The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Forbidden Fortress:

    Deidara twitched, his hand reaching into his clay bag when one of the Pain's grabbed his arm, "That won't be necessary. If you feel the need to it outside...away from this place. I don't believe everyone would appreciate being blown up, Deidara." Deidara grunted, pulling his arm away from Pain and glared at Toguro, "One'll become art too, hm."


    Neji ran, skidding to a halt in front of the all the rocks and spun in place. "Rotation!" Chakra sliced and repelled the rocks as he spun. Being of the Hyuga clan, Neji was the best there was at the Gentle Fist taijutsu style and had easily mastered the rotation technique before he made chunin. "Your plan has failed...give it up."


    Xenree's teeth clicked and her nails grew into sharp claws. "You.... You're the ones that killed my children!" Tears fell from her eyes and Kisame grabbed her around the waist, "I've heard enough girl talk to last a lifetime. I can't say for certain I know who you are...actually I can't say it at all. But at least you'll make for a good meal for Sharkskin here."
  2. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012

    Janus gave an impressed whistle, smirking.​
    -Forbidden Fortress-​
    "Understood. As soon as we finish resting, I vow that Obi-Wan will witness destruction that affects him..."
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Jaden looked at the old man named DUmbeldor,e he certainly had a very long beard and Edward stared at him, he was surprised too but then one of their party asked DUmbledore just who he was.


    Shotaro was suprirsed Phillip couldn't access teh gaia Library, this meant that this place wasn't Earth. "How troublesome, and what's more is we're seperated." SHotaro thought to Phillip, that was a problem since anything could happen while the other was used to form Double, the Hardboiler or revolgarry wasn't brought here either.

    "Our best bet is to find some allies and eventually meet up with one another." Shotaro answered.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Train gave a quick clap, showing that he was impressed.


    As Xavier continued to wander throughout wherever he was, he caught sight of someone flying in the air. Well, If I want to find other people, then my best guess is there. He thought before heading off in that direction.
  5. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -The Savannah-

    Lightning led the others towards the Woods, where she expected to find answers, or at least FIENDS to pommel to a pulp and let out her rage. "So Tifa, how have you been?" she asked.

    -The Woods-

    Leo looked at Natasha. "You wanna explain, or should I?" He asked.

    Natasha looked at Bruce and Thor. "Well, you see, I stumbled into the deepest part of this forest, and some weird blue plants with mouths attacked me. When I thought I was done for, these guys leaped out and saved me."

    Mikey struck a pose excitedly. "Yeah! All it took was some Turtle Power!" He said.

    -Ten's TARDIS-

    "My, My, it's certainly been a while Susan! How have you been?" The Doctor turned to Amy. "I don't believe we've met... I'm the Doctor."

    Amy looked at him. "Y-you are? But you look so much different than I'm used to. Have you regenerated?" She asked.
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "I have been okay. Busy with two kids and the bar. Cloud hasn't been around much though. I hope he is at the bar now..... Anyway, how have you been?" Tifa replied to Lightning as they walked. She stared at the woods that lay ahead of them wondering what they would find inside. Whatever it was, she could take it. She hoped that there would be something to fight just because she hadn't done anything like that for awhile.

    "It is nice to meet you too." Light smiled, then he turned to face north. "I don't mean to be rude or anything but do you guys think you can finish catching up as we walk. I don't like wasting too much time standing around."
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Minato's Grave:

    While Rock Lee, Sai and Shikamaru visted the Fourth Hokage's grave the sky turned cloudy. Despite it being in the middle of the Fourth World War, the three had returned searching for the Flying Thunder God kunai lying somewhere around the gravestone. Rain poured down on them and as Sai looked up to the overflowing rain clouds, he watched a worm hole open up. "That can't be good..." Tentacles of pure black reached down and wrapped around them, dragging them upwards and into the reaches of space...along with the spirit and soon to be newly formed body of Minato Namikaze.

    Sylvarant: Luin:

    Colette smiled at the people passing her by and paused for the longest time ever beside a dog. Her blue eyes lit up and she hugged it tightly. "Oh how cute! I shall call you Muffin." The dog wagged its tail and jumped up, barking at something behind her. The next few moments to her were black as she was dragged into the worm hole.

    Namek (I think that's how you spell it):

    Nappa kept himself busy, but he was growing bored. Calling out Vegeta's name he was cut short of his song he was going to sing him, he pulled on Vegeta's arm, only to be ignored, "Vegeta...look...a hole in space. Let's go through Vegeta. This one's not a trick...I know..." He grinned and even the worm hole was a bit afraid to suck him in. Nappa suck his head inside the worm hole and did a nose dive inside. If Vegeta were to follow him...the onslaught of 'Are we there yet?' questions would begin.
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~River: Remorse and Reveal~

    Sammi just stopped for a moment and looked down at the ground before she said calmly "Okay...maybe I took it a little too far there with the dead kids comment, if I were in your shoes I'd be crying right about now too...look I'm sorry we killed your kids but it was in self-defense since you were threatening us, our friends, and our universe" before turning around to face Kenneth as she asked him "Are we doing the right thing by killing these evil people? I's technicly my family's fault we got into the mess to start with, but redeeming their mistakes by killing this fixing anything?" with a single tear forming in her eyes and dripped onto a rock.

    "Sammi, you're a good person at heart and you believe what you want to believe. You're not ever gonna become like your father and make the same mistakes as before...after all Nutheadbros-K did say that everyone has a role in the events that unfold around us, even if they're good or bad" Kenneth explained before he started to hug Sammi close to him.

    Meanwhile on the cliff, the orb made an audiable growling noise as it immediatly sunk into the ground and quickly reappeared in the water nearby as it stared intently at everyone..specificly Xenree, Sammi, and Kenneth. It's eye then began to glow a vibrant purple before firing off a speeding black fireball with a red core in it directly towards Xenree. Sammi spotted the speeding fireball and pushed herself away from Kenneth flipping into the sky as she pulled out what appeared to be a long sword with a silver handling and a rainbow star that pulsed through the colors, she then landed on the ground in front of Xenree and Kisame and swung the sword at the speeding fireball causing it to be deflected harmlessly into the sky fizzling as she said sternly "Nobody...touches her...not even you, wierdo!" to the orb.

    The orb stared at Sammi in particular before it began to speak calmly "I have assessed your strengths and personalities, I'm rather surprised that you've managed to show up Queen of Zu Vendis and Overseers of Nutheadbros-K." before Kenneth asked "Woah, hang on a do you know us when we haven't even met you before until now?" with a confused look on his face before the orb looked at him and said "You'll figure everything out in due time, let's just say that there is more to it than what you currently know...just like how your little 'friend' learned when he first came into contact with us...hehehe"
  9. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Because I am lazy and everyone has surely seen DBZ, I will use this video to demonstrate what is happening in the DBZ universe. I will also be using gold and yellow to show they are super saiyan at the time.

    And now, the continuation of Dragon Ball Zeee. The fight continued between the two powerful saiyans. A dark portal opened sucking them both in. The two tried to struggle releasing large bursts of energy. The portal had won this fight though.

    -Realm of Dimensions-

    The two floated along the portal. Vegeta turned towards Goku firing his Big Bang attack. Goku had just dodged the blast that went into the wall. It could have gone anywhere. "Vegeta! Calm yourself. Wait until we get to the other side. Something about this doesn't feel right." Vegeta grunted and listening to Goku's words.


    Blackbeard became furious, Right as he was about to launch another attack, a blast of energy came flying from the sky to the ground, creating a large explosion. Blackbeard lay there unconscious due to the blow.


    The two saiyans popped up from the portal that had drawn them in. "Now that we have arrived to this, destination, it is time to show you who is the strongest of the saiyan race!" Vegeta flew into the sky looking down at Goku. "This is for all the humiliation over the years, Kakarot! Final Flash!"
    Goku stared down the blast noticing people were all around that could seriously become injured. "Ka-me-ha-me-haaaaaaaaaaa" A blast came from Goku's hands as well as Vegeta's clashing with intense energy. The light coming from this was blinding and could most likely be seen from miles away.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Kakashi and Yamato nodded. Kakashi keeping pace with Jiraya to discuss Naruto further and Yamato hanging with the others, curious about their odd clothes and worlds they came from. " called yourself a University student... What's that like?" He had a general idea what a university was...but not enough to form an opinion on it.


    Xenree shoved against Kisame as he held her, "Let go you big fish! I'll...what? Who the hell...?" Kisame chuckled at her reaction but lost his serrated smile when he looked at the orb. "Of all the're not even good enough to torture." Releasing Xenree, he formed several handsigns and clapped his hands together, "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Using the river water they were standing on, his chakra created a giant dragon made of water with glowing red eyes. It soared above their heads, heading straight for the orb.
  11. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    As Knives walked the wasteland, his black .45 Long Colt Revolver in the open, he noticed a shine in the distance. Feeling an unknown vibration, he scowled. "Damned spiders...You will know your place, humans..." He unscrewed his gun's top using telekinesis and the arm holding it turned into a black cannon with feathers and faces, an Angel Arm if you will. As he fired, and explosion surrounded him, and the beam traveled towards Goku and Vegeta. The sky would turn red, and of course the explosion would not harm organic material, unlike the beam that was just fired.​
    (OOC: Yes. Knives and Vash are able to do these abilities)​
  12. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    A beam came shooting at the two forces going at it with all their strength. The laser completely disappeared from the intense heat of the energy radiating off of it.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Colette dropped out of the worm hole and bounced onto her rear. "Ow....huh?" She looked up, being unnaturally close to the two fighting Saiyans, and cringed. Remembering Kratos' words and those of her false angel father, she stood and her glittering pink wings sprouted from her back. Clasping her hands together she took in a breath and began to sing.

    As she sang, angel feathers floated down from the sky and the energy slowly was sapped out of Goku and Vegeta.
  14. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    The saiyans gold cloaks began to fade. The blonde hair had reverted back to a coal black tint. The two were now exhausted. They could not let go of the energy ball floating above everyone. If Goku let go, the planet could be destroyed. If Vegeta let go, The blast would go into space somewhere, he would lose however. Goku cringed in pain. "This may... destroy my body... but... it is... the only way to save these people. Kaioken!" A red energy field surrounded Goku giving him the energy to repel Vegeta's Final Flash. Vegeta dodged at the last second, slowly flying away to avoid death.

    Goku lowered down to the girl who sang her song. "Hey... Thanks... for the help... I think..." Goku collapsed in exhaustion.


    Vegeta floated over, falling to the side of the river. He had fainted from power exerted.
  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~River: Catalyst of the Genesis Pantheon~

    The Orb just floated there before it began to change it's shape into that of a slanted egg and a total of six translucent looking diamonds started to form around it with three on each side, two black, slender and lanky arms started to come out of the sides each with a clawed hand that had four fingers each while simularly two long and lanky legs came out from the bottom of the orb with bird-like talons on the end. Finally there was a rainbow ring that appeared floating over the middle of the egg before it formed into a red and black ring with three stars attached to it each in black, gray, and white.

    It breifly watched as the dragon formed before it started to explain "The Catalyst of the Genesis Beings shall start once again, and you will not stand in our way...freezing...." before the ring on it began to spin and glow a light-blue color and small particles began to rush towards the diamonds as it then yelled a phrase that was familiar to Sammi and Kenneth's ears "HYPER-ELEMENTAL STOOOOORRRRRRMMMMM!!!!!!" and fired off a whole bunch of speedy blue bolts from the spinning ring that was heading towards the water dragon.

    "Nononnonono, that can't be can that thing use Hyper-Elemental Storm? That's only a move that people with...son of a ***** that guy has Harmonic Energies he can channel into, damn it to crap!" Sammi yelled aloud as she watched the orb firing off the bolts
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    Smiling, Altair replied, "Of course you can come. You won't be a burden. Perhaps, by travelling together, the three of us can help each other out. As I've said, I'm looking for an artifact known as 'The Apple.' And we may even find this Harry Potter person you speak of. And as for you Roxas, you didn't tell me. Are you looking for something or someone?"


    "Oh, umm, konichiwa sir," Rose Tyler greeted the stranger when she learned he was from Japan, "My name is Rose Tyler. This is Lea, that there is River Song, and each of these three men go by the name 'The Doctor.' What's your name, and how exactly did you end up here?""And do you know anyone called Lightning Farron?" Lea asked.


    "I'm terribly sorry, but you and the Brigadier are the only ones I have met so far," Firion replied, "It appears neither of us are from this world. I suggest we look around to figure out where we are."


    "Xagranos, wait!" Cosmos said before he was able to leave, "I don't know if I can trust you. However, the warriors of light do need all the help they can get. If you wish to gain my trust, find someone a warrior named Lightning Farron. Help her fight the forces of darkness, and you will have earned my trust." Cosmos then glanced at a monitor next to her, realizing that NHB-K forgot to transport Batman to the planet below, sighing at NHB-K's mistake. "And if you can, I need you to take someone named Batman to the planet below as well. He has his own mission. You can find him in the meeting room on the other side of the station," Cosmos continued.


    "Nappa, my 'good' friend, has been swallowed by a big ass wormhole with no explanation whatsoever..... Oh well," Vegeta stated as he began walking and whistling a happy tune. Just then, another wormhole appeared right in front of him, sucking him in. "MOTHERF***ER!!!!!" screamed Vegeta before he was completely sucked into the wormhole.


    Suddenly, a wormhole appeared right above Shataro. Out came Capt. Jack Sparrow, falling towards Shataro, and screaming"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Jack crashed into Shataro, but neither were hurt badly. Jack looked around, noticing that the landscape reminded him of some islands in the Caribbean. Then he looked at Shataro, whose clothes looked foreign to the pirate captain. "Is this a dream?" Jack wondered aloud.
  17. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    The River ---annoying pests
    Itachi let out a sign "This is getting to noisy." His eyes changed from black to sharingan and then mangekyou sharingan. He quickly made his hand signs "Fire style phoenix flower jutsu". He then launched 13 large blast of fire at the orb. He looked at Kisame and then back at the orb and then closed his left eye. A drip of blood fell from his eye as he said the word "Amaterasu!." The black flames hit the orb the same time as the normal blast of fire.
    Tobi's world - Fate's fate
    Fate let out a chuckle "Sakuse Uchiha has to much rage. He would kill the girl if she got in his way, and she might. "Your just like what he said. I met a man in the mountains who told me to leave her to you, that you would take care of her. He closed his hand and made a book appear "give this to her when you leave her."
    He then turned away "When I die she will appear to you, part of me will live inside of her but she will have 100% control of her actions. She won't just have my power's she will have even more. Thank you... Obito
    farewell " Fate then vanished.

    Valley - Fate's end
    Fate appeared in a valley and almost fell to the ground. His breath was getting heavy and he had to lean on his sword a little more. "Time's running out" he said as he started to walk away.

    Mountains of Despair
    Madara stood on the peak of the tallest mountain. He was looking at this world, if what Fate said was true and he could find this "belt" then he and Obito could not only use the moon-eye plan on their world but every world. He then vanished and appeared at the bottom of the mountain.

    Dumbledore heard Fawkes's cry and turned to see a group of people approaching him. He then heard harry"s cry and he walked over to them. "Harry, I'm glad your alright." He turned to Slifer " I am Professor Albis Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry". He turned back to Harry "Do you know where we are Harry and who are your friends?"
    ~Ruined City of the Future!~
    The 11th doctor was playing around with River's computer and his sonic screwdriver. "You can just call me John Smith if it's easier or 11 or just the doctor" he said without looking up. He turned to the 9th doctor "I think I'm starting to figure out how we can all be here without the other time lords or destroying the universe. The planet is bleeding energy like the rift in cardiff but it's bleeding so much energy it's pulling people and things towards it like a super magnet." River looked at the the new person then back to the meta-doctor. "So we will meet, interesting." She pulled out her diary and then said to him "So thats the famous Rose Tyler should I be jealous?" She laughed as the 11th doctor looked back to her.
    Jiraiya lauged when he heard about Naruto. "He beat pain? Thats my student and sorry Kakashi, but when your seconds away from death you don't have time to think. I talked to Itachi as we were coming here is it the truth? Did he really receive a mission from Danzo and the others to kill his clan? I don't want to believe it but he said the third hokage was against it, and I do believe that. So tell me whats going on since I died"
    The Brigader shook his head "I agree but I been wondering this forest for about 5 hours now and I always seem to end up back here." He got up anyway "But it seems better then staying here."
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    "Good idea, Shotaro. Hope to see you soon." Philip said, opening his eyes and began to look around. He began to walk around to try and find someone to join so he could find Shotaro in case they needed to transform into Kamen Rider Double. Taking a deep breath, Philip shouted, "Hello? Is anyone out there?"


    Hearing Altair, Hermione smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Altair. I am also hoping to stay you and find Harry. Roxas, are you looking for someone? I would love to meet them as well as introduce you and Altair to Harry."
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    Dooku awoke and found himself in what appeared to be a valley. Looking around, the place seemed uninhabited. The only lifeform he saw was a man who seemed to be exhausted and walking towards him. "You there! Tell me, what planet is this?" Count Dooku demanded.


    "Sorry, to butt in like this," Xion interrupted, "But I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Xion, and this here is Asbel. I would've said something sooner but everything that just happened has me confused. What do you mean you by 'died' Jiraiya?"


    Near Luffy appeared another wormhole, and out came Davy Jones, who landed in the sand. Getting up, the captain of the Flying Dutchman wondered where he was and how he ended up here. One thing that shocked him was that he was standing on land, something he wasn't able to do except once every ten years. "What's going on?" Davy Jones wondered aloud. He then noticed Luffy and shouted, "You there! Answer me! Where am I?"
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    ~Ruined City of the Future!~

    Meta thought abotu 11's explatnation and took a moment to consider it. "Of course! The Rift is able to pull things out from their place in time and the object ibn question ends up elsewhere!, so this world is perhaps within a space between multiple universes and it's energy is enabling us to experience things in real time while not blowing up the planet or create a paradox, it's nothing like the Reapers so Time hasn't been damaged..." Meta trailed off as Marvelous looked at Rose and Lea asking about a Lightning Farron.

    "No-one I know, and Tokyo is where my crew are residing for the moment, I'm Captain Marvelous, or Marvelous fi you prefer, I'm a space pirat, as for hwo ende dup in this place, I was going to meet oen of my crewmates until some hole sucke dme in and here I am, what's more, I can't contact my crew, something's probabaly blocking the signal." he said as Meta looked at him.

    "Makes sense, the energies are so strong they are cancelling eletronical signals from coming out, but we are a world away and in a different space, so that'll be natural."

    Asbel was surprised, Jiraya was already dead? "But that should be impossible! There shouldn't be a way to die yet still be alive!" he said in surprise.

    ~Shotaro & the Pirate~

    Shotaro fell to the ground as a figure literally came out fo the air and made him a landing zone, thankfully, no bones were broken but it did hurt like hell and SHotaro pulled himself up, dusting off the dirt off his clothes and reached for his fedora hat that he let go of when the man landed on him.

    "Geez, that hurt, and just who are you?" SHotaro asked the man who looked pretty much like one of those pirates out of a fairy tale, except for having a hook for a hand and have a crocodile stalk him everywhere.
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