~The Darkness That Haunts Organization XIII~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nanaki, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx got higher up... it was so tiring climbing up those seemingly endless flights of stairs... Was seeing Kingdom Hearts' light worth all the hassle of getting up there? Demyx started to think... he sighed and sat down on one of the stairs' steps... "Just a short break won't hurt..." He said... he certainly hoped that nothing would suddenly touch him or make a noise... he had enough jolts for one day...
  2. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene kept walking down the hall, looking for anybody, especially Zexion. She relised that just walking blindly in the dark wouldn't work, so she decided to call his name, and hopefully get his attention. "Zeeeeexiioooon....Zexion! Where are you?? Zexion!!" She kept calling as she walked blindly down the hall. She had hoped to not run into anything other than her companions...
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Zexion looked up from his lexicon aftr hearing his name being shouted by a certain blond female"..Should I answer?...''he asked himself,he smirked and looked back down at his Lexicon,deciding to let Larxene find him by herself,he wouldnt help.
  4. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene kept walking down the hall, calling to Zexion, a bit quietly as she progressed. Her hands were shaking and she was becomming more scared the longer she was alone and in the dark. "Zexion?! Please! Aren't you somewhere nearby??!" She called. She then stopped walking, as she turned left at a three way intersection in the hall. She saw something moving....and it was something big. She stared, as it just sat there...posibbly staring back? It then started to lurk twords her. She took a shaky step back, as it charged. It quickly ran infront of her, and reared up. It was a huge spider, and it was in an attack stance. Larxene let out a shcream, and jumped back. The spider sroped down on it's legs, revealing a red mark on it's back. 'A Black Widow?!!" Larxene thought. This was one big spider, and she was a Nobody, so she wasn't sure how poison from it would affect her. She didn't want to test it, either.

    Larxene jumped abck in the hall she came from. She took an attack stance, forming kunai's between each finger. She was shaking slightly, as her hand shook badly. She then tossed the kunais from her right hand at the spider, forming more quickly. The spider deflected three, and got stabbed by one in the torse, causing it to hiss in pain. I then quickly moved foward twords Larxene. Larxene tried to jump back, but the spider used one of it's front legs to sweep under Larxene's as she started to jump, causing her to fall on her back. The spider crawled ontop of her, and Larxene, with very shaky hands, stabbed a kunai into it's stommach. This angered the spider more, and it tried to bite her. Larxene tried to push the spider off herself, but it persisted, and it reached her neck, bitting into it, causing Larxene to let out an ear peircing scream. She then punched the spider in the face, causing it to back up, confused. She took this chance to bring a huge streak of lightning down on it, killing it on contact. Larxene slowly got to her feet, rubbing her neck. It was in imense pain, and she felt confused...
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Zexion heard Larxene scream and look up from his lexicon again"....''he sighed,got up from his chair and walked out of the library,stil holding his Lexicon tightly,and it still had a decent amount of light to shine"Larxene!?''he called down both halls
  6. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene walked past the spider's body, and took the right. She learned to avoid the places she gets attacked in. She was now looking for Sick Bay, hoping that she could heal her wounds she hand from the rat bite, her own kunai, Xaldin's lance, and now she needed to flush the poison from her vains. Larxene walked very slowly down the hall, noticing that she felt much weaker suddenly. 'I can take it....I have to live....' She kept thinking, hoping she could find Sick Bay quickly...
  7. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Axel ran into the bathroom and block the door.
  8. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx had almost reached the top... "Finally!" He cried as he walked up the stairs from the graveyard-like area in the World that Never Was. But... something was wrong. The way was... blocked?! Demyx blinked... why was there a door there now? Did Xemnas decide to put a door there? No... Xemnas was visiting Kingdom Hearts too much to think of putting a blockage between himself and it. He pushed and pulled the handle... but nothing happened. "Oh COME ON..." Demyx bit his lip... he could hear meowing again. Cats prowling in the shadows... Demyx did not like this one bit and began to shake the door. "OPEN!!" He shouted, starting to kick and punch the door. "OUCH!" Demyx cried as he punched too hard, but did not open the door. He kicked it, and also hurt his foot. "OW OW!!" He started jumping around holding his foot. Poor IX... he could feel the cats getting closer... the sheer terror of that night for him was getting worse...
  9. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    Marluxia laid on the floor. Probably fainted from too much stress and all that stuff. He woke up, feeling dizzy. "Wha.. wha happened?" he thought to himself, looking around. "Oh yeah.. the spiders.. and that cat." he said. He stood up, cautiously, his eye sight worse than before. It was probably becuase of bumping walls too many times. Looking for the cats and spiders which were now gone, he quickly dashed past the hallway. Any Organization member he could find was fine for him. "Eeek.." he said outloud, once he heard something, a buzz. "Bee?" he thought, "No couldn't be, I'm not afraid of bees!" he yelled. He didn't just stand there like an open target, this time, he was serious. He didn't stop running until he ran into something, that is. Trying to avoid walls, he ran at a slower pace than he did panicking.
  10. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Larxene slowly walked down the hall, and reached the white doors that lead into Sick Bay. She walked in, and slowly made her way over to the cabinent with poison cures. She opened it, and saw many different containers with various colored liquids inside. She had no clue which to drink, and none of them were marked. She growled slightly, annoyed at which Nobody did this. She stared at the liquids, afraid that if she drank the wrong one, she would get even sicker than she was...
  11. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    The doors wouldn't budge... All efforts to open it failed... Demyx had tried smashing his sitar on it, punching it, kicking it, making his Dancers ram into it, making it wet, setting it on fire (with a set of matchsticks that just happened to be there), and shouting at it to open. Demyx was definitely ready to give up... but he was too afraid to turn back and face the kitties... The Melodious Nocturne tiptoed to a corner and curled up, shivering terribly. He waited there... for someone to pass by and help him face his fear...