The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Harry looked at Ra in awe and surprise at the sun god's power and smiled, nodding. He helped Ryoko stand up and led her out of the building, he looked toward Fawkes, "Fawks, can you carry me and this girl out of here? Please, Fawkes." Harry hoped that Fawkes would obey him to escape, despite being chained, Seymour focused and shouted, "Feel my pain! Come, Anima!" Coming up from the ground was a creature wrapped in bandages and chains, Harry was shocked at the appearance of the aeon, Anima.



    Hermione looked at Kimberly in confusion and wondered what the strange power she was feeling and it seemed like Saber felt it as well, but he understood she was more concerned for Roxas. Hermione looked at the Nobody and gasped, "What?!!! Roxas' wound is healed, how is that possible?!!" "What?!!! But neither Chappu or I gave him a Hi-Potion, and I haven't changed into White Mage to cast Curga on him." Bartz said in surprise, while Mew and Riolu went to Roxas and looked at him curiously. Saber was also curious about how his wound could have healed.
  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Admittedly, the enormous Aeon was...unnerving. In his human form no less. But Ra kept his cool and prepared to face it down. "You two and Dumbledore need to get out of here. I can beat it, but not without putting you at risk." Said the Egyptian god as he glanced at the phoenix, giving it a mental plead to carry them to safety. He was prepared to stop anyone who tried to get in their way. Once that was done, All he would have to do was clear a path for himself.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Luffy, Naruto etc~

    Kirito nodded as did Tsukasa. "Then we need a heading." he said to them.

    ~Forbidden Fortress~

    Lambda looked at Harry's attempts of protecting the girl amusing as Daido wasn't interested. "Amusing how you plan on defending yourself against us all when we clearly outmatch you." he said and Daido spoke. "How true."
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Arctic Tundra:

    Nappa's eyes widened until they were bulging out of his head as he saw Vegeta. Standing perfectly still, his jaw worked as he nearly screamed, "VEGETA! There's an invisible Pokemon inside me..." he said the fact with a voice filled with awe and wonder.

    Forbidden Fortress:

    The Six Paths of Pain and Deidara crowded around the Animal Path. "Reverse Summoning." Four of the Pains disappeared and Deidara created a large clay bird. Helping the delicate female Pain onto the bird, Pain's Deva Path ran a hand through his orange hair, "They're here... How I've waited for this day... Deidara...our paths will soon no longer be the same." Snorting, Deidara ignored Pain's words and hopped onto his bird, "Whatever. Are you getting on or are we leaving you, hm?" Sighing in reservation, Pain hopped on the bird, "Lets go."

    Kenpachi's soul pressure pulsed out in one massive wave, blowing away the black and red fireballs and equally knocking the oncoming Darkness backwards in the air. "Oh, wow...he really thought he had a chance too. Kenny, you should be a bit nicer and at least introduce yourself. It's rude to go on like this and you know that." Kenpachi smirked, "Perhaps you're right. name is Kenpachi Zaraki. Captain of the 11th division. Your turn." He drew his blade across the ground, scraping it across rocks as the young pink haired girl giggled and smiled at them, "Hi! Have you guys seen Ichi?"


    Tobi wiggled in his boots, "Oooh, looks like a fight is going to happen. I'm kinda scared. Oh, you wouldn't hurt me, would you, Mr. Egyptian God sir?"


    Kisame touched the hilt of his sword, remembering when Shark Skin abandoned him for that rapping freak. "Well, isn't that nice. All that matters now is that I have my sword. Lets go find little Sasuke then. Not like I have a reason to put our little partnership in a bad light." Xenree hugged herself and made a quiet giggle, "Of course I'll stay beside you, Itachi dear. Why, without you...I'd be all alone." Kisame gave her a disgusted look.


    Minato touched a finger to the ground and almost impatiently rubbed his face, "This place is too far away...all I can sense is a vauge somewhere there's people. We'll just have to pick a direction and hope we meet someone."
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Forbidden Forest-

    Harry glared at the villains, gripping the sword in his hand as he noticed the tough, war-battered man and the little pink haired girl in some kind of uniform. "You two, you have to get out of here!!!!! You could be killed by these people!!!!!" Harry shouted, not noticing Anima sending a attack toward him and the girl. He gasped for air and looked at Seymour who was still chained and stood up, running for the exit.



    Slifer pondered if he should have followed his fellow god to the fortress where they took Harry while Kratos was examining the new arrivals. He asked, "Who are you two? Why did you suddenly appear here?" "My name is Kain. I am a Dragoon who suddenly appeared in this world by means of some kind of portal." Kain said, looking at Kratos with the same seriousness, Philip looked at him and said, "My name is Philip. And may I ask why you froze up in that battle, miss?"

    Lukya looked at Philip and looked away, "I couldn't do it. I couldn't fight against my own brother or risk further injuring one of my friends. I just couldn't do." Philip looked at her and held her in his arms again, he sort of understood how she felt, he had fought against his family and almost lost one of his friends, but he managed to keep it through with his friends and on his own. Haruto still felt guilty about letting Harry get kidnapped and being unable to save him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, hearing the WizarDragon taunting him for it.
  6. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011

    Ra intercepted Anima's attack. There was tremendous force behind it. The sun god was only barely able to defend Harry against it. Without turning his head, he spoke to Tobi "That depends on if you get in my way or not" It seemed Harry was almost at the exit. By the time he started attacking, He'd be gone.As the fires of his phoenix form roared back to life, he hovered off the ground.

    "All opposition will know rage cast down by the gods of egypt!"The fire around him grew more and more intense and hot. Eventually, The shape of a large Phoenix rose up behind him as a bird's screech was heard. It was hardly noticeable to the observer, but small golden flakes started to rise up slowly off of various parts of his body. his current equivalent of "Flesh" Was being seared by the technique. Not fatal, only mild pain. For the moment, at least. The more this skill was used, the more life was sapped away. Normally it would be the summoner paying the force of their life such a powerful attack, but he had no such summoner and was required to use his own.

    Nevertheless, with an extended arm and flick of a wrist, The gargantuan flaming bird bolted toward Anima, appearing to be relatively equal in size. It flew in circles around the Aeon, golden blazes trailing behind. The more it did so, the more it blended in with the trail behind it until they were indistinguishable. A Whirlwind of heat and smoke engulfed the aeon and became a column of pure fire. All that could be seen through the bright light was a faint shape of the Aeon as it was scorched into ashes. Large wings appeared on Ra's back as he turned to the other villains in the room, ready to fight if need be. Although he'd hoped the would be intimidated enough by the display of power.
  7. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011


    Naruto looked over at them all "Thanks guys. We will avenge Kurama and win whatever is coming." He looked around having no clue where to start the search. He would let the others make that decision.


    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Toguro's anger began to rise. All the intrusions and failed attempts at life were intolerable. He yelled and began to turn green.
    He punched the ground below everyone creating a large shock-wave. A crater was sent into the ground forcing everyone to fall. "You are all a disgrace. Sasuke would have killed you all if this was seen. Kill them. All of them." Toguro looked serious. The stress within his muscles were bulging One more interference he would destroy the building crushing them all together.



    Ichigo smiled. There was a great red flash in the sky. He was clueless to what it could mean but he felt no different at all. "Guys. I feel like something or someone is coming. We should move out. Anyone know a direction to go?"


    Goku woke up rubbing his back "Ow. What happened. I feel like someone just launched a rocket onto me." Goku's eyes twitched as he looked behind him towards the Fortress. He could feel power levels again. A massive amount of energy was coming from the direction of the Fortress. "Something is going on over there. I can feel a lot of evil."


    Arctic Tundra

    Vegeta looked at Nappa confused. "What is a pokemon? And why do you sound so... stupid?"


    Cyber City above the Clouds

    Zero walked out of the chamber seeing the hedgehog robot laying their dead. "Now that power has been given to me, I will restore you. You are worthy." Zero transformed his hand and placed it onto Metal Sonic's back. He released energy into him giving him the breath of life once more.


    -Domain of Death-

    Terra looked out to the entrance. The place was surrounded by mountains and a dark hole lead to the bottom of a seemingly endless pit. "This place looks dangerous. Are you sure this is the right place?"
  8. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    -Domain of Death-​
    "Certainly looks that way." Vash started to walk towards a sign in front of the dark hole.​
    It read:​
    Welcome, gunman in the red coat. You have reached the destination. Travel to the bottom of the abyss and follow the path lit by candles. You will find your reward there.​
    "Y'know, maybe we shouldn't go. I don't know about you guys, but-"
    "Chickening out, Vash? You're the one who said to go here in the first place."The Humanoid Typhoon sighed. "You're right, Wolfwood. We can't turn back." With that said, he jumped into the hole, the fall being short. Wolfwood followed.​
    Alucard, who had put his guns away, started clapping and laughing. "Yes...This will be fun indeed...."
  9. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -Fate VS Lightning-
    OOC: Please pardon if this is rather unecessarily lengthy, I'm trying to make it as descript as I can.​
    Lightning turned. "Tifa! Look out!" she said. She ran forward to try and help her friend out, but a sword whizzed past her ear and blocked it. It whistled as it went incredibly fast and blocked Fate's strike. It was closely followed by four or five more swords. Lightning turned to see that Noctis was the one who had sent the swords flying. "Noctis, how-?" she asked.

    Noctis looked at Lightning. "My telepathy," he said, "I have the ability to conjure up weapons and levitate them around me in battle, and for practical use."

    "Oh." Lightning said. As she said it, she couldn't help but stare at him. His eyes were beautiful, and they appeared to sparkle in the light that his swords emitted. He seemed so graceful... so majestic. She wondered if he had been the one she'd been searching for.

    "Uhhh... Light? You okay?"

    "Hm? Oh, yeah...." She said, blushing and turning, getting ready for battle again.

    'What's up with Lightning?' Serah wondered.

    -Final Fortress-
    Zidane saw Harry running. With him, was the girl he'd come to save. "Hey!" Zidane called. "Over here! I know the way out!" he told them, indicating towards the entrance. "Follow me!" he said, running towards the entrance. Seemingly out of nowhere, the temperature started to rise. "Oof..." Zidane said, "Kinda hot in here..." He remarked, wiping his forhead slowly. They were almost out, and he couldn't be happier. The sooner he could find his friends, the better. He couldn't trust Steiner to stay put if he got to the princess first.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tifa was surprised to see a sword whizzed by her head. She was thankful it was there though because it might have possibly saved her life. She looked at Noctis and nodded. "Thanks. Do you think you could hold off the sword while I attack." she asked. She waited for a response before continuing forward.

    Noel was amazed by Noctis, he had no idea who he was but that power was amazing. He watched as this friend of Lightning was ready to keep fighting. He also watched Snow still guarding himself like an idiot.
  11. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Fawkes the phoenix let out a cry once Harry and the girl met with Zidane. Red flames surrounded them as Fawkes used the last of his magic to transport them away from the fortress.

    Time to go
    Dumbledore felt Fawkes and Harry leave the fortress. He turned to the swordsman "Thank you for the help Kenpachi" and then to Ra, "their safe it's time to go." He sent a wild blast of magic around the room in all different colors.

    Itachi smiled but didn't let her see it. He would have to get to know Xenree a little more when they had the chance. She seemed to already claimed him as hers and would kill Kisame in a heartbeat.
    He kept running untill he saw him. "Hello Saskue" he said to his brother. His eyes moved to Sirius then obi-wan, darth maul, lord blazer, and back to his brother "It's been a while or has it?"

    Fate let out a laugh "This is a battle, and here you are flirting? Do you need a break for tea to?" He slung his blade in the air over his head. "You need a few seconds to come up with a plan go ahead. Will you come at me from all sides or one at a time your choice, but let me warn you know this battle only has one possible outcome".
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    As NHB-K left, Cosmos felt the same pain inside her again. The hologram showing Kurama was now showing Silver the Hedgehog. Depressed at the fact that two of her warriors were already killed within minutes, Cosmos simply said, "Stay safe warriors."



    Davros and Braig stood watching at the Dalek factory, which is continuing production thanks to partial energy from the Tesseract. The factory can no longer run on electricity due to the EMP pulse that affected the whole planet. "What idiot would dare do such a reckless thing?! Sending an electromagnetic pulse throughout the planet?!" Davros complained. "From what I heard, it was one of the warriors the 'belt' summoned to fight on our side. Only he or she decided to go rogue and make sure no one in this planet can use anything that needs electricity to run," Braig replied.


    Captain Jack Sparrow crept up behind Fate, and stabbed his shoulder with a sword. "I think I already know the outcome," Jack Sparrow told Fate. Looking at Lightning, Jack smiled and said, "He's all yours darling."


    Angered by the outcome of this battle, Voldemort thought to himself that joining Sasuke's group was a huge mistake. He didn't need anyone's help at all. He decided to start anew, and work hos way through this new world to find and kill Harry Potter once and for all. As he grabbed his wand, Voldemort saw one of the newcomers that helped Harry Potter, Yachiru. Out of anger, Voldemort pointed her wand towards her, and shouted, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The killing curse magic left Voldemort's wand, and was going straight to Yachiru. Not caring about what happens next, Voldemort disapparated from the Forbidden Fortress. Before he knew it, he was in the sky, and could be mistaken for black smoke from people looking at from the ground...


    "... I really am so happy... Your smile fills me with glee... I give a smile, I get a smile... And that's so special to me," Vegeta sang to himself as he was flying away from his doppelganger. Suddenly, he passed through some black smoke in the air, which turned out to be Voldemort. Bumping into him, both men fell to the ground next to what appeared to be a lair of some sort. "Hey, could you watch where you're going you f***ing loser!" Vegeta shouted as turned his head to Voldemort. Seeing who he bumped into shocked him. It was him. It was... "Rick Scott?! Governor of Florida?! Wow, just when I thought you couldn't be a bigger ******-bag I see you making me crash to the ground. I mean really, you cut the number of days to vote early, causing voting lines in all of Florida to be lot longer than a Disney World waiting line, and practically making elections in the state look like elections in a third world country. And now here you are, stopping me while I was at the best part of the 'Smile Song'. Heh, good luck with being re-elected. You're gonna f***ing need it," Vegeta yelled at Voldemort.


    Voldemort got up and looked at Vegeta. "WHAT IN BLAZES ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Voldemort shouted. "Oh, pretending to be some lost British tourist. Yeah, ain't gonna work on me governor. Now, let me be a good citizen and kick your ass all the way back to Tallahassee," Vegeta replied. "Enough!" yelled a voice next to them...


    Master Xehanort stood next to the entrance to the lair, looking at the two villains. "Oh that's real fair Rick Scott. Getting some of your senior citizen backers to help you out," Vegeta said. Not understanding what Vegeta was babbling about, Voldemort turned to Master Xehanort. "Who are you?!" Voldemort demanded. Smiling, Master Xehanort replied, "You'll find out soon enough." Pointing the palm of his hand towards the two, a dark portal appeared in front of Vegeta and Voldemort. A powerful force convinced the two of them to go through. The two then found themselves in a dark place, with only one other creature in front of them. The "belt." Both Voldemort and Vegeta suddenly felt the urge to worship it once looking at it. "What is thy bidding my master?"said Voldemort as he bowed down to the "belt." "Wow, there really is a god!" said Vegeta as he bowed down as well.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Seymour was freed from the chains and his mind kept replaying the defeat of his summon being defeated by Ra. He gave a crazy smile as he said, "That power that defeated Anima, it will be mine!" He gripped his staff and wondered how to defeat Ra.



    Harry gasped for air and looked at the girl and Zidane. He was surprised at seeing a tail on Zidane, and began to look around for Kratos and the others. Harry looked at the sword in his hand and gripped it tightly. The Sorting Hat in his hand, it began to speak, "That was a close on, eh, Potter?" Harry ignored the hat



    Hermione nodded, Saber grabbed her and Roxas then began to run. Chappu picked Riolu while Bartz grabbed Mew and they ran from the source of power. Mew flew up, with Bartz still holding onto it. Hermione held onto Saber as he ran and hoped they ran into a group with the person she was looking for and that Roxas would be alright.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Arctic Tundra:

    Nappa breifly frowned, confusion hurting his brain, "Vegeta...I don't wanna play 'who forgot what'. I wanna capture the Poke....hey....there never was a Pokemon inside me, was there?" He shifted slightly and since he didn't explode, a vein popped out on his forehead, "Oh...those two Pokemon are makin' me SO mad!" Clenching a fist in front of his face, he grit his teeth, "Ahhh, those two are gonna look like Raditz when I'm done with them!" Taking off into the air with a sharp burst of energy, Nappa forgot his troubles with the other Vegeta and chased after the two canine women.

    Forbidden Fortress:

    Deidara and Pain whooshed past Seymour, Tobi, the Shinigami and whoever remained near the exit. Pain's Rinnegan eyes locked with Seymour's in a dead stare and slowly moved to Ra's. He knew about the Egyptian Gods that roamed this continent. Just as he knew about everyone who came here. From Nagato's hidden location, he'd began probing with his chakra ever since arriving, despite the intense pain it made him feel. "Schooled by a glowie freak and an old man, hm. Not very artistic."


    Tobi waved his arms around like one of those inflaitable waving arm things at car dealerships. "Ohhhhkay but you promised!" A smile curved his lips, hidden behind his mask. Tobi preferred to keep a low profile...thus keeping his orange mask, but instead drilling that extra hole for his Rinnegan eye to see through. Naturally the hole the Rinnegan peaked through was in the shape of the yang symbol while his Sharingan kept the same old hole it had always seen through. He kept his other mask hidden away.


    With Kenpachi's incredible speed and since Yachiru was practically connected to his shoulder, he dodged the quick killing curse like he would any other spell. He lost his smile at Dumbldore's words, "Who the hell said I was helping?" Yachiru cheered from his back, clinging onto him like a small leech, "Kenny's just that nice of a person that he'd help without being asked. Huh? Oh, he's gone..." Kenpachi turned his piercing gaze to Tobi, "This place is ridiculous..."

    Domain of Death:


    Neji stared down the hole with his Byakugan, "This is the place." He watched Vash and Wolfwood jump down and sighed, "Whatever happened to ladies first?" With a frown, he turned to look at Terra and waved his hand at the hole, "Still...I'm here. Miss Terra, would you care to go first? I'll bring up the rear." Inwardly, he grumbled about not having a proper squad, despite it being the correct number of people...but the two he was with held no amount of chivalry.

    Beach: Minato's Heading


    Still with his finger pressed to the ground, Minato pinpointed a chakra he felt was familiar, if even a little. Even if it was a chakra Naruto knew and not himself, it was enough. Standing, he threw a smile over his shoulder a his comrades, "It's time to go now. We'll head in this direction until we meet up with the chakra I was feeling. Naruto...the name you mentioned before, Nagato, I know that name. Jiraya-sensei's other student before me. I've never met the man besides from inside your mind. But I believe in you, and I trust your word." With that said, he started off in the direction he unwittingly had recognized as the Fourth Kazekage, a man he'd frequently met before he died who's chakra was so similar to Gaara's that without a face to put to the chakra, figured it was one of Naruto's friends.



    Sai drew out a large bird onto the scroll and it came to life with a few hand signs. Settling on it's back, they took to the air while Lee would run alongside their makeshift comrades below. Their encounter with Seymour, Lukya's brother, had gotten Shikamaru's brain running again and unfrozen Sai's limbs. Lee however....seemed to work normally as he did back in their own world, as he dropped down on the ground and started doing pushups. Guy-sensei, I will not let you down. This time...the villan will not get away. With our new friends, we will triumph! Tears streamed down his cheeks in thick waves, "Oh, Guy-sensei!" Sai stared down at their friend and turned his onyx gaze towards the others. What expression should he show when meeting new people? His hand reached for the book tucked in his bag when Shikamaru spoke up, walking towards the others as they gathered in a group. He still held a hand to his wound, even though it had stopped bleeding, "That's very nice...but...we should be moving on now. If those guys found us as easily as it seemed like they did, we shouldn't hang around in the same spot for too long. Plus, I'm not about to let a comrade go so easily. We should make our way across the savannah and try to find their base camp. It's a drag but someone's gotta do it. Sai, here, can make more of these birds of his. We can use them to travel. It'll be a little obvious...but we'll see them before they see us unless they're always lookiing at the sky and the probability of that is only ten percent." Lee jumped up, "Shikamaru is right! We shall chase after the villans who kidnapped Harry and take him back by force!" Shikamaru groaned, rubbing the back of his head, "Not exactly what I meant. We'll need a stratagy to get inside their camp. Or at least one to get ourselves out." He frowned as Lee started babbling on about how they would just break in and fight their way out with Harry beside them in some sort of "youthful display of power and agression". I've got a bad feeling about all this....them kidnapping Harry...using Lukya's brother as a way to lower our guard...vanishing when things took a turn for the's all to...planned.


    Xenree and Kisame stopped beside Itachi. "Oh my...he looks just like you Itachi. And about as adorable as a Pureblood Heartless." In Xenree's twisted mind, Shadows were cuter than kitten and puppies. Kisame rolled his eyes at her strange words and grinned a smile full of serrated teeth, "It's nice to at least see you've made yourself prominent in this world. What else from Madara's little lap dog." He so wanted to antagonize Sasuke that it was making his skin crawl.
  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Cyber City: Metal's Revival~

    Metal started to feel somethiing upon contact with his motionless body, his arms and legs began to stir up and his systems began to boot up once more as his eyes reappeared in a blink of an eye. Not quite sure what was going on he simply looked at Zero and floated towards him...but he didn't try to attack for some reason as his eyes started to scan the Reploid in curiosity.

    ~Forbidden Fortress~


    "I am The Darkness!" The Darkness screamed as his hands were now pulsating with red and black energy within, he quickly started to slash at the air with his sword sending out three waves of energy in quick succesion followed by putting away his sword and pushing his arms out sending two large red and black fireballs that swirled around each other towards Kenpachi, the new developments that happened seeming stunned Nox Decious as he quietly watched with his jaw down

    ~Outside Nine's TARDIS~

    In the air above the planet a blue pipe started to rise out from the bottom of a cloud before NHB-K was shot from it descending towards the ground headfirst, pressing his arms to his sides he proceded to descend faster and faster. Just short of nearly colliding with the ground he quickly turned himself around as a small digital, translucent blue ring appeared near his back followed by three diamond shaped blue "feathers" on each side gently lowering him to the ground a distance away from what appeared to him as a blue policebox.

    "Hmm, this must be the last known location of those two, oh well better go inside that telephone booth" NHB-K said to himself before he started to hover towards the TARDIS and gently opened the door looking within the large confines that laid ahead. He quietly went inside and floated around the room noticing the villians within [while staying behind their backs nonetheless] before he was floating right behind Batman and Xagranos slightly chuckling to himself before he broke his silence and said loudly...

    "Hello World!"

    ~Forest: Battling Feets~

    Luigi smacked his face as he mumbled to himself "Why Ninjas of all things!" shortly before Mario threw a red flower at Luigi, when the flower collided with Luigi's arm it caused his clothes to change color to a white shirt/green overalls combo and Luigi to feel a warm sensation eminating from his gloves. Mario smirked before pulling out another red flower with eyes on it causing the exact same thing to happen to himself...well except that his overalls were now red.

    "You have a plan don't you" "Nope, just blast whatever's not on our side"

    "Now follow my lead, Bro!" Mario yelled loudly before he started to throw swirling balls of red fire as fast as he could while watching them bounce along the ground, Luigi soon followed suit with swirling green fireballs that were flying straight instead of bouncing. "Hey guys, you might want to get out of the way, we don't want you to become turtle soup because of our barrage" Luigi asked in concern to the TMNT as he threw another fireball, all of the fireballs being thrown were heading towards the Foot Ninjas.
  16. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Ra nodded at Dumbledore, then turned to the Guado, ready to force his way past him. Before either made a move, a voice Rang out.

    "No Seymour." The voice sad calmly from just behind the blue haired Guado. A strong wind tore at Ra, causing him to stumble back if for just a second. In that moment, Marluxia flew at him, becoming oddly translucent. Just as it appeared he was going to attack the sun god, he passed straight through him and continued toward a corridor of darkness. "It'll be mine." He uttered, just before passing through.

    Ra stared, almost in shock at where the corridor recently was. What had he meant by that? In any case, escape was priority right now. All he needed was to open a path for escape. Conjuring a large fireball in his hands, he shot it at Seymour.
  17. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    The first thing strange about this guy:His language.
    The second thing strange about this guy:He can fly.
    "Well, that's...not weird at all." He simply stared, mesmerized. How was he doing that?
    "No thanks, I have legs, and I can use them."
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007


    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Seymour blocked the attack with a Blizzara and Watera then used a Fira spell to distract them while he escaped. He kept thinking back to Anima's defeat from Ra's power and smiled, then he thought about the look Lukya had when he went to her group to lower their guard. Seymour groaned and decided to bring his sister to the villains' side somehow.



    Kratos summoned his wings and carried Lukya while he flew in the air. Kain followed on the ground with the others, before they headed out, Haruto summoned the Red Garuda PlaMonster to scout ahead and hopefully find Harry. Lukya looked and saw a flare go off in the distance, she shouted, "Everyone, lets face for that flare that went off!!!" "But let us tread carefully, it could be a trap." Kain said, gripping his spear, Kratos wondered to himself, "Is it possible that he managed to escape?" "Ra, wait for us......" Slifer said, gripping his sword as he ran, Tommy and Haruto followed them.



    "Saber, head for that flare we just saw!" Hermione shouted, looking at the sky. Saber smiled, nodding and obeying his Master's order. Bartz shouted in glee, "Finally, we might actually meet other people!!!!" "Mew!! Mew!!" Mew shouted in happiness, flying after the Servant with Bartz still holding on, Chappu smiled and followed them.



    Harry gasped for air and leaned back, gripping the sword and hat. He hoped that the flare he sent up would send someone to find him, the girl, and Zidane, hearing something, Harry looked up and saw the Red Garuda. The moment it reached him, the Garuda reached its limit and returned back to its ring form, Harry picked it up and held it in his hand, touching the Please ring for the moment.
  19. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Toguro stood there, not one person recognized his anger. He exhaled and turned around to the map that was strangely not scorched by the flames dealt by Ra. He folded it up and whispered to himself, "Sasuke will not be pleased with the results of today. The outcome will be most unpleasant." He went through the back door of the fortress and began to work his way out of the Volcanic Depths. While doing so he reverted back to his 20% power form. If anyone was still loyal to the cause, they would have followed him.


    -Sasuke and Itachi-

    Sasuke turned around to see his brother alive and well. "I thought I sensed you coming, Itachi." Sasuke used his Genjutsu on Itachi to have some quiet time to speak with him. "I see you have come. Planning on aiding me? I wish to being the entire Uchiha clan back to life on this world and let it become a new. Of course you won't see it that way after murdering them all."



    The two nodded at Minato's proposal. They followed after him hoping to reach some people some of them might know. "I wish I had my ship and crew. We could just sail and get there a lot faster."



    Ichigo began to sweat. there was a large change in pressure and heat. They continued through the woods to find themselves in a desert of some sort. "Well, I didn't expect to run into a desert. Strange."


    -Arctic Tundra-

    Vegeta was irritated by Nappa. This obviously was an impostor. Not even his old partner was this daft. Vegeta blasted over to Nappa flicking him with his finger, being enough energy to make him fly into the snow. "I do not know who you are, but the Nappa I knew was not incompetent like you. He was head strong yes but he did think a little."


    -Domain of Death-

    Terra smiled. "It is nice to know chivalry is still alive in some cultures. Thank you." She leaped down the hole once again blushing. Half way down her expression changed to become much more serious.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Kirito didn't complan about transport at the moment, why should he when SAO relied on walking and the occasional teleport to a floor or town as tsukasa merely steepe din stride, obivously not the bit surprised of the rag-tag group they had formed together, and for some reason, he knew what Minato used to locate a person as Chakra despite never hearing about it before, then again the infomation he never knew about always came to him and helped him udnerstand teh workings of a different World he'd pass through.

    "That guy did say us Kamen Riders were annoying, could he be a part of Dai-Shocker then?" Tsukasa's thoughts wandered, it was a a evil syndicate bent on rulling the world with an iron fist and destroying Kamen Riders who always got in their way and their forces were a not a joke to laugh at either as they were ale to use the power of travellign through worlds to recruit more to their cause.


    Edward merely nodded as did Jaden, although, Lee's euthusim was a welcome addition to their morale.

    ~RUined City~

    Marvelous walked with the Doctors, Rose and lea to CLoud City, keeping his guard at his surroundings.
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