The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    "No, I do not think that is best my young Pegasus." Kurama said while not paying attention to Naruto.

    Vegeta looked with shock. "Do you not recognize your own greatness. I am Prince Vegeta. Saiyan Elite. Proud son of King Vegeta."
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    "Oi oi! I'm always hard-boiled Phillip!" Double's right eye flickered again as Shotaro spoken in a annoying tone.

    ~-Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Jaden looked out to the distance, being very quiet as he felt a apparition appear beside him. "Something wrong Yubel?" He asked to seemingly no-one to everyone else's eyes as the Duel Monster looked to the Savannah. "I can sense a great amount of energy coming from that place Jaden, and it's not dragons." She said and Jaden had to close his eyes and smiled a little, remembering what she was refering to when Paradox tried to rid the world of Duel Monsters and taking out most of Europe in his era in time.

    "Looks like that's where we'll find out where we are then, perhaps whoever brought everyone to this dimension." He noted and ingored teh stares he was receiving.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Philip chucked a little and continued to attack the beings. He kept thinking back at that odd encounter with Ivan and what he was as well as who he was and this strange beings they were fighting. Keeping the meeting in the back of his head, Philip continued to attack.

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Haruto watched Harry and Lukya mend Shikamaru's wounds and smiled alongside Tommy. Slifer looked out into the distance and heard Jaden, he wondered if maybe they could find the person who turned him and his brothers into humans. Kratos wondered if he would find his son and his companions on this world by following these people and looked out into a different direction.
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    Vegeta began laughing hard when he heard what his counterpart said. "Oh man, you almost made me laugh like Tidus. But seriously, how can you be me if I'm me? I mean, it's not like I was cloned or anything.... have I?" Vegeta said.


    "First of all, the name's not 'Pegasus,' it's 'Rainbow Dash,'" Rainbow Dash replied to Kurama. "And second, I'm guessing octopus face over there isn't a friend of yours, huh," continued the pegasus pony.
  5. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    Vegeta scold at the him in front of him. "Logically it does not make sense but anything can happen. This is a different planet entirely then what we know and it may have dragged us from a similar universe, but much different. I learned that from my son, Trunks. Something in your universe must have changed and the plot went in a different direciton. Judging from your attitude, it must have started with our father or grandfather." Vegeta's hair turned back to a black tone. "I just came out of a fight with Kakarot. I was winning as well. Ever sense he died he has become weaker. I must finished this duel and reclaim my pride."


    Kurama grinned. "I apologize Rainbow Dash. He is not a friend of ours that I can tell."
    "No, he tried to attack me, but I could have handled him."
    Naruto continued to stare at his father. He could not trust him for sure. There is no way he could be alive.


    "His name is Vegeta." Goku swallowed then spoke more clearly " He is a good friend and rival of mine. A wizard named Babidi cast a spell on him to reach the darkness he had locked away in his heart. I only hope I can bring him to his senses before people get hurt."
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    The young man was walking towards the Carriage Door after bidding a brief farewell to the love of his life, who died a year and half ago but her soul was within the whoel time, he just promised her that he'll return after takign care of a few things but a white flash overtaken hsi vision and he didn't notice he stepped through a wormhole.

    ~Goku's Whereabouts~

    The man looked around where he was, he didn't recall being in this place, was it a part of his soul? "I don't recall this place... I should of woken up and be in bed." he said quietly to himself, the ground and wind felt real enough, did his body get sent elsewhere while he was sleeping?

    Kirito was relaxing under a tree as he just basked in the sunlight, he was on Floor 22 and married to Asuna, this was a virtual reality but little did he know, a Wormhoel appeared udner him as he slept and he sank through it.

    ~Skies above Luffy, Kurama and Naruto~

    Kirito was freefalling through the skies, the sudden rush of wind and speed did wake him up and he wa sin surprise but he reached out a hand to re=equip his usual attire, his coat, Elduciator Sword. "Even if I do equip, this fall will make my HP hit Zero...then it's the end... damn... Asuna..Sorry..." He thought to himself, even though he was Lv. 96 with 18500 HP, a drop liek this wouldn't matter.
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Near Shotaro-

    In the area where Shotaro had fainted after becoming Kamen Rider Double was a pale yellow Pegasus with a pink colored mane and tail flew in from a wormhole that appeared. She calmly flew down to Shotaro and looked at him curiously, she said to herself, "Oh, my. I wonder if this poor creature is alright." With all her meek strength, the young Pegasus lifted the unconscious detective onto her back and tried to walk toward a place where she let the strange creature to rest.


    In a empty space, there was a number of wormholes that appeared. The first to appear was a strange cat-like creature that appeared asleep as it floated downward. It woke up as a black and blue dog-like creature began to fall and two strange looking humans. The creature closed its eyes and large pink bubbles appeared, softening the others fall.

    "What happened?" The young brown haired man said, looking at the bubble he had landed, the dog-like creature was holding onto the red haired man in fright, he smiled and held it back, saying, "It's okay, little fella. You're safe." "Mew? Mew!" The cat-like creature floated into the face of the brown haired man and looked at him, curiously and the brown haired man did the same.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Tobi walked slowly behind Sasuke, he didn't expect the young man to think things through enough. That's why he did it for him. Tobi would look after the young man until his own plans came to fruitition. "I haven't asked much of you, Sasuke. Only that you deliver to me the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki...even in that you were fooled. Sasuke...keep your eyes forwards."


    Minato doubled over from Naruto's punch. "Oof...not again...'s me, Naruto." Minato grabbed Naruto's wrists and pulled them off to the side and wrapped his arms around his son. He'd given his life for his son and by any sort of higher powers out there, he was going to hug him. Turning to the odd blue pony, he shook his head, "No, let's leave him there for now. We've no idea if he's an enemy or not."

    Wizards, Alchemist and Company:

    Sai still felt guilty, an odd feeling for him and Shikamaru winced. "Thank you...but I'll be alright."
    Lee stood a ways behind Jaden, listening to him. "Um...who are you talking to?"
    Goku and Colette:

    Colette jumped up, her hands forming fists as she stood excited, "Okay! Then we should go find this Veggy person." As per usual with Colette, she didn't think twice about her decision or about her word choice.

    L's Group:

    Yuan set Martel on her feet. He turned his eyes on L and Yusuke, "You...two don't look like enemies." Martel bent, brushing her hand through the grass and smiled, "The're not enemies, Yuan. They're here because they were brought us. Yuan..." She looked up at him with that lovely smile, "Kratos is here...we should go meet him." Yuan nodded, quietly refusing his Lady's request.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Vegeta was silent for one whole minute after hearing what his counterpart had to say. "Alternate... universes? Wow, who's the f***ed up lunatic who came up with that idea? axel91?" Vegeta said after finally opening his mouth, "So, wait. If I'm a Super Saiyan in an alternate universe, does that mean that sparkling vampire over there is Nappa from your universe?"


    "Oh my gosh! That guy's gonna crash to the ground!" Rainbow Dash screamed while pointing towards Kirito, who was falling. Rainbow Dash flew towards him as quickly as she can, and caught him on her back. "Whew, that was a close one Mister. So, you're a human too?" Rainbow Dash asked Kirito.
  10. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    "Sparkling vampires? How ridiculous..." Alucard's grin was starting to fade. Had they not enough knowledge on vampires?
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Forest: Mario's Insane Idea~

    Mario turned his head to face Luigi with a grin on his face as he said in cheer "I have an idea on how we can find them" with Luigi gulping in fear as Mario grabbed his legs and began to spin around wildly in a circle before promptly sending Luigi flying into the air and through the clouds with a loud scream of "MAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAA-MMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" as he went higher and higher turning into a green blur.

    ~Flowery Field: Familiar Faces~

    Sammi turned her head up from the flowers as she heard some kind of scream in the air, her eyes then spotted something green going higher and higher into the sky above before she said "What the..." while her eyes followed the speeding blur, Kenneth then raised his glasses up to his face as he spotted the speeding green blur before he said jokingly "Well how about that, looks like it's a flying paisano, which means..." before Sammi perked up off of the ground and jumped on her husbands back yelling in cheer "There's more people in that forest, let's go find them!" with her tounge sticking out goofily

    Kenneth turned his head towards the Sand Siblings before he yelled aloud "You heard my wife! We go into the forest!" shortly before Kenneth quickly ran towards the dense trees and towards the spot that Luigi had been launched from.

    ~Wasteland: El Nox De La Shateau~

    It had been awhile since we last heard from Nox Decious and The Darkness both and it had seemed as though they got out and were now in some sort of deserty wasteland or something to that extent [no not Desserts either], Nox Decious had been walking for awhile alongside his creation as the Darkness still had wounds from Thor's intervention earlier...until Decious spotted people in the distance. "Oh great, some black-haired anime guy, some noseless wierdo, a guy in an orange mask, a blue-haired chick, and Darth Maul" Decious thought as he squinted his eyes to make out Sasuke's group from a distance.
  12. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    Sasuke nodded to Tobi. He knew he was right. Another few could be seen from a distance. "Voldamort, find out who they are"


    Naruto began to cry in his fathers arms. He folded his arms around his father. "I... Missed you dad..."
    Luffy was stretched out like a net ready to catch him. He deflated himself. "So Cool! The horse thing can fly!"


    "Nah, we aren't enemies. Unless you provoke me. Then you will need an ass kicking."


    "No. I killed Nappa when we first arrived on Earth. He was a big, bald oaf." Vegeta looked up to the sky. "Everything changed after that moment."
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Clint's eyes widened from what he saw Mario do. "Wow, and I thought the Turtles were weird," said the archer. "Oh you'll get used to them," Bruce Banner replied. Thor merely chuckled at Clint's and Bruce's words.


    Voldemort nodded and apparated right in front of the two strangers. With his wand pointed at them, Voldemort began to speak, "Well, well, well, what have we here? And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"


    "I have a name you know, and it sure isn't 'horse thing.' It's Rainbow Dash!" replied an annoyed Rainbow Dash as she landed on the ground with Kirito still on her back. "You okay there?" Rainbow asked Kirito.


    "You killed your universe's Nappa?! Wow, I'm impressed! Now I really like you... platonically speaking," said a surprised Vegeta. "But one thing still confuses me," Vegeta continued, "Who the hell is that vampire and where did he come from?" Vegeta pointed at Alucard below them.


    After Konan explained what her dream was, Firion turned his head around, facing the Brigadier. "What about you Brigadier? What is your dream?" Firion asked, wondering what a man in a military outfit wishes. Probably the same as him.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kenneth, Sammi and the Sand Siblings:

    Kankuro, Temari and Gaara reluctantly followed the pair. "Since when do we follow orders from the odd-duo here?" Temari opened her mouth to scold him when Gaara spoke, "They remind me of Naruto Uzumaki..." Neither of the two knew what to say about their younger brother's obsession with wanting to be like that runt so much, but they knew better than to argue with him. "But it does seem like they will eventually find more people. It would be smart to stick with them until we can figure out what's going on here."


    Minato's smile was ever on his lips as he patted his son's head, "Again...I'm sorry to have left you alone for so long. If I could've been by your side...I would have. are my son, right?" His smile faded and concern overtook the loving expression in his blue eyes, "How is it? The Nine-Tails, I mean." He knelt in front of Naruto, setting a hand on his son's stomach. Until his question was answered, he'd ignore everything else around him.


    Tobi's Rinnegan left eye decifered the two before them had never weilded chakra. He couldn't fathom how those who didn't use or know how to use chakra could defeat him. Perhaps they would defeat Sasuke...but they'd die before the got close enough. Tobi wasn't one to let his plans slip through his fingers without some fight. Nagato's death that time wasn't a problem...the only problem with it was how he'd used the Rinne Tensei to revive those he'd killed before dying...when it was supposed to be used for his own motives. For Madara.

    Arctic Tundra:

    Nappa flew out of the wormhole eagerly, practically screaming at the top of his lungs with joy. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!" He jerked to a halt and watched the worm hole close with no sight of Vegeta anywhere. "Vegeta....awww, he didn't come through. Oh, well, now he can't lay a finger on my butterfinger!"

    L's Group:

    Yuan smirked, "You could try...but it wouldn't work. I have my Lady's blessings and nothing will stop me from defending her." Martel frowned and shut her green eyes, "Shhh...both of you. This's like the world before the Great Kharlan War." Yuan was glad to see her smile return as she opened her eyes. When Martel smiled, good things happened.
  15. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    Naruto sucked in his tears of happiness. He removed he father's hand from his belly. "Kurama and I are friends now actually. He isn't that bad of a fox once you get to know him a little." Kurama laughed. "Naruto, you have the weirdest ways with words."

    Luffy began to laugh at Rainbow Dash. "You are so colourful little pony." Luffy began to touch her mane
    "You are not very bright are you..."
    "Cool pony hehe"


    -Arctic Tundra-

    Amaterasu turned around with a sharp growl. Holo did as well. They sensed some form of danger and stupidity near them. Only a wolf could handle the weather that was being emitted by the clouds. The snow was raining down with great thickness. "Should we check what is going on over there?"
    "Might as well. I could use a meal."


    "He is just lowlife trash. Nothing someones of our greatness need to worry about, unless he wants to prove himself in a fight." Vegeta was saiyan. Fighting was in his blood. He knew nothing more than to become stronger.


    -L and company-

    Yusuke began to laugh hard. "Man, you guys need to lighten up a bit. I was just kidding. Now, this kid with the depressing look on his face hasn't said a word. Showing a bit of concern."


    -The saiyan and the Angel-

    "Nah. Don't worry about Vegeta right now. He will show up again and I will defete him. I didn't even play my trump card. Super Saiyan 3 would have taken him down no problem. I just couldn't use that kind of energy because of m- Where is my halo! I was dead, and now its gone! Wow, this is a miracle!"
  16. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    Alucard's smirk reappeared. "Trash? That reminds me of the Iscariot Organization. I accept your challenge..." He pulled out two pistols, one black, one platinum. His eyes widened as he growled.

    OOC: For info on Alucard's guns, you can go here and here. Just be aware the Jackal has enough power to put a large hole in a stone wall. In saiyans' case I allow the shots on the Jackal to be treated like regular gunshots.
  17. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Wasteland: Decious explains himself~

    "I am the great wizard named Nox Decious and this other guy is my creation called The Darkness, now who are you and why would you need to wield a wand if you're a fellow wizard like myself?" Decious asked before he pointed to Voldemort's wand in reference to his own magical ability. The Darkness didn't say a word and watched closely at the conversation and then at Decious as he started to feel a twitch of anger that started to ignite within his body.


    Luigi stopped after he flew up to 1000 feet into the air, he sighed in relief before he started to descend quickly to the ground like a heavy boulder. Mario watched as his brother fell quickly onto the ground in front of him and Luigi's legs were sticking out into the air as he mumbled from the ground "I haven't seen any of them when I was in the air...and NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" causing Peach to giggle as she was still drinking her tea.

    It was then that Kenneth and Sammi arrived on the scene and stared at what happened before Sammi started to laugh her head off at Luigi's unfortunate circumstance as she said ", you're a funny little wierdo aren't you?" shortly in which she then noticed the Tea and went over asking Peach calmly "Hey, can I have a cup of that tea, if so thanks"

    Meanwhile Kenneth was staring at the back of Mario's head thinking that it was familiar to him before he felt something shaking in his back pocket and pulled out a holopod before a life-size hologram of Nutheadbros-K appeared before him asking "Have you found it yet?". "No sir, we kinda had some problems...oh you might want to look over there" Kenneth explained before pointing at Mario who was in the middle of pulling Luigi out, this caused NHB-K to make a small squee sound before regaining his composure and said calmly "Hmm, well it seems that they were right about the wormholes being able to bring anyone in" only for Kenneth to add in "Sir, I'm not sure how to explain this but we encountered a being that seems to know us...but we never met it, it's also said something about a Catalyst or Pantheon or something...didn't pay attention to the details"

    "Hmmm, a being that knows us? Did you get the information on what it looked like?" NHB-K asked as he tilted his head to the right as Kenneth continued his explanation "Well atfirst it looked like a round black orb with a red star outline where it's purple eye was...then it turned into an egg shape, grew arms and legs, formed wings and spawned an H.E.S. ring, we even saw him use Hyper-Elemental Storm proving he has harmonic energies". "Ahh, well I will try and find more information on our little 'friend', you two just continue your mission and track that belt" NHB-K explained before the hologram disapated in front of Kenneth's eyes.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Skies of the World~

    Kirito opened his eyes to find he was... flying? he was caught by a Rainbow horse who asked him fi he was alright and he merely nodded, perhaps still grasping the concept there was a talking animal a sthey landed and he looked to the other humans, one was a man with a straw hat, another wearing orange as if it were hsi favourite color and blonde spiky hair witha white haired yougn adult male, Kirito got off the aforementioned 'Rainbow Dash' as the pony called itself, he he looekd at them, there was no green or orange cursors above their heads or HP bars, his NerveGear should easily recongize any other Players of SAO, unless there were like Yui, a AI.

    "Where is this?" he thought to himself and moved hsi hand to the air beside him as a selection of options such as Map, Weapons, SKills and etc from a MMO appeared before him and to the sight of the others close by, ingoring the surprised tones of Rainbow Dash and the other males as he scrolled to the Map which said 'Unavailable' and Kirito was surprised, evident in his widened eyes. "Impossible, the system should be downloading the data of my surroundings right now." He thought in surprise and quickly shifted to his Friend List but the indicators said 'Cannot Locate' as well, but the icons shown who he knew wasn't in red meaning they died but still green.

    "It can't connect? But... I can't be back in the real world, i still have my skills, items and cannot log out, my HP bar and last i checked, no-one has even reached the 75th Floor or higher yet... is this another plot by Akihiko Kayaba?" He thought to himself and closed the menu and looked at the group he was brought to.

    "Is this SAO?" He asked them calmly, he couldn't recall anyone with unique armour or accesscories like the group before him, and especially a talking pony, unless one of them was a Beast Tamer.

    ~Saiyan and the Angel~

    Yuri heard words beign spoken and slowly apprache dteh two talking to one another, a blonde yougn woman wearing a unique article fo clothing, in fact both of them did but the blakc haired man seemed to remidn him of Joachim Valentine, a wrestler with those muscules, so he must be one of those people or a martial artist with that kanji written on his gi as he heard soemthign about a halo and that the man wasn't dead.

    "Certainly not the afterlife then. but I better approach these guys and find out where I am for starters, because I'm pretty sure I'm not in Wales or anything, in fact..." Now that Yuri thought about it, there was no monsters pworling about which was a odd thing, the whole world he knew was infected by demons except for towns or cities. "Hey, you guys know where I am? I'm kinda lost." he said to the two people, approaching them.
  19. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Fate took the strike of lighting head on. He could have dodged or warped away but it wouldn't be the last Lighting to hit him today. He fell to the ground and then got up, turned to Dooku and bowed. "This planet is none of the above and in a different universe. There is one Jedi here so far by the name of obi-wan and one sith warrior by the name of Darth Maul. I would tell you where they are but i'm sure you could find them using the force, goodbye Lord Dooku." He then warped away.

    Savannah -Fate's Fate
    Fate appeared several feet away from Lighting and the others. He quickly cast a spell on himself making him seem not dying. He pulled out his sword and pointed it at Lighting "I'm sorry Lighting but your story ends here."
    Itachi didn't even look at Kisame "I used Susanoo and Ametsau twice today I need time before I could use them again." His eyes changed black to black and he stopped running. "Seems were not be followed."

    OOC bah time for work rest of my posts tonight I promise including angeal and Genesis
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    FangJoker continued to fight against the ooze beings, he didn't notice a wormhole appear and a warrior in purple dragon-like armor appeared. Seeing in what he had come across, the new arrival grabbed a spear and slashed at a being that came close to him. FangJoker looked at the new arrival, Philip asked, the left eye flickering, "Shotaro, who is that person?"

    -Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Lukya and Harry smiled at each other after they finished mending Shikamaru's wound. Tommy looked at the sky, wondering if the other Rangers were doing alright and sighed, before hearing Jaden talk to himself, it seemed. Kratos kept his arms crossed and kept quiet.

    -FF and Pokemon-

    The two young men and the strange creatures began to wander the world and walked around, looking for someone to join. The redheaded man, known as Chappu, was holding the dog-like creature that called itself Riolu in his arms while the pink creature called Mew floated beside the young adventurer named Bartz. Mew floated ahead of the group, Bartz followed with Chappu behind him.
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