The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Thor, Clint Barton, and Bruce Banner looked at each other, and at their other friends, shrugging at the fact that they have no idea what the trio is discussing. "Listen guys. My friends and I really want to help. But you're referring to words and events that we're not familiar with, and frankly, we're really confused. Can just tell us, in simple terms, how we can help you?" Bruce asked the trio.


    "OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" Vegeta declared after his doppelganger sent him to the ground. Deciding to play dirty, Vegeta kicked his counterpart in the nuts, then flew away within a millisecond.


    Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn't troubled by the appearances of Sasuke or Lord Blazer. What caught him off guard though, was the appearance of Darth Maul, the Sith who murdered his master. "Darth Maul?" Obi-Wan said in horror.


    "Ooh, allons-y, I like the sound of that," the 9th Doctor replied to the Meta Doctor. Suddenly, the group begin to her noises coming from... above the sky. "Where's that noise coming from?" asked Rose as she was looking around. "There," Lea answered as he pointed towards a skyscraper in the city that was higher than the clouds. When the clouds cleared up, it was revealed the skyscraper was actually balancing what appeared to be an entirely different city in the sky, and the noise was coming from there. "Oh my God..." Rose said as she gazed at the sight of the city in the sky, hardly imagining what she's seeing. The 9th Doctor commented on the sight, "In all my years of travelling time and space, I have never seen anything as magnificent as this." Lea, smiling, announced "Well, what are you guys waiting for? There should be some sort of elevator in that building. And who knows, maybe we'll finally meet Lightning up there."
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    "No!!! Master!!!!!" Saber shouted, as he ran to try and save Hermione but was too late as she was sucked into Tobi's Inner World. He groaned and turned to Eternal, gripping his sword, "Though you are not the one who dragged my Master to wherever they are now, but you will still face eternal hell." Gripping his sword tightly, Saber ran to Eternal and swung his sword to attack him.

    -Tobi's Inner World-

    Hermione was tossed onto one of the pillars and heard Tobi ask her if she had met a boy named Naruto. "No, I haven't met a boy named Naruto. Even if I did meet him, I probably won't tell you and why would you want to know?" She tried not to sound scared as she spoke, looking at the ninja who captured and dragged her to a strange world.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Lukya shook when Shikamaru told her to get away from her brother, so she ran to Harry to help him while he was holding his head in pain. Seymour smiled, closing his eyes, "Perceptive, aren't you? However, I've been ordered not to harm him. Tell us what is you causing so much pain, Harry?" "This isn't a headache, to tell the truth...... Whenever my scar hurts and burns like this, it can only mean one thing, Voldemort is here, isn't he?" Harry asked, looking at Seymour, surprisingly calm. Haruto smirked and got into a stance, ready to chance into Kamen Rider Wizard.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums



    Shotaro looked at Banner. "We find out why we were brought here and try and find a way back to where we all were before." He answered and flicked his wrist.

    ~City in the Sky~

    Meta was impressed and Marvelous looked up. "Better than standing around in this ruined city." he said to them.

    ~Eternal vs Saber~

    Eternal brought his dagge rup to block the blow, not surpsing that hsi weapon didn't break from the real cold hard steel of Saber's and he delievered a kick in Saber's chest, knocking him back and brought a another USB Stick with a dark green casing wih a U on it and he slid it into the slot on his right hip as it spoke. "Unicorn! MAximum Drive~!" as he pressed the button and his fist glowed ina green energy and he delievered a punch to Saber coming back for another strike and it conencted, causing a empowered punch to send Saber flying.

    "Eternal Hell awaits me? No, that is the journey you shall undertake." Eternal said and stood arrogantly over Saber.


    Jaden moved ready as Neos moved into a fighting stance.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Eternal vs Saber-

    Saber groaned in pain as he looked at Eternal, he slid his foot across the ground, trying to make Eternal lose his balance. Then he somersaulted backwards to gain a bit of distance, standing up, Saber gripped his sword, gathering up the power to unleash his Noble Phantasm. Saber got into his stance, slowly swinging his sword as he shouted, "Ex.....calibur!!!!!" As similar to his fight against Medusa, a beam of light flew and hit Eternal. Saber gasped for air and waited for the results. Mew, Riolu, Bartz, and Chappu appeared, gasping and wondering what happened. While Saber waited, he looked for any sign of his Master and Tobi.
  5. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    OOC : Ok! I think im up to speed ... I think to tired to find my banners so bear with me
    Fate - I hate guns -
    Fate dropped his sword as he said the word "ow". He held up his hand to the sun and saw the bullet went straight through. "I really hate guns" he said as he flicked his wrist and held his hand up again. It showed no trace of being shot. He then picked up his sword and leaned on it "I think we wasted enough time, don't you Lighting, here's the point i'm the bad guy your the good guy. You win you continue on, and see what fate has in store for you." He then chuckled "See what I did there ... Fate, you were never the joking type, my humor is wasted. Of course if I win your sister is next on my list." He added just to get her mad.
    Boss Battle
    Lighting VS Fate
    OOC So how should we do this Hero turn based like ff13? coin based heads you miss tails you hit? Lighting will win but still fate will fight.

    Captain Jack confusion
    Captain Jack Harkness finally shrugged "Ok, I been trying to wrap my mind around this but i'm completely lost. Sorry guys but where i'm from we have aliens, teleports other worlds, and a blue police box that's bigger on the inside but I never seen people who remind me of cartoons guys who can fly, or giant ... talking ... reptiles." He turned away from the group "Think i'm going to head off on my own at least untill I can wrap my mind around this." He started to walk away wondering if anyone would stop him.

    Doctor and River
    The skyscrapper and Dude Where's my Tardis.
    The doctor looked up at the skyscraper "Wow that's impressive wonder how long it took to make that?" He turned to the meta doctor "You are brilliant why did I get rid of you ... oh yeah the genocide thing." He shrugged as river said "Doctor, according to my computer it's detecting another TARDIS". Eleven looked at the computer and then at the 9th doctor "it seems we just arrived ... again"

    Darth Maul
    Darth Maul laughed "Look who it is the boy who got lucky that day on Naboo. I can finally pay you back" he said igniting his red dual-blade lightsaber.

    Sirius black
    Here we go ...
    Sirius pulled out his wand "Well my friend it seems trouble has found us" he said to Obi-Wan. He looked at Darth Maul then at Lord Blazer and finally at Sauske. "Were outnumber ... what do you think fight or run?"

    The Brigader
    Brigader ran to stay close to his companions "I'm not as young as you two" he said as he looked at the group of people. "Oh, boy what trouble have I gotten into now."

    Question and answers
    "Yes I guess you can say that, My friend and I were I guess you can saw hired by Fate to do some favors for him after he is gone. He said he does not fear Death but welcomes it with open arms as death is a old friend. He then shrugged "My guess is he's already dying from a sickness and he doesn't want to waste his remaining time." "So tell me about yourself lord, Fate told me to call you that."

    jiraiya and Group
    "Seems I don't have to get involved after all," He laughed and looked at Xion "Nice moves, kid." He turned to the new members of the group "and who do we have here"?

    Dumbledore moved in front of Harry and the group "Come out Tom Riddle, or are you still to scared to face me on your own" He then pulled the sorting hat out of his pocket and gave it to harry. "I can't swing the sword and use my wand at the same time harry use it only if you have to." He turned to Tommy and the others "this is a trap i'm sure but what do you think Lukya can we trust your brother?" He then said the word "Protego" creating a shield around him and the group.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Savannah: Tobi's Inner World:


    Tobi didn't seem fazed at the young witch's defiance. "Inside Naruto Uzumaki...lies the Nine-Tailed Beast, sealed away by the Fourth Hokage." He crouched beside her, his Sharingan and Rinnegan half closing, "A long time ago, I tried to take the Nine-Tails from it's former host, Kushina Uzumaki. That beast is needed for my plan. The Moon's Eye Plan. Obtaining the Nine-Tails and the Eight-Tails is all that's left to me. Once it is complete...I shall cast an eternal genjutsu over my world and there shall be no more more more sorrow. The dead will come back to life and the living will live in peace." Removing his mask, he showed Hermoine the face of a young man. Half his face looked scarred while the other half untouched. Tobi's eyes softened, giving a far away look as he looked at her and smiled gently. "I want Rin to be alive again..." Standing, he replaced his mask over his face. "I shall place a ninjutsu within you. When you meet Naruto will activate and it will push him to the edge. I need him alive...but just barely. I will have the Nine-Tails...even if you do not wish to help me." Reaching out towards Hermoine, he set a hand on her head and a wash of chakra flooded her as he situated his ninjutsu with in her to a ticking time bomb just for Naruto.

    Wizards, Alchemist, and Company:


    Lee moved into his famous Taijutsu stance and Sai moved in front of Shikamaru, acting as a defensive shield. "Harry, who is this Voldemort you speak of?" Sai pulled out a long, blank scroll and a brush, "Whoever he is...we must not take them lightly. Shikamaru, you have a plan?" Shikamaru's brain raced through all the possible moves. Every battle was like a game of shogi but the other side had yet to reveal all their pieces. His plans would fall to pieces in a manner of seconds if he didn't figure out the abilities of this guy and the others that he was covering for. "Harry, Lukya...what can you tell me about these guys you've mentioned. Please, we don't have much time."

    Avengers, Sand Siblings and company:


    "In simpler terms...leave our Father to us to handle." Kankuro shrugged off his younger brother's hand and glared at him. "Gaara, you're still my little brother...I'm not going to let you do this alone. He's our father too! You don't think it hurt us to know our little brother was being treated wrongly?! I'm here to make sure you are your bodyguard and as your older brother." Temari grinned at the two of her young brothers and turned to the rest of their party. "We should get moving. Staying here will only mean that those creeps will come back."
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    After the trio spoke about their father, Captain Jack decided to leave. Clint Barton ran to him to try to change his mind about leaving the group, "Listen bro, I'm just as confused as you are. I really am. But leaving us isn't gonna solve anything. We all arrived to this place the same way, so we're gonna need each other's help to get back to where we came from."


    Princess Luna was monitoring the situation for the third night in a row after news of a threat to her kingdom was received. She had no idea what that threat was, but she was ready to fight it when the time came. Just then, a wormhole appeared besides her. "What's this?" said the princess. But the wormhole pulled her in. When she awoke, she found herself in a field, and next to her was a creature she's never seen before. "What are you?" Princess Luna asked Allen, "And where am I?"
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Savannah: Tobi's Inner World-

    Hermione knew she couldn't run away and she didn't refuse the chakra as Tobi flooded her with it. She silently wept at the fact that she now was carrying something like a ticking time bomb for a person whose power Tobi wanted to create world peace, it seemed like to her. Hermione kept thinking back to when Tobi showed her his face and the gentleness he had for that brief moment.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Haruto, Slifer, Tommy, and Kratos looked at the youngest members of the group, Harry gripped the Sorting Hat and lifted his bangs to reveal a lighting bolt shaped scar on his forehead, he explained, "He's the most feared Dark Wizard in my world. Most of the time, normal wizards and witches are too scared to say his name. For some reason, he went after my family and killed my parents. My mother sacrificed herself to protect me, thus I became the Boy-Who-Lived and the only person to survive the Killing Curse." "Seymour, he always used to be kind and loving to me when we lived together in Guadosalem, but if it's true he's here with the enemy, he can't be trusted." Lukya said, gripping her bow.

    Seymour seemed unfazed by the fact his half-sister was rejecting him, and prepared a Firga spell. Getting into their respective stance, Tommy shouted, "Ninjetti, Falcon!" His clothes changed into a white ninja-like outfit, there was a golden image of a falcon on his chest while there were black diamond shapes on his wrists and legs. Haruto stood beside Tommy as did Kratos and Slifer, who were ready to pull their sword.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    "Hermione!" Altair screamed after Tobi sucked her into his inner world. Angered, Altair summoned his hidden blade, quickly stabbed the Joker in the back, then jumped at Gilgamesh, and stabbed him in the back as well. He didn't care if those two survived his attack or not. All that mattered to him was getting Roxas to safety. Pulling the spear out of Roxas's body, Altair carried Roxas, and began running away, telling Batz's group, "I'll return, I promise!" Altair raced towards a nearby forest, layed Roxas on the grouund, who was hurt from the spear.

    "Roxas, I really am sorry for this. I should've been stronger, but I failed to protect you and Hermione," Altair told his friend as he pulled out some medicine he carries around, and gave Roxas's wound a couple of drops, "This should help. I will not lose you as I lost Hermione."


    Obi-Wan simply smiled, telling Sirius, "Improvise."

    Obi-Wan jumped, ignited his blue lightsaber, and began his attack on Darth Maul, with their two lightsabers locked. "So, how's Savage doing these days?" Obi-Wan asked his enemy.
  10. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    -Beach Battle- The First Casualty

    Luffy hands were eaten by the beast, sort of. His hands were caught in between his teeth. Being made of rubber had its advantages at times. Luffy stomped his feet into the ground. He twisted his body over a dozen times. It would look painful if someone could actually see what his inside appeared like. He grinned widely, "Gum-Gum Propeller!" Luffy's body began to spin taking Pain's multi-headed dog with him. He threw the beast onto the wall separating the beach from the savannah. The impact forced the beast to open its mouth and release his grip on Luffy's hands. "Well, this is unlike Arlong Park. I can actually get my feet out this time." He pulled his feet up and headed over to assist Kirito with Pain.

    Naruto charged at Pain. He matched him blow to blow being able to somewhat block his repulsion. The fight almost seemed like a mimic of the time in the Hidden Leaf, however this time Naruto had the upper hand. With his father by his side as well, this match would be quick, so he had hoped. "Shadow Clone Jutsu"
    Naruto stared down Pain. In case he needed to, he planted 1 shadow clone hidden above on the ridge who began to meditate for sage mode in case need be.

    Kurama was not having any time of ease with Toguro. Toguro was just to fast and powerful for him to handle. That would not stop the fox though. Kurama dropped seeds into the ground which grew into devilish plants
    The plants swayed over at Toguro hoping to catch him in their midst. Toguro was still fast. Hungry plants caught him as he slipped under the sand of the beach. Kurama smiled believing he had won. However a burst of energy destroyed the plants. A flash of light appeared over the battle field. A hand was implanted it Kurama's chest by Toguro, piercing his heart...


    -Savannah- Goku's new friends

    Goku laughed at what they were saying. He had no clue what justu was at all. "No no. It is not jutsu. It is a fighting technique. The Kamemeha wave is a concentration of someones energy put into a single blast. I could teach you it perhaps." Goku began to fly. "It is like flying. Once you get the hang of it you can do it easily."


    -Forest- Blackbeard's landing, Yusuke and company fight on!

    Yusuke looked up into the sky. He had no clue what to do with these people. They aggravated him slightly. While looking up he could see a rock falling down to their location. He gasped and grabbed onto everyone quickly. He leaped out of the way of the crashing rock with a dizzied Blackbeard.
    Blackbeard came out of his senses to see the group of people in front of him. However, he began to plot something, act like the nice guy for a bit. "Sorry for dropping down on you like that. I ran into some youngins who seemed to have it out fer me. They sent me flyin' over to this here place."
    Yusuke dropped his guard a bit and put everyone down. "Hey no prob man. After today and what has happened to us all, I can have empathy. Well guys, we should probably head out of this forest. The bugs are starting to freak me out."


    -River- Vegeta and Vegeta M

    Vegeta fell to the ground in pain. "Well, shows where his pride is. Was I really like that back in the old days? How ever did Bulma fall in love with me when I was like that." He closed his mouth. He just said something about his future that his other self may have heard. That could be bad.



    Terra looked at Neji, "No. I just got sucked into this place. I have never met him before in my life." She walked into the tavern which was badly damaged from the fight that took place a little while back. She turned to Vash, "Neji and I will go with you. I don't think we will gain anything by just staying here."


    -Arctic Tundra-

    Hole and Amaterasu got closer to the man and just stood there. All he was doing was smiling at them. He wouldn't even blink. They were simply amazed that he wasn't freezing either. They looked away form time to time to discuss what they were going to do after this place. Every now and then they would turn around to see him, still staring, still smiling, not moving a muscle.
    "That guy is a little weird."
    "Yeah but what are we going to do? We cant just leave him hear in the cold to die."
    "He looks perfectly fine to me"
    "Just give him a few more minutes."


    -River- Battle Begin

    Sasuke revealed his Sharingan, putting the Obi-wan and Sirus into his genjutsu. Maybe their minds were strong enough to escape but not at the time. His jutsu replayed memories for the both of them. For Obi-wan it was the loss of his master and for Sirus, the loss of Harry's parents. He would replay them on and on until they could maybe escape the jutsu, if their will was strong enough. "Go Maul. They are under my genjutsu. Have fun. Blaze, do as you wish."

    -Savannah- Enter a new hero for Roxas and Altair

    A large blast came from a single swing of his sword. It headed right towards Tobi's group. The man jumped back over to Altair and Roxas. His orange hair glowed and the mass of his sword brought ah.
    "The name is Ichigo Kurosaki. I don't know what is going on, but you guys look like you could use some help."
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Kirito was slicing and dicing missiles coming for him but theexplosions causing smoke was being created and in the smoke, moved within it, if the Pain's couldn't see inside the smoke, he had a advantage. "Sonic...Leap!" He said quietly and charged forward witha unparalleled speed to slice through Asura Pain but even fi eh did damage him, it wouldn't be enough and he remained focused. "Damnit, I don't want to use that butif I don't, I may be worn down eventually and die by this guy who seems to have aendless number of missiles." Kirito thought.


    Shotaro noted Jack apeearance, he did look kinda badass in retrospect but somethign about him did pull people to him.

    ~Eternal vs Saber~

    Eternal watched as the Excaliber attack came he braced for it, actuaklly takign the blow and all ti did was make the suit more dirter looking and he removing the Eternal memorya nd stuck it into the Dagger. "Eternal! Maximum Drive!" It said before he swung it and arc of energy came for Saber and he stepped forward "You're nothing more than a nuisience, be gone and find your Master, I want a true challenge."
  12. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    -Savannah- No Life King's second run-in

    As Alucard walked into the savannah, he sensed more life nearby. Smiling, he walked up until stopping a few inches away from the group. He set the coffin down on the ground.

    -Tavern- A notice of the destination

    Before Vash could introduce himself, a paper airplane came flying his way. He quickly caught it, opening it up. It was a note saying "Your destination lies north of here."​
    "The area is north of this tavern. Let's move."

    The demon laughed before a beam of fire coming from his chest, a Negative Flare was fired at Sirus.

    OOC: Note that if you buff your characters are buffed by special abilities, the Negative Flare will erase these buffs as well as inflict damage.
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Count Dooku wasn't sure why Genesis was ordered by Fate to call him lord, but he didn't mind it. Smiling, Dooku began to speak, "Well, I guess you are aware of the fact that I am not from here. However, Fate told me that my... friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is here as well. I hope you can aid me in finding him." Count Dooku shouted.


    Xion figured that Light can defend himself and that he'll be ok. She then decided to introduce herself to the new group, "Hi, my name's Xion. Who are you three?"
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Saber struggled to stand up after being hit by the arc of energy, he kept wondering to himself who was this Eternal. He seemed much stronger than Gilgamesh or any of the invading armies from his time, Saber gasped for air and gripped his sword. Bartz tossed a Hi-Potion upon Saber, healing him and stood in front of him. Chappu stood beside him, holding his blitzball with Riolu and Mew in front of them. Saber was surprised and said, "You mustn't!! If I can not beat him, then surely you can't!!! Our only hope is to wait for Altair and Roxas, as well as hopefully that other masked man and my Master."

    "No worries, we can always run away when they come back if things get too rough." Bartz said, smiling at him, then brought Boco's feather. "Besides, I have a good luck charm to help me." "It's gonna be alright, for sure." Chappu said to Saber, before tossing his blitzball at Eternal and catching it after it hit him. Riolu ran forward and shot a Aura Sphere along with Mew's psychic ball attack.
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -Lightning VS Fate-
    Lightning pulled out her Gunblade. "We'll just see about that." She said menacingly. "I control my fate!" She yelled and attacked Fate.

    "Noel? Snow?" Said Serah Farron, a young woman who resembled Lightning. "Is it really you? Mog, look!" She told her MOOGLE companion. "It's Noel!"
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Neji's shoulders slumped, how on earth had he become involved with a woman such as Terra that now seemed to control his every move. Finding Naruto or another Jonin was his ultimate goal so he could track down the Akatsuki and take them down. "Alright...I'll go with you three...but my involvement in your affairs is only temporary."

    Savannah: Kakashi's Kamehameha:


    Kakashi watched the young man fly and his expression didn't change from the usual, 'I couldn't care less'. "Concentration of your energy, huh? Sounds an awful lot like using your chakra to perform your fighting techinique. But...I hate to brag...but I can do that too." Kakashi focused his chakra in the palm of his hand, adding rotation as he gripped his wrist and a perfectly round Rasengan formed in his hand. "See? A concentration of energy in the palm of my hand."



    Pain's Naraka Path squeezed a bit tighter on Minato's head, "Where is Konan?" Minato's blue eyes were focused on the King of Hell, what was it and how was he going to escape? "Wh-who? I don't know...who Konan is."
    Pain's Asura Path barely moved before he was run in by Kirito. Screws and washers fell out as he grabbed Kirito's throat.
    Pain's Deva Path flicked his eyes to each of the Shadow Clones. Naruto was by far stronger than the last time they'd fought. "I see... This is the power you will use to bring peace, is it?" Instinct told him he wouldn't be able to take Naruto like this. His Rinnegan eyes landed on the captured Minato and frowned, "The Fourth Hokage... I never figured you would enlist the help of a past Hokage. Let alone one that was also Jiraya-sensei's student."
    The summoned beast poofed back to where it came from and Deidara intercepted Luffy. "Where do you think you're going, hm? I've been insulted and I don't like that." Opening his hands, the mouths in his palms licked their lips and spat out gobs of clay. Molding them, Deidara dropped a large pile of bug-like bombs. "HAH!" They englarged with a simple two fingered hand sign and started crawling after and on Luffy.

    Savannah: Back to the fight:


    Tobi released Hermoine, having done what he needed and the two of them re-materialized on the Savannah. He noticed the arc of energy coming for them. Not wishing his new present for Naruto to be killed so easily, he sucked in the blast, transporting it away from them a good ways. "'re not done yet?"

    Wizards, Alchemist, and Company:


    "That sounds awful. But we will not rest until he has been taken down. This Voldemort sounds like a worthy opponent. We shall see how his magic holds up against my Taijutsu." Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "I take it both of them use magic...not something we're familiar with. It's a drag but...we're going to have to make the first move!" Shikamaru's shadow extended, reaching for the Guado.
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    "Thank you for your consideration Ichigo," Altair greeted the newcomer, "I just need to help my friend here heal. However, the best you can do is help my friends over there, in the border between the Savannah and the Fields." Altair pointed to a view that was just outside the forest they were in. "A group of three people are attacking my friends. It was five, but I stabbed two of them. I hope they are dead, especially the one who did this to him," Altair continued as he showed Ichigo Roxas's wound.


    "Thank you for coming NHB-K. Unfortunately, I have some grave news. We have lost contact with both Xagranos and Batman. Our tracking devices that were with them were designed to be flawless. However, there exist certain items from different universes that can tamper with these devices. I have been able to pinpoint the item that caused this disruption," Cosmos said. With a push of a button on her table, a hologram appeared of an object...


    Cosmos continued her explanation, "This is called a piece of Eden. It's one of many that come from a certain universe. They come in different forms, such as a staff or a sword. But what you see is the most common form. The pieces of Eden were created by an advanced race that in their quest to control humans. But after that race became extinct, humans began using them for their own purposes. Some used it to control others, others used it to gain powers, and then there were those who were trying to use them for good use. However, while some were able to use it with no trouble, others were too weak to handle its power, as its power could be fatal. Now here's where you come in. I did summon a man to fight for my side, and he is one of the people who acquired a piece of Eden to use for good. I'm not sure if the disruption was caused by Xagranos and Batman meeting him, but I need you to go down to the last recorded coordinates we had of Xagranos and Batman, and see if they are alright. I will then forgive you for forgetting to send Batman down with the others. However, I must warn you. A piece of Eden is a very powerful object. Paired with another one, they may be more stronger. Not even your technology can withstand their power. So if an enemy is using a piece of Eden, just take Xagranos and Batman, and get out of that planet as quick as possible. Do I make myself clear?"


    "Marvelous, you have certainly proven yourself worthy of our ranks. Now we will find the 'belt', but all in good time. I still have a word for our intruders," Jafar said as he turned around to see Xagranos and Batman. Facing Xagranos, Jafar said, "Now, you are going to tell us why you came here. If you refuse..." Jafar took the Staff with the Apple, placed the tip on Batman's chest, who was screaming in agony from the energy given off by the two pieces of Eden. After a few seconds of torturing Batman, Jafar removed the Staff and Apple from his chest, and continued, "... then your friend may not live much longer."
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    - Snow, Serah, Noel, and Mog-
    "Serah!" Snow shouted in excitement as he ran up, hugged her, and spun her around. "How did you get here Serah?" He asked in surprise. "It doesn't matter your hero is here to protect you like always. I will never let anything happen to you.
    " Snow spoke in the same overly confident tone he always spoke in.

    "Kupo? Kupo!" Mog said as he circled around Noel. "Hey Mog, how things been going?" Noel asked as he poked Mogs chest. "That tickles kupo." He said "I
    can't tell where we are kupo, I have never been here." He continued.

    - L-
    "Yes, yes that would be best." L mumbled under his breath. He was still caught up in his own world of thinking and analyzing.

    Light slowly slipped the death note out from in his jacket as he approached the abandoned town that he first started in. He flipped though the pages looking at all the names he had already written in it. "I will be a god, a god of this new world." He spoke out loud but to himself. He didn't think that anyone would be listening to him. "And anyone that tries to stop me must pay the price, all of them will try to stop me, I know it." He brought out his pen and was getting ready to write every ones name in the group he was traveling in when he stopped himself. "Wait I have to be smart about this in order to suceed in making my ideal world
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Seeing his Master re-materialized back in Savannah, Saber got up and ran to Hermione, shouting, "Master! You're alright!" "Saber, you're hurt!!!!! What happened?" Hermione asked, still confused about Saber calling her 'Master' but more concerned about his injuries. Saber smiled and explained, "Eternal, the white masked warrior, was too much for me to handle. I suggest we retreat to Altair and Roxas for the moment." Hermione nodded and tried to help Saber stand, despite his injuries.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Seymour sent his Firga toward the group, Haruto readied himself and noticed the fire spell was bounced back to him as he moved to avoid both the spell and the shadow. Harry held Lukya's hand and gripped the Sorting Hat in his other hand, Tommy stood ready while Kratos waited for the right moment with Slifer to fight their opponent and waited for the others to come out and show themselves.
  20. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    -Beach: Nine-tails rage-

    Naruto looked over to see Kurama's body fall over from the fatal impact caused by Toguro. His eyes became wide with anger. The Nine0tail fox Kurama had seeped out of Naruto to take control. His eyes were no longer pure. The white became black and his eyes were blood red. Kurama also spoke through the puppet Naruto. All of the shadow clones disappeared, returning to Naruto. "You have killed the fox spirit. You have kiled a god to us fox beings! You will die!" A large radius of energy came from his chakra.
    Luffy acted quickly grabbing Minato, Kirito and Rainbow Dash. His hands were bleeding immensely from the explosion done by Deidara.
    Naruto Kurama ran to Toguro who had blocked the surge of energy. Toguro yelled out to the others "Come deal with this one!"


    -East Savannah-

    Ichigo walked out to face Tobi seeing Hermoine and Saber coming through. "Get out of here. I will deal with them now. Your friends are back in the forest." He continued to walk over to Tobi taking his Zanpakuto off his back to reveal the large blade. He pointed it at Tobi, marking that he would be killed.


    -West Savannah-

    Goku was amazed about Kakashi's ability to generate a ball of energy so easily. "Wow! You're a natural. Do you think you could do the same think with your feet but instead release it as a wave instead of a physical form? You could fly that way."
    "Rasen Shinshuriken!" A black orb came hurling towards Goku striking him on the back causing severe damage. He fell over unconscious from the blow.
    "Hello, Kakashi. It has been a while. Looks like you have some new friends. To bad that number was just decreased by one."



    Terra walked over to Neji and gave him a deadly glare. She turned over to the others with a completely new look. "Yeah. North is is. though, which way is north?"
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