The Dark Spiral: Destroy to Rebuild

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jordan Sabath, Oct 25, 2009.

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  1. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: Can I also have Maleficent?

    BiC:"Yeah, thanks." Sora also told Genie. Sora ran up to attack the mystery man.
  2. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    OoC: Wow, so many requests, but Ok to all of them. Just one thing guys....I think it's best I let Sore Saige say it though...

    Sore grabbed the middle of the keyblade before it could hit him. "....You people don't seem to listen, as your stupidity seems to hold no bounds. Despite the upgrades we demons are not affected by the light of that stone. Shine with the brightest light, and the only thing you'll be doing is scorching this planet with a heavenly fire. ...You'll be doing my job, child." He said before he pushed Sora away from him. He then began to walk towards the keyblade wielders and their partner. "......Ah, a Genie. I believe you have a rule among your kind. ....You cannot kill, despite being free from your eternal bounds, the rules of your kind will still be etched eternally within your powers." He said to him.
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: YAY! Thanks. :3

    BIC: Jack walked around the town. "Oh dear... what the bloody hell happened...?"

    Riku was prepared to attack.

    Phenox growled. "Too... BRIGHT!!!" He vanished through a corridor of darkness, back to Port Royal.
  4. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Sora growled angrily. "We don't need a Cornerstone to defeat you and your demons, we'll do it ourselves." He was quite hesitant to attack Sage again and instead went back in to his battle stance.
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "Yeah! We'll beat you with our OWN power!" Riku said.
  6. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OCC:Jordan you marked the wrong person as hades I asked for hades but I guess it was a simple mistake

    Bic:Mickey smirked light did not affect the demons so they would have to fight a differant way.

    Meanwhile in the underworld Hades was on his throne"He heard of the troubles befalling the worlds and an end of everything"Oh no I get there game I cant die and my world cant fade either....BUT!!! If there is no worlds and people there will BE NO SOULS FOR MY UNDERWORLD"Hades wa furious and his head showed it".
  7. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Maleficent looked over the destruction of Radiant Garden, she was not smiling. Her face appeared expressionless, if she was furious, she did show it. "This can't be. I will not allow this to happen, this world will belong to me and me only." She soon clicked her finger and summoned many different types of Heartless. "Heartless, heed my bidding. I command you to destroy these husks of darkness."
  8. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox walked along the streets. He saw Jack.

    Jack ran up to Phenox. "You! What did you do!?"
  9. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    "...Laughable." Sore Saige said, as he then charged up a beam with enough energy to make the ground shake. "The power of the keys made by the "King" shall not save you from the inevitable that shall occur." He said. He then blasted at Mickey. But once it was close enough to hit, a slash fast enough to be blurry knocked it towards a wall. "...Says who?" The man who appeared behind the group asked. He then got up and revealed himself. "....Jordan. How obvious that you'd show up." Sore Saige said. "...Not the only one." Jordan said with a calm smile as Noah, Tai, and Karoku appeared next to him. "....Deciding to go the extra mile....Very well, I shall relieve this place of its inevitable end." He said before disappearing.

    "Oh, a clown boy eh? We got plenty-a-use for entertainment." The man said as he pointed towards the bar where it was pretty much chaotic.

    More meteors began to land, this time near Villain's Vale. It was the super-humans that attacked and destroyed the Destiny Islands. Jumping on the top of the middle tower of Villain's Vale, Jack Hell rises up his right sword-hand. "Help out Zogar, kill all of our enemies, leave nothing untouched except for his men!" Jack said to his troops as they spread out and head for the marketplace, through the great maw.
  10. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "I simply killed everyone in this town... I shall set up my base here..." A Black aura emitted from Phenox. The world started to change.

    Riku looked at the people, a confused look on his face.
  11. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Sora also had a confused look on his face. "Hey. I don't mean to break up this party of yours, but what exactly is going on?" He shouted.

    Maleficent smirked. They seemed to be coming to Villain's Vale. These fools honestly thought they could win. "Attack my Heartless."
    All of the Heartless immediately started to advance towards the men and the black creatures. Meanwhile Maleficent created a impenetrable wall of green flames around Villain's Vale so none of them could get in.
  12. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    Unluckily for her, Jack was already there at the top of the middle and main tower of Villain's Vale when he commanded his brethren to attack in the first place. He sliced through the roof and dropped into Maleficent's chambers, staring at her with his red, insane, eyes. He laughed manically, then looked at her again. "You want a war so badly? Then I'll give you and your little toys something to make a war about!" Jack said.

    "I take it you guys are alright." Jordan asked the three Keyblade wielders.
  13. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "Hmph. I do not fear these pathetic creatures of yours, however I do want to know what is happening right now. As far as I am concerned my... intelligence has gathered that this is happening in other worlds too. Am I not correct?" Maleficent said keeping her eyes fixed on the heartless advancing towards the creatures instead of the man standing behind her.

    "Yeah, we're alright. However who are these guys and who are you?" Sora asked.
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku nodded. "I'm fine. But who exactly are you guys?"
  15. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    OCC: Wait what? then how can Sora summon genie to kill in the first place in KH2? and when did we switch worlds?
  16. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OCC:we didint switch worlds other people just at differant

    Bic:Hades was slamming his fist on his map in the centre of his room"Then I have no choice" snaping his fingers hades exploaded into flames along with undead minions"I have to help fight these guys but If I fail I can come back and torture the souls that are already here".
  17. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    OoC: I fail to understand the first part of your question.

    ".....Some of us must've missed a few if there are still someone to rat us out. We figure, why wait for you people to make the mistakes you're going to make, and just get it over with in terms of annihilating every last one of you right now. ......The heartless is enough of an excuse to do so anyways. The end of this universe has come! ......And it's not like when the heartless attacked, no, it's much worse. We're going to actually kill every last one of you pathetic creatures!" Jack explained to her.

    "Or you shall be one of those souls." A voice said, Sore Saige suddenly appeared on sitting in Hade's throne. "Ahhh.......a much more comfortable place to live in." He said.

    "Oh wow, Not even you guys know who we are." Tai said, then got whacked in the head by Noah, and fell on his back. "......We are known as the four kings, beings who lives in a dimension far from the universe we are in. I am Jordan Sabath, Leader of the 5 kings, and King of Light." Jordan said, that calm smile never leaving his face. ".........Karoku Sabath, King of Darkness." Karoku finally said, barely giving a glimpse at them. "I'm Noah, King of Knowledge." Noah said. "And I'm Tai, King of Wisdom." Tai said, bandaging the bump Noah gave him on his head.
  18. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    "The end of the Universe?" Maleficent smiled for a bit before saying. "I'm quite sorry, but I can't allow this to happen? I am after all the mistress of evil who will soon dominate over all the worlds and turn everyone in to my slaves to do my bidding. If the end happened right now, it would be quite dull taking over the worlds. The way I see it, you creatures should be the ones destroyed." By now the Heartless had engaged the dark creatures in combat.

    Sora looked at all of them before saying. "So, what does this guy want and why is he destroying the worlds and also who is he?"
  19. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku scratched his head. "I have been wondering that myself... I get BAD vibes from that guy..." Riku shivered.
  20. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    "We don't need you're permission for anything, chick. ....In fact you should be the first on this planet to spill your blood!" He said, as he prepares for battle fast enough to leave afterimages behind him.

    "That was Sore Saige of the 4 Horsemen." Karoku said. "Not a friendly bunch, that's for sure, they're a group of four who are trying to take judgment of the universe into their hands." Jordan said. "They're leader is none other then Zogar, a being known as the god of darkness." Noah said.
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