The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Vs Ivan Ooze-

    Even with the help of the Neos, the fight against the being that destroyed the Command Center wasn't faring well for Tommy and Wizard. Due to the strange substance Ivan was made of, he was pretty much untouchable. Pleased at their displeased looks, Ivan melted away and went somewhere. Meanwhile, Kain looked up at Sephiroth and silently attacked him. Philip held Lukya in his arms while she prayed for Harry's safety.

    -Seymour and the villains-

    Using his Guado speed, Seymour reached the group of villains and tossed the beaten wizard in front of them. Harry looked up weakly at them and his eyes widened at Voldemort, he tried to get up and speak but was too beaten and fell back to the ground, weakly looking at the villains he had been tossed in front of, wondering what was going to happen to him.
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "We got to go help." Snow exclaimed as he ran over to where Lightning was. "Did some one call of a hero?" He asked Lightning. He then stepped in front of her "Let me handle this sis." He turned to fate, clenched his fists and yelled "Stealguard!"

    "Come on mog lets go help, I doubt that knuckle head will do anything to actually help the situation." Noel said to the small moogle that was floating beside him before he drew his sword and ran to help Lightning. "Kupo, Kupo...!" Mog exclaimed as he returned to Serah side.

    L turned to the new people who walked up, he quickly scanned them from head to foot, then decided to state his name like they requested. "I am L." He said to them.
  3. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    He walked over to the group and sat down holding his chest. He was still feeling the side effects of the genjutsu. "Never felt that kind of pain before. Was bizarre."


    Kakashi clashed with Kakashi and moved to let Kakshi's kunai slice right through him, however it passed right through his body. Not even a scratch. It was identical to Tobi's Jutsu. Menma then sank into the ground below and spoke. "I am going to give you a few days to answer a riddle. I will remain in the desert to the south east of here. Here is the riddle. A man has given site to one so dear, however the man who gave can now see even more clear. When his burden was weighed on him with ton, he witnessed the death of both men's friend."


    Arctic Tundra

    Holo arose in pain. As did Amaterasu. The man was strong. "That man is quite a brute, how are we suppose to fight back against that."
    "Well, I have noticed he is a bit of an idiot. To fight an idiot you must act like an idiot. Follow my lead, Holo." Holo nodded and let Amaterasu do her work. Amaterasu walked over to Nappa about to bite him then looked to the left. "What was that!? It was so creepy and it could turn invisible."
    "I saw it too... Oh my gosh! It is attacking me!"
    "I am coming to help you! Oh no now its attacking me!"
    "Get off of her! U-ugh... Oh no! It is on you, bald guy!"
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    Smiling, Cosmos replied, "Of course NHB-K." As she was taking the holopod and the hat, Cosmos felt intense pain inside her for a second or two, meaning one thing. Pressing a button on her table, Cosmos said, "Computer, who was killed?" A hologram appeared of Kurama, with details under stating how Toguro was the one who killed Kurama. Shedding a tear, Cosmos said, "Rest well brave warrior. You deserve it." After staying silent for a minute, Cosmos turned her head to NHB-K, telling him, "Before you travel the planet, you MUST bring Xagranos and Batman back. Understand?"


    Rather than focusing on Harry Potter, Voldemort angrily looked at Seymour, and slapped him in his face. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PRETEND TO BE THEIR ALLY! NOT ATTACK THEM! YOUR ACTIONS HAS SET OUR PLAN IN JEOPARDY!" Voldemort shouted at Seymour. After calming down, Voldemort began to speak once more, "But in the end, it seems we have achieved what may be a minor victory for all of you, but a major victory for me. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, within my grasp. After all these years, I can finally end it." Voldemort grabbed Harry Potter in his neck and pulled him up, showing him Ryoko, who was watching what was happening. "Before I kill you boy, I want you to know who we are, and what we are capable of," Voldemort said, who turned to Sephiroth, ordering him, "Sephiroth. I command you to take away the life of that blue haired girl, so Harry here can die knowing that yet another life has been taken becauase of him."


    Rainbow Dash woke up after being knocked out from Toguro's attack. "Ugh, what happened?" the pony asked as she looked around, seeing what appears to be remnants of an explosion, where Kirito and another human were walking out of. "What's going on? Did the bad guys le- OH NO!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she saw Naruto mourning the death of Kurama, who Rainbow Dash tried to help by attempting to distract Toguro. The pony flew towards Naruto and Minato. Tearing up, Rainbow Dash said, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I tried to help Kurama, but that big guy was just too good."


    Altair was filled with joy when Hermione came. "Hermione... you're alive?!" Altair said as he rushed to her and hugged her tightly, but his smile faded as he remembered Roxas's wound. "It's good to see you well Hermione, but Roxas is badly hurt. My medicine just isn't enough," the assassin told Hermione.
  5. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Jiraiya riddle and a question
    "Menma, what is your goal?" asked Jiraiya. "You look like naruto but you move and act like Tobi." He was going to use his Summoning toad mouth bind justu but with tobi's kamu it would be a waste of time.

    Dumbledore slipped away from the group and was using Disapparating and Apparating to follow Seymour without being seen. Fawkes who was flying above Seymour head flew towards Dumbledore as he let louse a burst of red light at the villains. "Sorry is this a public party or can anyone join? Hello Tom" he said to Lord Voldermore, "shocked to see me alive? Give me back Harry or this will end up like the last time we met." He didn't say anything else as the duel in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic didn't happen to Harry yet. He looked at the villains he was of course outnumbered unless someone from the group followed him. It was probably a lost cost to try to defeat all of them. He just needed to grab harry and use a spell to send him back to the group.
    Sirius and Darth Maul
    Sirius was launched into the air and landed face down on the ground. "Well that didn't work as planned" he said as he got up. He had to try something else maybe a curse. Meanwhile Darth Maul tried to take a Slash at Obi-Wan who was still under the genjustu. "Expelliarmus" yelled Sirius causing Darth Maul to drop his Lightsaber. Darth Maul tried using the force to pick it up but Sirius kept using Expelliarmus.

    Itachi felt the power of susanno close by. He created a shadow clone and then turned it in to his signature crows. They then flew ahead of itachi towards Saskue. He turned to Xenree and Kisame " lets move it you 2 try to keep up." Itachi then took off with lighting fast speed.

    Fate vs Lighting
    out of time
    "Come on great hero, show me why I should leave it all to you" said fate right before he coughed. He wouldn't be able to use that magic to many more times. "Protect everything that you care about" He then took a few steps towards her and slung his blade at her.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Savannah: VS Ivan Ooze


    As soon as Shikamaru was tackle by Harry, his Shadow Strangle Jutsu broke, his shadow retreating back to his side. Lee grabbed Sai and kept him safe, giving the pale boy a friendly smile, "Did I not promise I would protect you?" Sai and Shikamaru watched as Harry was kidnapped and Seymour fled. Leaving behind some sort of other enemy. "Who is that? Shikamaru, stay back! Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll: Raging Lions!" He drew three lions on the scroll and they came alive, snarling and growling at Ivan Ooze. Lee, a man of less subtle moves, dashed straight for their enemy. "Severe..." his leg swung out as he started to spin with incredible speed, "Leaf Hurricaines!" Even if Ivan was made out of a liquid, the winds created by Lee's move were exactly like a small hurricaine.

    Savannah: Riddles and a painful memory:


    Kakashi's eyes widened as he went straight through Menma. Skidding to a halt, he turned to watch the Naruto look-alike sink into the ground like Tobi. "Wait, what...what are you talking about!?" Anything he could think of involving giving sight was...when Obito died and gave him his Sharingan. Along with that memory came the slow, draging memory of his fight with a clearly not dead Obito. The way Menma said it...made it sound as if he'd been there...when Kakashi had killed their friend and teammate. "But...that's not possible... Ah, Menma, wait!" Pain seared through his heart.

    Arctic Tundra:

    Nappa's eyes widened as Holo and Amaterasu started shrieking about an invisible attacker. Being hoplessly gullible and not so bright, Nappa looked down at himself, looking for his invisible attacker. "Ahhh, it's on me?! Get it off, get it off! Ah, invisible Pokemon are worse than the exploding kind!"

    Entrance to Forbidden Fortress:


    Tobi's transportation technique brought him to the entrance to the fortress Sasuke kept everyone at. Personally, he didn't like that everyone didn't have something to do all the time. And now...he'd stepped into something awkward with Sasuke's bald headed wizard friend and the blue haired man. Looking down at the battered Harry and over at Ryoko, he sighed. "Ah, but she's just a girl. Is taking her out really going to help us?" He said, using that same child-like, carefree voice known only as Tobi. These two didn't know how much real power he had and he preferred to keep the fact that he wasn't who he said he was under wraps. "Hey, wow, that old man must've followed you. Hehe...pretty careless." he laughed at Seymour when suddenly a blade and a blast of energy cut through him...or rather went through him like usual. Touching his stomach where the blade had gone through, he spoke with utter disbelief, "I'm alive! I'm alive!"

    Enter Captain and Lieutenant​

    "Wow Kenny, you went right through him. That's gotta be some funky move he's got." The man weidling a tattered and chipped sword grinned as a young pink haired girls head poked out from behind his shoulder. "He just got lucky. Since none of these guys even remotely looks like a Shinigami...they'll all just be way too easy."


    Kisame would have no trouble, and easily let the shallow taunt slide as he dashed after Itachi. Xenree pouted, not even her Itachi believed she could keep up. Not by running she wouldn't. Midnight black bat wings sprouted from her back and she flew after them. "Where are we going, Itachi?" "Don't you ever shut up? Itachi, you felt it too. That same jutsu as yours. The Susanoo. So, we'll finally get to see Sasuke again. Last I ever saw of him...he was capturing the Eight-Tails...and failed."
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Seymour merely felt the sting of Voldemort's slap and didn't bother healing it, he said, "The three ninja there were too perceptive. And I wasn't trying to hurt the boy, when I preformed my strongest spell, he got in the way, like a foolish hero." Harry tried not to look at Voldemort and looked toward Ryoko, wishing he was stronger to break free and save her. He struggled to break free from Voldemort and gasped for air, not having healed from getting hit by Requiem. He looked at Seymour and said, "That guy..... was probably right. Lukya..... must be ashamed..... having a brother like you." Seymour glared at him and looked away.


    Quickly regaining her bearings, Lukya loaded her bow and shot a arrow with a strong powerful accompany wind blast at Ivan. "Wind Ravager!!!!" Lukya shouted, despite being hit by both attacks, Ivan was barely hurt and disappeared somewhere. Tommy took off the ninja while Wizard's transformation cancelled, revealing Haruto looking down. Lukya prayed again for the safe return of Harry and Dumbledore while Philip asked Kain if he was alright.


    Hermione hugged Altair for a brief moment and ran to Roxas. She tore part of her robe and used it as a bandage, wrapping it around Roxas' wound. "I hope you're alright, Roxas. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you, it's my fault." "No, Master, it's my fault he got hurt. I wasn't expecting Gilgamesh to be in this world or who summoned him in this world." Saber said, not wanting to see his Master sad as he leaned against a tree. Hermione looked up at him and asked, "Who are you, really? And why are you calling me Master? My name's Hermione. Hermione Granger."

    "My name is Saber, and I am a Servant who protect you and your friends. You are the one who summoned me, so you are my Master, but I will call you Hermione if that is better." Saber said, getting on a knee and smiling at her. Then he stood up and walked to her, rolling up her right sleeve, revealing on the back of her hand was a sword shaped marking. Hermione looked at Saber, who said with a small smile, "This is proof you are my Master." But Hermione was still confused and wondered how she was able summon Saber.
  8. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England


    Roxas was... having a strange dream. He was on a hill... of some sort. The sky was a dark orange, the ground was brown... and all around him... were many swords... so many it seemed like...
    unlimited blades.

    Then, looking around, he saw giant rotating gears, almost as if they were working to power a clock or something... then a name entered his head.
    Unlimited Blade Works.

    In the real world, it looked almost as if he had contracted a fever from the wound... except... just as Hermione was about to put the bandage on... the wound healed itself. Upon further inspection, it looked almost as if miniature blades were knitting the wound up. What in the world was going on?

    -Joker and Gilgamesh-
    Gilgamesh was unimpressed that Saber had gone and ignored him. Infact, he was about to go into the forest when he sensed something... disturbing... "Master... do you feel that?" "Unfortunately, I do. I seem to be feeling alot since becoming a master..." "Indeed. We should investigate." "Yep! It's gonna be a doozy."With that, the two villains went towards the disturbance...


    Kael was still trying to figure out how to locate the belt with the staff and the apple, and getting nowhere. "Jafar! get over here and help me with this!" He yelled.

    Xagranos, meanwhile, was... seemingly meditating. "What are you--" "Trying to get into contact with Cosmos, it's a very delicate process. Don't interrupt me." Xagranos said, very fast, too. He tried, but it was difficult to get into contact with her. Come on, Cosmos...
    On the up-side, Ratrex as looking... at a picture she had on her. A memory flashing through her head before she put the picture away. "... maybe I'll understand everything... when I have a heart..." She muttered.
  9. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -Lightning VS Fate-

    Lightning was about to block, but suddenly, she heard 'STEEL GUARD!' And she was fine. She looked up to see Snow standing in front of her. "Wh- what the hell are you doing!?" She said. "And don't call me that! I'm not your sister!"

    "Lightning!" said Serah, running forward with Mog and Noel trailing behind. Serah stood at the ready, grabbing Mog, who turned into the Starseeker."We'll help you!" She said.

    "Fine..." Lightning said, standing ready to fight.

    -Sephiroth and the Villains-

    Sephiroth turned to Ryoko and readied his blade. "Any last words?" he said.
  10. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    ~~Beyond overdue post~~

    Having followed Dumbledore, knowing he'd be walking into the enemy's lair and would need help, Ra stepped into the fortress beside Dumbledore. "My apologies for not helping you in that last fight. If i'd used some of my more powerful skills it would have put the rest of the group at risk. Fire is a wild thing you know, but here there's not much to risk. " Said the sun god, as he prepared to do whatever was needed of him.

    From the opposite end of the room, The graceful assassin watched the events happening. This would be a good opportunity to learn the goals and weaknesses of everyone. The old man seemed incredibly loyal to the kidnapped boy, and that was likely returned. Voldemort wants more than anything to get his hands on him. The sun god had yet to be deduced. In any case, this would prove entertaining if nothing else.
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -The Forbidden Fortress: Sneaking Around-
    By the Forbidden Fortress, a young man in his teens was sneaking around. Quietly making his way through, he hung by his tail and knocked out some of the goons. He snickered. "These guys are all idiots. There's no way they'll catch me before I rescue that girl that I saw get kidnapped by Sephiroth. And even if they do, I'll knock 'em all out, one by one!" he said confidently. He jumped and hung on the cieling again, waiting to make his next move. He wondered where Garnet and Freya were. A weird wormhole had appeared and sucked him and his friends through. He was sure Vivi was hanging around with Steiner, who'd be freaking out by now. Freya would be protecting Garnet, so they'd be okay. But Quina... Quina might get into trouble if they didn't find him soon. Chances are, he'd try and eat some important person on this planet and be arrested, or even-
    Wait, why think this? He was just scaring himself over nothing. He knew his friends'd be okay. As long as Kuja stayed away from them, they'd be okay. But first things first. He had to rescue the girl.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
  13. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011


    Naruto nodded to Kirito and began to dig a hole. He placed Kurama's body into it and covered him with sand. Luffy was on top of the ridge and gathered some flowers to place on top of the mound. Both were finished and some words were said.
    "Dad, lets go. We cant waist time here mourning. I feel a war is coming and the first casualty has been made."
    "We need to gather a crew in order to win huh? Well I am coming too."



    "The name is Ichigo by the way to you new guys. If I could help you heal I would but only my friend Orihime is good with medical type things."


    -Arctic Tundra-

    The two girls began to laugh silently. "Oh no. Nappa! Don't move. It went in your skin."
    "If you move around, it will make you explode."
    "We'll go see if we can find help."
    The two girls ran off and 10 minutes had passed. Vegeta was flying over and he looked baffled to see Nappa standing there. He thought he was dead. He flew down to see what was wrong. "Nappa, I thought you were dead. What are you doing?"


    -Cyber City above Cloud: Death of Another, A Change in the World- OOC: Probably important to read

    Time was up. Silver could no longer hold up to the combined strength of the new Zero infused with Shadow Labrys. He fell to the ground bloody and tired, unable to move. Nega Zero finished the Hedgehog off, stabbing him with his sword. Lightning could be heard from the sky and rain fell down onto the city. Surprisingly everything there was water proof. Zero headed into the heart of the city. The virus wanted to be the only advanced being in the world. He found a chamber that would protect him for what he was about to do. He hacked into the system and a large EMP activated going across the entire continent. All technology would now be useless until repaired and recharged. The sky showed a tint of red when this happened. Everyone would see it and those who carried any form of tech would need assistance as soon as possible...
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Come on, close enough." Snow replied to Lightning comment about her not being his sister. "Anyways stand back and watch the hero at work. Steel Guard!" He said again, while putting his hands up to protect his face. "Come at me I dare you. You don't stand a chance against a hero like me."

    Noel sighed. "That is not helpful Snow, and you are no hero so stop saying that." He stepped forward and passed Snow. He brought his sword up and attacked the man who was attacking Lightning. He didn't know what this guys problem was but he was attacking Lightning and that was the only reason he needed to help fight.

    Tifa watched as three people came and helped Lightning fight. She didn't know any of these people but they obviously knew Lightning. Tifa came to the decision that this was no longer just Lightnings fight and that it would be good for her to help fight. The other three were....sort of.... One just stood there guarding himself and talking big about himself. Tifa walked forward slowly then attacked the man named Fate.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Harry wished there was something he could do to help the girl and saw something sticking out of the Sorting Hat. Using the object to slash at Voldemort and free himself, Harry gripped the object, revealed to be a silver sword with rubies encrusted on the handle and ran to defend Ryoko, despite still being injured and wounded. He ran in front of Ryoko and gripped the sword in his hand, ready to defend her. Seymour sighed in annoyance at the boy's attempt to be a hero.



    Hearing Ichigo introduce himself, Hermione smiled and said, "My name is Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you, Ichigo."

    "I am called Saber."

    "Name's Bartz."

    "I'm Chappu. This strange little creature is Riolu while Mew is the creature floating around the area." Chappu said, holding Riolu in his arms while Mew floated around Ichigo. Hermione kept quiet about what happened to her in Tobi's Inner World and gripped her chest while she kept wondering what was going to happen to the person she needed to meet and how to warn him of the danger he was in.
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Shocked by Dumbledore's appearance, along with Ra at his side, Voldemort angrily ordered Nox Decious and the Darkness, "You two! Kill then NOW!" Just then, Harry hit Voldemort with the Sorting Hat, and stood in front of Ryoko, ready to defend her, angering Voldemort even more.


    Captain Jack Sparrow, was surprised by the newcomers, assuming they were familiar with the one known as Lightning. As he saw Tifa go and help, Jack Sparrow turned to Noctis, asking, "Well... wish to join me?" Jack Sparrow pulled out his sword, ready to help Lightning in her fight against Fate.[DOUBLEPOST=1352516586][/DOUBLEPOST]

    "Wow, that's f***ed up man," Matt replied, "So you wanna look around, see if we can find someone? I can carry you around if you want." Matt Garetty demonstrated one of his abilities by flying above Poke. [DOUBLEPOST=1352526013][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Wiping her tears off, Rainbow Dash joined Luffy in offering to volunteer. "Count me in as well. They'll pay for what they did to Kurama!" Rainbow Dash said.
  17. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Fate let out a sign, his death was going to take longer then he thought. He clutched his right hand it started to feel numb. The disease that was killing him was almost done with him. He didn't want to die by a disease , so he would die testing these heroes. Then maybe Cosmos would forgive him ... maybe, and with his death the next fate, the girl would live. He saw Tifa walking towards him "Oh boy I get hit by you and I'm done" He quickly made a shield appear in his right hand. He blocked her attack with the shield but the shield broke into pieces and the shock wave flew fate backwards a few feet. "Lets see 5 people so far what should I do?" He then Made a long chain appear in his right hand and clipped it to his sword. "If you haven't guessed it yet I am like Cosmos and Chaos I can create and destroy." He then let go off his sword and used the chain to swing his sword. He could then attack without getting in Tifa's range "Think fast the sword and chain is unbreakable" he said swinging his sword at Tifa without moving his feet.

    Without even turning to look at them Itachi said "Kisame you need to show some respect to Xenree she is my ... friend" Did he even know the meaning of that word? Besides Kisame he had no friends if you would consider the partnership they had friendship. He looked at Xenree and smiled very small, just for a second then looked straight ahead. "I know Kisame I was brought back to are world with Edo-Tensu The reanimation justu, by Orchimaru's pet Kabuto after your death" He said as he ran. "I had an insurance policy that gave me my free will back and I saw the 8 tails had your sword". He then said "to answer your question Xenree I can feel my brother very close by". "The only question is will we be allies or will I have to stop him with my own two hands? Whatever the outcome can I count on you two to standby me?"
    OOC :D time for Kimbley to make an appearance
    Solf J Kimbley
    Kimbley walked past Hermione's group whistling. He was wearing his white outfit and his hat of course. What to do he thought no pipsqueak alchemist or his brother anywhere to be found. It seems father or his 7 sins weren't here either so he didn't have to listen to anyone. He still had both philosophers stones on him hidden in a safe place. He looked towards Hermione and tipped his hat as he continued to walk.

    Dumbledore nodded at Ra "Same reason why I couldn't save Harry then didn't want to risk hitting an ally." He saw across the room Harry welding the sword of griffindore. "Harry believe in yourself" he yelled to him. He looked at the man with the sword then Ra then Voldermore "You always have people fight for you Tom are you that scared of me." He then set a Expelliarmus blast at Voldermore's wand and then a blast of red magic at him. He then formed golden chains using his wand around Seymour and fired a spell to knock tobi off his feet at the same time. "Simple plan" he said to Ra "If you could get Harry and the girl and get out of here I will be right behind you and if they get in the way ... move them" Dumbledore then smiled as Fawkes sitting on his shoulder let out a cry and flew across the room. He landed on harry's shoulder and used his tears to heal harry.
  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Ra smiled at Dumbledore's plan. He reminded him a little of Obelisk only smarter. "Heh. I like it." Normally he wasn't one to take orders, but the situation required it. A moment later, His entire body combusted into bright golden flames. Only it wasn't on fire. it was the fire. "Phoenix wing wind blast!" He called out as his arm grew large and took on resemblance to a wing. He spun into the air and crashed it down onto the floor, sending a column of fire in a straight line. Whether it was that they had dodged or been knocked off their feet, the way to harry was now open. The sun god, still in his phoenix mode, Flew toward the boy, heating the ground he hovered over as he went. Once there, he reverted back to his human form, so as not to burn them from his presence. He could still fight either way. "Come. I'll ensure you get out safely"
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tifa quickly dodged the sword, stepping back a few steps. They had to figure out what to do next. how was she going to fight a guy who she couldn't get near. She kept an eye on the sword and where he was swinging it, hoping that she would be skilled enough to dodge it. She moved slow, unsure if it was a good idea but she had to try something.
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Space Station~

    "I understand it perfectly clear as day, get them back up here before I go running off and possibly risking my own life" NHB-K explained before he raised his hand out, but instead of a swirling blue portal that appeared beside him there was a bright blue pipe that rose out of the ground. NHB-K then jumped on top of the pipe as he said happily "Ya know, before I go running off I want to'd look cute with that hat on" shortly before descending down the pipe as it vanished.

    ~Cyber City: Metal's Struggle~

    Metal Sonic watched as the sky went red and the EMP went out before he took a gaze at Silver's body, his own body then started to shake and jerk about the place as his systems began to shut down due to insufficent energy, his body then fell onto the ground unable to fly as the blue doppleganger tried to claw his way toward the heart of the city before his head fell and his glowing eyes fizzled out

    ~Forbidden Fortress~


    Nox Decius started to walk towards Dumbledore as he brandished his red and black Black Widow blade calmly taunting as he said "You might as well give up now, you're all going to either die or serve us anyway" shortly before firing a sphere of red and black energy from his other hand causing it to speed towards the headmaster.

    The Darkness on the other hand turned his head towards Kenpachi's direction with his eyes staring intently at them, he then proceded to go into a walk, followed by a run, and then a frantic dash towards the duo before leaping high into the air firing a volley of red and black fireballs followed by brandishing the Replica Black Widow Blade as he attamepted to stab Kenpachi from above while screaming.
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