The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Hearing Altair's request, Bartz smiled and nodded, staying with Chappu, Mew, and Riolu while he left to help Roxas and Hermione and noting a knight that seemed to appear from nowhere. "Altair, we're fine, but who's that?" Hermione asked, looking at the knight. Hearing the question that was directed at him, the knight turned and smiled, saying, "I'm Saber. A knight that will protect you." Saber seemed to realize that his Master was confused and scared enough already, and turned back to Tobi and the others, gripping his weapon.
  2. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    The Battle at the Beach: War has begun​

    Naruto glanced over. "I only know really what the main Path of Pain does. His abilities involve gravitational pull and push. Once he uses an ability, he is open for attack. Other than that it cant be stopped." Naruto ran towards Pain with his mind racing. "Nagato! Stop this all now. Have you forgotten the promise I have made! I will bring peace to our world. Do you hear me Nagato!"

    Toguro saw Kurama as did Kurama see Tgouro. "It is an honor to meet the famous Yoko Kurama. But tell me, why is someone like you helping brats like these?"
    "Unlike you, I no longer thirst for blood or battle. That road is no longer the path I have chosen."
    "That is a shame. As our leader, Sasuke has said, we need to finish this quickly. Time for you to die. I will use 75% of my power." Toguro began to buff his muscles to become the form of this:
    "Now let us begin Yoko Kurama"
    Naruto turned and looked at Toguro with wide eyes at hearing the name of the person he was trying to save. "Sasuke, is in this world!?"

    Diedata came charging at Minato. Luffy threw his arms back a long length to counter him. "Gum-gum Bazooka" His arms retracted and headed right towards Deidara. He had full confidence this would stop him. Naruto turned and looked at Toguro with wide eyes at hearing the name of the person he was trying to save.


    The Battle at the Tavern: An ally emerges​
    Blackbeard continued to absorb Neji. The balst of wind however pushed him onto the ground frocing him to stop. "Ouch. blasted kid. I will kill you!" Blackbeard arose and began to glow with a dark aura. He was about to unleash something big. Something like this may destroy the entire area if he unleashed it. However, the earth underneath him had been completely risen making him lose balance. The earth was launched away to an unknown location taking Blackbeard with it.

    The ended battle​
    Goku flew down to Colette and the new people. "Well, its over... Hi, my name is Goku! Nice to meet you all." Goku went from serious to goofy right on the spot.
    The new girl ran up to Neji. "Hey, I got the bad guy. Are you okay?"

    Cyber City above the Clouds: Another threat​

    Silver noticed a new enemy. Once again a being of technology gone wrong. He had read about this being back in the memory banks in his time. It was a creation of Doctor Eggman's. A creature of destructive abilities. A rogue in his battle forces. Silver activated his telekinesis and floated once again throwing a punch towards Metal Sonic.

    Zero also noticed the new threat among them. But Labrys seemed to take a liking to Zero still. She still wanted to poses his body. "Metal... Sonic... destroy enemies..."
    "You are not destroying me on any instant in time. This is for possessing me." Zero charged his blaster and shot Labrys. She deflected it with her axe and an explosion occurred. Zero emerged from the cloud of smoke with his sword to come and swing at Labrys doing a critical blow onto her. However, this is what she wanted. Zero had made physical contact with her which is all she needed. She traveled into his programming once again, however this time, the encryption was full proof making him completely under her control. Now she had turned Zero into a corrupted form.
    "Download completed"
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Boss Battle of the Beach!~

    Kirito nodded, the main Pain or Nagato as Naruto called him as all Naruto's as he knew his weaknesses and decided run at a Pain, namely the Asura Path, his eyes foscused, waiting to see what attack the Pain would do.

    ~Lambda and Daido~

    Lambda wtacehd as the white cloaked man moved Hermione and Roxas out fo the wya he gave a no reaction to it. "Humans are such reckless fools." he said and gathered two balls of energy in his palms. "Know this humans, I am a force beyond anything you could possibly imagine." he said and throwns the orbs of energy at the trio before using the groudn below him to materialize spikes to come out from underneath.

    Daido stared at the one called Saber. "A knight you say? Then let's see if your skills are noteworthy of such a title." he said bringing out a dagger that was a strange oen with a slot.

    ~Battle End~

    Yuri strenched as Goku returned from serious to goofy and he heard the black haired girl ask where a light was ans Asbel noted this. "He must of hidden himself somewhere." he said to Xion and looked at Yuri. "What are you, a monster or a human?" he aske,d hsi hand resting on his sheathed sword and Yuri placed his hands on his hips, not even slightly bothered by the sudden wariness of the swordsman. "I can change into a monster okay?" he said as if the fact was a normal thing for him.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Battle at the Beach: Nagato's Test: Six Path's of Pain Converge:

    Pain's RInnegan eyes narrowed, "I remember your promise, Naruto Uzumaki. I have been brought this world to correct the mistakes I have made. I will not stop this time, Naruto. Convince me I am not here to fix this world. Convince me war will not ravage this world like it did ours." A thick black metal pipe slid from his sleeve. "A world that does not know pain will never understand our reasons for trying to stop war." Pain's Animal Path touched the ground again, the summoning formula forming around her hands, "Summoning Jutsu!" From this summoning came Pain's three headed dog-like beast.

    Pain lifted one hand out towards Naruto, "Show me the power you've obtained. Show me how you will change this world." Somewhere in the world, hidden from view, Nagato smiled slightly. He closed his eyes and in turn Pain did too. I believe in you, Naruto Uzumaki. Opening their eyes, Pain's jutsu activated. "Almighty Push!" a sphere-like wave emitted from Pain's hand, engulfing Naruto and immediately repelled him. Boosting his speed with chakra, Pain dashed towards the orange clad ninja, black pipe at the ready to spear into his sibling disciple.
    Pain's Asura Path rushed at Kirito, skidding to a halt a few feet away from the boy and held out his closed fist. Sections of his arm popped open revealing metallic missiles. They launched simultaniously off towards Kirito...

    Minato chucked his Flying Thunder God kunai off towards Naruto, teleporting after it. Catching the kunai midair, he grabbed Naruto as well and shoved him to the side, deflecting Pain's chakra distrubance blade that resembled so much of just a black rod. "I may not know how the rest of them fight...but I saw through Naruto's mind how you fight. I won't allow you to harm my son." A Rasengan formed in Minato's palm and again Pain released a repulsion wave, sending Minato skidding along the beach.

    Deidara abandoned his bird at the last moment, forming his two fingered hand sign, "HAH!" The clay bird exploded as Luffy's fists struck it and Deidara landed on the ground smirking.

    Tobi, Lambda, Daido VS Hermoine, Roxas, Altair, Saber:


    Tobi folded his hands behind his head, watching the fight proceed. "OH, I know!" Plunging underground, Tobi burst from the earth beside Hermoine and Roxas and whipped them on the head and dove back into the earth, popping up beside Altair and whipping him on the head before diving back into the earth. HIs head and shoulders poked up back where he was originally standing, "I call it...Whack-a-Mole Jutsu!"


    Neji rolled across the ground after Blackbeard was sent flying and a girl stood in his place. Relaxing his Byakugan, Neji frowned, "Your concern is not needed, but I'm fine. Who are you?"

    Ended Battle: Savannah: Goku and Colette's new group:

    Colette smiled and jumped up as Yamato's wood dome slowly dismantled itself and sank back into the earth. "We're all okay over here!" Yamato panted and fell backwards, "Speak for yourself..." Kakashi chuckled down at his friend, lifting a hand in a lazy wave at Goku, "We're fine, thank you. Whew...we probably could've handled it by the sheer number of people we have here...but I'm thankful you came along. My name is Kakashi Hatake, this is Yamato." he waved down at Yamato on the ground, his tired friend lifting his hand enough to wave at them. Colette jumped on the opportunity, "I'm Colette! we can be friends!"
  5. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    Alucard put his guns back into his coat, pulling out his goggle-framed glasses and a red fedora hat. He walked back towards his coffin, putting a strap around it and slinging it over his shoulder. The No Life King proceeded to walk out of the area.​
    Vash blinked, putting his gun away, Wolfwood doing the same. "Did I see that right?"
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Steal guard." Snow yelled out as he battled a monster outside of his town. A yellow-orange orb of light surrounded him then disappeared leaving him with protection against the enemy. Just as he did this a black hole appeared behind him, sucking him in. Steal guard could not protect him this time. He flew through the hole and landed in a field not to far from where Lightning and the others happened to be.

    Noel spent the afternoon hunting like he often did. It was the one thing he was really good at. He was searching for the next monster when a strange black hole appeared in front of him. He was dragged into it. He flew out of the hole and landed on top of Snow. "Sorry.... Oh,. it is you." Noel said to Snow as he stood up.

    "Hey it is Noel. How have you been? Did you come to see the hero?' He asked Noel in a joking manner.
    "Hero my butt, it is because of people like you that in the time I lived in I was the last human alive." Noel argued back.
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Hearing Eternal, Saber revealed his weapon, a magnificent looking sword, gripped in his hands, glaring at the Kamen Rider, he asked, a stern tone in his voice, "Is that a challenge you want, masked one?" When Hermione was hit by Tobi, she held onto Roxas' arm and looked at Tobi, wondering when he would strike next. She wished that she knew a spell that stopped them.
  8. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    -Gilgamesh- Boss battle... interrupted?

    Gilgamesh managed to shrug off most of the attacks thrown at him... yet suddenly, he looked as if he heard something... familiar. His smile widened. "I'll deal with you mongrels later... I believe I have an... old friend to find." Joker just looked confused, but Gilgamesh nodded to him. He had explained the Holy Grail War to the Clown Prince of Crime. "Another Servant? Really? Well, sorry chaps! Have to run!" With that, the two villains exited the scene... probably leaving everyone else very confused.

    Roxas - WHAT'S GOING ON!?

    Roxas was confused, first a Knight appeared claiming to be "Saber", then all these other people(including Tobi, who he found annoying)... "... What is going on!?" Roxas drew Oblivion and looked at the situation. He decided to take on Tobi. "If that's "whack-a-mole jutsu" or whatever you call it... then that makes you the mole!" With that, a reaction command appeared on the screen(Note, this part of the description will be done in KHII gameplay style) named "Whack the mole!", Roxas got it timed perfectly and whacked Tobi on the head with his Keyblade. Wether or not it was enough to defeat Tobi... nah, chances are, it's gonna be alot more difficult than that.


    Illidan arrived with the rope and set about tying up Xagranos and Batman. "Oh, this? She's the one who led me to you two." "I am Ratrex. Now, we must find this "belt"... maybe then I can find..." She didn't complete the sentance... but anyone who actually read her bio can probably guess what her goal is in all this - gaining someone's attention*.

    *For those of you who are too lazy to read the biography/missed the post where I introduced her, "Someone" is Riku.
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Kirito vs Asura path~
    Kirito was surprised that the man had concealed missiles but he dion't let that impair his judgement as he brought his sword in front of him and with a fast bit of footwork, slice through the missiles and past teh Asura Path, slicing through a bit of it's torsos when the missiles exploded and he turned around to slice at his exposed back and then moved back to see waht Asura would do.

    "If he's got missiles, my guess is he's a long range fighter while his other selves cover the weaknesses of each other, but if I can stay a close distance to him, his weaponary will be useless unless he wants to kill himself with them." Kirito thought, but he knew he had fast reaction time or reflexes honed by the battles he constantly fought in SAO despite being a teenager.

    "Let's test that theory out/"
    ~Eternal vs Saber~
    Eternal gave a mere nod. "You will face a eternal hell." he said, moving into a stance.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] battle?:

    Temari shut her fan, frowning, "Weird guy..." Gaara's sand slithered back into his gourd as Kankuro's puppets disappeared back into the scrolls he'd summoned them from. "We don't have time to waste here, Gaara. We should be looking fo....for...d-did you feel that?" Gaara's face had gone intense with hatred. "Father..."

    Sunagakure Sand Gate:

    The Fourth Kazekage sighed as he watched the other Kage's bicker. Shutting his eyes, he felt a wind brush his hair across his head and his feet slip on the ground. His eyes flew open as he was dragged into the dark portal and dropped in the middle of a grassy savannah. Funny...he didn't remember this place in the Fire Country. It didn't look the same...and a familiar chakra washed over him the second he touched the ground. "Gaara..."

    Roxas, Hermoine VS Tobi


    Savannah: Transportation Technique

    Roxas' Keyblade passed right through Tobi, reaction command or not and the goofy masked man stepped to the side, "Hahah, missed me!" His Sharingan shone in his eye, "Just kidding." Holding out his arm, a string of paper bombs hung from him. "Time to die."


    Asura Path Vs. Kirito

    Pain's coat tore but not from Kirito. Even with the young boy's fast reflexes, with all the other Pain's eyes focused on them, he successfully dodged each swing of his blade. From the opening in his coat, a section in his back opened and a long serrated blade emerged. That same smile staying on his face the entire time.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Metal vs. Silver~

    Metal Sonic swiftly flew out of the way of Silver's punchand blasted around and away from him in a circle before slingshotting back towards Silver as he spun around trying to hit the psychic hedgehog with his own metallic-blue head and his yellow and silver colored claws to the sides of him as though he was an airplane...all while ignoring what was going on with Zero and Labrys.

    ~Space Station~

    NHB-K turned his head up towards Julius before he calmly said "Tell her I'm coming" and jumped out of his seat running past Julius as he progressed down the long halls and corridors that lined the station quietly saying to himself "Geez there are alot of corridors up here" only to bump right into the door leading directly to the office of Cosmos "Oh, here it is!" before he opened the door and went inside. He then found himself a seat and jumped into it saying "Yeah, here I am miss, just as you what's up" rather casually and calmly.


    Sammi landed on her feet and raised her blade up before she noticed Gilgamesh and his partner retreating and gently lowered her guard while Mario switched his Metal Cap back with his regular Cap. Kenneth lowered his arms and stood back up straight as he calmly said "Wow, that was a short battle" shortly before he looked at everyone and started to explain "Yes, there is a Space Station orbiting around this planet where my Wife's grandfather, my friend, and a lady named Cosmos are awaiting for us to find this belt. The Belt supposedly from what I've heard has the power of Life and Death over every single known universe and multiverse...unfortunately we have no idea what the thing even looks like to verify it"
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Eternal vs Saber-

    Saber gripped his sword and glared at Eternal. "You will be the one who will face the eternal hell." He said, gripping his sword and ran to the Kamen Rider, swinging his weapon at him. Hermione shook when she saw Tobi with the power bombs, she pulled out her wand, twirling it, and tried to think of a spell that would help, she shouted, "Accio, bombs!!" She held her hands out to catch the paper bombs.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    While Haruto and Harry came from their talk, Lukya felt a familiar presence and looked in the direction she felt, seeing Seymour. "Brother!!!" Lukya shouted, hugging him once he was close enough. Seymour smiled and held her back, "It's good to see you're safe, sister." He pulled out his staff and looked at the crowd, especially Harry, who began to hold his forehead in pain. Haruto got in a stance to defend him.
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Rainbow Dash was very confused at what was going on. It was apparent that the people who came were acquainted with three people in the group. And the pegasus pony also got the impression that all humans have special abilities, or carry around cool looking weapons, increasing her fondness of the species she discovered. What do I do, what do I do, Rainbow thought to herself, trying to think of a way she can help her friends. She then had an idea. Rainbow Dash flew towards Toguro's back, poked and talked him, "Hey, big guy!"


    "Hope they stay away from us from now on," Thor said as Gilgamesh and the Joker retreated. Before Kenneth began his explanation, Gaara mentioned his father, surprising many around him. "Your... father?" Bruce Banner asked. Listening to Kenneth's explanation, Clint Barton said, "Well, if we do find this 'belt', would you mind if we went to this space station with you guys. It looks like this Cosmos is the only one who knows what the hell is going on."


    Vegeta, disappointed that his Super Saiyan counterpart gave up, flew right to him, saying, "Are you serious? A draw? Wow, as the Super Saiyan, you really are a big f***ing wuss. That's it, I'm outta here." Vegeta then flew away.


    Voldemort, Sephiroth, Nox Decious, and the Darkness were standing behind a tree yards away from Seymour, who introduced himself to Harry Potter's group, although it seemed they were wary of him. "Marvelous, everything is going according to plan. All we have to no is wait for them to be vulnerable. Now listen, when I give the signal, Sephiroth, you are to swiftly take out Dumbledore. Seymour will aid you if necessary. Just make sure that old man is dead for sure. As for you two," Voldemort said, looking at Nox Decious and the Darkness, "You may strike anyone who gets in our way. As for Harry Potter, he is mine to kill. No one else is to kill him. It is important that we succeed right now."


    "Hermione don't!" Altair screamed as Hermione was going to catch the paper bombs. The assassin grabbed her out of harm's way, and the paper bombs hit the ground, thus their explosion caused harm to no one. Realizing the danger of the situation, Altair figured it was best to retreat. "Roxas, we have to get out of here! They're too powerful!" Altair ordered Roxas.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Savannah: Hermoine, Roxas, Altair Vs Tobi and gang


    Tobi glared at Altair, having shielded the girl from her foolish choice to draw the paper bombs towards herself. "Even if you retreat, we will follow. There is no place you can hide. With the Sharingan I can predict your next move....and with the added power of the Rinnegan, there is no place you will be able to hide away your life forces where I can't see them." Despite the people in front of him not having chakra, he could see something within them. He'd find them sooner or later, even without using his ocular jutsu, Sasuke had obtained that very handy map. "Your lives...are meaningless. Your gone. You will not find any better place to die than by my hand. You have no choice." Pulling three kunai knives with paper bombs attatched to the ends out of his sleeves, he chucked them at the ground in front of Altair and Hermoine. Their explosion created a cloud of gray smoke. When it cleared, Tobi was gone and instead standing behind them with a hand on Hermoine's shoulder and a kunai pressed to her throat. "Give it up."

    Wizards, Alchemist and Company:


    Shikamaru cast a suspcious glare down at the blue haired man Lukya was hugging. "Brother?" Shikamaru looked around, he smelt a trap and any good strategist wasn't without his paranoia. "Stay on guard, Lukya! Your brother showing up like this isn't just coincidence."

    Avengers, Sand Siblings and group:


    Gaara picked up the cork that went into his gourd and wedged it into place. He started off in the direction he felt his father's chakra. "Gaara, wait! You can't just go after him on your own! Please...for your big sister...please?" Gaara stopped, his hands balled up into fists and Kankuro dropped a hand on his shoulder, "We'll go after him later, Gaara. It's not important right now, right?" Temari sighed and turned to Bruce, "Yes...our father is here. Gaara would know. He's not a sensory type...but his chakra is the closest to our father's. He could find him if he chose to. He's...well, he wasn't the best father to Gaara. And we weren't the best siblings..." Her words seemed to have an effect on Gaara, "You've done enough. You two are my family. I have already forgiven you for what happened in the past. I'm fine, don't need to worry. We'll handle father when the time comes."
  15. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    -Beach Battle-

    Luffy's hands were caught in the explosion causing him to bleed immensely. He grid his teeth together to show no pain. He smiled sucking it up. "You are a strong one Mr. Exploding Manlady. I am still going to kick your ass." He jumped at him with his fist ready, right about to hit him in the stomach.

    Toguro who had powered up to 80% power noticed the little pony on his back. He picked her up without care and tossed her aside. He began to charge Kurama who was in a battle ready stance. Toguro swung his fist to the ground creating a crater in the earth. Kurama had dodged, but only slightly. He threw a seed at Toguro, which missed hitting one of the pain paths. It was a female one. She couldn't have noticed it. Over time her body would become numb and she wouldn't be able to move anymore.
    Toguro looked up with a smile as the fight continued between the two.

    Naruto had leaped back being helped by his dad. "I am stronger then before. I will show you." Naruto entered his mind to find Kurama, the nine tailed fox. "Kurama, lend me your strength again to find off the reincarnated Pain." The fox nodded and lent him his power. Naruto began to glow with a yellow tone and black tattoos crossing his body. "Let this battle begin."



    Terra slapped Neji on the face. She had a mad look to her face. "You really should be more greatful. I just saved your life. Try not to be all noble. Girl like me doesn't like the tough act." She turned away and looked at the other people standing there. She turned her head to Neji with a little blush on her face. "The name is Terra."


    -Goku's new group-

    Goku looked around at the people now finally taking in it all. "You all are very strange. You make wood out of your hands, you have a weird mask covering your face and... you all are just strange..."


    -Vegeta and Vegeta-

    Vegeta became angry. Very angry. He burst out at the other Vegeta while becoming a Super Saiyan 2. He punched the doppleganger in the back making him fly to the ground. "Listen you. I did not continue fighting him because he was not worth the time. I have more of an interest in killing Kakarot. You are going to help me too."


    -Cyber City above the Clouds-

    Silver dodged the mechanical sonic with ease. He looked over to see Zero be taken by Labrys. His eyes widened. "I need help..."


    -Encounter with Obi-wan and Sasuke-

    Sasuke and the group had arrived to the group with Obi-wan and Sirus. He leaped from the tree he was hiding on to announce himself. "We are here to end you. Either submit or die." He pointed at Lord Blazer and Darth Maul. Nodding to them that they had arrived.
  16. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    Savannah - unexpected arrivals.

    Roxas stared at Tobi. "I hate you so much..." But before the next person could speak, a bunch of different weapons flew out of no-where, hitting all in the area. Roxas was struck by a spear and fell to the ground. "Agh.... wha..." Looking up he saw the man responsible, there, was a man in golden armour with red eyes and a giant portal behind him with near-unlimited weapons. The man grinned and turned his attention to the knight. "So, Saber.... we meet again, incompotent mongrel!" Then Roxas heard a laugh*... it was the creepiest laugh he'd ever heard. "So! Your the Saber servant! Well, have you met my Archer? And... your master is..." He looked among them... "Hmm... well, this is gonna be more difficult than I thought... perhaps we should just kill them all?" Joker laughed again as Gilgamesh's almost-insane grin widened.

    *Pick any of those laughs in that long list you like, but it's really just to give you an idea of the laugh itself.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Hermione wanted to run and help Roxas when he was hit by the spear, but she was scared of what Tobi would do to her with the kunai at her throat and shook in fear, toward Tobi with the kunai as well as Gilgamesh and Joker while wondering who the golden armored man knew Saber. After slashing at Eternal, Saber turned to Gilgamesh. He gripped his sword as he said simply, "King of Heroes, Gilgamesh."

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    "Harry, are you alright?" Lukya asked when she saw him holding his head in pain. Harry smiled and nodded, saying, "Yeah, I'm fine. This is a really bad headache." 'The pain won't go away, it's lasting longer than usual.' Harry thought to himself, Haruto said, "You sure you're alright, Harry? You still look a bit pained." "Anything I can do to help?" Seymour asked, Haruto quickly turned to him, "No thank you."


    Fluttershy quietly and slowly walked to the Avengers, the ninja, and Shotaro, she asked, hesitantly, "Is...... is it over? Are.... those two scary people are gone?" She remained low to the ground, still scared from the arrival of Gilgamesh and Joker as well as Thor using his thunder magic.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Kirito was surprised as teh serrated blade stuck his body but he leapt back, noting the damage on his HP was reduce by at least a 1000, that left him with 17500 Hp left, but his HP woudl restore by 600 during battle every 10 seconds as a skill. "How could he dodge that so quickly?, it's almost if he knew which direction the attacks would come from... I'd understand if it were a Party between these guys then they could Switch to deliever quick attacks or rapid guarding... wait...their eyes... they are all the same, could they be a connection between this?" If so, then the Other Pains are just an audience." Kirito cursed in his thoughts, SAO neve rhad this kind of advantage to monsters.


    Eternal's prey's attention wa staken by the arrival of soemone named Gilgamesh it would seem as Lamda merely ignored the new arrivals.

    ~Avengers, Rider and Pony and SUna Silblibgs~

    Shotaro cancelled the transformation as he was in civiallan form. "Looks likely, but it's best to remain on our guard since this is a world where we aren't famialr with at all and who knows what our enemies have as allies."
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Temari crouched in front of the pony, "They're gone now." Kankuro clenched his hand around the scroll in his hand, " getting ridiculous. If our enemies are anything like Kabuto and Madara Uchiha, we'll never win with numbers like these! We need more people!" Gaara's hand launched out and grabbed his older brother's shirt collar, "We don't have time to recreate the Allied Shinobi Forces! We don't know anything about the enemy. Calm yourself, Kankuro."

    Beach: Battle of the Rinnegan


    Deidara gritted his teeth and tossed a dozen flying clay birds towards Luffy before the giant dog-like beast ate clay birds and Luffy's fist. "Whoooo, that's gotta hurt, hm."
    Pain's Asura Path shifted his attention to Toguro and Kurama. The motion the silver haired man made had caught his eye. Turning his head back to Kirito, he lifted his arm again and the section opened once more, firing off six missiles towards Kirito.
    Pain's Deva path watched Naruto change, "What's this...? The power of the Nine-Tails...harnessed? Fine then...come at me." Minato skidded in front of Naruto and formed a Rasengan in his palm. "Naruto, duck!" Giving his son barely enough time to move when he struck out with the Rasengan, connecting with the Preta Path's hand for a brief moment before the Naraka Path grabbed his head over Naruto's shoulder. "Ngh... Wh-what...?" Only to Minato, the King of Hell became visible to him. "Stop interfering."

    Savannah: Tobi's Hostage Situation:


    Tobi turned slightly to see the Joker and Gilgamesh. All the interruptions were getting annoying. And he didn't like leaving a job unfinished. Not to mention the one with too much face make-up just mentioned killing them all. Did that clown really believe he could kill him? "You two...aren't apart of Sasuke's group." Taking a step backwards and dragging Hermoine with him, his Sharingan and Rinnegan glowed, "You two," he flicked his eyes towards Saber and Roxas, "Make a move and I'll slit her throat. Daido, Lambda...keep them occupied. I'm going to have a little chat with our friend here." Sucking himself and Hermoine into his Inner World, Tobi tossed the young girl to the ground on one of the infinite pillars inside his jutsu. "This is my're going to come to an understanding. Have you met a boy named Naruto?"

    Wizards, Alchemist and Company:


    Shikamaru jumped down from Neos' shoulder, landing awkwardly on the ground. "Lukya get away from him!" Lee's eyes flicked from Shikamaru to Harry and back, "Shikamaru, what is going on? You are acting very strange." "This guy didn't come here to help us. If I were the bad guys in this situation...I'd have sent one man in to lower our enemy's guard...while the rest of my squad hung back, waiting for the moment to strike. It's almost like Climbing Silver...with this guy as the sacrificial pawn." Lee frowned, but he had no reason to doubt Shikamaru's reasoning.



    Neji stared at the girl, touching his cheek lightly, "Uh...Neji Hyuga.'s nice to meet you, Terra." Swallowing and rubbing his cheek to remove the sting, he looked into the distance with his Byakugan towards were Blackbeard was sent flying. "That man...did you know him?"

    Savannah: Jiraya's group


    Kakashi and Yamato exchanged looks and frowned, "Well, you're not exactly normal either. Whatever that jutsu was before, it certainly was impressive. Right, Tenzo?" Yamato slumped, "Yes, it was indeed impressive. Now, Kakashi-sempai, please stop calling me Tenzo. My name is Yamato now." Colette giggled, "Kakashi and two are wonderful friends...I can tell."
  20. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    "Hell if I know. We just got here an hour ago, then saw you getting beat up."
    Vash narrowed his eyes. "Do we have somewhere to go?"
    Wolfwood facepalmed. "Thanks for reminding me about that, needle-noggin!"

    Lord Blazer looked down upon the human he and the others were targeting. "So....this is Obi-Wan....."
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