another lance landed under her right arm"Am I still missing?haha''he shouted laughing"..Give me one reason why!you've done nothing but be a leech,you suck out my blood when you need me,then you abandon me when your full!"
  5. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene sighed. She knew she was damned. She started struggling again, the kunai sinking into her skin more, drawing a slight bit more blood. After a few seconds of struggling, the lance above her shoulder sliced it, causing her to stop struggling. "Oww!" She said, annoyed. She sighed, relising it was useless. She just became silent, staring at the floor beyond the web. She knew Xaldin wouldn't help, and she couldn't move. She figured that either another member would have to help her, or she was done for...
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Xaldin finally came into Larxene's view"..Apologize for accusing me of being a pervert..then I'll help you''he said
  7. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene sighed. "I'm sorry. Please help me..." She said quietly.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "That's better..'Xaldin said as he pulled out his last Lance and swiftly cut the webbing around his lance's and Larxene
  9. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene was free, and she turned away from Xaldin. She didn't even care that her arm and shoulder were hurt and bleeding a little. "Well....I guess I have to go find a different corridor to walk down...and hopefully not kill myself doing so...." She said quietly. She started to walk away from Xaldin slowly...
  10. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    Marluxia ran away from the insects, and that weird fire breathing cat. Looking for anyone to help him at the least. Running and running, he ended up hitting a wall. BAM! The wall began to shake, and as the Graceful Assasin looked up, he yelled. SPIDERS, giant spiders dropping from the ceiling, falling onto poor Marly. This made him feel all icky inside, their 8 legs crawling all over his body, he was frozen in fear.
  11. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "L-L-Larxene??" Demyx stammered. He was alone now. And everyone knows, that the person alone in a horror movie is usually the first to get killed. "Eep!" He cried as he felt a hand touch his shoulder, another hand ready to grab his money. Demyx jolted (again) and ran off following Larxene. "LARXEEEEEEENE!!!"

    Instead of getting to Larxene, however, he just ended up getting into the kitchen. "How'd I get here...?" Demyx said, breathing heavily from running away so much. He opened the refrigerator... not that he was a comfort eater... he just hoped there would be the least bit of light in it... There was too much dark he couldn't tell where he was going... But alas, no light. There really mustn't be any light in this castle... Demyx thought. And suddenly, he got an idea. He was ready to portal... but nothing happened. He intended to go to the rooftop of the castle and feel better since there should be light from Kingdom Hearts...

    "utehguiryokthawd" Demyx mumbled randomly, he ran off to take the stairs.

    OOC: I'm presuming we can't portal in these conditions... xP Just to make it harder...
  12. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    OOC: I forgot about the portaling. Yeah, no portaling. I'll add it to the first page. :P

    BIC: Larxene walked down the hall, away from Xaldin, feeling ashamed, and sick of being helpless. She kept on walking...
  13. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    This time, these spiders were different, five times the size of normal spiders, and they were on him! Marluxia couldn't do anything but run and yell. But as he ran, he kept on bumping walls constantly, causing more spiders to drop on him. "EEEEEEKKKK!" Marluxia said trying to shake off the spiders, but they used their 8 hairy legs to cling onto him. The spiders from the outside of his coat, made their way inside. Marluxia uncomfortable, couldn't move. He felt the spiders go into all different places, his arms, his legs, his neck, and other places. "eww..." he said just thinking.
  14. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx kept running up the stairs... they never seemed to end. He wasn't used to going up stairs as the Organization used to always rely on their ability to portal. Demyx ran past the elevator and paused. He retracked his steps and stepped on the elevator....

    No use.

    Even that didn't work. Demyx sighed and looked for the next flight of stairs again.
  15. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene kept walking, and found a different hallway. She walked down that way, and kept walking. She wished she had some light....but the lights still weren't working, so that was out odf the question. She needed to find Zexion, and she wouldn't mind running into anybody else for The Organization. She kept walking, hoping to NOT find anymore rodents or arachnids...
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Zexion was now inside he castle's library sitting at a desk with a good amount of light from his book"..How can I fix this...''he muttered as he searched through his Lexicon
    Xaldin watched Larxene walk away and sighed"...Sorry...''he muttered,before turning away and walking in the opposite direction
  17. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene made it to an archway, and walked through it. She was at a stair case that lead up to a platform that overlooked The Town The Never Was. She walked up the stairs slowly, and looked out across the town. She smiled lightly....even though it was a bit darker than before. Maybe because none of the buildings were lit up. But, the stars and Kingdom Hearts lit the sky up, and that shined down, at least eminating some light down. She then turned her gaze down, and backed up a bit. "Why did I look down?" She saked herself, her hands shaking slightly. She then looked behind her, and saw a door leading to a part of the castle. Even thugh she wanted to stay there, she was afraid of heights, and knew she had to find Zexion. She walked to the door reluctantly, and walked in.
  18. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx went on... going up stairs was so tiring... if he didn't get anywhere soon, even painting the whole castle three times over would be better than living his nightmares... He was now in the fourth floor... a lot more to go.
  19. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene was in another hall. '...Great...' She thought bitterly. She walked down the hall, looking blindly for Zexion. She formed three kunai's in her right hand, just in case. As she blindly walked down the hall, she saw something move. She stopped walking and took her attacking stance. The creature walked into her line of sight, and she saw it to be another large sewer rat. She threw her kunais at it quickly with her shaky hands, two of the knives missed, and one stabbed it in the back. It started to scamper off. "Oh no you don't!" She yelled. She formed four more kunais in her hand, and threw them, two of them stabbing it's back, and one of them nailing it's head. She sighed and kept moving foward, her hands shaking from the encounter and from the darkness. She hoped to no run into any more rats...

    OOC: BTW, Happy New Year, guys. ^^

    EDIT: I'm going to bed, guys. Good Night. ^^
  20. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    Marluxia felt a tingly feeling. "EW EW EW EW EW!" he yelled, running around and shaking. It looked like he was dancing, but he was really trying to get the spiders out of his robe, and more obviously, out of his pants. The spiders clinged once more, tightly, their fuzzy feelers tickling Marluxia's legs. Marluxia let out a big laugh from the tickle, but still trying to get them off. Blinded by the darkness, he continued to hit walls, until he reached an open area.
    OoC: Happy New Year.