The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    After Xagranos left the space station with Batman, Braig broke out of his prison cell and the 11th Doctor's TARDIS was stolen. Arriving to where the TARDIS used to be, Cosmos saw all the guards there awakening from short sleep. "What happened here?!" Cosmos said with a stern voice. "There was a young man who helped Braig escape, and he stole the TARDIS that was here, right after putting us to sleep" one of the guards said. "Who was this young man?" Cosmos asked. The guard pressed on a button on his wrist, making a video screen appear in front of them, showing security footage of what happened. Cosmos watched, and recognized the boy who carried out this operation. "Xehanort?" said a surprised Cosmos.



    "I NAME YOU, THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!!" Davros's last words were to the 10th Doctor, before he lost sight of him. As Davros was beginning to accept his fate, a wormhole sucked him in. Davros then found himself in a dark place, with no one in sight. "Where am I?" Davros asked himself. Just then, an old man appeared in front of him from a dark portal....


    "Davros, we've been expecting you," said Master Xehanort, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xehanort." "What am I doing here Xehanort? And why were you expecting me?" Davros questioned the old keyblade master. "My master is aware of your work in creating creatures known as Daleks. Such creatures would certainly be of our use in a battle that is yet to happen," Xehanort explained, smiling. "And, who is this master of yours?" Davros asked yet again. Grinning, Xehanort replied, "For the time being, my master shall only be referred to as 'the belt'. If you wish to meet my master..." Master Xehanort summoned a darkportal next to Davros. "Go. I'm sure you two will have a pleasant conversation." Davros looked at Master Xehanort one last time before going through the dark portal.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Wizards, Alchemist and Company: Lee's...Summoning jutsu?

    Shikamaru sighed. He didn't like this treatment, but it beat walking and he had a great view of the clouds. Lee oohed and ahhed at Neos. "I have a summoning jutsu too. Watch! Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" There was an explosion of smoke around Lee and when it settled Lee chucked a small turtle at Jaden's head.

    Wastland: Action!

    Tobi looked over at his two named partners...great...a talkative one and a silent, just like traveling with Zetsu then. Thinking of Zetsu it reminded him, "Listen, Sasuke, I don't have Zetsu at my beck and call. Be wary of your opponent. I don't want to have to patch you back up." He waved his two teammates to move near him so he could use his teleportation jutsu. With Itachi's eyes...he'll be able to see clearly.

    Forest: Avengers, Sand Siblings, Turtles and company:

    Gaara straightened, regarding the odd fellow before them and glared at him, "Sand Shinobi do not bow." The sand in his gourd poured onto the ground and Kankuro reached for his scrolls containing his puppets. Temari pulled her fan off his back and opened it only to show the first star. "That's right! You're gonna be dead in the next few seconds!" Temari didn't feel like taunting her enemy. She knew nothing about these two, but everyone seemed to be focusing on the guy who'd commanded them to bow. Both Temari and Kankuro slid into a position in front of Gaara, acting as his shield. They were his older siblings and his bodyguards while away from the village. "The only person we bow to is our Kazekage!" "Yeah! Wait...what?"


    Konan nodded. These two didn't have strong dreams like Naruto Uzumaki did...but they were theirs and she wouldn't tell them what to dream of. It was enough that they had them. "I have. Follow me." Konan peeled off into thousands of pieces of paper and folded into a mass of paper butterflies. Flying along a specific route out, Konan followed the line of her chakra in the previous butterflies had left towards a small group. Breaking through the line of trees, she fluttered over to a green haired woman, a blue haired man, a hunched over ghost, and what appeared to be some sort of fighter.

    L's Group:

    Martel laughed lightly as paper butterflies brushed her face. Letting one land on her finger, she admired it. "What an odd butterfly..." Yuan spread his hands, watching the paper butterflies flutter around them before ammasing in a cluster away from them and forming into a blue haired woman wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it. "Identify yourself!"

    Neji VS Blackbeard:

    Neji wasn't one to take chances...or direct hits. Leaping far to the right of Blackbeard, he looked back at the two who'ed exited the Tavern. "Nnngh...bad luck." Tossing a kunai with a paper bomb attatched to it towards Blackbeard, he wondered if that would cause him to change course.

    Forbidden Fortress:

    Pain and Deidara followed Toguro. His heart wavered a bit at the mention of Naruto's name, but his determination to see if Naruto was still staying true to his promise was strong. "Deidara, let's go." Deidara pouted, "Wait, we can use these to get there faster! Going by air is always faster." Yanking his hands out of his clay bags at his hips, he molded the clay into two large birds. "There...they fit two." Pain almost smiled, Deidara was smarter than he looked sometimes. "Then my Animal Path with ride with you, Deidara." And he would ride with Toguro. The two Pains hopped up on the two large clay birds. Deidara took near the head with Pain's Animal Path; the only female Pain he'd ever made, and Pain looked to Toguro to direct the bird he was standing on.

    Beach: Minato's fear

    "Naruto...I'll always believe in you." he smiled, but made no promises he would ever walk out of a battle alive. He wouldn't take the risk of making that promise and breaking it. He knew Naruto wouldn't forgive him for leaving him a second time...and so, he'd give everything he had to stay alive and defend his son. Plus...he hadn't made Fourth Hokage by simply being nice to look at.


    "Instant Trains? What's that--" Despite getting the words wrong, her question was answered as Goku transported the three of them away from the blast and in front of a black haired girl and a few others. "Where..."


    Yamato moved in front of Xion, "Wood Style: Wood Wall!" Clapping his hands together and on the ground, a wall of wood built itself up from the ground, acting as a standing defense against the dragon and the man.
  3. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    Organic Lair​
    Inside the room the portal was leading to were several veins on the ceiling, leading to a gigantic lifeform connected to the ceiling, just off the ground by several inches. It bore deformed angel wings, and inside the orb in the center was a fetus. A demonic voice echoed in the chamber as it spoke.​
    "Greetings, Davros...."​
    OOC: Will post more later. Sorry if the description of the 'Belt' scares any of you.​
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Lambda merely grunetd as Daido to their new accompliace and joined him.


    Pardox watched as someone formed a wall of wood but he took this time to draw another card and in the same fashion, summoned another Dragon with three heads and he directed teh new creature to attack. "Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack with Strident Blast!" He commanded as teh Dragon fired three fireballs, slamming into the makeshift wall that crumbled. "Looks like we got our work cut out for us!" Asbel said, moving into a fightning stance as Yuri pulled out a set of gaunlets and moved his neck.

    "The bigger they are, the harder they fall right?" he asked aloud>

    "Attack again, Spectral Surge!" Paradox commanded as Malefic Rainbow Dragon fired a ranbow breath upon the group.


    Kirito heard the question asked by the white haired man, named Kurama apparently "A war?" Kirito asked aloud, in Sword Art Online, nothing liek that ever occured since if someone's Hp was 0 they'd die, but there were peopel who'd kill without much hestation, like the Orange Cursors above some people's heads to indicate they killed a player since tehre was 10,000 people when SAO started, but he is a front-line fighter and solo-ed, Asuna was one as well as he looked at his hand, looking at the ring he wore to signify his marriage to her, rigth now, he was suppsoed to be on vacation with Asuna on their honeymoon for two weeks to get away from the front lines for a while.

    "It seems that I'm always in a life-or-death situation regardless where I am, I never get much of a break do I?" He muttered the last few words to himself.


    Shotaro pulled out a belt remarkbly similar to the DOuble Driver except it had one slot for inserting his USB Stick and it wrapped around his waist and he puleld out the Joker Gaia Memory and looked at Gilgamesh and Joker respectively. "Sorry, but bowing down to someone I don't know isn't my thing." he said to them.


    Jaden was surpised as a turtle was thrown at him he caught it surpsingly, courtesy of his fast reflexes. "What kind of guy throws turtles at people? Aren't they a protected species?" he asked in confusion.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Avengers, Turtles, and Double-

    Fluttershy looked at Shotaro in surprise and wondered what he had planned against the Joker and Gilgamesh. She swallowed a hard lump in her throat and watched, scared. Wishing she was brave like Rainbow Dash and her other friends, Fluttershy tried to put on a brave face to show she wasn't almost afraid.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Tommy smiled and watched Jaden, Harry wondered if Jaden was in some kind of sport like how he was fast from Quidditch. Haruto noticed how Harry was looking down and asked him, "Harry, can I talk with you in private?" "Sure, Haruto." Harry said, wondering what Haruto wanted to talk about.

    -vs. Medusa-

    Medusa was shocked at the new arrival of the fight and sent another strand of her hair to them. But the knight deflected somehow, and stared at the Phantom with stern eyes. Chappu held his blitzball while Bartz held his sword tightly, Mew and Riolu looked at the people in curiosity.
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Dooku, began to sense Genesis's feelings toward Fate, and figured something out. "Oh, I see how it is," Dooku declared, "This 'Fate', is your master. And he is about to risk his own life on purpose. But why would he do such a thing?"


    Smiling at the fact that they may finally get out of the forest, Firion turned to the Brigadier and said, "Come on Brigadier! We have to follow her!" Firion started running towards where Konan flew.


    By simply looking at "the belt," Davros felt like submitting himself to this creature was natural. "What is thy bidding, my master?" Davros asked the being. Then, a dark portal appeared...


    ... Braig stepped out of it, and seemed happy to see Davros there. "Well, if it isn't the guy who created the Daleks, here to work with us," Braig said, "How about you manufacture some Daleks for our cause? And don't worry, we can provide you with all the materials you'll need." "It would be an honor to create an entire army for you, my master," Davros said to the "belt."


    Voldemort's heart sank when he realized he had to go to and fight a group that included Albus Dumbledore. Desperate, Voldemort whispered to both Sephiroth and Seymour. "When we arrive to this group, I want you both to focus on killing Albus Dumbledore. After he's dead, you can kill anyone else you wish. But I demand that none of you try to kill Harry Potter. If anyone is to kill him, it shall be me," Voldemort ordered his team. Looking over Nox Decious and The Darkness, who've been ignored by Sasuke, Voldemort spoke to them, "It appears Sasuke isn't fond of you two. But don't worry, I see potential in you two. If you wish, you may join my group. We'll need all the help we can get."


    Xion was continuously dodge rolling, trying to avoid attacks from the dragons. As the Malefic Cyber End Dragon was flying above her, Xion swung her keyblade for a blizzard raid attack on the dragon, hitting it.


    Obi-Wan was still pondering how someone who died could be right in front of him. Still, the better question was how did he arrive to this place, a place where it doesn't look as though neither the Republic nor the Separatists have an influence. Nevertheless, Obi-Wan replied to Sirius, "Where I come from, there is a massive war taking place between two sides. The Galactic Republic, and the Separatists. Jedi Knights, like myself, fight for the Republic. We believe in freedom, in democracy, which we fear may not exist if the Republic were to lose this war. Before I arrived here, I was in a planet aiding troops. And before I knew it, I ended up here."


    As the smoke cleared, Altair and Roxas noticed Hermione on the ground hurt. Altair turned around and noticed his new friends fighting Medusa, who Altair can tell was definitely an enemy thanks to his eagle vision. "Roxas, look after Hermione. I have to help them," Altair ordered the Nobody. Rushing towards the battle, Altair grabbed his sword. As he got closer to Medusa, he grabbed three throwing knives that he was carrying around, and threw them towards Medusa.
  7. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    -Avengers Mongrels-

    Gilgamesh was unimpressed by Thor. "Your stubborn stupidity will... cost you your life! I am a KING! I AM THE KING OF HERO'S! AND YOU DARE DEFY ME!?!?! I WHO BELONGS TO THE HEAVENS!?" Gilgamesh opened up the Gate of Babylon behind him and shot his volley of weapons at Thor and the other Avengers... and Shataro... and whoever else is there.


    -Medusa Crisis-
    Roxas nodded and rushed over to Hermione and helped her up. "You alright? Come on... we have to find someplace safe." Really, Roxas wanted to help Altair fight Medusa, but he knew that he couldn't do that until he got Hermione out of harms way.
    -9nth TARDIS-
    Batman and Xagranos were about to run when Ratrex got in they're way. "Going somewhere?" ".... busted." Ratrex kicked them towards Kael, Illidan and Jafar. "Now... what punishment could we give them?" Kael'thas contemplated the situation for a little... then he got an idea. "We'll hold them as hostages! Then we can look for the belt in peace." "Good thinking, Kael. I'll get the rope." "Of course, lord Illidan." Batman didn't say anything... chances are, he was waiting for the opportune moment to escape. That'll probably be when they find the belt.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -vs. Medusa-

    Seeing his Master being taken to safety, the knight focused on the Phantom in front of him and smiled as he was joined by Altair, Bartz, Chappu, Mew, and Riolu. Riolu fired a Aura Sphere at Medusa while Mew shot a pink energy ball with it. Summoning the Buster Sword in his grisp, Bartz smiled and slashed at Medusa while Chappu tossed his blitzball.

    Medusa sent strands of hair which were cut down by the knight and Bartz, glaring at her for hurting Hermione. Meanwhile, Hermione followed Roxas to wherever he was headed.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    "Harry, I saw the way you looked at Dumbledore when he said he would wield the sword if we were attacked." Haruto said, surprising Harry. He looked at the sky for a moment, before turning to Harry, saying, "You wanted to wield that sword, did you? Also, I believe he set up you staying with the people who abused you, so you would become naive, shy, and depended on him."

    "But they're my only family, that's why I was there. And before I discovered Hogwarts, I wish for someone to save me, no one came." Harry said. Haruto said, "I think he's using you. If there was protection spells at that house that were powered by love, I don't understand how they would be working if abuse counts as love. They shouldn't have been working and you won't have to deal with them anymore. To me, abuse isn't love, just something to drive you into depair. But now that I'm here, I'll be your hope."


    Seymour listened to Voldemort, he said, "I understand, Lord Voldemort. I'll probably go after someone else, anyway. And I'm curious about who Sephiroth will go after." He followed the two to the group's location.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Jafar walked over to Ratrex. "I don't know who you are, but you have our thanks for catching these two intruders," Jafar said to the newcomer, "If you could, stay with us. I'll be more than happy to make you a part of our brotherhood." Jafar offered Ratrex his hand for a handshake.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Boss Battle~

    Shotaro's eyes widened considerbly at the Volley of weapons and he quickly inserted the Gaia Memory into the slot but alas, it would of been too late if the woman named Termari didn't wave her fan to make the weapon's projections go off course and the belt hummed as he move dinto a pose. "Henshin." he said before moving the belt to form a slanted L as it spoke. "JOKER!" as a wind blown around Shotaro and piecesof metal formed upon his body and it completed, revealing a new form as the person flicked his left wrist and spoke. "A King of Heroes doesn't kill innocent bystanders." he said and turned to look at Fluttershy. "Hide youself, we'll handle it." he said and looekd to the Avengers and the Suna Siblings.

    "Let's go." He said to the others while kepping an eye on Gilgamesh, moving into a stance.

    ~Other Boss Battle~

    Malefic Cyber End was smacke diwth the Keyblade thrown by XIon but it did graze him, perhaps from the magical propeties the weapon had, and it was a Blizzard Raid too as Asbel ran across the field as Malefic Cyber End dived for the groudn to eat and Asbel withdrawn hsi sword. "Incineration Wave!" he said and swing his sword, alit with flame as a streak of fire colldided with the monster as Asbel nimbly moved out fo the way and Yuri gave a smile as it came towards him.

    "Not planning on eating me are you?" he asked as he gloved inw white light, blinding all thsoe who were close to him and in Yuri's place was a demonic looking creature that seemed to be torn from the stuff of nightmares and it pulled it's fist back with a charging glow and punched the middle head with such force, the Dragon was damged as it returned to the air but alas, the demon looked up and followed after it.

    Paradox groaned. "These people aren't as weak as I suspected, what's more, they have a monster fighting on their side." His thoughts wandered as his Malefic Rainbow Dragon fired another rainbow blast upon the group.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Boss Time against a derp~

    Mario simply looked over at the blabbering moron claiming to be the King of Heroes before pulling out what appeared to be a metallic version of his own hat from his overalls and replaced the hat on his own head, seconds later his whole body was encoated with shining, silver, dense metal. Staring at Gilgamesh with unmoving eyes he immediatly began to run towards the blonde man with his arms leaned upwards as he went through the volley and watched as the Metal Cap simply plowed though the weapons shot at him before swinging a single metal fist towards Gilgamesh's face.

    Luigi quickly stood in front of Peach with his arms raised up to the sides as he yelled loudly "I'll protect you Princess!" only for Sammi to quietly get up from drinking Tea and calmly walked over to Gilgamesh by following Mario with her blade by her side before she rushed in and swung it near his torso. Kenneth on the other hand stood in front of Luigi and raised his arms in a cross causing a pulsing blue barrier or energy to surround him and deflect the weapons away from Luigi, Peach, and Merlin.


    Nox Decious simply nodded and followed Voldemort with his mind focused on a few varying for starters how Mario and Luigi didn't know him, The Darkness eventually calmed himself down and ran after Decious with a devilish stare in his eyes.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Against Gilgamesh-

    Hearing Shotaro after he changed forms, Fluttershy scarily nodded and galloped away as fast as she could into a safe place where she could watch the fight and cheer them. She looked at them as she gasped for air, and backed away slowly.

    -vs. Medusa-

    "Give me the girl and I'll spare you lot." Medusa said, readying another attack. Bartz and Chappu ignored her and attacked. Mew and Riolu fought alongside the strange knight, he seemed to charge his weapon while Mew and Riolu shot their attack her. Bartz smiled at Chappu and Chappu smiled back, waiting for the finishing attack.
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Light took advantage of the confusion and fight to get away. He was done hanging around people like them. It had been a while since he last wrote a name in his death note. He wanted to write everyone's names in the death note that he had met so far but knew it wouldn't be a good idea. It was only a matter of time before someone would catch on and start looking for whose fault it was. He didn't know if L made it to this place but if he did there was a chance that people already knew about him and the power he held. He would look for someone who would appreciate his power and help him eliminate those who needed eliminated to make this a perfect world. He started making his way back to the abandoned town that he had first met everyone in leaving the chaos of the fight behind him.

    L stood and watched everyone without a word. The butterflies coming and blue haired woman who appeared. He was analyzing everyone's movements and what they said to see if they could be trusted. He made his way over to a small rock and crouched down on it instead of sitting like most people. He observed from there.
  14. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    -Boss Battle-

    Goku did not panic. He kept calm about the dragon in front of them. He saw Xion do some damage just by thowing an odd key at it. This gave Goku the impression he did not need to try his hardest to defeat the being. He flew up to the sky to meet him at his level. He clutched his hands back to his side and began to say his signature move "Ka-me-ha-me . . . HAAAAAAAAAA!" He blasted a large white vortex of pure energy at the creature hoping it would stop it.



    Kurama nodded towards Kirito. "There will always be a fight between good and evil. This fight will be against evils that have merged while we will have the powers off good on our side. Which will win will determine the outcome of the way the universe wants to rule. Only time will tell when the fights begin."
    Naruto looked at his dad with a smile. The smile he always gave when he felt confident about the abilities he possessed.
    Luffy was looking up strangely. "Hey guys, those birds look weird. They are also heading right towards us."
    Naruto's eyes widened. He saw wo familiar faces... Deidara and Pain... Another man rode with them as well


    Toguro looked down at the beach and noticed the people down below. "That is our destination. Let us kill them quick and head back to the base." He jumped off landing on the beach sand.

    Toguro, Pain, Deidara vs. Naruto, Minato, Rainbow Dash, Luffy, Kurama, and Kirito.


    -Blackbeard vs. Neji at the Tavern-

    Blackbeard crashed onto the ground and began to spin with pain stubbing his finger. His head began to sweat with anger and he pointed at Neji. A dark aura came from his hand. Gravity towards Neji had changed. He pulled Neji towards him.


    Vegeta VS Alucard
    HP 275/ 300 - | - HP 310/ 330
    SP 1/10 - | - SP 1/10
    Level 50/ 100 - | - Level 52/ 100
    Attacks - | - Attacks
    Big Bang Attack 50 dmg 2/2 - | - 454 Cassull 25 dmg (7 rounds per magazine) 4/4
    Rapid Fire 15 dmg (5 bursts) 1/1 - | - 13mm Combat Pistol Jackal 30 dmg 4/4
    Punch 20 dmg 20/20 - | - Punch 20 dmg 15/15
    Kick 30 dmg 15/15 - | - Kick 30 dmg 12/12

    Vegeta began to bleed. From a gunshot this was abnormal. My powers have been severely weakened by the witch back against Kakarot. "Time to call it a draw Alucard. I am not at full strength for some reason."
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Leaving Wasteland: Tobi's Transportation Techinique


    Tobi didn't waste time trying to make Sasuke agree with him. They both knew they needed eachother to make their plans come to fruitition. He set his hands on both his new teammates' shoulders and sucked all three of them inside his Sharingan. In a short while they'd find themselves near their destination. The warp hole twisted the space around it as the three were placed almost directly in front of Hermoine and Roxas as they tried to run. "Huh? Ooooh, lookit, we found them already!" Tobi pointed at the pair, having reverted back to his childish nature. "Talk about good timing."

    Neji vs Blackbeard: Tavern

    Neji's feet slipped on the ground as he was drawn in towards Blackbeard. Narrowing his eyes, he pulled one hand back, his fingers bent at the second knuckle. "Eight Trigrams Air Palm!" Thrusting his palm towards Blackbeard, a focused ball of air and chakra rocketed forwards from his hand. Blackbeard would have to stop his technique and dodge.

    Beach: Toguro, Deidara, Pain VS Naruto, Minato, Kurama, Rainbow Dash, Luffy and Kirito

    Pain's Deva Path jumped off Deidara's bird and hovered in the sky while the Animal Path took his place behind Deidara. His eyes widening, Deidara's vacant bird plummeted towards the group. Once it was close enough, " an EXPLOSION!" he shouted and the bird exploded. Deidara laughed happily, "A perfect piece of art. It's too bad neither of you two were needed for thi..." he trailed off when he noticed everyone still standing where they were with only Minato looking relatively strained. "Wh-what?! How can you all still be standing there! You should be blown to bits, hm!" Minato smirked and somewhere far away a hole was blown in the ground. "Space-Time ninjutsu...just one of the tricks I know. So you're Deidara and Pain...I saw you two through Naruto's mind...and now I get to meet you in person. Lucky me." Pain admired Minato's skill and his Animal Path jumped from the bird. She landed with both her palms on the ground, "Summoning Jutsu..." Deva Path Pain landed beside her along with all five other Pains. "In attendence...the Six Path's of Pain." His Rinnegan eyes narrowed and Minato drew a Flying Thunder God kunai, "So...there are six Pains."

    Malefic Rainbow Dragon boss:

    Yamato was starting to sweat, "Wood Style: Wood Dome!" Pillars of wood burst up from the ground and formed a strong defensive dome around anyone who was near Yamato. Colette crouched beside him, worried. "Are you okay, Mr. Spellcaster?" He looked at her like she was crazy and smiled, "I'll be alright. And it's can call me Yamato." Kakashi tapped his shoulder and glanced back at everyone else, "This has gotten crazy. Tenzo, hold down the fort here. We'll make our stand for now...but if things get too rough out there, we're going to have to retreat to survive." Yamato nodded and Colette drew out a pair of yellow chakrams, "I can fight too."

    L's Group:

    Konan didn't recognize anyone from her world. But the forest was behind her and Firion and the Brigaider would follow soon. "My name is Konan." She said it simply, like everyone should know who she was and Yuan frowned, "Konan...okay....what was with the paper?" Her orange eyes stared back at him, "It is my jutsu."

    Boss Battle: Gilgamesh

    Gaara folded his arms and his sand formed a protective shield in front of a majority of the party. Arrows sunk into the sand and dropped to the ground uselessly. "You're going to have to do more than that if you want to beat me." Temari swung her fan, "First Star! Tempest Wind!" Small, but effective gusts of wind blew towards Gilgamesh and his partner. The wind cut shallow cuts into the trees wherever it touched.

    Wizards, Alchemist and Company:

    Lee scratched the back of his head, "Ah hahahah...sorry!" Shikamaru sighed, it looked like this whole thing was going to be a drag, "Lee can't use ninjutsu, let alone summoning jutsu..."
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    Noticing how his new friends were able to overpower Gilgamesh, Thor offered some words to their enemy, "Now you and your friend leave us! Or else you will be met with a much stronger opposition!"[DOUBLEPOST=1351701477][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Xion noticed Paradox on top of the Malefic Rainbow Dragon, realizing he was using a device on his arm to control the dragons. With her quick thinking, Xion got her keyblade, aimed at the device with Paradox, and used lightning magic, hitting and damaging the device.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Ex..... calibur!!!!!" The knight shouted, shooting a beam of light at Medusa, joined by Mew and Riolu's pyshic attacks. Medsua felt the attack and dropped to her knees, when the knight heard Hermione scream, he quickly ran to her and Roxas. He held his sword in front of him, defending Hermione and Roxas.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    The Kamehameha wave connected with Cyber End and it connected, causing a explosion a sthe dragon fell from the skies, obviously wounded before the demon that Yuri changed into came down, punching down on it to quicken it's descend and the Dragon faded as if it were a hologram but Xion cast Thunder upon the Duel Disk, short-circuiting it Pardox groaned in irritation but he didn't need the DUel Disk to summon his monsters, he had a rare abilty to call forth the monsters of darknesss. "It seems I have underestminated my opponents, I must retreat." Paradox muttered as he commanded Malefic Rainbow Dragon to fire at teh ground, bringing up a big cloud of smoke to quickly retreat.

    The demon landed on the ground and a light covering him as Yuri was standing in it's place and he spoke. "That wasn't even a warm-up." He said as he put his gauntlets away.


    Kirito watched what ahppened before him and he puleld out his Elucidator Sword as Pain summoned more of himself, but in different forms and he looked ot his allies. "Six of the same person? I'd find it unbelieveable if I didn't see it with my own eyes, We better handle them before anything else, Minato, Naruto, you two seem to know mosst of them, any weaknesses?" he asked them.

    ~Avengers vs Gilgamesh~

    Shotaro heard Thor's demand and he didn't want to know what were to happen if he were that man's enemy, but next time, he'll use Double to tarnsform with as being Kamen Rider Joker increased his fightning potenial.
    ~Lambda, Daido and Tobi~

    Daido merely looked and he pulled out the Lost Driver which wa sthe same as SHotaro's and placed it around his waist and pulled out a white USB Stick with the letter E on it and presse dthe button. "Eternal!" It said and he slid it into the belt. "Henshin." He said as he opened it to a L shape as the armour formed over him and hsi blakc cape billowed in the wind and Lambda created a ball of dark energy and thrown it at Hermione and Roxas.
  19. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Stardust Speedway: Bad Future~
    BGM: Stardust Speedway Bad Future [Sonic CD: JPN/PAL]

    Something blue was rushing through the various loop-de-loops and platforms of the metallic road ahead before jumping into the air towards the dark-red clouds that littered the dystopian looking place and landed once again onto the ground before speeding up again and flew through a wormhole that spawned into the middle of the road.

    ~Cyber City of the Future: Metal Sonic enters!~
    BGM: Stardust Speedway [Sonic Generations]

    The wormhole's destination seemed to have appeared from right behind the girl, the hedgehog, and the reploid as the blue blur came flying out of it and came to a complete stop as the sun shined off of his metal armoring, he then gently hovered off of the ground thanks to a booster located in his torso and turned around to face his targets with glowing red eyes and a face that had no emotion like a machine. His eyes went from Zero to Shadow Labrys and then to Silver before immediatly reconising the Psychic Hedgehog...or rather simply the fact that he was a hedgehog and flew in towards him sparking with electricity all around him.
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    As Cosmos sat at a chair in her office, she began to ponder about Xehanort, and what were his plans with the TARDIS. Just then, the guard known as Julius entered the room. "Your holiness. We have bad news," said the guard, "We've lost connection with the tracking device we gave Batman before he left with Xagranos." "What? But that's impossible! Our tracking devices have been designed to bypass any interference. The only possible things that could-" Cosmos said before she suddenly stopped and began to think. While it's true that their tracking devices are supposed to work flawlessly, there are some objects not from this universe, but from others, that could tamper with the devices' performance. "Julius, what was the last transmission we received from Batman?" the goddess asked. With a click of a button on his wrist, a video screen appeared on the wall. Cosmos saw Batman and Xagranos approach a TARDIS. The numbers '01000101 01000100 01000101 01001110' appear on the video screen, then all that's left from the video is static. "What I don't get is what those numbers were," said Julius. "That was a binary code Julius," replied Cosmos, "It translates to... Oh no! Julius, get NHB-K here now!" "Yes your holiness!" replied the guard as he ran out of the room towards the meeting room. The meeting room was empty, except for NHB-K, who was sitting there alone. "NHB-K, Cosmos requests your presence in her room immediately" said Julius.



    As the smoke cleared up, Xion looked around to make sure everyone was safe. However, she noticed Light was missing. "Light? LIGHT?! Where are you?" Xion shouted as she began to feel worried about Light, "Has anyone seen Light?"



    Outside a dark lair, Vanitas watched as a wormhole formed close by, and a cube came out...


    "Perfect timing," Vanitas said as he went, picked up the cube, and went back inside the lair....


    Inside the lair was a factory. Overseeing it was Davros, building an army for his master. Vanitas entered, and stood next to Davros, watching at the Daleks being built from scratch. "How's progress?" Vanitas asked. "Everything is going according to schedule," Davros replied, ""Now, has one of the devices arrived?" "Yeah, the tesseract," Vanitas answered as he handed Davros the cube. "Excellent. Soon, we will be unstoppable!" said Davros!


    After Medusa's apparent defeat, Altair turned around, and saw Lambda, Daido, and Tobi approaching Hermione and Roxas. Gasping, Altair turned to Bartz, telling him, "Bartz, make sure this creature harms no one!" And before Bartz could respond, Altair was running towards his two friends. He also saw a knight heading the same way. Thanks to his eagle vision, Altair noticed the knight was ally, giving the assassin a sigh of relief. However, Altair noticed Lambda creating a ball of dark energy, ready to throw it at his two friends. "Hermione! Roxas!" shouted Altair as he raced towards them faster than the knight. Just before the dark ball was about to hit the two, Altair leaped at both of them, pushing them out of harm's way. The ball then landed on the ground, with no one hurt. Altair got up, looked at his two friends, asking, "Are you two alright?"
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